all the way to fairy

Chapter 383 Rejection

Chapter 383 Rejection
Mu Yan smiled apologetically at him, "Sorry, I don't make a contract, if you like the elixir I made, you can buy it."

Baiyu was stunned on the spot, unable to believe that he was rejected. They Linyu White Bears are also the core group in Tianwu Forest, and they will never be arranged to form a bond with others.

He offered to conclude a contract, but was rejected!

It took me a long time to come back to my senses, and I hurriedly asked: "Why? My body is the Linyu white bear. My ancestors have the blood of the ancient beast Baize. I am gifted with supernatural powers and excellent defense. With my protection, you can come out of this world alive." Mystery."

Yunli doesn't like to hear his words, what does it mean to have his protection to go out alive, and treat her as dead?

She waved Bai Yu's hand away, and said angrily: "I don't need to worry about this, our family Ah Yan will definitely return to Canglan alive!"

Bai Yu took a step back unconsciously, crossed Yunli to look at Mu Yan, was about to continue persuading, but she interrupted with a smile, "You see, my friend will protect me."

Bai Yu was in a hurry, and quickly analyzed to her: "Ren Xiusu is selfish and unfeeling, you have seen it before, they are massacring alchemists now, if you follow them, you will be killed sooner or later."

"Our demon cultivators are different. In our demon clan, alchemists are extremely important."

He pointed to the two demon cultivators by the lake, "Although we only have three people now, there are still more than 1000. We have those who are responsible for defense, those who are responsible for attack, and those of the Yu family who are responsible for escaping."

"If you follow us, let's not mention anything else, here, everyone has no flying magic weapon, but we can fly and have the advantage!"

Hearing this, Yunli's complexion darkened suddenly, and after a long time, she didn't come here to make a contract, but to rob someone.According to what he meant, isn't Ah Yan the exclusive alchemist of their more than 1000 demon cultivators?

"Stop teasing me, hurry up and go!" He dared to rob her of the nanny, he wanted to go to heaven!

The other two demon cultivators who had been paying attention to the movement here also came over at this time, and they were very angry when they heard Yunli's rude words.

The boy with a cold face said: "Stop talking nonsense with them, fists have the final say!"

Before he finished speaking, his fists were fierce, and he came breaking through the wind, without any mention of martial ethics.

Wei Lin's eyes were fixed, and he held his sword to deflect his attack. The young man didn't dodge or dodge. The other fist swung at Wei Lin's face, and the fist that was pushed away grabbed Wei Lin's shoulder.

Slumping his shoulders and turning around to avoid it, Wei Lin turned the long sword in his hand and slashed horizontally. The young man leaned back, and the blade almost slid away against the tip of his nose.
The two are like lightning, but in an instant, they have already fought for dozens of rounds, all with extreme speed and extreme attack, not giving the other a moment to breathe.

The fierce confrontation of fists and swords, the violent collision of spiritual power and demon power made the surrounding air seem to be torn apart by them. After about a hundred moves, the two were barely separated.

Wei Lin was surprised, this attack method always felt familiar to him, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "The Nether Tiger?"

Xuan Chen raised his eyebrows, "How did you see that?"

A wave of air hit from the side, and the majestic force swayed away. The two of them looked over together, not caring about talking.

A faint khaki-yellow light rose from Bai Yu's body, and her temperament changed drastically, as if she had changed into a different person, calm and heavy, lying in front of her like a mountain.

There was steam behind him, the girl was dressed in blue, her wings spread out and she floated in mid-air, as the wings flapped, dense raindrops fell towards Yunli.

Xuan Chen was in a good mood immediately, "Aren't you going to help? Bai Yu has the strongest defense ability among the younger generation of our Yaozu. Even if I want to break through his defense, it will take some effort."

"Before she breaks through the defense, Wei Yu will not be soft. Her water is extremely cold and light. Once it is contaminated, it will instantly invade the four meridians and eight meridians, frostbite the meridians."

Wei Lin was not in a hurry, and said calmly, "I'll wait and see."

With Feiyan around, Ali is the nemesis of all yin and cold things.

Facing the overwhelming raindrops, Yunli took a step forward, clenched her fist and swung it out fiercely.

This punch was as fast as thunder and lightning, and it was like a meteorite falling into the air. There was a slight crackling sound in the air, which was the sound of spiritual power quickly passing through the air.

As soon as she made a move, Bai Yu's expression changed drastically. As the target of Yunli's attack, he felt it most intuitively. He only felt that what he swung was not a fist, but a mountain.

Unable to stop, this thought just flashed into his mind, and the next moment his fist was already pounding on his face.

He flew upside down, his face was numb, something flew out of his mouth, and a strong smell of blood spread from his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Yunli tiptoed her toes, her body flickered, and she perfectly avoided all the raindrops. When she reappeared, she was already behind the girl in blue, and her fingertips lightly touched somewhere between the girl's wings.

As if the kite in the air had broken its string, the girl's wings hung down feebly, and she fell into the lake with a splash, splashing layers of water waves.

All this happened in just a few breaths, Xuan Chen was stunned, no one in the same class could break through Bai Yu's defense so quickly, under her fist, Bai Yu's defense was useless.

There is also Wei Yu, she is the Qi Lingyan who is famous for her speed in the monster clan, she is extremely fast, but before she even reacted, she was approached by someone and defeated with one move.

This point, not to mention him, even many demon cultivators of the eighth and ninth ranks can't do it!
Moreover, the fingers she tapped on Wei Yu's back seemed to have no spiritual power fluctuations, Xuan Chen was puzzled.

Wei Yu's cheeks flushed from the lake, she felt insulted, raised her eyes, and saw a slender girl with her mouth slightly open, a little surprised.

Her body was faster than her mind, without even thinking about it, she slapped the lake water, and the mist shot straight at the girl.

Wei Lin wanted to go over to stop him, but Xuan Chen who was stunned came back to his senses and stopped him.

Helpless, Wei Lin had no choice but to shout: "Ali!"

Yunli waved his hand in the air, and a cluster of crimson flames shot down rapidly, and the water vapor evaporated wherever it passed.

Not to mention that she heard what Wei Lin and Xuan Chen said just now, even if she didn't hear it, she could still feel the unusualness of those vapors, how dare she let Mu Yan be contaminated with them.

Now the storage bag can't be used, and the detoxification pill alchemy furnace can't be used at all. At this time, poisoning and injury are the most troublesome.

Fei Yan flew around Mu Yan, evaporated all the moisture from her body, and returned to Yunli's palm.

She was about to put on a good show, but suddenly found that the water in the lake was falling, and she was so frightened that she quickly put away Fei Yan.

She was a little puzzled by the sound of rippling water coming from below, shouldn't it be a rushing sound when jumping out of the water? What's going on with this rippling sound?

Looking down, the blue-clothed girl in the water was shaking like a sieve. She was so annoyed that she forgot that the demon cultivator knew Fei Yan!
Catching her gaze, the girl trembled her lips and wanted to speak, but she opened her almond eyes, stared at her fiercely, and stared back at the girl's words.

Wen Xueluo is still there!

If this secret is revealed, they will have to fight Wen Xueluo to the death.

As for Wen Xueluo who owns the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, as long as she can't kill her in one blow, it will be very difficult to kill her later.

Turning his head to look over, Bai Yu, who had just got up and was still dazed, looked terrified, while Xuan Chen, who was blocking Wei Lin, had blood on his arm.

Wen Xueluo, who had always had nothing to do with herself, was surprised, "Heavenly fire?"

Yunli was slightly relieved, but fortunately, Wen Xueluo's attention was on herself, and she didn't notice the strangeness of the three demon cultivators.

She glared at the three monster geniuses in warning, and flew down, ignoring Wen Xueluo's question.

Of course, Wen Xueluo didn't need her answer either, the extreme temperature and strange color already explained the problem.

Xuanchen and the others are the leaders of the two thousand demon cultivators this time. They have noble blood and naturally not low spiritual intelligence. After receiving the warning, Xuanchen was the first to react and bowed to salute: "It's my skills that are inferior to others. Excuse me!" gone."

After speaking, he waved his hand and took Bai Yuwei back to the lake.

Soon, another person came, it was the Taiyi Sect team led by Su Xu Mohuai, with 50 people from Haohao Tang Tang Si.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, they had met Su Xu and others a few times this month, seeing that they were gathering the Taiyi Sect team, they didn't go out.

In the Taiyi School, except for a few people who are close friends with her who are trustworthy, the rest of the same school have their own ghosts, and she is too lazy to deal with it.

Seeing Yunli and the other three were there, Ji Ruochen breathed a sigh of relief. It was dawn, and the secret realm became more and more dangerous.

In the past month, he followed Su Xu Mohuai to search for disciples of the Taiyi Sect everywhere, there were fights everywhere along the way, and people died every day, which made him terrified.

After meeting, Yunli pointed at Ji Ruochen and asked in surprise, "Who is this? Why are you following our team?"

At this time, he was no longer wearing the Taoist robe of Liangyimen, but it was still from another continent, and he should have taken it off from some dead person.

Wen Xueluo only glanced at it, then stopped caring, joined the sect team, and became an invisible person.

"Ji Ruochen is also from our Canglan Continent. He is an alchemist, and he has been hiding and didn't show up before."

After explaining Ji Ruochen's background in a few words, Su Xu changed the topic, "Where's Miss Xing?"

He glanced at Wen Xueluo who walked silently behind the crowd, and exchanged glances with Mo Huai, and the two of them looked away tacitly.

Yunli cried, "The spiritual sense can't be used, we bumped into Wei Jie and his blood tiger guard as soon as we landed, Miss Xing was very close to him unfortunately, before we had time to react, he strangled Miss Xing to death. "

"What! Miss Xing is dead!" Before Su Xu could speak, Qin Fei's exclamation suddenly sounded in the dense forest behind him.

A figure flashed in front of my eyes, and the next moment I grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and asked anxiously, "What did you say?"

"Uh, Senior Brother Qin, you, you" Looking at Qin Fei's scarlet eyes, Yunli swallowed, feeling a little bit reluctant to continue.

With a little force, she broke away from Qin Fei's hand, stepped back two steps, and explained again.

Qin Fei turned his head sharply and stared at Wei Lin, "What are you doing? You are her senior brother, why didn't you save her?"

Yunli blinked, and couldn't help but glance at Ji Ruochen, what did he do to Qin Fei, she heard a choking sound from Qin Fei's rough questioning voice!
"Well, senior brother Qin, Miss Xing is relatively close to Wei Jie, we didn't realize it."

"I didn't ask you!" Qin Fei raised his voice, but his eyes were still fixed on Wei Lin.

Mu Yan tugged at the corner of Yunli's clothes, and motioned her to look at the people around her with her eyes.

Yunli glanced around from the corner of her eye, and found that Cang Lan's people looked at Wei Lin with somewhat disdain.

She stroked it, only to realize that according to her story, Xing Lili is a loving and righteous infatuated woman, and her brother's behavior is just like a scumbag.

Yunli lowered her head, turned slightly sideways, dodged behind Mu Yan, bit her lips tightly, and then held back her laughter.

Senior brother is destined to go farther and farther on the path of a scumbag.

Wei Lin squinted at someone whose shoulders were trembling, what kind of crime did he do, and met a master who only ruined his image.

"Junior brother Qin, calm down." Su Xu persuaded, "They don't want to see this kind of result either. Wei Jie is in the late stage of Jindan, even if you and I meet, we are not opponents. If it weren't for Junior Sister Yun flying The magic weapon, the four of them, I'm afraid none of them can escape."

Mo Huai looked at the three of them, taking a panoramic view of their small movements, his expression became even colder, whether he was killed by Wei Jie or by them.

"You know how many people died in this month." Zheng Rui also helped to dissuade them, pointing at the Taiyi people, he smiled wryly, "These are the only people left in our Taiyi sect."

Yunli raised her head abruptly, "What do you mean? Others."

She couldn't believe it, there were a total of 115 people in Taiyizong's foundation period, and with Lin and Su's two children, there were nearly 180 people, and now there are only less than 60 people left, which is two-thirds off, and it has not yet reached the real nine. Where's Li Yuan?
Qin Fei finally calmed down, and his whole body was momentarily slumped, "We only have this few people left."

Yunli counted silently, it was better than the Tai Yizong, and there were nearly a hundred people, she asked in a deep voice: "Why did we lose so many people? Everyone is no worse than others."

On the contrary, there are many sword cultivators in Tai Yizong. When the storage bag cannot be used, the sword cultivators have the upper hand, and they should have the highest survival rate.

Zheng Rui said viciously: "Why else, target it! Damn Blood Tiger Guards, don't let me meet them!"

Yunli scratched her head, still wrong?Because of Wei Jie's instigation, people from other continents targeted Tai Yizong, which can be expected.

But the Taiyi Sect has many sword cultivators, and their fighting strength is not bad. When they fell, they were scattered, and there was no trust between them. The possibility of them jointly chasing and killing Taiyi Sect can be basically ruled out.

Fa Xiu has an advantage over sword repair, but Tai Yizong has an advantage.

Wei Lin reminded: "Golden Core Stage."

Yunli blinked, "Golden Danqi killed us in the Foundation Establishment Period?! I'll go, it's too shameless!"

Turning her eyes, she noticed that Lin Chen and others hadn't arrived at the Golden Core Stage, and thought of a possibility, she asked, "So Master Lin and the others are going to take revenge?"

The silent Mo Huai suddenly sneered, looked at Wei Lin, and pointed out: "Treat him in the same way, since they dare to do this, they should be prepared to be retaliated by us!"

Wei Lin raised his eyes, and the eyes of the two met in the air, one second, two seconds, three seconds.
There was a frenzy in Mo Huai's eyes, and the redness at the tip of his eyes became even brighter. An abnormal flush appeared on his face, and even his breathing became a little short of breath.

And Wei Lin is very calm, his eyes are like calm lake water, it looks clear but he doesn't know its depth.

After a while, he raised the corners of his lips slightly, nodded to Mo Huai, and casually looked away.

Yunli noticed that Mo Huai's mood was a bit wrong, there was something in his words, glanced out of the corner of the eye, and found that Wei Lin seemed to have noticed his abnormality, so he tugged at the corner of his sleeve, and asked with his mouth: "What do you see?"

Wei Lin looked sideways, and the lake water fell into the sunlight, rippling, sparkling and shining.

He also answered with mouth shape: You guess.

Yun Li put on a dull face and asked about business.

(End of this chapter)

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