all the way to fairy

Chapter 378 Ambush

Chapter 378 Ambush
Facing the siege of the younger generation of elite killers in Canye Pavilion, Wen Xueluo soon became overwhelmed.

She dodged sideways, held the sword to push away the long sword behind her back, and stabbed Wen Ming with a backhand sword. She didn't want an invisible force to suddenly pull her sword aside. The sword in her hand seemed to be out of control, and her actions seemed to be stuck in the mud .

Wen Xueluo was horrified, and when she swept her beautiful eyes, she saw that her feet were covered by azure blue light at some point.


No, only in the Nascent Soul stage can she comprehend the domain, her eyes fell on the blue broad sword, she spoke for the first time, and asked, "Is this the sword power?"

"Hmph, obediently admit defeat, it's not difficult for a swordsman to jump up and kill the enemy, let alone you are a senior brother of Low Temperature." Yue Yi snorted coldly, "Besides, there are us!"

As he spoke, he flicked his Zhaoying sword and accelerated his attack.

With his confirmation, Wen Xueluo remained silent again, only holding the sword to deal with it.

Wen Ming frowned, stared at Wen Xueluo, and said in shock, "She's learning how to fight! Don't hold back!"

The light on the dark blue broad sword was brilliant, and the azure blue light was extremely sharp. In an instant, there were hundreds of wounds on Wen Xueluo's body, and fresh blood gushed out.

The others didn't hold back their hands any more, and when the surrounding attack slammed, Wen Xueluo was suddenly overwhelmed and embarrassed.

The arc of Yueyi's lips is getting bigger and bigger. Yunshu Immortal Mansion can't be owned by itself. It's not bad to turn it in to the pavilion again as a secret place, nothing else. The perception of heaven in Jiuqing Gorge is the only one in Canglan Continent. of.

When he got excited, he committed the old habit of talking, "Yunshu Immortal Mansion is not worthy of being owned by an ant like you. It's enough to be free for so many years. If you honestly hand it over, we can still leave you a whole corpse." .”

It's not that there were more ugly words before, Wen Xueluo didn't take it to heart at all, but Yue Yi's "unworthy" sentence brought back bad memories of her childhood, and her expression turned cold.

With a thought, the clouded leopard of the seventh rank suddenly appeared, biting the crowd fiercely with its bloody mouth.

However, they were killers who came from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood after all, and their vigilance was far superior to that of ordinary people. It was almost as soon as she opened the Yunshu Immortal Mansion that Wen Ming and the others had already sensed the danger, and immediately retreated quickly.

Only one person couldn't dodge in time, half of his head was bitten off by the Clouded Leopard.

The screams sounded, Yue Yi turned pale, and murmured: "Isn't it only the natal magic weapon that can be used, why is her natal magic weapon the Yunshu Immortal Mansion!"

Wen Ming immediately shouted: "Withdraw!"

Yueyi woke up like a dream, and ran away. There are thousands of monsters in Yunshu Immortal Mansion. Although most of them are low-level monsters, there are also many high-level monsters.

Wen Ming pulled Mo You, and she immediately took out a small stack of escape talismans from her purse, and handed it to Wen Ming to throw to others.

After a few flashes of yellow light, there was only one person, one leopard, and one corpse left under the hill.

Wei Lin raised her eyebrows. Mo You couldn't use her spiritual sense, so she couldn't use the storage bag, so she especially liked the talisman seals and all kinds of accessories. It can also play a decorative effect.

This shortcoming of hers has been hit right here.

He was about to stand up and go back, when a cold snort sounded, and Wei Jie slowly appeared with the blood tiger guards.

"I don't know where this clouded leopard came from. It turns out that there is a fairy house." Wei Jie sighed twice, and his cool eyes seemed to have substance, which made people feel cold to the bone.

Without ordering, the blood tiger guards quickly surrounded, not giving Wen Xueluo a chance to escape.

After a short period of panic, Wen Xueluo quickly calmed down, stared at Wei Jie coldly and said nothing.

The corners of Wei Jie's lips curled up in a cruel arc, and he said softly, "Do you know how I found you?"

Wen Xueluo didn't speak, she really wanted to know about this point, the blood tiger guard pointed at Taiyi several times, the two sides were like fire and water, so when they were in the square, the two sides stood far apart, and when they fell, there was a strange wind that made trouble, so it shouldn't be like this Meet soon is.

Wei Jie raised his right hand, and a cyan butterfly landed gently on his fingertips, which was really pretty.

"Mutated Bamboo Spirit Butterfly!" Wen Xueluo's expression changed suddenly, and she said coldly, "You are following me."


Wei Jie smiled, he seemed to enjoy the pleasure of controlling other people's emotions, and without waiting for Wen Xueluo to ask, he continued talking on his own.

"You must be wondering why I noticed you."

His eyes fell on the Clouded Leopard who was anxiously kicking the ground beside him, with a proud expression, "You have no spiritual agreement with it, but it is obviously unusual to let it obey your orders."

It's just that he didn't expect that it was because of her owning the Immortal Mansion. Thinking of this, Wei Jie couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, not even a continent has an Immortal Mansion!
"So you were eyeing me at that time." Wen Xueluo was stunned, thought for a while and asked again: "Is it because of me that you targeted our Taiyi sect earlier?"

When the two sides confronted each other, she keenly noticed that Wei Jie's gaze would pass Su Xu and the others in front from time to time and fall behind. It's just that he was very cunning, and every time he swept it away without lingering on anyone, so she He didn't take it to heart either, only saying that he was observing the strength of Taiyi Sect.

Wei Jie clapped his palms and smiled, praised repeatedly: "Smart, clever, no wonder the heavens are so favored, such a unparalleled thing in the world can be obtained."

He folded his arms and looked at the expressionless Wen Xueluo, admiring in his heart that he was still so calm in front of him, a late-stage Jindan, just this kind of disposition is not bad.

Originally, he planned to provoke all the monks to besiege Tai Yizong, and then he would kill her in the chaos. He didn't want that stinky girl named Yunli to jump out and disrupt his plan, so he had to let his subordinates quietly kill Zhu Lingdie. Lin powder fell on her body.

Thinking of the other person, he couldn't help sighing, "You are Tai Yizong, you really have a lot of talents and are uniquely blessed."

That stinky girl Yunli was also very weird, her sudden murderous aura made him, the cruel official in charge of extorting confessions by torture, feel a chill in his heart.

What's even more frightening is that without recognizing the master, she can use the Dao weapon, and she can't let it go!
Wei Jie was a little lost in thought, and suddenly there was a sudden change.

A dozen or so behemoths suddenly appeared, the seventh-level monsters and the clouded leopard attacked the blood tiger guards surrounding Wen Xueluo, and the eighth-level monsters approached Wei Jie.

The experience of licking blood all the year round caused the Blood Tiger Guard to react quickly. Except for five or six people who were directly killed by the monster's claws, everyone else escaped the first wave of attack.

However, it didn't work.

They don't have earth escape talismans, and they don't have flying magic weapons. If they fight for speed, how can they be opponents who are a big monster with a big realm higher than them, not to mention some monsters still have wings.

With just one breath, the Blood Tiger Guard, known for its ferocity, was completely wiped out.

Wei Jie's Linggang suddenly appeared, and after resisting the attack of the big monster headed by the eighth-level Iron-Bone Flying Tiger, seeing this scene, his eyes went dark, and he almost lost his footing.

In Blood Tiger Guard, there are quite a few direct descendants of honorable families!

Before he could finish thinking about the entire army of the Blood Tiger Guards being wiped out, and what punishment he would receive when he went back, the roar of the tiger behind him resounded through the sky, and he hurriedly turned around.
"Wow, shit, shit!" On the treetop, Ji Ruochen's eyes widened and he exclaimed again and again.

Mu Yan covered her mouth, unable to believe what she saw.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Wen Xueluo stepped on the flying sword and disappeared into the sky, leaving only a spot of blood slowly sinking into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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