Chapter 358
Kaiyu suddenly felt a chill on his back, like a glow on his back, and from the corner of his eye, he saw a green glow on his back, it was the sick man.

He was furious, a sick child of a small sect dared to imitate other heroes to save the beauty, so he didn't take himself, the golden core real person, seriously.

With a flick of his wrist, he deflected Yunli's attack with his sword, and then turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword.

Seeing the azure blue long sword in the hands of 'Sick Yangzi', Master Kaiyu was stunned for a moment, and cried out: "Qianjiu!"

"How did you get in here, you devil?" His eyes narrowed, and he said coldly, "Hmph, that's fine, since you're here, I'm going to eliminate harm for the people today!"

As soon as the words fell, the spiritual power surged behind him, and Yunli swung his saber to attack again.

Kai Yu received her knife with a backhanded palm, and at the same time raised the long sword in his hand, with a brilliant aura, blocking Wei Lin's long sword.

"Yunli, you actually colluded with the devil, how courageous you are!"

The two were silent and looked at each other. The Mengzhan Saber and Mo Lijian were shining brightly at the same time, and the sword energy and sword force collided fiercely.

One side is a saber, the other is a sword, both sides are very deadly, needless to say Yunli's Dream Slashing Saber, Wannian Divine Saber, if I hadn't been cautious in the battle just now, I don't know how many times her spirit gang has been broken by her;

The sword in Qianjiu's hand was also extraordinary, it was not without Jindan Daoist who had fought against him in the past, and it was not difficult for him to break the spirit gang.

Can't wait any longer!
Feeling the increasing pressure from both sides again, Master Kaiyu made a decisive decision, and the spiritual power surged all over his body, shaking the two of them away forcefully, turning his whole body into a blazing light, and soaring into the sky.

After getting out of the joint attack range of the two, he turned around and swooped down with the long sword in his hand with astonishing power.

Yunli and Yunli raised their swords and swords without thinking, and after resisting for a while, they jumped up into the air at the same time to avoid his sword, and then attacked him again with light and shadow at a very tricky angle.

The sound of swords clashing could be heard endlessly. Under the shining sky, the three of them fought from the air to the ground, from the ground to the air, from the left to the right, and then from the right to the left. The peach powder, the green light and the white light intertwined. dazzling
Ji Ruochen looked at the dazzling lights and shadows flickering from east to west, up and down, and asked in a daze, "Did I hear wrong? Did he say Qianjiu?"

Mu Yan's eyes flickered slightly, she didn't know how to answer, she simply pretended not to hear, and watched the battle situation carefully.

However, the speed of the three of them was getting faster and faster. Except for the lingering sword air that flew out, she could only see a mess of colors flashing rapidly.

Ji Ruochen didn't need her to answer. With the reminder of Qianjiu's name, the barrier in his mind was pierced. Isn't that sword the natal sword of Qianjiu, the devil of Canye Pavilion!

There was a thump in his heart, he had no hope of being Ji Ruochen again.

Who would have believed that he was innocent after escaping from the notorious Can Ye Pavilion killer.

After being depressed, he couldn't help being startled. Zuimeng Tower turned out to be the property of Remnant Night Pavilion. It wasn't limited to Tianyun City. Almost every large city square had Zuimenglou.

He is aware of the complex forces involved in a place like Zuimenglou, but who would have thought that it is actually the property of Canyege!

He looked at the three of them fighting together, he couldn't hide the fact that Qianxun was Qianjiu, he promised to let him go, why didn't he hide it all these years, the place where he was imprisoned was Zuimenglou?

Wei Lin, who was fighting fiercely in the air, naturally didn't know his thoughts. The green leaves on Mo Li's sword fell like rain, and the cotton was as thin as needles. The aura on the knife is compelling, and the peach powder is graceful.

On one side is a light, delicate and sharp sword, on the other side is a rainbow-like, dream-like knife, and the intoxicated peach powder confuses the mind. Under the influence of several factors, the real Kaiyu is covered in blood and scarred .

Under exhaustion, his movements became slower and slower, and finally, he revealed a fatal flaw, Wei Lin's long sword flicked and hit the vital point directly.

At the same time, Yunli raised the Mengzhan Saber upwards, and the peach pink and winding orange gauze met Kai Yu's eyes.

When the eyes regained their spirits, Mo Lijian had hit the nail on the head!

When he was on the verge of death, Kai Yu couldn't believe that he was killed by two foundation-building monks head-on?
His blank eyes swept over the two of them slowly, and in just one breath, the unprecedented coldness and darkness flooded his consciousness.

Before falling to the ground, he saw the little girl in white clothes stained with blood, with one hand on her hips and the other pointing at himself, her mouth opened and closed, her voice was indistinct, as if it came from the distant sky.

"Collude with your uncle, obviously you want to kill the younger generation, and you want to make excuses for yourself!"

Wei Lin, who was closing his sword, twitched his lips when he heard this, was he answering the question just now?
"Are you sure he can still hear?"

"If you can't hear me, I want to scold you back!" Yunli was confident. As the saying goes, villains die because they talk too much. When fighting, you should concentrate and never talk nonsense, but you must let yourself vent afterward.

Wei Lin: .
With a movement of his fingertips, he hooked out Kai Yu's storage bag with his spiritual power, and said casually, "Just as long as you are happy."

"Dang and stand again, I haha ​​your face, it's still Jindan Daoist, your face is your face."

While spitting on the corpse, Yunli threw a fireball, disposing of the corpse that Wei Lin had searched.

The two looked familiar, they shared the spoils harmoniously, and thinking of their tacit cooperation just now, Ji Ruochen realized something was wrong.

How can it be that two strangers who have just met, even brothers and sisters of the same school who have been together for many years, can't have such trust and tacit understanding.

In Canglan Continent, it is very common to attack companions due to post-war assignments. When Qianjiu took away the storage bag, Yunli from Taiyizong did not react at all, but burned the corpse naturally to deal with the aftermath.

Something is wrong!
Seeing the two who had packed up and walked towards them, he hesitated to speak.

Mu Yan put away the bell-shaped magic weapon and walked out, reminding: "Your photo stone is still recording."

"Fog grass!"

Yunli was stunned, took out the photo stone and glanced at it, gathered her five fingers together and stretched them, and then spread them out, a handful of ashes in the palm of her hand were blown away by the wind.

Mu Yan shook her head, motioned for several people to get out of the way, took out her picture stone, and after re-recording this place, asked: "Where are we going?"

She pointed to the hole where Master Kaiyu was sprayed out, "Would you like to explore?"

Yunli looked at the dark hole, and the stone sculpture of a fox-faced horned snake next to it that seemed to be split in half by someone, and was about to speak, when a blazing white light rose into the sky above the stone steps, and the sky was completely white.

Immediately afterwards, the white light exploded, and two huge metal ball phantoms appeared in the air. The spherical surface was covered with sharp tooth-like cones, and a thick chain appeared and disappeared between the two balls.

It's a meteor hammer magic weapon!
"Tao Artifact!" Wei Lin's eyes narrowed. Above the Magic Artifact is the treasure, and above the treasure is the Dao Artifact. In the entire Canglan Continent, there are not many Dao Artifacts. treasures.

Yunli hurriedly urged: "Let's go there quickly!"

Dao artifacts can sell a lot of spirit stones!
 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  PS: Help relatives and friends recommend a book "I Have a Picture Scroll of Immortals", if you like this type of cutie, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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