Chapter 361
But Lin Chen is different. He is the only direct disciple of the Supreme Elder Ling Su. He is known as the first genius of the Taiyi Sect.

After thinking about it, she couldn't beat her, and she still had the confidence to escape, so she felt relieved again.

Glancing at the woman in blue on the other side of him, I didn't even recognize that Ji Ruochen was pretending. The senior brother's disguise technique should not be bad, so I feel more at ease.

The few people landed, skipped all formal greetings, asked about the situation here directly, and then cast their eyes on the phantom of the meteor hammer in the sky.

After some research, several people quickly came to the same conclusion as Chu Nan. The time has not come, so we have to wait!

With Jindan Daoist in charge, no one else dared to make a mistake, and the scene suddenly became harmonious, healing healing, practicing cultivation, chattering chattering.

After setting the general direction, Chu Feng, the ice and snow boy, walked up to Yunli in a few steps, cupped his fists and said, "You are Yunli, right? I'm going down to Chufeng. I haven't thanked my little friend for saving my brother's life."

The voice was as cold as ice, sweet and cold, and the expression on his face was also clear and cold, but his sincerity could still be seen in those eyes.

Yunli hurriedly returned the gift, "You are welcome, Daoist Chu, it's just a little effort, there is no need to do so."

Speaking of this life-saving grace, she felt a little guilty. She saved Chu Nan in the first place because of Zhenjun Lingchu's letter.

Her motives were not pure, but Chu Nan treated her with all his heart and soul, and helped her a lot overtly and secretly.

Chu Feng shook his head, "For my little friend, it is indeed a trivial matter, but for my younger brother, it is a life. Chu Feng will never forget my little friend's kindness. If there is something useful to Chu Feng in the future, my little friend Just open your mouth."

Yunli was slightly stunned. She had heard that the Ice and Snow Young Master Chu Feng valued her only younger brother very much. Now that she saw him, she truly realized that although Chu Feng had a cold nature, he was indeed a very affectionate person.

She smiled, and her expression became more sincere, "Senior brother Chu Nan treats me like a brother, and I also treat him as an elder brother. No matter what kind of favor you are, it should be done."

Unexpectedly she would say that, Chu Feng was also stunned.

"That's right, that's right, Junior Sister Yun is right, my brothers and sisters, thank you for whatever you say." Chu Nan laughed loudly.

Chu Feng's cold eyes dimmed a layer of tenderness, "Since they are my own brothers and sisters, it is polite to call you a fellow Taoist."

Yunli was slightly taken aback, what do you mean by that?Did she hug another thigh?

"Why are you standing there?" Chu Nan bumped into her shoulder and pouted at Chu Feng.

Yunli came back to her senses in a daze, "Hello, Senior Brother Chu."

Chu Feng gave her a very light nod, then walked to an open space next to him, brushed off his robe, and meditated with his eyes closed.

Wei Lin on the side frowned slightly, and said via voice transmission: "When I was not around, how many brothers and sisters did you recognize?"

"Not much, just these two." Yunli replied, but she still couldn't recover.

A genius at the golden core stage, he recognized her as a younger sister at the foundation stage without much contact. At the beginning, Chu Nan got along with each other later, and the two gradually recognized each other, and the relationship became better.

"Since when did you get the habit of misidentifying your brother?" Wei Lin's brows were still knotted.

"Multiple friends have many paths, and besides, Chu Nan is really a nice person, worthy of friendship!" Yunli chuckled and didn't care.

After waiting for a while but not getting his voice transmission, Yunli glanced at him, who lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

She raised her eyes to look at the phantom in the sky again, and estimated that she would not be born for a while.

Rubbing his eyes, "Brother, I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep."

During this period of time, things happened one after another, and her nerves have been tense. She hasn't had a good rest for a long time.

Wei Lin: .
"Go, go." He helped his forehead helplessly. According to past experience, when she wanted to sleep, she couldn't stop her.

"Then watch and call me if you need something."

After finishing speaking, she took out the cabin in full view and said, "Ayan, let's go in and rest."

"Uh," Mu Yan looked around. Although there were quite a few people meditating on the spot, there really wasn't such a big lala who took out his house to rest.

Yunli opened the restraint, and dragged her in who was still dazed. The moment the restraint was closed, Wei Lin's sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"In the future, don't let me recognize some older brothers and younger brothers outside."

Yunli turned her head and looked at the closed restriction suspiciously, only Chu Nan and his brother didn't recognize it much.

Drowsiness flooded in, and she didn't care about it. She told Mu Yan a few words, threw herself on the bed, and fell asleep in seconds.

Mu Yan standing in the middle of the room:
Outside, with her beginning, some female cultivators also silently took out their Linglong House. Since they are all waiting, it is better to wait while cultivating in their own Linglong House than to sleep outside.

Everyone waited like this for a full three months.

A steady stream of monks came and joined the waiting army.

Looking at the densely populated square, at least thirty to forty thousand monks, Yunli had the illusion of a flag-raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square.

The monks on the field are mainly interface, roughly divided into five or six groups.

Yes, after the arrival of the first two groups of aliens, three more interfaces came later!

When people are together, the contrast is very sharp. The east, west, and north sides gather monks from one plane each, and they are all about tens of thousands.

And to the south where they are, apart from the monks from the Canglan Continent, there are also people from the Tianwu and Cangxuan Continents.

Tianwu and Cangxuan Continent each have more than 3000 and close to 4000 people, while Canglan Continent, with nearly 3000 demon cultivators, is only a little over [-].

After waiting for a few more days, only three or two people came, and they were from the continent to the west. Everyone sensed that something was wrong.

The quota for entering this time is two thousand for human cultivators and two thousand for demon cultivators.

After looking at nearly a thousand people in Renxiu one by one, Su Xu said in a deep voice, "None of the people who lined up behind the Lin family came in."

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows, pointed at Wei Lin and Ji Ruochen, "Didn't the two fellow Taoists from the Danxia sect come in?"

"We entered behind the Lin family." Wei Lin coughed twice before continuing to explain, "I'm such a bone, it's like this when I was born out of my mother's womb. I rushed to Tianyun City to cough cough cough before the secret realm opened."

Yunli intercepted his words: "Oh, you rest, I'll tell them."

There are a lot of explanations later, and he is a sick person, and if he talks too much, he may reveal his clues.

According to the reason, Xing Lili, who was replaced by Ji Ruochen, was more reasonable to explain, but he was not used to playing a male voice, and he would not speak unless necessary, so Yunli had to take over the job.

"It's like this, Senior Brother Lu."

Immediately, she clattered about how Lu Li was the youngest son of the former head of the Danxia School, how he was bullied in the school, and how ruthless the senior officials of the Danxia School were, forcing a sick young man to die in a secret realm.

As well as Xing Lili, the daughter of the current head of the sect, she was worried about her childhood sweetheart and grew up with her elder brother, and accompanied him all the way to Tianyun City Shuying Xiaozhu to find a spiritual doctor to see a doctor. Later, she even bought someone else's place and followed her into the secret realm without telling her father. .

Because they were hiding from their elders, it was difficult for them to return to the Danxia sect, so they begged a familiar elder of the Lin family, followed them to the Northern Wilderness by boarding the Tai Yizong dharma boat, and followed the Lin family into the secret realm.

Hearing this, Ji Ruochen was dumbfounded. If he hadn't witnessed Xing Lili poisoning Lu Li with his own eyes, he would have believed it.

For a moment, everyone looked at Wei Lin full of sympathy, and looked at Ji Ruochen with admiration. Qin Fei even praised directly: "Miss Xing is so righteous, tenacious and decisive, Qin admires her!"

'Miss Xing' of Yi Bo Yuntian:
 Thanks to nanalyqa for the big monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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