all the way to fairy

Chapter 365 Pursuit

Chapter 365 Pursuit
Su Xu danced the long sword in his hand quickly, and said loudly: "Fellow Taoists, we all come from the Canglan Continent, and the secret realm is dangerous. We should help each other and face it together."

As soon as he finished speaking, the big man who was kicked by Yunli ridiculed: "Are there not many people who died at the hands of the same sect just now, and how many people died at the hands of fellow Taoists from the same continent? Help each other? It's ridiculous!"

"That's right, there is only one Taoist artifact, and today I got it from the Heavenly King Laozi, who is also my Xiao Hao's enemy!" A Xiao family child said with a sneer.

Wei Lin didn't pay any attention to these words, what he cared about was the Golden Core cultivator who was fighting in the air.

Even if the Foundation Establishment cultivator chased after him, he was not a match for Ah Li. What was difficult was that these Jindan real people were extremely fast. If they chased them, Ah Li might not be able to run past them.

Seeing that Yunli was about to escape from their range of consciousness, the Jindan masters in the air immediately stopped and wanted to chase after her.

If a little mid-stage Foundation Establishment really took away the Dao Artifact from under their noses, where would they face it?

No, they want to stop, some don't.

A crystal-clear ice sword blocked their way, wisps of cold air emerged from the blade, and an indescribable cold seeped into every corner of everyone's body.

In the previous scuffle, many people have already experienced the dominance of Chu Feng Binglingen. His moves, together with him, were all indescribably cold.

Up to now, the ordinary cold and heat have no effect on them, but under the sword of this man, they once again experienced the cold that invaded the bone marrow.

Seeing Chu Feng standing silently in front of him stepping on a huge ice flower that appeared and disappeared, a real person asked sharply, "What are you doing, Fellow Daoist? Is it possible that you really want the treasure to be obtained by a small foundation building?"

Chu Feng didn't speak, but the ice sword was even colder.

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, then flew over to block everyone's way.

In any case, the Taoist artifact was obtained by their disciples of the Taiyi Sect. With this Taoist artifact, the strength of the Taiyi Sect in the secret realm is also somewhat stronger.

Ye Chuning thought about it, and decided to go over to help. If she can get the approval of Meng Zhan Shendao, the little girl must have her strengths, and it would be good to have a good relationship.

The three young masters made a decision, and several other real people from the Canglan Continent hesitated for a while, and also tried to stop them.

If the Taoist artifact falls into the hands of a foundation-building period, they still have a chance to get it back. If it falls into the hands of a monk of the same realm, it will be difficult to get it back.

Do me a favor now, I will grab the Dao weapon later, and there are excuses.

The plantain fan carried Yunli and Yunli all the way, and soon they came to the big tree that killed Kaiyu earlier. She looked at the sea of ​​flowers, then at the dark hole, and jumped into the hole with Mu Yan in her arms.

Escaping for one's life is the worst thing to avoid. In the eyes of those who don't know the sea of ​​flowers and the dark cave, the sea of ​​flowers must be their first choice, and most people should chase after them.

With Huahai's weirdness, not to mention killing them all, it will be no problem if they get stuck for a while, and he can leave calmly.

After passing through the long narrow passage, a cup of tea finally landed.

The bottom of the hole is surprisingly large.

Yunli immediately found a corner and waved to set up an isolation formation, and then used the fire spirit to illuminate the place.

Looking around, she asked curiously, "What do you think the real Kaiyu was sprayed out by?"

Under the light of the fire, everything in the cave of about ten square meters can be seen clearly. Dead trees, cobwebs, rocks, moss, all barren, except that it is a little bigger, it looks like a normal abandoned cave.

Mu Yan's face turned pale. Except when she first joined the sect, she hadn't faced such danger for a long time, and in the first days, the danger was only from the low-level qi training monks of the sect.

She suddenly leapfrogged and was chased by thousands of foundation-builder monks. Up to now, her heart is trembling.

Taking a deep breath, she tried her best to imprint her trembling body. She raised her eyes and glanced around, and suddenly caught a faint light from the corner of her eyes, "Look there!"


On the wall of the bluestone cave covered by the dead branches of the spider web, a small firefly is lying quietly, the halo of its tail is flickering, but why is its light red?

Yunli stared at the little worm vigilantly, "Could it be that this is actually a monster?"

Strangely, she didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations on the firefly, if it wasn't for the weird red fluorescence, it was an ordinary worm.

They didn't give them too much time to think, and soon a bunch of people fell down like dumplings.

The pursuit of tens of thousands of people was blocked by Wei Lin and others, only a few could be stopped, and most of them had already chased after them.

The hole was only this big, and the isolation formation was easy to spot. Yunli jumped out of the formation, and slashed at them with a knife before they could react.

A strong smell of blood filled the cave, and more and more corpses fell, one after another, and soon a large number of people densely gathered in the cave.

Someone sneered again and again: "Hmph, I didn't expect you to seek your own death and hide here!"

"A teenage girl, even if she's talented but lacks experience, it's not surprising that she hides here. It's so safe in the dark." As soon as the man's voice fell, someone answered immediately, with a tone full of yin and yang. ridicule.

Yunli doesn't want to go to such a place, but she doesn't want to go to Huahai even more. If there are only poisons, it's fine. With her body that is invulnerable to all poisons, and Yueying's bright heart umbrella protecting Ah Yan, she is not afraid .

But the sea of ​​flowers is not only poisonous, the most terrifying thing is that the space is unstable. If you are accidentally touched by the turbulent flow of the space, you will either lose arms and legs or die on the spot, or you will not die if you stray into the void and you will not live long.

During the siege, You Yuan's eyes fell on the peach-pink knife in her hand, showing greed.

Following her movements, pieces of bright peach blossoms seemed to fly down, making one feel like being in a gentle and beautiful peach blossom forest.

A faint silver light flashed and disappeared among the rustling peach blossoms, and there must be blood spots everywhere it passed. Few people could save their lives under her knife.

After discovering this fact, some people couldn't help but retreat. They thought that a young person in the early stage of foundation establishment should have just established the foundation not long ago, but after so long, she has not lost the slightest bit of weakness, and has not revealed any flaws.

On the contrary, they have a large number of people. In this short period of time, 30 to [-] people have already died under her knife.

Seeing this, You Yuan hurriedly said: "Junior Sister Yun, you already have the Dream Slayer Saber, why bother fighting with us for the Taoist weapon, your knife is no worse than the Taoist weapon."

Her words instantly turned everyone's eyes into searchlights, glued to the Meng Zhan Dao, no worse than a Dao weapon?
In the battle just now, they only saw that this knife was not ordinary, but they didn't know how it was extraordinary.

And those who have experienced it personally and can explain to them the extraordinary method of the knife, most of them have fallen into a pool of blood.

So everyone turned their attention to the few people who had escaped from the Meng Zhan Dao, but they saw their eyes staring at the peach powder scimitar, with undisguised greed in their eyes.

The crowd became more and more frenzied, and intensive attacks rained down on Yunli in the corner. Her eyes were cold, and the clear peach red on the Meng Zhan Dao became clearer, like clear blood-colored glaze.

(End of this chapter)

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