Chapter 379
"I didn't expect you to have such a ruthless person in the Taiyi sect. This is too heaven-defying!"

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Ji Ruochen gasped, the whole battle ended very quickly, except for Wei Jie who lasted for a while, everyone died within two blows.

Wei Lin's heart sank, she took the Yunshu Immortal Mansion as her natal magic weapon, except that she couldn't use her spiritual sense, there were almost no restrictions on her here.

Instead, her opponent is weakened, and her strength is correspondingly stronger.

Mu Yan was puzzled: "With such a powerful backer, why do you have to compete with the people from Canye Pavilion?"

"She wants to learn fighting skills. The Canye Pavilion elites of the same level are obviously very good training partners." Yunli let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that Wen Xueluo was also aware of her shortcomings and was working hard to make up for them.

Mu Yan patted her chest, "I hope we won't make her an enemy."

Yun Li laughed, "Don't worry, although a person like her is a bit tricky, but that's it, nothing to be afraid of."

Ji Ruochen looked her up and down like a fool, "Is there something wrong with your brain? It's nothing to be afraid of being so cruel!"

"She relies too much on external things. As monks of my generation, spells, body, skills, insights, etc. are what we have ourselves and cannot be taken away by others. If we strip the Immortal Mansion, she will still have some strength left."

This is the first time I heard this kind of rhetoric, Mu Yan was stunned, and after a while, she said: "Isn't she learning fighting skills, experience will make up for it sooner or later."

Yunli shook her head, and said eloquently: "Yunshu's Immortal Mansion is essentially a place to live and an assistant. She uses the Immortal Mansion as her life magic weapon, and uses the Immortal Mansion as her reliance for growth. She has lost the heart of a brave man." .”

"The Foundation Establishment Stage and Golden Core Stage are indeed difficult to deal with these seventh- and eighth-order monsters, but what about the Nascent Soul Stage? She can hide in danger, but what if she is confined by space and cannot open the space?"

Ji Ruochen was a little unconvinced, "You said that technique and understanding are the fundamentals, but sword cultivators are generally better than law cultivators with just a sword. How can this be explained?"

Yunli clicked his tongue twice, it seemed that the child hadn't fought much before.

"It's not the sword that makes sword repairers stronger, but the sword qi, sword momentum, and sword intent they comprehend. It's their exquisite moves and rich combat experience."

"Of course, it is also very important to have a powerful magic sword, otherwise, the sword will be broken every day." Speaking of this, she looked at Wei Lin, the broken sword maniac, meaningfully.

Wei Lin was thoughtful, isn't the sword itself the most powerful thing?
Mu Yan murmured: "Then do I have to find an attack-like artifact as my natal magic weapon?"

She has just established the foundation not long ago, and has not yet found a suitable natal magic weapon.

"Don't! But please don't!"

Yunli hurriedly stopped her, "Wen Xueluo's way is killing and revenge. She should use swords and other killing tools as her natal magic weapon, and use the fairy mansion as her escape route."

"And you are an alchemist, your way is alchemy, and the alchemy furnace is the best. The shortcomings in attack can be made up with other magic tools, spiritual pets, talismans, etc."

Wei Lin's brows stretched out, like a ray of gentle sunlight, silently shining into the bottom of his heart, dispelling the haze in his heart.

That's right, one's own strength is the fundamental, just like today, storage bags can't be used, and those who rely on external things will be caught blind at this time.

What if you are in a situation where neither a storage bag nor a natal magic weapon can be used?

He let out a breath of gloom, and smiled teasingly: "You're right, I'm still lazy all day long."

Yunli choked for a moment, and muttered: "I'm not growing my body."

Wei Lin: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first."

Yunli threw out the plantain fan, thought for a while, and a fire spirit fell on the corpse on the ground.

"The blood kept seeping into the ground, I feel very bad."

Suddenly thought of something, Wei Lin quickly pulled away the body of the Canye Pavilion killer, took off the Liangyi Sect uniform on him, and threw it back into the fire.

After thinking for a while, he pulled out another Blood Tiger Guard's body, stripped off his clothes, and picked up a Blood Tiger Guard's professional knife.

Yunli was surprised: "Why do you want their clothes? Change?"

Wei Lin rolled his eyes, did not explain, just said: "Let's go first."

After flying a certain distance, he said to Ji Ruochen, "Do you want to recover your identity?"

Ji Ruochen jumped up and almost fell off the plantain fan, "You want to silence me!"

Zhenjun Fujian was dead, he recovered his identity, and the disciples of Taiyi Sect hacked him to death within minutes.

Wei Lin let out a long sigh, and said: "Actually, you can see that joining the Canye Pavilion is not my original intention."

Yunli was shocked, what are you talking about to Ji Ruochen at this time?
"I am Fire and Wood Shuanglinggen. Any sect with this kind of talent is a core elite. If Can Yege hadn't used poison to control me, why would I work for them?"

With a low tone and unspeakable sadness, Yunli scratched her head, where did this come from?

At this time, I really miss my spiritual consciousness very much, and the secret chat is so sweet.

Unable to transmit the sound, and not knowing what he was going to do, she had no choice but to drive the plantain fan silently upwards.

The high-altitude environment can be seen as far as the eye can see, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to eavesdrop.

A smile flashed across Wei Lin's eyes, and after telling half-truths and half-truths about his grievances and resentments with Can Yege, he changed the topic and said, "You want to recover your identity, this is the only chance, you can."

Ji Ruochen was silent, "It's very risky."

"It's okay if you don't recover." Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, not at all reluctant, "You don't like Xing Lili's identity, then find a male cultivator who is alone in another continent."

Ji Ruochen clenched his fists, do he really want to live his whole life as someone else?I can't go back to Xuanyumen, and I can no longer be with my senior sister.
After a while, he raised his eyes to stare at Wei Lin's eyes, and asked slowly: "Is the previous promise still valid?"

Wei Lin smiled, "Naturally."

Gritting his teeth, he said, "Okay, I agree."

After finding a safe place to land, Ji Ruochen returned to his original appearance and changed into the uniform of Liangyimen.

Wei Lin: "Wait here for me, go back as soon as you go."

Yunli nodded, and watched the two leave. She sat down against a big tree, still not understanding why Wei Lin did this suddenly.

She murmured: "Could it be that Wen Xueluo and the others said something?"

"Don't think about it, you'll know when Mr. Wei comes back." Mu Yan sat down next to her.


Yunli nodded, and there would be only the three of them then, so there was no need to worry about what to say.

"Help—help, eh."

Not long after sitting down, there was a shrill cry for help from a distance, and the voice was quite familiar.

Mu Yan: "It seems to be You Yuan."

"Go and have a look."

Before approaching, there were two loud bangs of heavy objects falling to the ground, and then a lewd male voice sounded, "Little beauty, obediently obey the Daoist, and the Daoist wants you to be happy and happy before you die."

"Don't. Don't, don't suck me. Don't suck me. You suck her, her spiritual roots are purer than mine, really, I won't lie to you." You Yuan's voice was broken and full of fear.

clap clap!

After the crisp applause, You Yuan's crying stopped abruptly, and the wretched man's cursing sounded again.

Yunli speeded up, passed through the scattered big trees, pushed aside the dense bushes, not far away, under the tall trees, a man threw You Yuan to the ground, and was tearing off her clothes.

Next to the tree trunk, there was another Taiyi girl, Xiu Xu Ping, who was struggling desperately with tears streaming down her face.

(End of this chapter)

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