all the way to fairy

Chapter 374 Absurd Cooperation

Chapter 374 Absurd Cooperation

Wei Lin chuckled, "It seems that Blood Tiger Guard is determined to win."

Among the group of frantically robbing monks, the Blood Tiger Guard seemed out of place. They kept a close distance and followed the jade box snatching circle in an encirclement shape, but they never made a move.

They are consuming their opponents. Anyone who gets the jade box must be the target of fire.The people who participated in the snatching were either dead or injured, and their spiritual power was also greatly consumed, so how could they be the opponents of the Quansheng Blood Tiger Guard?

The Blood Tiger Guard's intentions are undisguised, and although the rest of the people can see it clearly, they cannot imitate it, because the Blood Tiger Guard is an army.

The duty of a soldier is to obey, no matter how many people there are, there will only be one voice, and they will strictly follow orders.

As for the other monks, they each have their own little things, and no one can rest assured.Do you want to cooperate with the treasure hunt?

After getting the treasure, the first person who wants to kill you is most likely the so-called partner.

And before Yunli was able to take the meteor hammer by surprise, it was actually because of Wei Lin's cooperation with her.

Is this the strength of the army, Yunli thought thoughtfully.

Seeing that most of the people left on the field were in the middle and late stage of foundation establishment, Su Xu was ready to make a move. He looked at Yunli and said, "Look at this jade box, the secret treasure is probably a delicate artifact, Junior Sister Yun, are you sure you can't go there?"

Yunli shook her head without hesitation, "No."

Su Xu secretly regretted that Junior Sister Yun's combat power was not bad, and with her around, they had a greater chance of winning the secret treasure.

"Okay, then you stay here and protect Junior Sister Mu."

Helpless, he turned his attention to 'Lu Li' again. Although he is a sick child, his swordsmanship is extremely sharp, he is also upright, and he knows how to repay him. He is also an excellent candidate for a comrade-in-arms.

Before he could ask, Wei Lin coughed twice, and took the initiative to challenge: "A certain Lu is sick, and he came here for a chance. Considering the size of the jade box, secret treasures or miraculous medicines, of course you can't miss it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Ruochen panicked, what should he do when he left, "Brother, this place is dangerous."

The gentle girl, with full eyebrows, was full of worry, Qin Fei couldn't help persuading her: "Your junior sister is right, fellow Daoist Lu, please don't go. Look at your body, it's about to fall when the wind blows. Even if a secret treasure is a pill, it may not be able to cure your illness."

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, he was addicted to acting.

He covered his mouth and coughed again, "It's okay, more people will work harder."

If he is like this, Qin Fei can't persuade him any more, since secret treasures are rare, any further persuasion will show that he has ulterior motives.

"Senior brother, you really want to go." Yunli was a little worried, and Jin Danqi would also make a move in a while.

"Spar." Wei Lin reminded through sound transmission that the spiritual power required for advancement multiplied as the cultivation level reached the back.

Her dantian is as vast as the sea, only relying on spirit stones and demon pills, when will she be able to conceive and ascend, so naturally she must take the opportunity to gather more crystals.

Thinking of this, Yunli said helplessly: "Then you should be careful, safety first, don't force it. Since the secret realm relies on secret treasures to attract people to slaughter, it is not only these two treasures that we want to release, we will think about it later."

Wei Lin nodded, and then sent a voice transmission to Ji Ruochen, "Don't worry, she's here, as long as you don't try to die, she won't care about your life."

A group of people entered the melee crowd in a diamond-shaped formation, gathering the core disciples of the four major factions, and their combat power was naturally impressive.

Another fresh force, once entering the battle, the situation is unstoppable, forcibly tearing apart the stalemate, and in a blink of an eye, they will participate in the core battle circle for the jade box.

Discovering this new force, the Blood Tiger Guard responded immediately, dispatching most of its personnel to stop them.

Before coming into contact with the jade box, the elite team of Canglan Continent maintained unity for the time being, and most of them were carefully cultivated geniuses from various sects.

Especially the elites of the four major factions, because they were familiar with each other before chasing and killing Canye Pavilion, and they have also fought together, and their cooperation can be regarded as a tacit understanding.

Ji Ruochen looked at Wei Lin, who was fighting with Su Xu and others, with a complicated expression on his face. It was really absurd that the Demon Lord of Canye Pavilion and the elite disciples of the four major sects cooperated friendlyly.

I don't know how Su Xu and the others felt after knowing Qian Jiu's true identity.

Soon, he didn't have the heart to think about these things. As soon as Su Xu and the others left, someone immediately set their minds on them.

An alchemist, a "weak woman" with little combat power, are all ready-made heads.

Those with strength went to grab the jade box, while those with weaker strength either died in the previous siege, or took the opportunity to escape, and a small number of people set their sights on the weaker people.

Although Yunli is powerful, but with the two magic weapons of Dao Qi and Meng Zhan Dao, there will always be those who don't believe in evil and want to try it.

However, after she killed a dozen or so people neatly, no one came to try their luck again.

For a moment, this corner of the wall turned into a rare peaceful place, and the remaining Canglan Continent cultivators around saw this and slowly moved towards this side.

One meter, two meters.
Seeing that the group of people were fighting and moving, and soon got a foot away from her, Yunli couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Stay this way, the knife in my hand won't have eyes."

Why is his face so big, he chased her before and forgot so quickly, yet he still expects her to protect them, how dare he think.

The eyes of the long-faced man flashed brightly, "We are all Canglan monks, and we should take care of each other."

Yunli: .
The current consensus reached in the Canglan Continent is that there will be no internal fighting and no fighting with each other, but this does not mean that they must be protected, allowing them to stay around her is Yunli's biggest concession.

She was lucky, and was about to teach this dear man the principles of life, when someone stopped the man, "Junior Zhang, don't make too much progress."

He turned his head and saluted her from afar, then stopped, and set up formations with several fellow disciples to jointly resist the attacks of people from other lands.

Seeing that Yunli didn't stop her, the others knew that this was the shortest distance she could accept, and all formed formations one after another.

In the square, after temporarily making up for the shortcoming of unity, the Blood Tiger Guard is naturally no match for Cang Lan's geniuses.

Seeing the blood tiger guards retreating and losing, Wei Jie couldn't bear it anymore.

He jumped forward and grabbed it with five fingers. The jade box flying in a parabola in the air froze for a second, then turned around suddenly, and flew towards him like lightning, reaching his side in the blink of an eye.

When his fingers were about to touch the jade box, he suddenly withdrew his hand, his fingertips were stained with frost, and there was a slight chill.

It's Chu Feng!
Wei Jie was furious, the mutated spirit root was really troublesome.

As soon as he moved, other Golden Core stage monks also shot immediately, and all kinds of spells were overwhelming, drowning him in an instant.

Wei Jie didn't dare to take the attack with the power of all the golden cores, his body flickered, and disappeared in place like a cloud of green smoke.

Various spells collided, the dazzling glare exploded, and the powerful airflow of the spells tore apart everything around, and countless blood residues scattered.

In the chaos, Yunli caught sight of Wei Lin who had retreated to the edge of the square, and the two of them exchanged glances to confirm that they were all right, and then turned their attention to the jade box again.

Before the aftermath stopped completely, Dao Dao Ling Guang shot out again, wrapping around the falling jade box.

All the real people refused to give in. The surging spiritual power pulled it down, and only heard a soft pat, and the jade box opened.

A shiny yellow elixir flew out, and the burst of fragrance even suppressed the thick blood in the air, and floated into the nostrils of everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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