Chapter 366
Suddenly, a green light shot out from behind, and everyone who was caught off guard was tripped by the wildly growing thorns and vines, and was soon slid across the throat by the gorgeous knife.

The two rows of dark people in front softened, revealing the dull crowd behind.

Yunli turned her head to the side, looked at Mu Yan who walked out of the isolation formation, and was very surprised: "Ayan, you."

Mu Yan looked at the crowd showing a fierce look in front of her, flinched a bit, tried her best to maintain a tense expression, and said: "I don't want to be someone who can only wait for you to protect people, I can't do too much, it's okay to help contain the enemy. "

As she spoke, she threw out countless thorn seeds with a wave of her hand, pouring in a lot of spiritual power, twirled a trick, and shouted: "Entangling!"

Her hands were shaking violently, some of the seeds she threw were empty, and some fell several in the same place. She was also very unskilled in the magic formula, but her eyes were full of fear and firmness.

The moment the thorn seeds were entangled, the true spirit flowed, and the dream-slashing knife glowed with peach light. Yunli swung a few knives subconsciously, beheading the few people who had been tricked in one fell swoop.

She stared at the pair of greedy or angry eyes in front of her, without looking back, she said softly: "Okay, you can cast the thorns technique at ease, with me here, no one will hurt you!"

This world is so cruel, it is always good to have more self-preservation ability.

Looking at the petite and firm figure in front of her, Mu Yan's eyes became hot, warm crystals slipped from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably, and thorn seeds kept being thrown out from her hands.

As time went by, there was a burst of coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness, Yunli's spirit was shaken, and the senior brother came.

Wei Lin and the others turned around and landed. Before they landed, they were shocked by the strong bloody smell. After seeing the scene below, they couldn't help gasping.

In the huge cave, people were crowded, flying or standing, magic tools, spells, and talismans flew towards the corner of the cave one after another.

In the corner, Yunli was covered in blood, and the Mengzhan Dao in his hand waved out streaks of pink light and shadows. The light of the sword was like practice, blocking all kinds of attacks flying around him.

Behind her, dots of green light flew out from time to time, entwining the attacker who was about to approach, and in front of her, there was a mess of corpses.

Wei Lin's eyes tightened, the sword light in his hand shone, and he slashed towards the crowd. The sharp sword aura made everyone's backs ache, and they all dodged to avoid them. .

A hole was torn open, Wei Linfei landed in front of her, and the water-like sword light poured out from in front of her.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay. It's all other people's blood." With his sharing, Yunli suddenly felt less pressure. Although these people couldn't hurt her, it was tiring to fight endlessly.

In the rear, Su Xu and the others also took action, and some monks had no choice but to deal with it. In this way, the pressure on Yunli's side was even less. She turned around and said to Mu Yan: "Take a break to replenish your spiritual power , going out, the most taboo is exhaustion of spiritual energy."

Ah Yan had just learned assisted fighting, and it was the first time she faced such a bloody scene. She was in a hurry, lacked experience, and consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

With Wei Lin helping her to share the burden, Mu Yan was not pretentious, and immediately took out the tonic pill and took it, trying to recover her spiritual power earlier.

Glancing at Ji Ruochen who was trembling behind Su Xu, Yunli asked via voice transmission: "Is it not good for you, senior brother, to leave your junior sister to others to protect?"

After a pause, she said again: "Oh, no, Lu Li is a sick child, you are so powerful, so it's not suitable for you?"

Seeing that she still had time to care about these things, Wei Lin also felt relieved, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Sickness doesn't mean he is weak."

Anyway, no one who knew Lu Li came in now, so he had the final say on what kind of illness Lu Li had, what symptoms, and how serious it was.

Yunli thought for a while, this is the reason, even if it is a sick young man, it is still a monk, and there are many sick masters in martial arts novels, so she felt relieved.

Looking at You Yuan in the crowd, thinking of her time and time again harming herself, she immediately turned on the irony mode.

"Senior Sister You, which side are you from? You will besiege and kill me with them for a while, and then go to seek the protection of Senior Brother Su."

You Yuan, who had just flown to Su Xu and the others's face stiffened, bit his head and said: "You are you, Senior Brother Su is Senior Brother Su, it's possible that you thought you could replace Senior Brother Su."

Yun Li curled her lips, and said to Su Xu through the crowd: "I have no enmity with her at all. If I get the magic weapon, I will be her enemy. It seems that if other senior brothers get it later, they will also be her enemy."

"Since swords will face each other sooner or later, Senior Brother Su, you don't have to protect her now."

Su Xu frowned helplessly, there are quite a few of the same sect as You Yuan, if you give up You Yuan at this time, the team of Tai Yizong will be disbanded.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yun Li was not annoyed. Su Xu has a strong sense of belonging to the sect, and has always been the leader of the foundation establishment period, so it would be difficult for him to give up his fellow sect.

However, she didn't say what she said for him, so looking around at other fellow apprentices and looking at You Yuan, isn't it subtle.

At this time, the ground trembled under their feet, but everyone didn't care. It's normal for the fight to spread to the ground.

Mu Yan, who was trying to recover her spiritual power after taking the Buling Pill, felt something, and she immediately transmitted her voice to Yunli: "The ground seemed to shake just now."

Yunli didn't realize what she meant for a while, and she jumped up and down unconsciously. The next moment, the solid ground seemed like a bucket with no bottom, and the whole ground fell down with a crash.

She grabbed Mu Yan, who hadn't reacted yet, and quickly raised the plantain fan. Before she could breathe, a suction came from below, and the plantain fan seemed to instantly turn into a gigantic boulder, falling down with the surrounding rocks and soil.

Thinking of the sculptured snake standing upright by the outer door, Yunli panicked. Could it be that this is not a sculpture, but a real fox-faced horned snake, and they are now in its belly?
Thinking of this, her hairs stood on end, it was so disgusting and terrifying!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——" There was screaming all around. They were used to being as light as a swallow and flying with imperial weapons. Suddenly they returned to the foundation building again and couldn't fly. Everyone panicked.

Yunli tightly grasped Mu Yan's hand, and then felt her waist tighten, and a green vine wrapped around her.

Looking at Wei Lin beside the vine, she said blankly: "It's not a forbidden spirit, so why can't it fly?"

The other people beside her also discovered the entanglement technique around her waist, and their panicked hearts settled down, forming spiritual power shields to protect their whole bodies, as long as they can still use their spiritual power.

"It's forbidden air." Chu Nan's dignified voice came from above, "I didn't expect such a formation to exist in this cave."

They stayed on it for a long time before, and there were many formation masters among them, but they didn't notice it at all. Now that the formation is activated suddenly, it is so powerful. It can be seen that the people who set up the formation are far beyond their reach.

Yunli hugged Mu Yan and jumped to Wei Lin's side along the vine, and together with him formed a spiritual shield to protect the three of them, and complained: "Why are there formations everywhere?"

The Canaan Sealing Formation in the pool was now a Forbidden Space Formation. The secret realm is so big, who knows what formations will be encountered later, she couldn't help but have a headache. She really doesn't know much about formations.

Just as she was speaking, a bright fireball from above hit their spiritual shields, she raised her eyes to see the sneak attacker, and without thinking, she whipped up with her backhand.

The green vines twitched on the man's spiritual power cover, and with a click, the man's spiritual power cover was immediately covered with spider-like shatters, spinning and bumping into the spiritual power cover of another cultivator next to him. .

Everyone's eyes swept over, and in the next moment, densely packed spells of various colors were thrown towards their spiritual power shields.

The Dao Artifact hasn’t been snatched yet!
Yunli, Weilin and the other two poured spiritual power into the spiritual power shield at the same time without thinking. Mu Yan was a little slower, and stabilized the spiritual power shield together after she realized it.

After carrying through a wave, the Huanshi Ling tied to the handle of Yunli's knife flickered, then dimmed again, unable to explode the vest, the Huan Shi Ling still couldn't be used openly.

She glanced viciously at the monks who made the attack, and clenched the Meng Zhan Dao, "Brother, protect Ayan, I'll teach them to be human!"

As she said that, she flew out of the spiritual power shield in a flash, and slashed the dream cutting knife on the spiritual power shield of a cultivator next to her with her backhand. There was a clang, and the spiritual power shield and the man who hadn't reacted were split into two at the same time. Half.

Without stopping, she stomped heavily on the broken spiritual power cover with her toes, and flew to another spiritual power cover above with her strength.

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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