all the way to fairy

Chapter 370 Blood Tiger Guard

Chapter 370 Blood Tiger Guard
"What are you scaring Ah Yan for?"

Before Mu Yan could react, Yunli immediately stopped him, complaining through sound transmission, "Everyone says Ah Yan is not an outsider, and she won't tell about my abnormal cultivation."

Wei Lin ignored her, still staring at Mu Yan with cold eyes.

It is nothing to wash the essence and marrow after the advanced stage, after all, not everyone can bear the heart-wrenching pain.

But this is different, the difference between a trace and a whole block is too great, only Mu Yan has tried to practice with spar, and can easily find abnormalities.

Seeing that Mu Yan was stunned and Wei Lin didn't speak, Yunli was a little anxious, so she couldn't help but raise her voice, "Senior brother!"

Wei Lin still stared at Mu Yan, and said slowly: "I only absorbed a little bit and it filled my dantian."

Mu Yan was stunned, and it took her a while to react, she turned her head to look at Yunli, covered her mouth with her hand, and swallowed back the exclamation that reached her mouth.

She took a deep breath and said quickly: "No one other than the three of us will know what happened today."

Yunli was also stunned on the spot, and it took her a long time to accept another abnormality in herself, but thinking of Wei Lin's behavior just now, even though she understood that he was doing it for her own benefit, she was still a little angry.

She transmitted voice: "Brother, don't bully Ah Yan in the future, I will feel sorry for you."

Wei Lin: .
What is bullying?Is that called bullying?
While feeling depressed, I received another voice transmission from her: "I choose to believe her, and I also bear the consequences of believing her."

Wei Lin was stunned, and rubbed his eyebrows helplessly, it still hasn't changed, when he trusts, he wholeheartedly, and when he breaks, he never drags his feet.

At this time, I suddenly received a voice transmission from another person, "Why, are you angry with you?"

Wei Lin looked at the girl who put away the wreckage of the meteor hammer without saying a word, and went straight forward without saying "let's go". From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the faint smile on Mu Yan's face, and couldn't help but feel a block in his heart.

Forget it, she's been ignorant of good and bad for a long time, so why bother with her.

Mu Yan smiled, and walked forward, while transmitting voice: "You make up a lie, and it's the same if you don't let me touch the spar. Why do you have to be so straightforward and make her angry."

Seeing the schadenfreude on her lips, Wei Lin knew that she knew the reason, and couldn't help snorting coldly: "The one who keeps silent on weekdays seems to have a lot of thoughts."

Mu Yan was not angry at all, "You are afraid that I will find out afterwards that there is a rift with her, right? You may simply be the bad guy."

After a pause, she raised her head slightly, looking at the ink-like night sky, her eyes were a little lonely, and she disappeared before anyone could see clearly.

"Actually, it's unnecessary. In this world, there is only one person who treats me well. How can I treat her badly?"

After passing this sentence, she didn't continue, and quickly stepped forward, holding Yunli's arm, "It's so dark and scary."

call out!
After the sound, a yellow light rose from the distant sky in the east, just like the sunrise in the east, illuminating the eastern sky instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a gigantic golden silk emperor chrysanthemum phantom appeared, quietly hanging in the night sky.

This familiar way of appearance, there is a baby!

Yunli immediately put the faint sadness in her heart behind her, and urged: "Go, go!"

There are crystals in the meteor hammer, and maybe there are other secret treasures as well!

The direction of the phantom is quite far away from them, and it is under the air-forbidden formation, so it cannot fly, and I don't know if it will arrive in time.

A few people combined their wind skills with their body skills to increase their speed to the extreme. They prayed while driving, hoping that this secret treasure, like a meteor hammer, would be born later.

It seemed that they had heard their prayers. When they arrived a month later, the phantom of the golden silk emperor chrysanthemum was still hanging in the night sky.

Looking at the dense crowd on the field, Yunli said: "Why don't we go out first."

Half of the monks who fought for the Meteor Hammer were here. Once she went out, these people would rush to besiege her. The secret treasure was about to be born, and she didn't want to escape.

Looking at the motionless phantom in the air, Wei Lin looked a little dignified, thought for a moment, and nodded in agreement.

Judging from the previous situation, this secret treasure might not change for a while, but now that they show up, those people definitely don't mind changing the owner of the meteor hammer before the ownership of the next secret treasure is confirmed.

So, the three of them secretly hid under the corner of the wall beside the square.

Time flies, and people scattered all over come one after another. In the end, almost all the monks who are still alive have reunited in this square.

"I'm going, why don't you be so fair and just!" Yunli couldn't help complaining, "This Jiuliyuan is really weird. In other secret realms, we are looking for treasures. This place is good, just blow it up and let everyone compete fairly."

Wei Lin's heart sank, and he said slowly for a long time: "Be careful in everything."

The secret treasure will not appear in the world for the time being, so everyone started to resolve their personal grievances, and the first one to attack was the Blood Tiger Guard of Tianwu Continent.

This blood tiger guard is unique among the group of monks, with very distinctive features. All the members are dressed in dark blue robes, with a red-eyed tiger on their chest, and their natal magic weapon is also a unified knife.

Uniform clothing is not uncommon, but unifying natal instruments is unique, so unique, it quickly attracted the attention of most people.

Before doing anything, Yunli asked people from Tianwu Continent out of curiosity. It is said that this blood tiger guard is the royal guard of an empire in Tianwu Continent.

Unlike other monks from various sects who behaved loosely and only for themselves, the Blood Tiger Guard was very disciplined, and obeyed the orders of the Golden Core Guard Captain in every move.

Among the people who came in this time, they were probably the ones they didn't want to provoke the most.

"Master Wei, what do you mean?"

Besieged by them was a group of monks with pale faces and black clothes with skull patterns on them.

"What do you mean?" The captain of the Blood Tiger Guard snorted coldly, "If you dare to catch our little princess, you should have thought about today. Brothers, let's go!"

Following his order, half of the blood tiger guards rushed forward and attacked the skeleton monks, while the rest of the blood tiger guards were on guard to prevent monks from other sects from taking advantage of the opportunity, and threw out spells from time to time to support their own people.

With the beginning of the Blood Tiger Guard, some people who had personal and old enemies before entering the country, and those who had new hatreds after entering the secret realm, all fought.

Colorful spells, flying magic weapons, loud noises and screams came and went.

"The doggy Xujiabao snatched our spiritual veins. If it wasn't for this, we would have formed alchemy long ago, and we wouldn't use this troublemaker Jiu Liyuan to die and kill them!" A middle-aged man yelled angrily, and threw his sword to the side a family.

This sentence aroused the public indignation of the monks of Qinghongmen, and rushed towards the disciples of Xujiabao with murderous intent.

Among the excited crowd, a young boy suddenly turned around halfway, and a wind blade fell on the girl who was watching the show like lightning.

"Bitch, dare to take my chance."

The girl's reaction was also quick, and she turned around to avoid the deadly point, but her beautiful face was left with a blush, and she was furious, and she raised her sword and fought with the boy.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere in the square, a drop of blood was thrown over, bounced back after hitting the isolation formation of Yunli and the other three, and fell on the ground, splashing a blood-colored plum blossom.

Fortunately, the scene was relatively chaotic, and no one noticed the abnormality of this drop of blood.

Yunli was overjoyed, "It's a good thing we didn't go out, otherwise they would have let go of their grievances and besieged me."

 Thanks to hzh1234 and book friend 537***864 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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