all the way to fairy

Chapter 363 Sneak Attack

Chapter 363 Sneak Attack
In front of him, Mo Huai swung his sword away from the spear that was attacking him, flipped his wrist and sent it away, and a female cultivator beside him who wanted to sneak attack immediately took the box.

Without stopping, he flipped in the air and landed behind the man with the long spear. The man with the long spear immediately felt a chill in his heart and let out a muffled grunt. The dark red blood was left along the corner of his mouth.
After sweeping the surroundings, Mo Huai glanced over the red-eyed crowd, and soon found the girl in white who was holding a peach-pink scimitar.

I saw her figure flickering, shuttling among the crowd, waving a dreamy peach powder from time to time, sweeping away all kinds of attacks around, at the same time, the green light on the tip of her left finger shot out a vine from time to time, killing the dead Tick ​​off the storage bag.

Mo Huai's eyes froze. Among the pink and chaotic crowd, the girl's figure was nimble and casual, but from his direction, she was heading straight towards the meteor hammer.

In this chaotic battle where spells are flying around and every step forward, a large number of people will come out to stop him. Even Su Xu, a genius in the late stage of foundation establishment, has to avoid his edge and retreat temporarily.

And she, in such a situation, moved forward slowly and firmly, no one could stop her.

Seeing a glare of white light from the corner of the eye, Mo Huai widened his eyes and blurted out: "Be careful!"

Behind her, a man in white had ruthless eyes and a powerful sword in his hand, slashing at her like a bolt of lightning with astonishing sword energy.

At this time, a strong male cultivator appeared in front of her, and was slamming a huge hammer at her.

At the critical moment, a blue rapier crossed from behind her obliquely, and hit the broadsword chopped by the man in white.

It's Lu Li!
Mo Huai breathed a sigh of relief, only to find out that the man in white was from the same sect of the Taiyi Sect. He was slightly taken aback, and a sharp breath came from his back. He didn't care about the shock at the moment, and turned to meet the enemy.

Soon, after killing the enemy, he turned around again and saw a blood hole in the door of the white-clothed fellow lying in a pool of blood.

Looking at each other briefly, Yun Liyao nodded to him, then looked away, and Wei Lin's voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "It's a member of the Taiyi Sect."

Too one?

Yunli was a little surprised. She turned her head to look at the corpse on the ground, and then quickly withdrew her gaze. While continuing to deal with the attack in front, she replied, "It seems that his name is Xu Wen, and he hasn't been around before."

Wei Lin's eyes were heavy, and he raised his sword to block Bai Ling who was flying over obliquely, "He wants to kill you if there's no contact?"

That fierce killing intent, three feet away, passed the crowd and approached her, so it was unjustifiable to accidentally injure her.

More importantly, no matter what time it is, they are racing against time to snatch the magic weapon, and the man doesn't even want the magic weapon, so he wants to kill her first.

"Maybe it's also because of the Mengzhan Dao." Yunli didn't care, anyway, they were all people who had no relationship, it didn't make any difference whether they were from the same sect or otherwise.

She was in the Taiyi School, except for Lin Xi, whose enemy was because of Mo Huai, she didn't think about any other grudges except Mengzhan Dao.

Just as he was talking, a woman jumped out from the side and glared at her: "Yunli, you actually colluded with outsiders and killed your fellow disciples!"

Before she finished speaking, a fireball greeted her face, Yunli raised her breath and turned sideways to avoid the blazing fireball, and then raised the Mengmeng Saber to intercept the bursting talisman that had already flown in front of her eyes.

A gleam of joy flashed across the woman's angry face, and the next moment, she saw that the upright blade shook, and the explosive talisman that was about to burn out suddenly turned around, and bounced back with a whistling sound.

Her face paled, she knew very well the power of the Explosion Talisman she made herself, if it hit it, she would be lucky to survive and her face would be ruined.

Not caring about anything else, she walked away like green smoke.

The monks around who couldn't dodge in time were immediately blown away, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

A disheveled man got up, spat out the mud from the corner of his mouth, raised his hand to wipe his black face, and roared: "Hey! What little bastard threw the Explosive Talisman! Get out, grandpa, and see if grandpa doesn't discount your dog!" paw!"

Due to the dense crowd, everyone had a tacit understanding not to use large-scale destruction weapons such as the Explosive Talisman, for fear that someone who didn't pay attention would harm their own people.

Therefore, this unexpected bursting talisman had a very good effect, and the area was emptied in an instant, and there were countless people nearby who were affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

Yunli pointed to the woman in white at the top, "Isn't that bastard?"

The big man looked in the direction she pointed, then quickly turned his head to look at the white clothes on her body, suspicious: "Are you from the same family?"

Without waiting for Yunli to speak, he shook his head and sighed: "The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, and members of the same family can kill each other, how can it be—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a spear flew from behind, directly approaching his vest. The man was also alert, and immediately turned around and flew with a knife.

Seeing the spear flying upside down, the man opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily: "Shen Zhengqi, you son of a bitch, how dare you sneak up on your grandfather!"

Seeing that the person he was chasing had exactly the same clothes as him, Yunli shook her head, "The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, and the same family can kill each other, how sad!"

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, "Concentrate and stop making jokes."

The man was in a hurry to pursue his fellow disciple, and he didn't care about the woman in white. The other victims would not let her go, and rushed towards her without thinking, regardless of whether Yunli's words were true or not.

Anyway, they are all to be beaten, who is not to be beaten.

You Yuan's scalp exploded, and he rushed towards Su Xu screaming, "Brother Su, save me!"

It has to be said that You Yuan was a little bit damaged, and his escape speed was quite good, and he arrived beside Su Xu and other disciples of the Taiyi School in the blink of an eye.

What happened just now, Su Xu didn't know, but he knew Yun Li, she didn't just betray her fellow students, on the contrary, she never hesitated to lend a helping hand whenever she could.

In addition, from Xili Mansion to Misty Swamp, from Tianxin Pavilion to Jiuliyuan today, they have experienced so much together, and he is more partial to her in terms of affection.

But he will not allow You Yuan to be killed by other people, anyway, they are all disciples of Taiyi Sect.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and Su Xu and others' attack only temporarily relieved You Yuan's crisis, while the other monks were still relentless.

Seeing that a big battle between Tai Yizong and other monks was about to break out, a sharp voice exploded in everyone's ears.

"Meteor hammer! She wants to take the meteor hammer! Stop her!"

Everyone ignored other things and looked over one after another. At some time, the condensed woman in white clothes and gold ornaments had broken through the encirclement of all parties, touched the side of the pool, and had already grasped the chain of the meteor hammer with one hand.

Wen Xueluo!
Wei Lin's eyes froze, and the long sword flew out of his hand, cutting through the crowd like lightning and slashing at her hand that was on the chain.

Wen Xueluo quickly withdrew her hand, ping-ping-pong-pong, after the long sword, all kinds of magic weapons fell on the chain one after another.

Seeing the clothes on her body clearly, everyone looked at Taiyi Sect members with increasingly unkind expressions, "It's yours again!"

"Everyone, kill them first!" Someone suggested viciously.

This sentence was approved by most of the people present, and the figure flickered, unexpectedly surrounded Wen Xueluo, Su Xu and others who rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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