all the way to fairy

Chapter 359 Convergence

Chapter 359 Convergence
The long stone steps stretched and spread, as if they reached the clouds, and the few people drove the magic weapon and flew straight in the direction of the meteor hammer.

The meteor hammer in the sky looked very close to them, but it was not close at all. It took nearly half an hour to arrive at full speed.

At the beginning, they deliberately memorized the location of the meteor hammer, worried that they would be delayed if they could not find a way after the phantom disappeared, but the phantom remained in that state without any sign of collapse.

With this shining beacon, they arrived at the end of the stone steps without any delay.

This is a square with a radius of thousands of miles. It is paved with stone slabs in the same line as the stone steps. A large piece of stone slab in the center of the square collapsed, revealing a rectangular pool.

At this time, many people had gathered around the pool, and the phantom of the meteor hammer was above the pool.

"Junior Sister Yun, you are here too! Come here, come here!" Zheng Rui warmly greeted her as soon as he saw her.

Without waiting for her to be polite, he pointed to the meteor hammer in the sky, "how is it, are you excited?"

"Of course it's a heartbeat, this is a Taoist weapon!" Yun Li nodded wildly, but Zheng Rui's next words made her want to hit someone.

"Hahaha, let me tell you that Junior Sister Yun will definitely like it!" He turned his head and winked at Mo Huai and the others.

Looking at the huge phantom in the air, he sighed: "This hammer is tailor-made for Junior Sister Yun! Tsk tsk, if you have this hammer, Junior Sister, you will definitely beat Jiuliyuan invincibly!"

Yunli's face darkened, how could this hammer match her? Is it suitable for such a soft and cute girl to carry two iron bumps?Is it plausible?

She was roaring in her heart, with a half-smile on her face, "Senior Brother Zheng, I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language."

Chu Nan next to him couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, "Senior Brother Zheng, stop teasing her."

After getting along for a while, Chu Nan still knows her well, she is very stinky, and she doesn't like others to say that she is strong, although they think it's a compliment, a talent that they can't even envy, but the little girl's heart , I really don't understand.

Yunli blinked at him, and greeted him with a smile: "Senior brother Chu."

Su Xu's eyes fell on Wei Lin who was at the side, and asked, "Junior Sister Yun, who are these two?"

"Here, cough, cough, Danxia sent Lu Li, this is my junior sister Xing and Xing Lili." As usual, Wei Lin came out to greet him, Ji Ruochen smiled without showing his teeth, and greeted him.

"Not long after we landed, a Jindan Daoist fell from the sky and wanted to rob us. Fortunately, two fellow Taoists passed by and helped us, so we narrowly escaped." Yunli patted her chest with lingering fear.

Mu Yan is not good at these things, so she moved behind her to lower her sense of presence, and honestly acted as a background board.

"Jindan real person?" Zheng Rui was surprised, and immediately gave a thumbs up, "Junior Sister Yun, amazing!"

Junior Sister Mu is an alchemist who needs protection everywhere. The girl from the Danxia Sect doesn't seem to have much combat power, and there is also a sick child who is worried that she will die if she takes two steps. Don't think about it, she has to rely on Junior Sister Yun to escape.

Zheng Rui was in admiration, being able to drag three oil bottles to escape from the hands of the Jindanqi monks, this strength is really extraordinary.

Yunli was overjoyed, "Thanks to Senior Brother Lu and Junior Sister Xing's help, otherwise Ayan and I would not have been able to escape smoothly."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough." Wei Lin clenched his right hand to his lips, coughing up his heart, liver and lungs.

After a long delay, he took a deep breath, and finally said a complete sentence, "Junior Sister Yun, you are being polite, my junior sister and I just helped from the side, cough, cough, thank you, Junior Sister Yun, for not giving up on us and saving our lives , our brothers and sisters are grateful."

Ji Ruochen, who squatted on the ground to assist the whole time: .
He raised his hand and patted Wei Lin's back lightly, as if he was worried, the whites of his lowered eyes were about to roll to the sky, is that called assistance?

These two people are really better at making up than the other. They were in a hurry to hurry before, but I didn't see them making confessions.

Not wanting them to keep worrying about this question, Yunli quickly changed the subject, "What's the situation here? Why are there so many people?"

An experience in a secret realm is like holding a publicity conference.

The people on the field were divided into groups of three or four, large and small. With them as the center, most of the disciples nearby were the disciples of the four major sects, most of whom were familiar faces outside the Misty Swamp, and some of the four sects were ordinary foundation-building disciples.

Different from the purpose of the elite disciples' experience, these people came with the determination to break the boat. Either they get a heaven-defying opportunity to walk out of here alive and reach the sky in one step; or they just die and stay here forever.

Farther away, there are disciples of the second-class family sect headed by Xiao and Ye. Their number is much smaller than the disciples of the four sects; and under the broken wall in the southwest, there are still some demon cultivators with a different aura than everyone else.

Surprisingly, Lin Chen and other Golden Core stage monks were not here.

"Just like you, he was also attracted by this meteor hammer." Pointing to Mo Huai, Chu Nan said, "Ask him for details, he is the first person to come here."

Mo Huai raised his eyes to look at the girl not far away with a frosty face, "I'm not the first one."

Following his line of sight, Yunli was surprised, Wen Xueluo?

no?In this small world, she is also treated as a pro-daughter?
They didn't deliberately lower their voices, everyone around heard them, and for a moment, everyone's eyes were on Wen Xueluo.

She looked up at Yunli and the others calmly, and said calmly: "I just came here, and a white light in the water rose into the air. After the white light exploded, you also saw it. It is this phantom that has been maintained until now."

After explaining the matter clearly in a few words, she turned into an icicle again without saying a word.

Everyone silently estimated the time in their hearts, and there was no discrepancy with what she said, and they didn't bother to worry about whether she was lying or not. The most important thing is that the Taoist artifact is still there!
For a moment, hundreds of people in the square looked at the phantom of the meteor hammer in the sky at the same time.

"In the water?" Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "Is the main body in the water?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a white shadow rushed straight into the pool, and the splashed water splashed all over the monks who didn't react.

Before he could breathe, a few more figures rushed into the water, and soon the clear water surface was red.

"Do you want to be so impulsive?" Yunli was speechless, no matter how important a magic weapon is, it must have a life, not to mention that there are so many people present, there will be a fierce battle after getting it, it is this pool of water, can you just jump into it casually.

In case there is poison or there are monsters underneath, wouldn't it be courting death to jump down.

The disciples of the four sects who had experienced the misty swamp were very wary of the water, and none of them went down.

When the other people around saw it, their hearts couldn't help beating, and seeing the strong smell of blood in the pool, they couldn't help hesitating.

This hesitation caused splashes everywhere, and those who jumped into the pool jumped out of the water one after another, all stained with blood.

Someone hurriedly inquired about the situation: "Fellow Daoist, why are you fighting? Are there monsters down here?"

The blood-stained people ignored them and looked at each other angrily. The next moment their figures flickered and they fought together.

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thanks to Vanity Life Like a Dream, for holding the two big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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