all the way to fairy

Chapter 362 Space Cracks

Chapter 362 Space Cracks
"Hey, hey, it's time for you to speak up." Seeing that he didn't want to speak, Yunli immediately sent a voice to urge her, and then reminded: "Now Xing Lili is a affectionate little Qingmei, don't let her down."

Since no one from other aristocratic sects who are familiar with the Danxia sect came, no one here knows what the former Xing Lili and Lu Li were like, so they can play freely.

She's good at making up stories!
Under the eyes of everyone, the gentle girl Xing twitched the corners of her mouth, she struggled for a while, and finally squeezed her throat and whispered: "We are the ones who are sorry to senior brother."

After saying this sentence, she lowered her head and said nothing, looking ashamed.

Yunli blinked, and the sound transmission praised: "Oh, your acting skills are not bad!"

The disapproval of the elders' actions, and the entanglement and embarrassment of commenting on the elders are all very penetrating.

"That's right, you are Xu Linghui's junior. Senior sister's acting skills are so good, how bad can junior be." Thinking of this, she felt relieved.

"You know my senior sister?" Ji Ruochen was shocked. Fortunately, he lowered his head so that no one could see the clue.


The indifferent tone made Ji Ruochen choke slightly, and finally couldn't help it, "Who on earth are you? Why are you messing around with the devil in Canye Pavilion?"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, she finally couldn't help it anymore, after killing Kai Yu, she thought he would ask, but unexpectedly he was just silent, holding back until now.

"The more you know, the faster you die. Are you sure you want to know?"

Ji Ruochen's heart tightened, and he was about to continue the sound transmission, when Qin Fei's inquiry rang in his ear, "Miss Xing, do you know what happened? Why didn't anyone else come in after you?"

It seems that Qin Fei also felt that listening to a sick man was too tiring, so he directly locked the questioner on 'Xing Lili'.

Helpless, Ji Ruochen had no choice but to bite the bullet and go.

He raised his head slowly, frowning slightly: "We don't know, but when we were about to arrive, the space channel suddenly became extremely unstable, and we were almost drawn into the endless void."

"It seems that something happened outside." Su Xu murmured with a solemn expression.

"What should I do? There is too much difference in the number of people." A disciple of the Lin family asked nervously, looking at the crowd covered in darkness on three sides, and at the pitiful 1000 people around them.

In the past three months, Golden Core cultivators from several other planes also arrived one after another. They did not have the slightest advantage in high-level cultivators, and the number of them was reduced by more than half. As for those demon cultivators, they can be completely ignored.

People who are not of my race must have a different heart, so it would be good not to take advantage of the opportunity to play tricks.

Everyone's expressions were a little dignified, and Yunli curled her lips when she saw it, and sent Wei Lin to complain through sound transmission.

"It's as if they loved each other so much in the Canglan Continent. It's not a legion fighting. When the time comes to fight, it's hard for them to stop because the one who snatched the treasure is from the same continent?"

"Probably they want to join forces to deal with monks from other planes first, and then rob them internally." Wei Lin sent back the message while searching the crowd, where are the people from Remnant Night Pavilion?

Before a group of people could reach a conclusion, the phantom of the meteor hammer, which had been motionless for three months, suddenly swayed, and the atmosphere in the square froze, and then everyone looked into the sky in unison, with eager and guarded expressions.

The phantom of the Meteor Hammer regained its tranquility. Just when everyone wondered if they were dazzled just now, the phantom exploded with a bang, like a gorgeous firework!
Grumpy Grumpy!

The water in the pool in the center of the square seemed to be boiling, and it kept rolling and rolling. It took a cup of tea time to roll, but it didn't show any tricks.

An impatient thin man couldn't wait any longer, so he sacrificed a magic stick that was very similar to him. With a light wave, the long stick shone with aura and suddenly became longer.

He leaped into the air, plunged his stick into the pool water and stirred it, a huge vortex spun at high speed, and the waves of the water almost overflowed the onlookers.

"There's nothing." The skinny man murmured suspiciously, paused, and with a move of his hand, was about to put away the magic weapon when a sudden change popped out.

The high-speed rotating silver-white vortex suddenly flashed a few black streaks, and before everyone could see what it was, they heard a bang, and the ground-level high-grade stick magic weapon was broken into several pieces!

The natal magic weapon was damaged, and the skinny man immediately groaned and vomited blood.

Yunli's eyes widened, and she blurted out: "Crack in space!"

Soon, the others also reacted. After being shocked, Wei Lin said: "The Dao Artifact is about to be born!"

Thinking of the space gap, Yunli was stunned: "Isn't it a formation seal? Why is there still a space gap?"

"Meteor Hammer! It was caused by the Meteor Hammer!" Just as she finished speaking, a cultivator from Tianwu Continent next to her shouted loudly.

Like a stone falling into a calm lake, it immediately set off waves of waves in everyone's hearts.

A Taoist weapon that can destroy space!
Brush brush!
After seeing the power of the Dao Artifact, this group of people couldn't sit still anymore, and rushed to the pool one after another. If they can get such a treasure, they can't walk sideways in the secret realm!
Not only in Jiuliyuan, but also outside!
Magic spells flew wildly in the square again, and there were many curses, especially near the pool, which turned into Shura Hell in an instant. Broken limbs and blood kept falling into the water. In the blink of an eye, the clear pool water turned into red ink.

Yunli was startled, this was just the beginning, the meteor hammer hadn't been fully born, and the golden core stage and most of the people on the field hadn't made a move yet.

She clenched the Meng Zhan Dao tightly, and said without turning her head: "Ayan, first sacrifice the magic weapon for defense."

Thinking of the relationship between Mu Yan and An Ran, Su Xu also said: "Stay away, go to the stone steps."

Seeing this bloody scene, Mu Yan was terrified, without the slightest hesitation, she walked down the stone steps, kept away from the square, and sacrificed the magic weapon as usual.

At this time, the blood-red pool water on the left suddenly poured to the right, and a majestic aura spread, thick and violent, and then two huge meteor hammers shining with dazzling aura slowly appeared.

The crowd became even crazier. They shot with all their strength, and their moves were fatal. The treasure is in front of them, and everyone is an enemy!

Lin Chen, Chu Feng and several Jindan real people looked at each other, jumped up, and stopped the Jindan monks from other continents.

These golden core monks also had a tacit understanding. As long as anyone wanted to approach the direction of the meteor hammer, no matter how fierce the fight was, the others would immediately stop and attack the person who wanted to approach together.

Obviously, in their eyes, only the same level is a threat. Even if other foundation-building monks get it, it is only temporary.

Jin Danqi already has opponents, Su Xu took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "We'll do it too!"

After speaking, he rushed into the battle with a long sword in his hand.

Wei Lin tilted his head and glanced at Ji Ruochen, he immediately understood, quickly retreated to Mu Yan's side, and also sacrificed the defensive magic weapon.

"Wait and see first, don't get close!" Wei Lin unleashed Lu Li's magic sword, and while following the crowd approaching the battle, he transmitted his voice to Yun Li beside him.

"Okay!" Yunli slowed down her footwork without hesitation, and she still understood the truth of hitting the head with the gun, not to mention whether there would be any means on the meteor hammer.

 Thanks to Yingshi Xiaocute for the reward! ! !
  Thanks to book friends 20190316204752696, Li Baojun, and Carrot Rabbit for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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