all the way to fairy

Chapter 369 Is it a piece of sea?

Chapter 369 Is it a piece of sea?

"You stay away from her."

Mu Yan turned her head in doubt, and saw that Wei Lin had already retreated three feet away, and he even made a trick to stabilize the restraint of the formation.


A scream suddenly exploded in her ears, Mu Yan turned her head, and now the person who was fine before has curled up into a ball, with a ferocious complexion, and veins popping out of her exposed skin.

"Ali!" She exclaimed, and just as she was about to step forward, a green vine wrapped around her waist and pulled her away.

"Mr. Wei, Ali, she..." Mu Yan was a little anxious, could it be that she has lost her temper?

"She's fine." Wei Lin's eyes were complicated. The benefits of the golden beast blood are self-evident, but it's really distressing when he advances.

After a long time, he let out a light breath, "Just get over it."

At this time, no one else can help.

Mu Yan's eyes widened. She looked so painful that her soul was out of her body. Are you okay?
Green smoke rose straight away, and the next moment the orange gauze unfolded, rolling around her body with the dirty figure.

Seeing the scorched black ground where she rolled, Mu Yan was dumbfounded, "She, she, this is"

"Cleanse the essence and cut the marrow."

Mu Yan blinked her eyes, but still didn't believe it, this is not like washing the essence, this is clearly arson!

The stone slab was covered with moss and was wet. Under the sudden high temperature, the smoke was lingering and the water vapor was dense. Suddenly, a small figure struggled in the misty mist, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

There was an ethereal voice coming from a distant place, which could not be heard intermittently, but the only sentence "what does it feel like not to hurt" was clear and clear, as if it exploded in her ears, making her heart tremble, giving birth to some sour and inexplicable emotions .

She widened her eyes, trying to see clearly, but found that under the high temperature, the water vapor quickly evaporated, and the misty mist had long since disappeared.

Mu Yan raised her hand and patted her forehead, then looked around vigilantly, this secret realm was very strange.

After a while, the rolling clay figurine finally didn't move, and the golden light spots in his body disappeared, and Wei Lin's heart fell to the ground.

He dodged to help her up, but before he could speak, the clay figurine sitting up with his strength panted and said, "Meteor Hammer, smashed the other one too."

The airflow between exhalations blows a handful of dirty messy hair on his forehead, leaving a dark mark on Wei Lin's white jaw.

Wei Lin: .
Frown performed the dust removal technique three times, and the clay figurine was finally clean.

Feeling the strong disgust, Yunli was not happy anymore, and raised her paw to smear his face, but found that the paw had already been cleaned, paused, rubbed the paw on the ground a few times, and did not hesitate to touch Wei Lin's face erase.

"Let you despise me for being dirty!"

However, as early as the moment she first raised her hand, Wei Lin discovered her attempt, and he would not let her succeed. He tilted his head back and easily avoided someone's claws.

His face was full of disgust: "Take it away quickly, girls like to be clean, and they don't know how to be clean."

Yun Li, who was exhausted after the advanced stage, was no match for him. She tried a few times but failed. She rolled her eyes and slapped Wei Lin's shoulder with her dirty hand.

Wei Lin was stunned, turned his head and saw a black handprint on the snow-white clothes, his face was covered with black lines, but a certain person didn't hide it, and laughed backwards and forwards.

"Ha ha ha ha."

With a black face to the extreme, Wei Lin suddenly smiled softly, and his voice was as soft as water, "Ali, have you forgotten that you have no strength now."

Yunli blinked her eyes, met the dangerous light in her phoenix eyes, and swallowed, "What are you going to do?"

Seeing that white and tender face being kneaded into various shapes under Wei Lin's hands, the corners of Mu Yan's mouth twitched.
After a cup of tea, seeing her limp and weak appearance, Mu Yan worried, "Don't you really need to use a nourishing pill to restore your spiritual power?"

Yunli gnawed the spirit fruit, "No need, it's just exhaustion, it has nothing to do with spiritual power."

As she said that, she turned her head, pitifully: "Brother, let's barbecue, I'm so hungry."

Heart-piercing and rolling on the ground for at least an hour, there is no strength left in the body, it is too slow to just eat the spirit fruit.

Resigned to his fate, Wei Lin found a place and started to light a fire, "You just said you smashed another meteor hammer, why?"

Yunli pulled Mu Yan to sit down by the bonfire, and her eyes lit up when she heard the words, "The energy in that spar is extremely powerful, and it's dozens of times stronger than the aura at one point! Maybe there's also in another sphere, if you smash it out, you Try it too?"

As she spoke, she looked at the two of them, "Where's the meteor hammer?"

Wei Lin pouted to the side, "That's not it."

Turning her head, she saw a black lump in the corner of the wall, Yunli was stunned, and realized in an instant that maybe she hadn't paid attention when she was rolling and was bumped into it.

She said with a wooden face, "Why don't you put it away?"

Even if it is smashed, it is still a Dao weapon. Doesn’t it mean that the material is better than the top one in Canglan Continent? It is worth a lot of spirit stones when you bring it back!

Just throw it on the ground, what if someone takes it away!
Wei Lin's barbecued hands stopped, "Forgot."

She turned her head to look at Mu Yan again, "You also forgot?"

"Too shocked to notice."

Yunli: .
It is reasonable to be shocked later, but there is nothing shocking about the previous cultivation.

Having said that, Mu Yan couldn't help being curious, "Do you really suffer so much every time you advance?"

Yunli trembled unconsciously, took a few bites of the spiritual fruit in her hand, and said repeatedly: "Don't mention it, don't mention it, let me forget it for a while."

Thinking back on that kind of pain, she couldn't help trembling, she really wanted to give up advancing and just be a salted fish every minute.

Thinking of her ferocious expressions and screams before, Mu Yan couldn't help but feel terrified, it hurts to look at her.

"Come on, be shocked." Wei Lin handed her the roasted spirit meat, looked at the sky, and murmured, "Why isn't it daylight yet?"

Hearing this, Yunli also looked up, "Yeah, why isn't it bright yet?"

From the time they landed to the present, it has been more than four or five hours, and the sky is still dark and unchanged.

The world was silent, as if there were no other living beings except the three of them.

The three of them looked at each other, and their hearts sank, it was weird!
After filling her stomach again, Yunli felt that she was alive again. The first thing she did was to pick up the Dream Zhan knife and split another meteor hammer. As expected, there was also a shiny stone inside.

She handed the stone to Wei Lin, "Brother, try it first."

After receiving the spar, he practiced his skills, but in just a few breaths, he stopped, his eyes couldn't hide his shock: "What a powerful energy!"

Just absorbing a little bit, it fills up the dantian in an instant!
Wait, Ah Li has absorbed a whole spar, then she
Wei Lin turned his head slowly, looking up and down Yunli in disbelief, is her dantian a piece of sea?
"Why are you looking at me like this?" Yunli was inexplicably looked at by him, "Ayan, you can also feel that one person counts the disadvantages, and three people count the strengths. Let's discuss in a while, what is the energy in this spar. "

Wei Lin clenched the spar tightly, looked solemn, turned his head to stare at Mu Yan, and said seriously, "Today's matter must not be revealed, otherwise, I will never let it go!"

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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