all the way to fairy

Chapter 382 White Jade

Chapter 382 White Jade
Fu Yue smiled: "Relax, with your talent, forming alchemy is a matter of time, too much emphasis on this matter will be useless to practice."

Unable to see her slumped head, he comforted her again: "Calm down, maybe you will form a pill tomorrow?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Fuyu: "Junior brother, drink the medicine first, and cultivate with peace of mind. Dan Yin is involved in the matter of An Ran's cultivation. As a senior brother, it is his duty to teach his younger brothers and sisters. No matter how bad it is, there are us. These uncles and uncles."

Fuyu was not polite to him either, "Then I would like to trouble Master Zhang to take care of it, I am only a female disciple, so naturally I will take care of it."

Su Man, who was serving beside her, quickly took the medicine from the spiritual doctor and waited for him to take it.

Before leaving, Fuyu was still worried, and told him: "It's good to leave these things to the subordinates. You don't have to do everything yourself. Cultivation is the foundation. Cultivate hard and form alchemy as soon as possible."

An Ran's eyes were shining brightly, and there was a dependence in his eyes that he didn't realize, "Since the disciple entered the sect, he has been taught by the master carefully, and there is no repayment for his great kindness and virtue."

"In the hearts of the disciples, the master is like a father. Now that the master is injured, if the disciples can't do these lip service well, I feel ashamed to take care of the master."

After a moment of silence, Fuyu said, "Don't slacken your cultivation."

"Yes." An Ran raised her hand and pinned the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears, taking the opportunity to wipe away the moisture from her eyes, so as not to let others see her gaffe.

"There is a specialization in surgery, and the disciple knows how much he is, and he has to come to the spiritual doctor for medical skills. The disciple is watching from the side, don't worry."

Fu Yue clicked his tongue twice, and sighed: "There is love and tolerance, Xiao Anran's conduct in the world is unmatched, if Xi'er can learn from you, I can rest assured."

After coming out of Taiyi Hall and seeing off Fu Yue and Ling Yi, An Ran looked at the gathering and scattering white clouds in the sky, and sighed indiscernibly.

Willfulness requires confidence, and they no longer have that confidence.

Back in the Wanqing Hall, she said to the little girl: "Old rules, I practice, and no one should disturb me except for Master's affairs."

"Okay." He Tiantian replied in a low voice, with a strong sense of loss in his voice.

An Ran smiled, kid, she still doesn't know how to hide her emotions, she shook her head, and she said: "The contents of "Ling Zhi Xiang Jian" must be memorized word for word, this is the basic skill of learning alchemy, besides, it's okay Go to the medicine garden more often."

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "Yes!"

As if she felt that she was too obvious, she scratched her head and flattered her, "I'll make a sachet for my uncle."

An Ran chuckled, her eyes fell on the purple auspicious cloud sachet at her waist, and the smile on her lips deepened, "Remember to add more spiritual cherry blossoms."

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, grinned and said, "I remember, my uncle likes the fragrance of cherry blossoms the most."

Waving for the little girl to go out, An Ran took off the sachet from her waist and hung it in front of the window.

Finally, he also became the person he once hated.

In the secret territory of Jiuliyuan, storage bags cannot be used, and people with insufficient attack power all become hunting targets, and bloody killings are staged everywhere.

A month later, the phantom of the secret treasure finally appeared in the sky again, and everyone gave up hunting in the jungle and hurried on their way.

This time, the place where the secret treasure was born was the lake where Yunli and the others fell. After going around and around, they finally came back here.

As the only two people with the flying magic weapon, the three of Yunli and Wen Xueluo arrived almost at the same time, and they didn't want anyone to be faster than them.

When the boy by the lake saw them, his eyes lit up and he ran over.

Yunli immediately lost face, "I won't look for you, but you will come to your door yourself."

She pinched her fingers and said viciously: "Since we came early, let's settle the score!"

The boy was the demon cultivator who was knocked to the ground by the two men who attacked Mu Yan during the meteor hammer fight.

According to what Mu Yan later said, it was this Erhan who destroyed her defensive magic weapon in the first place, which gave the two attackers a chance.

Later, I don't know if he found out with conscience, and when the man in black wanted to kill Mu Yan, he shot to stop him.

Originally, it seemed that he blocked Mu Yan, and Yunli didn't intend to pursue it, but who knew that he had the audacity to send it to her door, so naturally she had to be taught a lesson.

The young man was very arrogant, he walked around her directly, squeezed out a wolf grandmother's smile, and seduced Mu Yan slowly.

"Let me just say that this place is extremely dangerous, and even the best defensive magic weapon has loopholes. Don't you think it can't be used now. Let's form a bond. My innate magical power is defense, which is very safe."

Yunli's eyes widened, and she looked at Mu Yan suspiciously, "What kind of contract?"

"do not know."

Mu Yan's face was blank. Previously, the demon cultivator said that her defensive magic weapon was not good enough, and it couldn't match his brother's move, Barabara.

Then she took out a small bead and put it on her defensive magic weapon. The mysterious high-grade magic weapon she bought for eighty middle-grade spirit stones broke, and thinking about it now, her heart aches.

The young man was annoyed: "It's all the fault of those two idiots. I didn't have time to explain it to you last time."

Mu Yan:.
"My name is Bai Yu. I came to you mainly to conclude an equal contract with you. It is the kind that alchemists often form with us demon cultivators. They are friendly and mutual assistance. I will protect your safety and you will provide me with pills."

Yunli was shocked, a good thing delivered to her door?

This white jade can be divided into Transformation Pills at the sixth level, and its spiritual intelligence is barely normal, which shows that its status in Tianwu Forest is not low, and the status of demon cultivators is linked to their talents.

However, Ah Yan seldom came out of the Taiyi sect, how did he know about Ah Yan?
Mu Yan was also puzzled by this question, "Why did you find me?"

Among the alchemists who came in this time, many of them did not form equal contracts, including those from Tianxin Pavilion. Tianwu Forest has cooperated with Tianxin Pavilion for a long time, and those who have no reason to go beyond Tianxin Pavilion, look for themselves.

"Of course it's because you practiced alchemy well!" Bai Yu grinned, a row of big white teeth shining brightly in the sun.

This time he learned his lesson and explained the whole story clearly.

In the alchemy assessment, the pills made by the alchemists belong to the examinees, which is the candidates' welfare.

In addition, Tianxin Pavilion is also very generous, buying back at a price [-]% higher than the market price. Of course, this is only for the pills refined in the examination room.

Therefore, most candidates would choose to sell the pill to Tianxin Pavilion on the spot, and Mu Yan was no exception.

Tianxin Pavilion has also cooperated with Tianwu Forest for a long time. Later, when these pills arrived in Tianwu Forest, Bai Yu got the pill refined by Mu Yan by chance. , finally found the refiner.

Mu Yan was stunned, in disbelief: "So, because the elixir I refined tastes good, you want to sign an equal contract with me?"

Bai Yu nodded vigorously, then shook his head again: "Not only is the taste good, but the spiritual power is also gentle and pure. I explained clearly, can we form a bond now?"

His eyes lit up, and he hurriedly forced out a drop of blood.

Mu Yan was silent, she looked up at Yunli, who smiled at her and said, "As you wish."

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief. According to his observation, Mu Yan listened to this girl almost everything, and he was really afraid that she would speak out to stop her.

And he instinctively didn't want to contact her. For some reason, when facing her, he always felt inexplicably terrified, as if hiding an ancient beast in that petite body.

 Thanks to 941 Dessert, Yizhixiang, and the fool's genius for the three cute monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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