Chapter 364
Because Yunli and Li deliberately kept a distance, they slowly fell behind. They were far away from Su Xu and others, but they were not surrounded by them.

She looked at Wen Xueluo who was surrounded by the crowd, and was a little startled. Although Wen Xueluo's expression was condensed, her moves were fierce, and she looked extremely ferocious.

But her combat experience was obviously lacking, and she tried her best in every move, and there were too many people attacking her, and she was a little flustered.

After being dazed for a moment, she understood that after getting the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, she had been hiding in the Immortal Mansion for the first few years, even when she escaped from the siege of Canye Pavilion for more than a year, she probably found another place to continue hiding .

Later, when he arrived at the Taiyi Sect, he became the cousin's personal bodyguard under his own instruction, and the cousin, an alchemist who stayed in the sect all year round, could encounter any danger.

Therefore, she didn't have much experience, and occasionally fought with the same sect, relying on her lifeless ruthlessness, and the monsters and poisonous weeds in Yunshu Immortal Mansion, she easily defeated.

But her own combat experience is insufficient. In the face of such a melee, it is very important to preserve her strength.

She uses all her strength to move, although she can calm the enemy in a short time, but after a long time, it will be dangerous if her spiritual power is exhausted.

However, she has the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, so even if her spiritual power is exhausted, it's okay, she just hides in it, and this little shortcoming can basically be ignored.

Over there, after Wen Xueluo ruthlessly pushed back the besieging crowd again, she didn't hesitate any longer. With a wave of her white robe, a clouded clouded leopard of the seventh rank appeared in front of her out of thin air. Lost.

The scene was silent for a moment, looking at the internal organs rolling out of the fallen half of the body, the monks who besieged them felt a chill rushing from the soles of their feet to the Tianling Gai.

The seventh level is equivalent to the seventh level monster in the early stage of Jindan!Still a good at fighting clouded leopard, how to fight?
Some Golden Core cultivators who were fighting in the air wanted to come down to help, Lin Chen and others hurriedly stopped them. Although they were also shocked that Wen Xueluo had such a spiritual pet, they still had the upper hand.

After being stunned for a moment, Yunli remembered that Yunshu Immortal Mansion is not only a good place to hide, but also there are a lot of monsters inside.

Mang Mountain, the secret place for monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, was famous for its large number of monsters. Now that there is no formation suppressed by Xing Ye and others, the cultivation of monsters inside is no longer restricted. If they are released, the situation of the battle can be reversed in an instant. .

She admitted that she was sour, and the treatment of Tiandao's pro-daughter was Mo Fabi.

Wait, everyone's attention is on Wen Xueluo!

Heartbroken for a second, she immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to surprise her.

Turning her head, she excitedly transmitted voice: "Hurry up, let's go there now!"

Wei Lin withdrew his gaze, took a deep breath, suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and said, "Okay."

There are not a few people who have the same thoughts as them. As soon as the two of them advanced for a while, they saw a burly man flying backwards with the help of the opponent's attack.

The monks who besieged the Taiyi Sect tightened their hearts and were waiting to snatch it. Unexpectedly, the next moment, the big man threw himself into the water fiercely, and the water splashed everywhere.

Although everyone didn't know why, they would not let go of this opportunity. All kinds of attacks smashed him down, and then he never got up again.

More and more people died, and the water in the pool had turned into blood. After the man, four more people grabbed the meteor hammer at the same time, two of them grabbed the ball, and two of them grabbed the chain in the middle.

None of the four would give in, and while attacking each other, they released their consciousness to put the meteor hammer into the storage bag.

The four of them hadn't come to a conclusion when the big man who was chasing the same sect arrived and slashed across, four heads flew out one after another.

Then, there was another sweep of the knife, and the sharp knife aura forced everyone to dodge and dodge.

Taking advantage of this gap, he grabbed the chain in the middle and hurriedly lifted it up. Unexpectedly, the meteor hammer didn't lift up, but he himself staggered a few steps.

"Damn it, it's so heavy!"

As soon as the big man finished speaking, a kick flew out from behind and kicked him flying.

After kicking the big man, Yunli sank to her dantian, grabbed the chain, and lowered herself to praise it on her shoulders.

Seeing this, everyone stopped her together, those who were nearby jumped towards her, those who threw magic weapons in the distance, and those who threw talismans threw talismans.

Yunli didn't pay attention to these attacks, but she was stopped by a sharp sword light before the attacks got close to her body, and the sword light swung away suddenly centered on the two of them.

The hearts of all the monks who came up jumped, it was dangerous!

Without even thinking about it, everyone backed away again.

Time was running short, and Yunli didn't have time to test the weight of the meteor hammer, so she directly exerted her greatest strength.

Fortunately, although the meteor hammer was quite heavy, it was far from her Mengzhan Dao. She kicked her feet hard and jumped into the air against the meteor hammer.


When Mu Yan's sharp voice came, she looked over, and she was about to burst into tears.

On the stone steps outside the square, Mu Yan's bell-shaped magic weapon had been broken at some point, and two men, one in black and one in gray, were reaching out to grab her, and beside her was a demon cultivator in white who was lying on the ground.

"Your uncle!"

A burst of hostility suddenly erupted from her body, and spiritual power poured into the meteor hammer she held along the palm of her hand, and the light quickly spread from the place she held to the two meteor stars.

With a bang, the meteor hammer spun out of her hand the next moment, hitting the man in black hard on the head with the first ball.

Before the man in black could make any sound, his head was instantly shattered into slag.

The meteor hammer whirling behind wrapped around the neck of the man in gray, and as the hammer fell, his neck was instantly severed by the chain.


A white shadow landed on the ground at the same time as the head of the man in gray.

A light-white hand stretched out from the fluttering sleeve of the robe to grab the falling meteor hammer, and as the sleeves of the robe slowly dropped, revealing a cold and stern face.

Ruyu's cheeks were a little baby fat, showing a trace of childishness, but at this moment, her expression was not at all immature.

The bright almond eyes are covered with snow and frost, which makes people feel chills on their backs, as if they are in the icy winter.

Turning his cold eyes, he looked at the demon cultivator in white on the ground. He suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his blood was frozen and he couldn't move.

"I'm fine. Fortunately, he stopped us just now." Mu Yan's thankful voice sounded behind her, which brought back Yunli's rationality and made everyone wake up like a dream.

"Fuck! The meteor hammer was taken away by her!"

After being dazed for half a second, Yunli also came to her senses. She swiftly put the meteor hammer into her storage bag, carried Mu Yan on her shoulders for an 800-meter sprint, and the verdant plantain fan suddenly appeared at the bottom of her feet, carrying the two of them on a sprint. Fly through the air.

"Stop them!" Su Xu, who had reacted, yelled, and the aura of the long sword in his hand surged, but someone moved faster than him, and just as they flew out, a blazing sword light suddenly blocked their pursuit.

After this delay, Su Xu's figure flickered, and he rushed to the front of the crowd, and stopped them with Wei Lin on the left and right.

A little later, Mo Huai, Chu Nan and other monks from the Canglan Continent who had made friends with Yunli also shot out one after another to help stop the pursuing crowd.

The rest turned a deaf ear and directly joined the blocking army. As long as they didn't get the Taoist weapon themselves, it doesn't make any difference to them, they are all enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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