all the way to fairy

Chapter 376 Who is it?

Chapter 376 Who is it?
"you fart"

Wei Jie couldn't help yelling, the first Meteor Hammer was nothing more than that, but it happened suddenly, before their golden elixirs could decide the winner, they were snatched away by the stinky girl, and then blocked by Cang Lan's golden elixirs.

But this elixir, he is bound to get it!
"That lamp!" Lin Chen frowned, his eyes swept over everyone on the field, who is hiding so deeply?

"Who is it?" Wei Jie growled ferociously, his eyes swept across everyone on the field viciously, and his eyes seemed to have substance.

"What do you think I am doing, I also want to know who it is?"

"Fellow Daoist Xu, could it be you? I remember Lingmei's natal magic weapon is the glazed lamp."

"Ji Xuewen, don't you fucking talk nonsense to me, my sister didn't come in at all."

Chu Feng frowned, "The lamp flew in from the outside, not necessarily us."

Everyone in the struggle was startled, yes, the magic weapon is so powerful that it pulls them into the illusion in an instant, and the holder doesn't need much cultivation at all.

"Stop for me!"

Wei Jie was full of momentum, and stopped some of the foundation-building monks who were still beating each other to death with a loud voice, and gathered what everyone saw.

The first person to see the green lantern was Zuo Hongyi, the young alchemist Zuo Wuwei of Chixiao sent to protect.

He was protected by Chi Xiao's disciples. Because he was worried about his grandfather, he kept chasing Zuo Wuwei. One time, he caught a glimpse of Youguang by chance. Yellow sand all over the sky.

The rest, like Mu Yan, accidentally caught a glimpse of the green lantern floating in the air, looked a few more times in surprise, and fell into a hallucination immediately.

Then there is no more, they just came out of the illusion.

Glancing at the calm and composed Wen Xueluo, Yunli complained sourly to Wei Lin through sound transmission, "They are both daughters of heaven, why is there such a big difference?"

She snatched a shoddy Taoist weapon, and was hunted down by tens of thousands of people. Wen Xueluo took the elixir silently, and no one doubted her yet!Nobody even noticed her!

Wei Lin was taken aback, "Wen Xueluo?"

"Yeah." Yunli pursed her mouth, wanting to cry, "I also want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, why is it that I make a scene when I have something good."

A smile flashed across Wei Lin's eyes, "You have gained experience in fighting skills."

These words sound familiar.

After being stunned for a moment, she realized that this wasn't what she had said to comfort him back then, "You hold grudges too much."

The smile on Wei Lin's lips deepened, he glanced sideways at her, and faintly transmitted his voice: "I will remember everything you said."


Unable to find anyone, Wei Jie couldn't help but guess wildly, he was the first to suspect Yunli during the foundation building period.

"It won't be you again, will it?"

Yunli, who was not feeling well, immediately responded angrily: "Are you dementia? I was with them all the time when the lights appeared."

"You are all from the same continent, who knows if what you say is true or not." Someone in the Blood Tiger Guard retorted.

Wei Lin looked over coldly: "There are other people nearby.

Pulling back and forth, still no clue.

Tens of thousands of people are in a state of melee, and it is even more difficult to pay attention to who is making small moves.

Several real people with bad tempers were furious, and after they caught a few unlucky ghosts to vent their anger, they finally got better.

Looking at the few people lying limply in a pool of blood, Yunli's breath stagnates. These people's sects don't have Jindanqi in charge, and their own strength is not enough, so they have become a tool for them to vent their anger.

She let out a breath, everywhere, strength comes first.

On the other side of the square, several disciples from the Liangyi Sect of Tianwu Dalu were not calm. The simple-faced young man closed his mouth and tried to transmit the sound: "Senior brother Wen, was, was it just a dream burning heart lamp?"

The young man beside him nodded slightly, his sharp eyes passed through the crowd, scanning the monks in the Canglan Continent one by one.

Yue Yi's heart felt hot, and Wen Xueluo actually came to Jiuliyuan!
This is great news!
After being happy for a while, he secretly regretted that it would be great if he was the only one who found her and found a chance to assassinate her, and the Yunshu Immortal Mansion would be in his hands without anyone noticing.

Yueyi beat his chest and feet, Qianjiu rebelled, and Qianshi became the core disciple of Taiyi Sect. They were not sure how much information about themselves and others had been exposed.

In addition, there was Mo You, a glaring target. After entering the secret realm, a group of people lurked immediately, and after ambushing the monks of the Liangyimen, they appeared in their identities.

Not only did he miss the first Taoist weapon competition, but he also tried to avoid the Canglan mainland monks as much as possible later.

And Wen Xueluo has always been cautious, and likes to hide behind everyone, and there are four dazzling geniuses such as Su Xu Mohuai.

Under the influence of several factors, they did not find Wen Xueluo immediately.

If she hadn't used the Dream Burning Heart Lamp, it would have been a long time before he and others would have discovered her.

Following Wen Ming's gaze, most of the cultivators from the Canglan Continent are concentrated on the opposite side, because they are all coming from aristocratic families, and the personnel are very concentrated. There are basically no lone rangers, but it is easy to find.

Soon, they found Wen Xueluo, who was wearing the costumes of Taiyi Sect's inner sect. Yue Yi's heart skipped a beat, and she gritted her teeth and said, "If you don't report it, Qian Shi really betrayed you!"

"Keep your gaze away." Wen Ming moved a few steps to block his fierce gaze, "Look for an opportunity to approach her slowly."

Suddenly, the feet were empty, and the familiar feeling of weightlessness struck again.

With previous experience, everyone didn't panic, and quickly formed a spiritual shield, while sneak attacking the people around them.

Although the elixir has not been snatched, the killing still has to continue, and the blood is not enough.

Seeing Yunli bringing Mu Yan to rendezvous with 'Lu Li' senior brother and sister again, Mo Huai's heart sank. Who is he?Chiku?
Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Qin Fei yell anxiously: "Junior Sister Yun, be more careful this time, and don't leave Miss Xing behind again."

Yunli: .
"And Fellow Daoist Lu, you should pay more attention." Qin Fei paused, and then suggested: "Junior Sister Yun has a lively temper, and it is not easy to take good care of Fellow Daoist Mu. If you can't take care of it, it's okay to let Miss Xing follow us. "

Yunli blinked her eyes, looked at the stiff face of the gentle 'Miss Xing' beside her, and looked at Qin Fei's earnest face on the opposite side.

She blinked again, then covered her mouth excitedly, and said via voice transmission: "I seem to have discovered something extraordinary."

Wei Linbai glanced at her and thanked Qin Fei: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Qin, I will take good care of him."

Qin Fei opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but swallowed it back. After a long time, he said dryly, "That's good."

Yunli's eyes lit up, and she looked at Ji Ruochen, "You can do it, but you actually bent Qin Fei! Tell me, what happened during our absence?"

"Calm down."

Wei Lin was helpless, although he didn't know what she said to Ji Ruochen through sound transmission, but seeing her unconsciously took out a spiritual fruit and pretended to listen to the story, Ji Ruochen's face turned pale again, and he made a guess immediately. .

Ji Ruochen ignored her, and directly sent a voice transmission to Wei Lin, "I want to change my identity."

"There is no suitable candidate right now." Wei Lin also had a headache. There are many dead monks, and he can be replaced by an unremarkable one.

The point is, Ji Ruochen can't act on his own, and the replacement identity must be closely related to them, so that it won't be abrupt to protect him later.

But currently the only ones who are closely related to them are the core disciples of the four major sects, and Cang Lan's entry this time is all from the great sects, so there is no reason why people from his own sect should not follow them, but follow them.

 Thanks for the monthly pass of the busy leftovers! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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