Chapter 386
Arrogant!Too arrogant!
Earlier, everyone by the lake looked at each other in blank dismay. After making eye contact with each other, Jin Danqi retreated to their respective sects.

With the bloody example of Zang Feng, even if they are afraid, no one is willing to take action easily.

However, the Taoist mace is so eye-catching!
Under the sun, the mace standing upright was glowing with silver light. After looking at it for a long time, there were faintly colorful colors, which made people itch.

The foundation building period was okay, but the gap was too big, and the thoughts in my mind were snuffed out as soon as they came out.

But the Jindan period was very tormented, and the two villains in his mind were torn repeatedly.

One was full of enthusiasm, and said: "Grab it! This is a Taoist weapon, and most of the Nascent Soul Stages don't have it. If you can have one, you will not only defeat Jiuliyuan's invincible opponent, but you will also be able to go on the road to immortality after you go out."

One was cautious and said: "Don't act rashly, this kid is very evil, Zang Feng died under his hands, it's rare that you want to follow in his footsteps?"

"What are you afraid of? Zang Feng and him use blunt weapons. Their strength is not as good. We will naturally be suppressed. We move lightly with our swords. There is no need to confront him head-on. He is just a kid who uses brute force. Don't be afraid."

"In case he."

"Don't worry about it, look at this sleeping on all fours, like a dead pig, at first glance, he looks like a young boy with no experience in the world. Besides, I don't really want to fight him, just run away after grabbing him."

"The secret treasure is coming."

"Don't think about it, let's not talk about so many powerful Golden Core Stages stalking, the person who used the lamp to create illusions has not been found yet, it is better to grab the mace directly, the possibility of success is greater."

After a fierce battle, the blood prevailed.

Yunli saw the fair-faced Jindan stage male cultivator jumping up suddenly, as if in a competition, one figure after another followed suit, scrambling to jump at the young man.

There was a bang, the red light exploded, and everyone flew out, the young man straightened up slowly, his face was as black as pot ashes, pointed at everyone with a mace, and said word by word: "This one, two, You have to take a beating to be convinced!"

The group of golden elixirs who flew upside down had stabilized their bodies at this time, and there was a storm in their hearts. Only then did they know why Zang Feng lost!

The young man's strength was too great, and his spiritual power exploded exceptionally.

It seemed that what flowed in his body was not gentle spiritual power, but magma that was squeezed to the extreme over and over again. The moment it was released, all the squeezing disappeared, like bombs exploding with a bang.

The combination of the exploding spiritual power and the ferocious mace instantly achieved the crushing effect. Everyone could only feel the rampant energy in their bodies, sparks and lightning all the way, crackling, and the explosion made the outside scorched and the inside tender, and the whole body was numb. The flow of spiritual power in the veins is blocked.

But the matter has come to this point, and it is impossible to give up. As soon as their eyes met, they immediately reached a silent cooperation and besieged!
Facing the crowd rushing forward, the young man moved his neck, and the mace in his hand glowed red, brazenly rushing forward.

After the intensive sound, everyone's natal artifacts were broken and bent. The natal artifacts were damaged and their strength was greatly reduced.

"Fuck! So strong!" Yunli couldn't believe it, this special cat is really a late stage foundation?This is probably not the Nascent Soul Stage!
The bearded Jindan's eyes were full of light, and he looked at the boy with admiration: "If you are not strong, how can you subdue us."

Wei Lin's eyes moved, and he turned to ask him: "There were more than five Golden Core Stages before you, right?"

Although he was asking, he had an affirmative expression on his face. The bearded Jindan withdrew his adoring gaze and glanced at him, "Boy, you have good eyes, better than these idiots."

Wei Lin smiled, it wasn't that they didn't notice, but that the Taoist weapon was too tempting and they ignored it on purpose.

Zang Feng died too quickly, they didn't know the real strength of the young man, so they had a fluke mentality, what if Zang Feng was defeated by the young man by coincidence, or was injured before, and the young man was just a blind cat and a dead mouse?
"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. In the beginning, our golden core period was no less than yours. Now, there are only five of us left." When he said this, the beard on his face trembled, and there was gloating in his eyes. Light.

After a pause, it seems to mean something: "There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, but there is a shortage of strong people. Only those who survive have the opportunity to become strong."

Yunli gasped, and asked in disbelief, "Have hundreds of golden elixirs been taken into his hands?"

"That's not true." The bearded Hu said earnestly, "Little sister, I advise you to obediently hand over the Taoist artifact to the fifteenth uncle, and you can still get a little life back. No matter how good the Taoist artifact is, you must have that life to share."

Yunli squeezed out a blunt smile, and said bravely: "In terms of fighting, this fairy has never lost."

Tears were streaming down her face, how could she be a pervert, and she would not give people a way to survive. She felt that she was already perverted enough, but she was not enough to look at the young man.

As soon as he spoke, the battle over there was over. Except for the young man, everyone lay down, and the bearded man rushed forward, commanding the people to carry the corpse away, and then he personally made a formula to clean up the ground.

The young man glanced at everyone viciously: "Who else wants to fight, hurry up!"

The audience was silent, only the breeze was blowing and the water was rippling.

After waiting for a while, he sat back on the chair again, and said in a vicious voice: "If someone disturbs my sleep again, I will beat him and the door together!"

After speaking, he scanned the crowd again, closed his eyes, collapsed on the chair and fell asleep.

The surroundings returned to calm again, but it was a bit too quiet, and even the sound of breathing was much quieter than before.

After more than a month, the sleepy teenager suddenly opened his eyes, and everyone who had been focusing on him quickly looked away and stood up guardedly.

The bearded Jin Dan was worthy of being the number one dog leg. He trotted forward, nodded and bowed to the boy to say hello, then turned around, raised his brows coldly, and shouted sharply: "Everyone is up, ready to change places."

The next moment, the lake water suddenly rolled up, and the secret treasure was about to be born.

Yunli was slightly taken aback, how did they know that the secret treasure was about to be born?
But it's really arrogant, the secret treasure was born, and the battle has just begun, he dared to call out to change the land, and he didn't take Lin Chen and others seriously!

She looked at Lin Chen, but found that he, Chu Feng and the other four Jindanqi sects were flirting with each other, and they should be discussing how to get the secret treasure.

But the young man didn't have the stability of a master at all, as soon as the phantom of the book exploded, he rushed towards the lake in a hurry.

Yunli was shocked. When the meteor hammer and the elixir appeared in the world, there were space cracks in the water. If it wasn't for the space spirit root, there was nothing they could do about it. If they were accidentally rubbed by it, they would lose a piece of flesh, or even lose an arm or a broken leg. It is possible to be drawn into the void.

Does he not know there is a space crack or is he not afraid at all?

At this moment, a dark red rectangular box the size of a book appeared at the bottom of the vortex, made of wood but not wood, stone but not stone.

The young man stood above the whirlpool, grasped it with five fingers, and the long box flew out of the water and fell into his hand.

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Chen and others still made a move. The mace already has an owner, and they will not snatch it, but there is no reason to hand over a treasure without an owner.

The young man was not afraid, he stuffed the long box into his waistband indiscriminately, and swung a round mace to fight.

Yunli is secretly happy, ouch, my heart is so big, the girdle is as wide as three fingers, and most of the top and bottom of the long box are exposed outside, isn't this a chance to come to your door.

She blinked at Weilin. Anyway, their goal was the box. As long as they knocked the long box off the boy's waist and tried to open the box, everyone's attention would be attracted by the things inside, and they could pretend that they only grabbed a box. Box.

Wei Lin nodded at her, thought for a while, and silently told her not to approach her.

Naturally, Yunli has no objection, she still has to protect Ayan, so she won't rush forward for close combat.

After discussing it, the two watched the battle closely, and saw Chu Feng standing high in the sky, with an ice flower looming under his feet, and the sword body was filled with white steam, and soon it was covered with ice flowers, and they whispered: "Ice knife frost sword."

Icicles covered the sky and flew down with extreme chill.

The young man didn't change his face, he swung the mace left and right, and all the icicles close to him were crushed into ice slag, causing no substantial damage to him.

At the same time, on the other side of him, the sword light soared into the sky, with great momentum, and the surging golden light swept over. The young man did not take a step back, and the red clothes fluttered in the turbulent sword force. The vermilion light curtain was magically opened, and Lin Chen's offensive was actually blocked.

He turned his head to look at Lin Chen's sword, and raised his eyebrows: "Tao weapon?"

Lin Chen didn't answer. At this moment, his face was gloomy. Of course, he couldn't relax if he changed anyone. He was able to parry Lin Chen and Chu Feng at the same time for a short time. This young man is not ordinary strong.

Right in front of the young man, pure white petals dangled slowly and slowly towards his forehead. The young man's gaze was fixed, the red light of the mace in his right hand soared, and the vermilion light curtain in his left hand turned red, and the red light flourished.
It's now!

Without hesitation, Wei Lin threw out the entanglement technique to wrap the long box, and with a ruthless yank, the long box flew out.

With a light waist, the young man was furious, shouted loudly, shattered the ice, shook the sword away, avoided the white flowers, jumped with his long body, and rushed towards the long box.

Yunli hurriedly hit the box, and with a bang, as expected, the rough box opened, and a piece of yellowed paper fluttered, spinning and falling.

Lin Chen and the others were stunned for a moment, stopped dealing with the boy, and went to grab the paper one after another, Yunli was secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, the young man cut off the green vine with a spiritual blade without hesitation, grabbed the box, and stared at them viciously: "Wait for me, I will remember you two little bugs!"

After shouting, he paused slightly, then turned around and went to grab the paper.

Yunli blinked, as if something was wrong, why didn't he grab the paper first?

A vague thought flashed through his mind, before he could grasp it, he heard a doubtful voice: "Blood Dark Art?"

She suddenly turned her head to look, and saw that everyone was fighting fiercely, and the yellowish paper hadn't fallen into anyone's hands for the time being, and it was being fluttered by the aftermath of the monks' spells.

The three big characters "Xue Ming Gong" on the right side are extremely clear, and the content written in the two lines of petite lowercase letters is the same as that written at the beginning of the parchment scroll on the island. The rest of the content has been restricted and cannot be seen.

Obviously, this is the same exercise, she was agitated and stared blankly at Wei Lin, why did Shuang Jiang's Xueming Kung Fu appear here?

Wei Lin was equally unbelievable, he saw a dark blue broadsword from the corner of his eye, it was Wen Ming, this kind of evil technique cannot be seen in this world!
Flames rose from his fingertips, and he was about to throw it out to burn the paper, when his feet were empty, and the familiar weightlessness hit him.

He pulled Yunli Mu Yan beside him, skillfully condensed out the spiritual power cover, and did all this well, and after looking at it again, he found that the paper was in the young man's hands.

The young man broke the restraint in twos and twos, glanced roughly, his face was filled with murderous intent, he squeezed it into a ball with his five fingers together, his teeth creaked loudly: "Crooked ways!"

Seeing this, other people who didn't know the truth were helpless. They wanted to grab it, but he was lucky, and he turned his backhand like pinching waste paper.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, "What kind of crooked way is it, can you tell me, fellow Taoist?"

As soon as the words Xueming Gong came out, not only the two of them were shocked, but also Mo Huai. Back then, their Fang family was wiped out because of Xueming Gong.

He stared blankly at the young man in red, and also wanted to know what kind of exercise it was that caused the devil in Canye Pavilion to kill him and wiped out his Fang family.

"Talking about your grandma's legs, who the hell dares to practice this broken technique, I will kill one when I see it!" The young man's smiling eyes widened, and he stared fiercely at the crowd.

Yunli was taken aback, wasn't this reaction too intense?
Someone below hummed and chirped: "Hmph, don't pretend to be righteous. Only you have read all the exercises. It's up to you whether it's evil or evil!"

This voice is Yue Yi!

Yunli looked down, and saw five monks in dark blue robes staying in a spiritual power cover. She recognized Wen Ming at a glance. He only changed his clothes, and he didn't change his appearance. It seemed that they changed another one. Martial misfortune.

And the person protected by the four people in the middle, with a petite figure and wearing a veiled hat, should be Mo You.

As soon as Yue Yi finished speaking, the young man on Wen Ming's left immediately said, "If you don't want it, why don't you show the exercises for everyone to comment on. After reading it, everyone will know whether it is good or not."

This shameless remark was recognized by most people, and they all echoed: "That's right, since you don't want it, why don't you give it to us?"

A group of people were chattering, and various spells were thrown at the young man's spiritual shield.

Naturally, the boy's violent temper couldn't be tolerated, he threw the mace out, broke the spiritual power shield, and the nearest shouter got a box on the spot.

"Dare to yell at Laozi during the foundation building period, don't think that hiding in the turtle shell, Laozi has nothing to do with you!"

At this time, a green lantern rose slowly from behind Lin Chen, passing him and slowly drifting towards the young man. The person who saw it only had time to utter the word 'lamp' before falling into a hallucination. Get sluggish.

Yunli's eyes were cold, she didn't want anyone to practice Xueming Gong from the bottom of her heart.

The young man also hated it, in his hands, most of this evil technique would not be effective, but if it fell into Wen Xueluo's hands, she was not sure what would happen.

The blue light was fixed in front of the young man's line of sight, and Wen Xueluo had already come out of the young man's spiritual power shield with her sword. Yunli shot immediately, deflecting her sword blade, and said coldly: "Such an evil technique, you want it to do it. what."

Suddenly hearing someone talking, Wen Xueluo's body shook, and she turned around suddenly, in disbelief: "Why didn't you fall into a hallucination?!"


(End of this chapter)

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