Chapter 368
After thinking for a moment, Mu Yan said, "It's a bit like the ruins of the Dazongmen?"

Yunli raised her eyes and looked around. The collapsed building was simple and elegant, and there were various restraining formations. It really looked like the ruins of Xiuxian Zongmen, but, "The monk's Zongmen is forbidden to be empty? It always feels weird."

Wei Lin was also a little strange. He made a trick and summoned a fire dragon to swim above their heads. Under the bright firelight, he didn't find anything else, so he said, "Look again, don't jump to conclusions so early."

The secret realm is so big, they have only passed through a few places, it is too early to talk about these now.

"Then where are you going now?" Mu Yan asked.

"It's not in a hurry, let's find a place first, and see what's extraordinary about this artifact." Yunli was a little excited, but she didn't expect that the first secret treasure in the secret realm fell into her pocket like this.

Wei Lin raised his hand to set up the formation, and he was also looking forward to it. Dao artifacts are rare, so if you can refer to them, it may be helpful for Li Lijian to advance in the future.

After inspecting the Meteor Hammer, he was stunned, "No, just this casting process, how do you make a Dao weapon?"

"What's wrong with the casting process?" Yunli knew that he knew a lot about refining things for the magic weapon of his life, and later Ye family's casting furnace was secretly stealing the teacher, so he asked hastily.

"It's too rough. With this craft, any seventh-grade foundry in Canglan Continent can make it."

"It seems to be quite rough." Mu Yan inspected it carefully and couldn't help but nodded.

The sphere instant noodles are not smooth, and there are gaps at some connections, especially the connection between the chain and the sphere.

Yunli was a little depressed, desperately trying to grab a Taoist weapon, but it turned out to be a shoddy product, without such a pitfall.

Rubbing the prickly surface with his fingertips, Wei Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, "It's the material!"

"Material?" Yunli looked suspiciously at the place where his hand was rubbing, but didn't recognize what material it was made of.

Wei Lin was a little excited, "Although I don't know what kind of refining material this is, but it must be top-notch, even the top-notch casting material in Canglan Continent can't compare!"

Yunli took a deep breath, and immediately picked up a meteor star and checked it over and over again, muttering in her mouth: "I wonder if it can be melted down and remade."

Dao utensils can be cast by casting casually. If they are carefully refined in a furnace, wouldn't it be possible to refine higher-level utensils!

The white light suddenly appeared and then disappeared in a flash.

After being stunned for a moment, she exclaimed: "It's that white light!"

When the phantom of the meteor hammer appeared, a white light exploded first, and then the phantom.

Wei Lin was about to speak when he saw Yunli call out the Mengzhan Dao, and slashed at the Meteor Hammer with lightning speed.

"I'll go!" Wei Lin grabbed her wrist to prevent her from cutting the second knife, "What are you doing?"

Yunli's eyes were burning, and her voice became distorted with excitement, "I think there's something good inside."

"You feel?"

"En." She nodded her head like a pounding garlic, and at the moment when the white light appeared, the Hongchen Gongfa in her body unconsciously activated.

Wei Lin let go of his hand, "Chop it."

Mu Yan's eyes widened, and she looked at him in disbelief, "This is a Dao weapon, won't it be a bit of a prodigal?"

With such a good material, it is completely uncertain whether the craftsmen in the Canglan Continent can melt it or not. Let her chop it like this, and this meteor hammer will be ruined!
Although I know that he has been pampering Ah Li all the time, it is not such a pampering method!

"Her feelings are never wrong." Wei Lin gripped the Mo Li sword tightly, and after Yunli's second slash, the sword body was lingering with spiritual light, and immediately slashed on the meteor hammer.

Mu Yan:.
After a quarter of an hour of slashing with each other, the meteor hammer finally split open, and an irregular spar the size of a fist rolled out of it.

"What is this?" Mu Yan wondered, "The energy is so strong."

"I don't know!" Yunli's eyes were shining, the energy contained in this spar was stronger than the demon pill she devoured on the island back then.

And that demon pill is at least ninth rank, and even twelfth rank demon pill is possible.

The Hongchen Kungfu started to operate unconsciously, and the rich energy entered the four meridians and eight meridians, and finally flowed into the dantian.

Just like a big river rushing into a calm lake, setting off waves of frenzy, the impenetrable fifth- and sixth-tier barriers showed signs of loosening.

"I'm going to break through!"

Yunli was about to cry with joy, after leaving the customs two years ago, she had already touched the edge of the sixth step, who knew that she would not be able to break through even with a single kick.

Even Xiao Hei, who had been eating and sleeping all the time, ran in front of her, and jumped directly, breaking through from the fifth level to the seventh level big monster, but she was so sour.

Wei Lin glanced at Mu Yan who was still curious about the spar, and sent her a voice transmission: "Knock her out?"

Yunli looked confused, "Huh?"

"Egg." Wei Lin reminded angrily, with so many secrets in his body, he didn't know how to get something to eat.

If it is known that she is a descendant of a divine beast, or a descendant of a divine beast with such a low level of cultivation, let alone human cultivation, those big monsters may not be able to resist the temptation.

The law of the jungle among monsters is even more brutal.

"No. I have analyzed the two experiences of turning into an egg. One is to draw Qi into the body, which is to embark on the fairy road; the other is to break through the fourth level, which is the foundation of human cultivation. It seems that only Only by breaking through the great realm.”

Wei Lin was worried, "Be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship."

Yunli's eyes fell on Mu Yan, her expression softened unconsciously, "Ayan is not an outsider, I trust her."

Sensing her gaze, Mu Yan raised her head and saw that the eyes of both of them were on her, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, she said embarrassedly: "I'm just a little curious about what the energy in it is, and it feels like it's absorbed by us. The aura is different."

After finishing speaking, she urged again: "Don't you want to break through, hurry up, we will protect you."

Yunli nodded, sat down without hesitation, grasped the spar tightly and performed the exercises.

Seeing this, the corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, can I put a futon on it, isn't she very particular on weekdays?

Wei Lin was still worried, so he hurriedly sent a voice transmission before she was convinced, "You have read so many scripts, but you haven't learned any lessons. I remember that there are many villains who are soft and weak on the outside, but backhanded behind their backs."

"The story book is the story book, and you have to be careful when looking at people." After a pause, Yunli said again: "You just spend too little time with her, so you don't know her well."

Wei Lin Fu forehead, is this a matter of time spent together? People's hearts are separated by belly, so how can you trust trust.

"Forget it, you advance first." Unable to persuade someone, Wei Lin had no choice but to give up first, no matter what, he was still staring at him.

After thinking about it, he said again: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to your Ah Yan."

Yunli was a little inexplicable, and I didn't think what you would do to Ayan, she shook her head, suppressing these messy things, and she concentrated on practicing the worldly martial arts.

Wei Lin swung his consciousness and paid attention to the movement around him. Mu Yan glanced at Yunli, who was already in samadhi, and also walked to the side to be vigilant.

The rich spiritual energy gathered here, gradually forming a spiritual energy vortex with Yunli as the center, and the spar in her palm gradually dimmed, and finally turned into powder with a click.

Time passed, I don't know how long it has passed, the aura that was so sticky and almost substantive slowly dissipated, Mu Yan was overjoyed, "It seems to be successful!"

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thank you Momo for not being a monthly ticket for Baozi! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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