all the way to fairy

Chapter 384 The High-spirited Boy

Chapter 384 The High-spirited Boy

People came one after another, and the number of staff has been reduced by more than half, and none of the Jindan stage real people will come.

The real people who cherish their lives naturally cannot fight each other outside. They wander around, racing against time, and beheading the foundation-building monks of other factions.

At this moment, Yunli somewhat understood why Lin Chen and other people who knew the truth didn't tell them. When the news came out, these Jindan real people started to shamelessly massacre the Foundation Establishment Stage in order to enter Jiuliyuan as soon as possible to find secrets and treasures.

Facing the golden core cultivator who was a big realm higher, many methods in the storage bag could not be used, and the favored sons of all schools and sects had no power to resist. This was a one-sided massacre.

Seeing Qin Fei looking sleepy, Yunli couldn't bear it. After all, they were the ones who made 'Miss Xing' disappear, so she had nothing to say: "What do you think is the secret treasure this time?"

Qin Fei didn't raise his head, his head drooped: "The phantom of the book, it should be the secret book!"

Chu Nan also joined in: "That's not necessarily the case. The phantom last time was the emperor's golden chrysanthemum, but the secret treasure is a pill. Based on this, the book may not necessarily be a secret book."

Yunli's heart was heavy, the phantom was made of spar, and they didn't notice that the meteor hammer was smashed into pieces. After they got the jade box containing the elixir, they studied it carefully.

At the bottom of the jade box, there is an imperial chrysanthemum engraved, and there is a small mapping circle on the spar.

Not to mention the meteor hammer, putting crystals in it can increase its power to a certain extent, but it is completely unnecessary to put crystals in the elixir jade box.

There are always indications that someone is leading this matter, deliberately using crystals to create phantoms to attract people.

She sighed lowly, and said: "The number of people has exceeded half, why is the secret realm still not open?"

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention. Now less than half of the people gathered here. After such a long time, there are only a few people alive in the Foundation Establishment Stage outside. According to Wei Jie, the real Jiuliyuan should be opened.

"That's because people haven't died enough!" A cold voice came from the woods to the west.

Looking up, five Blood Tiger Guards came out of it, and looked at the team of Chixiao Sect with malicious intent: "Perhaps the head of Zuo Hongyi is missing."

Facing the five awesome Blood Tiger Guards, Zuo Hongyi took a few steps back and hid behind his fellow disciples, panic flashed in his eyes.

Yunli raised her eyebrows. It seemed that they didn't know that their boss and most of their classmates had been wiped out by Wen Xueluo, and now there were only five of them left in the Blood Tiger Guard.

Suddenly, a white light flashed behind the five people, and the blood tiger guard who spoke immediately had a blush on his neck and fell to the ground.

The other four blood tiger guards suddenly dispersed, turned around and stared at the dense forest, and shouted: "Who! Come out!"

"In my opinion, it's your head that's missing!" The gray-clothed and white-haired old man walked slowly out of the dense forest.

Zuo Hongyi exclaimed in surprise: "Grandpa!"

Everyone took a few steps back unconsciously, there is not a single Jindanqi here right now.

Zuo Zhenren stroked his beard, thoughtfully: "Oh? Looks like there aren't enough heads?"

He turned to look at the remaining four Blood Tiger Guards, his eyes seemed poisoned, and he said word by word: "I don't know if adding the four of you is enough."

Seeing clearly that it was him, the four blood tiger guards did not panic at all, but relaxed, and one of them, who looked like a teenager, stepped forward and said arrogantly: "Hmph, Zuo Wuwei, do you dare to touch me?"

Zuo Wuwei's eyes flickered, he didn't even make a move, he turned his head and hit the three alchemists including Mu Yan, which made Yunli very angry, do they look like soft persimmons?
"Tsk tsk, there are still three alchemists alive. It seems that you haven't worked hard enough." As he spoke, he smiled cruelly and walked towards this side step by step.

Yunli stood in front of Mu Yan, snorted coldly, and was about to speak when she heard an ethereal female voice.

"I don't know if it's you who is faster, or me who is faster?"

Everyone was stunned, and after searching for a while, they finally found the speaker by the lake, a girl from the monster race in blue, with her right hand raised, the back of her hand facing outwards, and an orchid finger raised.

Seeing her, most people are a little puzzled, why are you faster than me?

Zuo Wuwei's gaze moved away from her fingers, and fell on Zuo Hongyi, his expression suddenly changed: "How dare you!"

Wei Lin's eyes were fixed, a transparent water line was tied on the middle finger of the monster girl named Wei Yu, and the other end of the water line was tied around Zuo Hongyi's neck.

He raised his eyebrows, Ah Li ordered?
Turning his head to look, he saw that Yunli was also looking over in a daze.

"Don't move." Wei Yu calmly warned, with a little force on her fingers, the water line tightened, and blood beads immediately rolled out from Zuo Hongyi's thin neck.

He cried out in pain, "Grandpa, save me."

Xuan Chen glanced at Zuo Wuwei's wide robe sleeve, and said flatly: "Don't try to cut it off. Without the control of the light rain, the water will collapse. Once it is contaminated, your grandson will be useless."

Zuo Wuwei's puffed sleeves drooped down, and he said bitterly: "What are you going to do? Our Scarlet Xiao Sect has no grievances with you demon cultivators, why do you want to do something to my grandson?"

In the previous two snatchings, the demon cultivators from several continents didn't react very much. Unless they took the initiative to provoke them, they rarely attacked human cultivators, but the demon cultivators fought fiercely internally.

Because the things that demon cultivators value are often different from those that human cultivators value, and everyone is not surprised.

It never expected that the Canglan Demon Cultivator would suddenly attack the Chixiao faction, even when there was only Zuo Wuwei at the golden core stage on the field.

The demon cultivator's mind was trapped by the door?

Bai Yu stood with folded arms: "There was no grievance before, but if you want to touch them, then there will be grievance."

"Thank you fellow daoists, Tianxin Pavilion and Tianwu Forest are connected with each other, if you have trouble, we Tianxin Pavilion will not ignore it."

Chu Nan smiled, but his heart was full of doubts. Most of the cooperation between the two parties was to buy and sell pills and spiritual plants. In terms of force deterrence, Tianwu Forest only guarantees that Tianxin Pavilion will not be destroyed. They carry it hard?
Xuan Chen didn't comment, just looked at Zuo Wuwei indifferently.

Zuo Wuwei took a deep breath, suppressed the humiliation, gritted his teeth and said, "Let go of my grandson, the old master promises you."

"Don't let go!" Yunli yelled, without the hostage, Zuo Wuwei repented every minute, this old man has no credibility.

From the corner of the eye, she saw fine beads of sweat on Wei Yu's forehead, and she secretly thought that it's not good, can't she hold on to this water for a long time?

Zuo Wuwei was furious, "Little bastard, you got all the good things. You hid well before, but I didn't find you. Today, Daoist asked you to spit it all out."

"You were looking for me before?" Yunli was surprised, and soon realized that for those Jindan real people, the one they most want to find is themselves.

Compared with other Jiji who don't know what their wealth is, this little fat sheep like himself is on the bright side.

She was complicated at the moment, she really didn't hide, but in the whole month, except for seeing Wei Jie ambushing Wen Xueluo and being killed instead, she never met the other Jin Danqi.

With Wei Lin at his side retreating, Yun Li immediately raised his voice, drawing Zuo Wuwei's attention to himself.

"Just you?"

Her face was full of disdain, "You are only in the middle stage of the golden core, and you have the nerve to be domineering. In front of Wei Jie, you behave like a grandson. I pitied you for being bullied by him before, but I didn't expect you to rely on your cultivation. Gao, bully our foundation building period."

"You, you, you" Sun Tzu made Zuo Wuwei's face colorful, and he almost couldn't breathe.

Flipping the broken hair in front of her forehead, Yunli continued to be arrogant: "What are you! Today, this fairy will let you know that in front of us geniuses, the realm is fart!"

"Don't swear." A faint voice sounded, and everyone was shocked to find that the sick child who had been standing beside her landed gently from the air, holding someone in his hand.

"Uncle Zuo, they have captured Junior Brother Zuo!" Only then did the loud warning from the Scarlet Firmament Sect sound from behind.

Zuo Wuwei's eyes were red, and he was furious. Why don't you say that I have seen it.

Putting Zuo Hongyi in front of him, Wei Lin smiled and said, "I wonder if Master Zuo can calm down now."

Zuo Wuwei tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Isn't it because of you that things have become like this?" Yunli rolled her eyes, making herself look so innocent.

Wei Lin smiled: "Naturally, we hope Zuo Zhenren can calm down. A violent person doesn't live long."

Zuo Wuwei almost couldn't catch his breath, held it back for a long time, and said, "You wait for me."

"I'm so scared." Yunli shrank her neck and hugged her shoulders, shouting exaggeratedly.

Zuo Wuwei grinds his teeth.

"Junior Sister Yun, don't provoke him." A Taiyi Sect disciple reminded in a low voice, "Family affection is also very weak among monks."

In case Zuo Wuwei got angry and didn't care about anything, she would not be afraid if she had a flying magic weapon, but they, fellow disciples, would suffer.

Yunli saw what he was thinking at a glance, and immediately rolled her eyes, she is that kind of person.

However, with the step handed by the disciple, Zuo Wuwei felt better, he just stared at Wei Lin, and stopped provoking.

Time passed in a tense manner, and a quarter of an hour later, another Golden Core Stage arrived, and it was Chu Feng.

The Canglan monks couldn't help but feel relieved, and finally came their own people.

After clarifying the situation, Chu Feng said, "Let him go."

Wei Lin had no objection, and with Chu Feng present, Zuo Wuwei naturally did not dare to act rashly.

Seven days later, no one came again, and everyone suddenly discovered that apart from the Foundation Establishment Stage, even the Golden Core Stage had lost staff, which shows the intensity of the struggle.

"Where's Wei Jie?" Zuo Wuwei, who is also a monk of Tianwu and has personal grievances, is very concerned about Wei Jie.

All Jindan masters frowned, Wei Jie saw that he had walked out of the shadow of swords and swords, facing the same level, he still brought so many blood tiger guards, so he shouldn't die.

Who did he meet?
Zuo Wuwei became agitated, and wanted to kill the remaining four blood tiger guards to relieve their hatred, but was stopped by other golden cores in Tianwu Continent.

The Tianwu Continent is treacherous, and Canglan's side is not peaceful. Knowing that Canye Pavilion has also entered, everyone becomes nervous and searches over and over again, but they have not been found.

It's January time flies by again.

At noon that day, the sun was shining directly down, and the sparkling lake was so dazzling.

By the lake, people meditating on the spot can be seen everywhere.

Without formations, with so many people under their noses, cultivation is impossible; sound transmission is also not good, and monks have sharp eyes and ears, so a whisper can be heard by the audience.

Can't practice, can't chat in secret, closing eyes and resting mind is the only choice for monks. Among the group of people who are sitting upright, there is a person who is very different.

Her lower body also maintained the posture of meditation, but her head was tilted to the shoulder of the person next to her, obviously she was meeting Duke Zhou.

Suddenly, she straightened up abruptly, looked at the dense forests to the east, and let out a light sigh.

"What's the matter? Wei Lin opened his eyes, tilted his head and asked.

The people around who heard the noise also opened their eyes, Yunli frowned, "There seems to be some movement."

"Movement?" Zheng Rui repeated, then jumped up in surprise, looking at the lake water: "Is the secret treasure going to be born?"

"Oh, that's great! I really don't want to stay in this horrible place!" Someone immediately agreed, and they couldn't do anything for a whole month.

"No." Yunli shook her head and pointed to the east, "It seems that someone is coming."

"Could it be the Remnant Ye Pavilion?" Su Xu, Chu Nan Mo Huai and the others looked at each other, stood up, and looked over cautiously.

Zheng Rui glanced at Lin Chen and the Jindanqi, seeing that they didn't express anything, he couldn't help admiring: "Junior Sister Yun, your ears are really good."

Although monks have better hearing and eyesight than ordinary people, the level of hearing and eyesight is still different for each person.

Generally speaking, the higher the cultivation level, the more sensitive the five senses are, but there are always some people with extraordinary talents in this world.

"I'll go! There are a lot of people!" Yunli jumped up and pulled Mu Yan up.

As for Wei Lin, he stood up almost at the same time as Yunli, and said in a deep voice, "More than us."

Zheng Rui was surprised, "The Canye Pavilion can't be so heaven-defying, can there be more people coming in than our Taiyi Sect?"

"The 'we' he said refers to everyone present." Chu Feng summoned the Frost Sword and stood ready. Obviously, he also found the other party.

Zheng Rui swallowed, "Master Chu, don't scare me, more than half of the people who came in are here, more than us, could it be ghosts?"

As the visitor approached, more and more people heard the sound of messy footsteps, densely packed.

After a cup of tea, I finally saw people, in groups, like an entrance ceremony for a school sports meeting.

Walking in the front was a young man, a young man in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, dressed in red, like an open fire, instantly illuminating the dark woods.

Behind the young man, lined up, followed by five Golden Core Stages, and behind the Golden Cores was a large army of Haohao Tangtang, there were some cultivators and some demon cultivators.

There are about ten people in each row, the number is different, and they are divided into thousands of small queues according to different costumes.

As the crowd walked in, one could clearly see the young man clasping his girdle with one hand and carrying a huge mace in the other, walking towards this side with steps that no relatives would recognize.

Red hair band, high ponytail, loose forehead hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes, straight nose bridge, pink lips, no different from the high-spirited young man in Kyoto city.

The spirit was flying high, like a shooting star passing the sky, bringing up gorgeous flames.

 Thanks to Yangyang Dehui and ygy923 for their big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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