Chapter 385
Yunli was puzzled. Needless to say, these were monks from another continent who had entered Jiuliyuan. The overall number was about the same as when they first met, but the proportion of Jindan stage was not too small.

This is just entering the secret realm, haven't you experienced snatching secret treasures yet?

No matter what, there were only five Golden Core Stages, and everyone was not afraid. Before they approached, a hot-tempered young man jumped out immediately: "Stop! Which continent are you from? Report your name!"

Behind the young man, the bearded Jindan on the far right sneered: "A mere mid-stage Foundation Establishment is worthy of questioning us!"

As he said that, the power of his palm surged, and the huge palm print slapped the fiery young man directly.

There is a reason for the young man who has cultivated in the middle stage of foundation establishment, has an extremely hot temper, and is still alive and kicking until now.

As soon as the palm print flew out, a figure stood in front of the young man, slashing horizontally with the epee in his hand, and the menacing palm print shattered like glass in an instant.

The young man is the prince of an empire in the Cangxuan Continent. It is said that the old emperor loves him very much, and he will inherit the throne in the future.

Jin Dan standing in front of him is one of his guards, and he is loyal to him, even though everyone robbed the secret treasure before, the guards also paid attention to him.As long as he is in danger, no matter when, he must be in front of him as soon as possible.

The young man was unrelenting when he gained power, and yelled proudly at the young man in red: "So what if you have five golden core guards, Zang Feng is a swordsman, and one is the top five!"

Yunli's expression was weird. This guy actually regarded him as a second generation ancestor like him. It seemed that apart from being a Zhanwu scumbag, his brain was not very good.

The five Golden Cores behind the red-clothed boy were wearing different costumes, and there were also people in the same costumes as them in the large army behind.

With a little attention, you can find that these five people come from different sects, and your mind is trapped by the door, and you won't think that they are all the guards of the boy.

Also, the mace in the young man's hand is a Taoist weapon. Looking at the rough quality, it is obviously produced by Jiuliyuan.

Obviously, he is also the winner of the secret treasure competition. To be able to grab the mace among so many people and carry it loudly, this young man is not easy at first glance.

Wait, they are also robbing the secret treasure, but my pedestrians didn't see it.It doesn't make sense, every secret treasure is born, it is earth-shattering, how could I not see it?
Is the secret realm too big?Or space independent?

How many people are there that they haven't met yet?

Where did the blood that was absorbed by the ground go?She faintly felt that this was a terrifying conspiracy.

Perhaps those who have been there have seen it a long time ago, but they couldn't refuse Jiu Liyuan's temptation.

Especially after Canglan was banned, Sleeping Grass is the only life-saving straw that the powerful people who are approaching the end of life can grasp.

Facing the young man's clamor, the young man sneered unceremoniously: "It's not that you are a swordsman, why are you yelling?"

The young man wasn't annoyed at all, he was even more proud: "Hahaha, I just like to bully others!"

The young man picked his ears, as if hearing some joke, "Bullying? The first thing I learned in life is to bully!"

Everyone: .
It's been a long time, since when did bullying become something worth showing off?

Those who were wary of the young man before relaxed, although not all of the five Jindan stage guards were his guards, looking at his majestic aura, one of them should be, and he was the strongest one.

They began to wonder who was the strongest among the five.

The bearded man is obviously not. He was chopped into palm prints by the sword repair guards. He is still such a pushy temperament, not as stable as a master; the one on the right with an indifferent face is very similar, and the third one on the left is soft like that.
"But to you," the young man glanced at the young man contemptuously, as if he was looking at some rubbish, "I'm flattering you too much."

Everyone lamented that there are levels of playboys, and the young man in red is obviously superior in terms of sarcasm.

"I can kill people who can be killed by spitting on me, but I still need to use power."

After the words fell, the young man moved. Holding a mace, he rushed towards the sword repair guard named Zang Feng like a fleeting image.

Zang Feng, who was in the middle stage of Jindan, was naturally not afraid. He looked cold and solemn, and held his sword to meet him.

The mace and the epee collided fiercely, and the aura surged, everyone changed their colors one after another, retreated hastily, and sacrificed magic weapons to resist.

They were all heavy weapons, and the power of this collision was earth-shattering. The young man behind Zang Feng didn't react, and was immediately blown away by the turbulent air current, hitting several trees in a row before barely stopping.

"Seventh Prince!" The other guards of the young man exclaimed, rushing over under the overwhelming spiritual pressure, but saw his head tilted and he was silent.

The guard was frightened and angry, and hurriedly called out: "Boss Zang, the Seventh Prince is dead!"

In the dense forest, the trees swayed and fell one by one, and after a while, freshly baked wood piles were exposed.

The two fighting fiercely had separated, Zang Feng's fingers were shaking so badly that he could hardly hold the epee.

Hearing the voice of his subordinates, he opened his mouth to say something, his face flushed suddenly, and he spit out a mouthful of blood foam.

But the boy didn't give him a chance to breathe. He swung his mace round and rushed forward again, smashing wildly like a torrential rain.

Everyone saw that their eyebrows were jumping, they were disorderly, simple and rude, but completely disrupted Zang Feng's rhythm, suppressing him so much that he couldn't show his true strength.

The people by the lake, there are many Golden Core Stages who have fought against Zang Feng. Among the Golden Core Stages, Zang Feng's strength is already in the upper middle class, but he was defeated by this young boy in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, so he was powerless to fight back.

They couldn't believe their eyes. The young man used the mace to break the game with force, and Zang Feng used the heavy sword to break the game with force. His golden core cultivation base and mountain-like sword momentum could not limit him at all. juvenile.

"Revenge for the Seventh Prince!" Zang Feng's subordinates lost their minds, roared and rushed towards the young man, but were stopped by the bearded Jindan.

They were all at the foundation building stage, so they were no opponents at the golden core stage, but in just a few breaths, they died at the beard's hands.

The master and his subordinates died tragically one after another, Zang Feng was restless, and under the rain-like attacks of the young man, a fatal flaw was exposed.

The young man would not let it go, the red light of the mace swelled sharply, and it hit the vital point fiercely, Zang Feng was killed.

Everyone gasped, the Foundation Establishment Stage single-handedly killed the Golden Core Stage!
Is this a dream?

The boy stomped the mace on the ground, took a breath, stepped on the tree stump, and slapped his thigh: "Sheng!"

As soon as he uttered a word, the wooden stake shattered into sawdust with a snap, and the center of gravity was unstable. The boy staggered and almost fell down.

"Pfft!" Yunli couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud. Where did the sand sculpture come from, the pretense failed.

The young man blushed, and immediately roared viciously: "Why are you laughing! Life and death are insignificant, if you don't accept it, do it, who else wants to fight?"

In a word, everyone suppressed the laughter that came to their lips, and shrank their necks, afraid that the boy would find them.

At this time, they didn't want to stand out, Zang Feng was a sword cultivator, and his strength was already stronger than that of ordinary Golden Core Qi, but he still died under his stick, who would dare to use his life to try.

Besides, the secret treasure has not yet appeared in the world.

The scene was silent for a while, and many people even took a few steps back unconsciously when the young man looked over.

The young man suddenly cast his eyes on Yunli, and frowned: "It's you."

"You know me?" Yunli was puzzled.

"The ears are really good, but I don't know how strong it is." He groaned twice and raised his eyebrows: "Fight?"

Yunli was slightly startled, but immediately realized that what he was talking about was the fact that he was the first to discover their traces.

Seeing her staring blankly, the boy provoked: "Why, we are at the same level, you dare not?"

Same level?

Yunli's eyes were fixed. It was only two years since she adjusted her cultivation to the early stage of foundation establishment. Therefore, after she was promoted to the sixth level last time, her external cultivation has not changed, and she is still in the early stage of foundation establishment.

A young man in the late stage of foundation establishment, but said that they are at the same level, could it be that he has seen his true cultivation?
Impossible, the Nascent Soul stage can't see through it, how can it be possible for him at the late foundation establishment stage, this same level should mean that everyone is at the foundation establishment stage.

But it's not normal for him to beat up the Jindan stage violently in the foundation building stage. What if the illusion of the worldly martial arts really doesn't work on him?
She hadn't figured out what the young man meant by "same class", Zuo Wuwei's malicious voice sounded.

"Yo, is the genius of the Taiyi sect afraid?"

Everyone thought, "Aren't you talking nonsense, a sword cultivator at the mid-Golden Core stage in Zangfeng was completely abused by a young man, and even they at the Golden Core stage are also beating drums in their hearts, let alone a little girl who is only at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, how can they not be afraid?"

Zuo Wuwei stared at Yunli, and continued to taunt: "In front of geniuses, realm is nothing. Why, have you forgotten what you said?"

Wei Lin said coldly, "We don't need you to teach us how to do things. The personnel are mixed, and fellow Daoist Zuo has to take good care of his grandson."

"You—" In front of so many people, Zuo Wuwei trembled with anger at being threatened by a Foundation Establishment Stage.

Soon, the anger dissipated completely, and he snorted coldly: "Don't change the topic, do you dare?"

Wei Lin shook his head at her, the secret treasure is about to be born, if he is injured in the fight, he will be targeted later, it is irrational.

Yunli ignored Zuo Wuwei and waved at the boy, "No fight, I'm starving to death, why fight?"

There is not even a wild fruit in this poor place. She has been hungry for two whole months, and the bigu pills are too unpalatable. Apart from the necessary actions, she just wants to lie down and reduce consumption.

Hearing this, the boy rubbed his belly and smacked his lips: "I'm a little hungry."

He felt that his previous behavior was a bit stupid. When the secret treasure was born, a battle was inevitable. If he wanted to show his prestige, it would be the same if he fought again later. It was a waste of all his energy.

Thinking of this, he felt even hungrier, turned around and ordered a few people casually, and ordered: "Go and get a chair."

The few people didn't dare to delay for a moment, they trotted to the side, called out their natal weapons and chopped down a few trees, chopping and chopping.

Zuo Wuwei didn't give up, "Little friend doesn't know, but this girl has stolen a Taoist artifact, she."

"Who is your little friend!" He was interrupted by the teenager before he could finish speaking.

Zuo Wuwei choked.

The bearded man answered immediately: "This is Uncle Fifteen!"

Everyone: .
Yunli curled her lips, the uncle is just the uncle, with the addition of fifteen, the level of prestige is immediately reduced.

Reminiscent of the boy's sand sculpture behavior just now, and being easily persuaded by herself, she concluded that this is a boy with trembling limbs and a simple mind.

Those tree fellers had already made a chair quickly, and one of them rushed over carrying the chair and placed it behind the boy.

The other person quickly performed a dedusting technique and bent down. He was about to say something when he was glared at by the bearded Jindan, and then reluctantly retreated to the line behind.

The bearded man walked to the chair, his eyes, which were staring like copper bells, narrowed instantly, and bent over with a courteous expression.

"Master Fifteen, please!"

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched. Although the young man was very strong, but a dignified Jindan late-stage monk, he shouldn't exaggerate so much that he rushed to show his courtesy. The Jindan real person was completely humiliated by him!
At the same time that her three views were shattered, she couldn't help being vigilant secretly. Not to mention all geniuses who can enter the golden core stage of the secret realm, they must be powerful factions from various sects, and they are the mainstay of the sect. Zhenjun, there is no such shame.

Besides, she didn't ignore it. After Zuo Wuwei pointed out that she had grabbed the Taoist weapon, the people behind the boy didn't respond, and they didn't give her a single eye.

This is unusual.

In addition, unlike the bearded Jindan's attentiveness, most of the other people's faces were aggrieved, and a small number of people were full of joy.

The young man Da Lala sat down on the chair, put his hands on the handle of the mace, and said to Yunli, "We will fight again when we are full! However, just fighting is boring, why don't we make some money."

Shaking the mace, "If you win, my mace will be yours. If I win, you will give me the Taoist weapon you got."

Yunli rolled her eyes and confirmed, "The Taoist artifact obtained in this secret realm?"

The young man nodded.

"make a deal!"


Two voices sounded at the same time, Yunli was slightly stunned, "Uncle Lin? Why not?"

Immortal Lin Chen, the daily affairs of the Taiyi Sect team are all handled by Su Xu. This is the first time he has directly intervened in the disciples' decisions.

After a moment of silence, Lin Chen said: "You are not his opponent."

Yunli didn't care, since the meteor hammer was broken into pieces anyway, and if he won by luck, he would get an extra spar.

What's more, she really wanted to fight with the boy. The boy's violent beating of Zang Feng seemed to be chaotic, but she felt a strange rhythm.

This rhythm is very mysterious, it seems to exist and it seems to be her illusion, she needs to feel and confirm it herself.

She was full of pride: "Cultivating the Tao is against the sky. There are many difficulties. Everyone is in the foundation building stage. If I dare not even fight against him, why do I practice Taoism? Why don't I go home and grow corn!"

"What is corn? Can you grow it?" The boy looked curious.

Yunli: "...Is your focus wrong?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders and did not ask any further questions. He glanced at the phantom in the sky and murmured: "It seems that there is still one month left."

After finishing speaking, he put one leg straight on the ground, put the other leg on the armrest, leaned back, and fell asleep without any image, and within a second, there was a slight snoring sound.

Yunli: .
The quality of this sleep is amazing; this big heart has no limits!

The demon cultivators behind him didn't intend to protect him, they all sat down on the ground and began to close their eyes to rest their minds. Even Jin Dan, who was diligent and bearded, retreated one meter away.

The Taoist mace, just like that, was thrown beside the chair by him.

 Thanks to Wan Xiaocute for the reward and monthly pass! ! !
  Thanks to the three cute monthly tickets of Weiyan Shuangfei, 941 Dessert, and insisting on making salted fish every day! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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