all the way to fairy

Chapter 375 Still Playing Like This

Chapter 375 Still Playing Like This

Everyone suddenly felt refreshed, good stuff!

After a short period of stagnation, more intense competition began, and the spirit gangs of the Jindan stage were shining, and their bodies were like lightning.

Swords are clanging, white flowers are flying, ice and snow are freezing, and water waves are surging.
The thick darkness was torn apart by them, and various lights shone from time to time, like neon lights at night.

Suddenly, a green vine sharp arrow rushed into the battle, rolled up the jade box that was about to fall to the ground, and quickly retreated.

You real people were shocked, after seeing that it was just an empty box, they ignored it and concentrated on dealing with their opponents.

Even if he didn't target it specifically, the green vine was also shredded by the turbulent airflow, and finally only a strand of spiritual power was left to bring the jade box back.

Wei Lin grabbed the jade box, his throat felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you..." Su Xu and the others were taken aback. Just as they were about to say something, a flash of light flashed in front of their eyes, and Yunli's voice exploded in their ears.

"You are crazy!"

Looking at Yun Li who suddenly rushed to this side, Mu Yan who was pulled over by her before she could react, and 'Xing Lili' who stayed where she was with a confused face, Su Xu was speechless.

"Brother Lu, you are too risky, it's just a jade box."

He couldn't help but criticize that the fighting skills of the Jindan stage monks were not something they could intervene in the foundation stage at will, and if they were a little careless, their lives would be lost.

"Cough cough cough."

"Are you okay?" Yunli looked terrified, with so much blood, it didn't seem like she was pretending.

Wei Lin shook his head, "I can't die for now."

He wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, held up the jade box, looked expectantly at the empty box, and sniffed the elixir left in the box, said in frustration, "It can't cure my disease."

Chu Nan looked sad and comforted: "Jiuliyuan is very big, you can always find it."

Wei Lin forced a smile and thanked him for his persuasion, but actually he didn't seem to have any hope.

Everyone's eyes fell on the jade box in his hand again. The jade box was very shallow, not as deep as it looked on the outside, and the material was better than the ones on the market. The body of the box was covered with cobweb-like cracks, and it was already useless.

Seeming to be curious about Yunli, he casually handed the box to her, "The workmanship is pretty exquisite, it can't hold anything else, it's okay to make a jewelry box."

As soon as she got the box, Yunli's heart skipped a beat. There were crystals inside!
She finally understood why he wanted to snatch the jade box. Crystals cannot be inlaid in pills, so if there are crystals, they must be in the box.

The bottom wall of the jade box is very thick, most of the crystals are inside, she looked at it pretending to be calm, and quickly put it away.


She had just put away the jade box when a scream sounded behind her, which sounded familiar.

Turning his head to look, Ji Ruochen was running towards Sa Yazi, with a sword and a fireball chasing after him.

ah!Forget about someone else!

She immediately threw a wave of spiritual power around Ji Ruochen and pulled him away in time. At the same time, Qin Fei who was beside him also shot down the sword and fire.

"Are you okay?" Yunli felt a little guilty, "I'm sorry, I forgot when I was in a hurry."

Ji Ruochen was terrified, and suddenly there was no one around him. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have become a member of the ground.

Xing Lili had been following them before, she was a gentle and sensible girl, everyone had a good impression of 'her', and hurriedly offered words of comfort.

Su Xu: "Miss Xing, please forgive me, she has such a temper, she is reckless."

Ji Ruochen waved his hand quickly, and he didn't pay the spirit stone, so how could he blame him for not protecting him well.

After explaining a few words, everyone turned their attention back to the pill competition, which was what they cared about.

The elixir has been flying around in the air, and no one has gotten it for a long time. Whenever someone is about to touch it, there will be at least five or six people to stop it.

"Do you know this elixir?" Yunli was a little curious. The meteor hammer is a crude product, so the elixir can't be a crude product.

After all, the magic weapon is almost there, but if the elixir is unqualified, it will probably not take shape, and even if it takes shape by luck, it may eat the dead.

Everyone was also curious, and they all looked at Chu Nan, waiting for him to clarify.

Chu Nan was speechless, "I am a formation master, not an alchemist."

Qin Fei: "But you are from Tianxin Pavilion, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?"

Chu Nan: .
Unlike everyone else, Yunli looked at Mu Yan immediately. She has a specialization in surgery, so naturally she should consult a professional for such a matter.

Mu Yan didn't let her down either. She sniffed for a moment and said, "Most of the spiritual plants and minerals are not available in our Canglan Continent. But its main medicine is Wannian Runshencao. The elixir has a fresh and pleasant fragrance. It is refreshing to smell, it should be a high-level elixir that can help the cultivation of the soul."

Everyone was stunned, it's no wonder that these Jindan real people are so crazy, no one is willing to give in.

The soul is precious, and any damage will touch the root. Compared with others, there are very few medicines and secrets to restore the soul.

At present, the mainstream Yangshen Pills on the mainland are not effective in repairing the soul, but the price is so high that ordinary people can't afford it.

As for the legendary Yang Shenmu, it is just a legend.

Everyone's eyes closely followed the flying pills, and their hearts couldn't help being moved. The pills for cultivating the soul, the critical moment, is a life.

Mu Yan suddenly let out a sigh, blinked her eyes in disbelief, and said strangely: "Whose is that blue lantern? Why is it floating in the air, it's not forbidden air."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes collapsed and she lost focus.

"Ayan!" Yunli exclaimed, again!

She turned her head to search for the little butterfly spirit, but she didn't find it, but she did see a glowing blue light flickering in the darkness.

In the dark sky, some people held fluorescent stones, and a few people with special magic tools took out their own lamp-shaped magic tools to illuminate.

The appearance of this cyan petal lamp is reasonable, but the strange thing is that in the air-forbidden environment, the lamp actually floats in the air!

The lights are weird!
She turned her head to look at Wei Lin, wanting to discuss with him, but found that his eyes were also distracted, with a dazed expression, and when she looked at the others, they were all the same.


In the blink of an eye, Yunli suddenly thought of Wen Xueluo. She had a lamp, which was also blue, and once pulled all the Yuanying Zhenjun into the illusion.

Wen Xueluo wants to snatch the elixir!
Yunli was shocked, and turned her head quickly, and saw the floating blue lantern, as if thrown vigorously by someone, and instantly came under the elixir, as if it wanted to catch the elixir.

Naturally, all the real people were not allowed, staring viciously at the flying green lantern, all kinds of attacks were accurately thrown at it.

However, right in the middle of Wen Xueluo's arms, the green lantern was shining brightly, shrouded in a gloomy light, and within a breath, all Jindan Daoists were all stagnant and their pupils dimmed.

The grade of the lamp was not low. After resisting a wave of attacks, it rolled up the pill and rushed to the left corner of the square like lightning. After a moment of stagnation, it disappeared.

After a few breaths, Yunli caught sight of Wen Xueluo slowly appearing from under a tree not far away.

She suddenly understood that the green lantern that floated earlier was actually Wen Xueluo walking with it after she disappeared.

It wasn't until Wen Xueluo came out from under the tree and took advantage of the opportunity to join the battle next to her that the Jindan Daoists, who were sluggish in the air, woke up.

Yunli was dumbfounded, she could still play like this!

"Where's the elixir? Who took it away!" Wei Jie's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his voice couldn't hide his frustration.

"Wei Jie, is that you? You are calling for a thief!" The Zuo Zhenren of the Chixiao faction blew his beard angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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