Chapter 388 Alien Grass (1)

Under the traction of the Qi machine, even the blood of Yunli, who was a little far away and not directly targeted, was ignited, and the small sparks gradually spread, burning into a raging fire, and inexplicable emotions surged in the heart, burning and clamoring , tearing
Yunli held her neck and cleared her throat, suppressing the long roar that was about to come out of her mouth, but it was actually affected.

She became more and more vigilant. In her sight, the boy didn't give her a single corner of his eyes. His sharp gaze was fixed on Mo You, and he didn't move away for a moment.

He landed slowly, his clothes were windless, and he almost spit out one word: "Looking for death!"

A layer of vermilion light rose from the mace, and the young man rushed straight over like a sharp arrow.

The red-clothed red mang pulled out an afterimage, like a fire dragon, and the heat wave was rolling. Just watching from a distance, she felt her skin was burning and burning.

Wen Ming couldn't stop this trick!
The figure around him flickered, and Wei Lin's voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness, "I'll help him."

"Use the Return to Ruins wooden sign."

She hurriedly sent a sound transmission to remind her, while holding Mu Yan's hand tightly.

The roaring fire dragon was terrifying, and the silver-white light shield that Wen Ming sacrificed was covered with cracks in an instant.

Yunli's face changed suddenly, she handed the Huanshi Ling to Mu Yan, and said "wait for me", she suddenly accelerated and rushed over with all her strength.

The young man's attack is stronger than she imagined, and the defense of the Guixu wooden sign can only be activated passively. Before this, the senior brother needs to resist a wave, which is too dangerous!

At this moment, the mutation reappeared!
Her feet tightened suddenly, and an unexpected force instantly dragged her into the grass. The peach powder in her hand flashed, and the roots of the grass broke neatly.

In the next second, countless thick grass roots entangled again, and Yunli swung two more knives to untie the restraints of her hands and feet, and when she looked up, she was stunned.

The endless shallow grass is growing crazily, and in the blink of an eye, you can see a lush gray-green.

At one moment, the endless prairie was just below the ankle, and the next second, it seemed to be in the tropical primitive rainforest, which was still deformed.

There are no towering giant trees here, only thicker and thicker grass, criss-crossing.

In just such a dazed effort, a dozen or so grass vines were wrapped around her body, ranging from the width of two fingers to the thickness of a baby's arm, and they were all different. A straw the thickness of an adult's thigh was pointing toward her waist. Time strikes.

Yunli lifted her breath and jumped up, but found that her spiritual power was blocked, her limbs and bones were slightly chilled, and she could barely avoid the flying thigh grass.


A little crimson light came out from the dantian, along with the spiritual power running along the meridian, the toxin evaporated wherever it passed.

She didn't delay any longer, and kept waving the Mengzhan Dao, cutting off the grass all over her body three times, five times and two times, sensing the position of Huan Shiling, and wanted to go over.

Now, she is extremely fortunate that she gave Mu Yan the Huanshi Ling just now. These grass strips have the effect of blocking spiritual consciousness, and it will take some time to find them.

Mu Yan's attack power is weak, and it is difficult to break free from the shackles of grass and vines.

However, the blades of grass are endless, if one pile is cut off, another pile will be entangled immediately, greatly slowing down her progress.

In a hurry, Yunli found that Huan Shiling was moving at high speed, getting farther and farther away from her.

The imprint of divine consciousness has not disappeared, Huanshiling is still her natal magic weapon, so naturally it cannot be used by others, there is only one possibility, Ah Yan was dragged away by something!

She called out Fei Yan, and the blades of grass on her body screamed sharply, and she desperately retreated. In an instant, there was no blade of grass around her, and the blades of grass that rushed over also began to scramble to retreat.

Without any resistance, Yunli's body was like green smoke, and she quickly caught up with Mu Yan, only to see a thin grass strip the size of a water pipe wrapping her from head to toe like a human-shaped green rice dumpling.

This blade of grass is a deep dark green, which is extremely different from other gray-green blades of grass.

Seeing Fei Yan, other grass strips avoided like snakes and scorpions, and although the dark green grass strips did not want to touch Fei Yan, they still refused to let go of Mu Yan.

It dragged Mu Yan back quickly, where the gray and green grasses retreated one after another, even when Yunli was chasing closely, those ordinary grasses that would avoid Feiyan like snakes and scorpions even set up barriers to intercept her , Trying to bypass Fei Yan and entangle her again.

Yunli's eyes were cold, and the little crimson flame in her dantian vibrated slightly, and suddenly turned into thousands of tiny crimson lights.

She made a formula casually, and there was a faint flame floating around her body. The most basic fire spirit technique, because of the crimson light overflowing from the flame, the entangled grass was burned into nothingness in an instant.

Despite this, those gray-green grasses still entangled regardless, even if they did useless efforts.

A little bit of orange yarn was stuffed out of the gaps in the layers of grass wrapping, and little by little, the orange yarn floating behind the green rice dumplings became longer and longer.

The tense string in Yunli's heart loosened a bit, and she was able to squeeze the orange yarn out of the gap, it seems that Ah Yan has not lost consciousness yet.

She raised her speed to the extreme, and stretched out her hand to reach the orange yarn. With the efforts of the two of them, her fingertips finally touched the orange yarn, spiritual power and crimson light poured in instantly, Huanshiling came to life, and moved forward at high speed. The flying green rice dumplings froze suddenly, and brilliant orange light exploded from them.


A sharp scream came from the depths of the lush grass, resounding through the sky, and the surrounding large gray-green grass was a bit sluggish, and three cultivators rolled out, two cultivators and one demon cultivator.

They are cultivators from different continents who followed the boy in red before, and they were also the first group of people who chased after the Immortal Mansion to land. They are here, and those who want to come to the Immortal Mansion are also stopped by grass strips.

The dark green grass that was broken into small pieces fell on the ground, and suddenly fled frantically. Wherever it passed, the gray green grass turned yellow and withered in an instant, as if it had been sprinkled with dichlorvos.

A few more mummies and skeletons rolled out of the grass, judging from the shape, they were still both human and monster.

Yunli was also sharp-eyed and noticed that as the withered yellow spread, the dark green fragments gradually grew longer.

Obviously, at a critical juncture, the dark green grass strips took away the gray-green vitality and turned it into its own use.

Her eyes flickered, but in the end she didn't catch up, raised her hand, Huan Shiling wrapped Mu Yan and came to her side, "Ayan?"

Mu Yan's eyelids moved, but she didn't wake up. Her face, hands, and all exposed skin were decaying gray-green, and her breath was as weak as a gossamer.

Yunli forcibly suppressed the fluster in her heart, glanced at the three living people on the ground, lay down on the ground, coughed desperately, and vomited until tears flowed.

Grass in your mouth?

She quickly tapped on Mu Yan's throat, and put her palm on her back, soft spiritual power poured in, and after a while, Mu Yan's chest shook, and she spit out a ball of gray and green grass.

After spitting it out, she was a little more awake, and quickly spit out the straw stuck in her esophagus.

Yunli took out a bunch of detoxification pills, and Mu Yan picked one to eat, and said, "Ji Ruochen, it's still over there, let's go over there."

"I'll use my kung fu to help you dissipate the power of the medicine first." Poisons can be big or small, ever-changing, and Yunli dare not be sloppy.

"It's okay." Mu Yan shook her head, "Your imperial fan, I'm using the fan for a short period of time, and the poison is not deep."

After hesitating for a moment, Yunli finally agreed. The senior brother had promised that he would keep Ji Ruochen out of Jiuliyuan alive, and they must not break their promise.

Flying in the direction Mu Yan pointed, she suddenly found that Wei Lin was also in that direction, she exhaled and said: "It seems that senior brother has already gone to save him."

When the two arrived, they saw Ji Ruochen laying on the ground, spitting grass, green leaves falling like rain, smashing all the grass that wanted to be entangled one by one. At the right time, Wei Lin standing next to him would swing a few swords at the right time to fill in the gaps.

Seeing the two of them, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "Here we are."

Yunli nodded, and hurriedly asked: "Have you taken the detoxification pill? Has the poison been cured?"

She didn't think about the situation of not being poisoned at all. All the grass slivers were poisonous, and they appeared unexpectedly, and they were so loud that everyone had been touched by the grass slivers.

"Eat it, the poison is not fully cured." Wei Lin frowned and looked at Mu Yan.

Yunli: "Choose the wrong Jiedu pill?"

"This poison is a bit special. It must be refined into a detoxification pill by adding grass stalks, so that the poison can be completely removed." Mu Yan looked solemn.

"You discovered it too." Ji Ruochen stood up slowly with his sword, and smiled at Mu Yan, "It seems that you have learned the basics of Lingzhi very well."

The toxin remained in the body, Yunli became nervous thinking about it, and asked quickly: "What effect does the remaining poison have, won't it be life-threatening? No, I have to get rid of it quickly, the stems and whiskers are surrounded by grass, It's easy to get."

As she said that, she chopped off a few grass blades with a backhand knife, clasped her palms together and rubbed them lightly, spread her hands, and pulled out a few white stems from them.

"It's useless to be anxious, it's so difficult for you to let Mu Yan practice alchemy in such an environment?" Wei Lin raised his forehead.

"It's definitely not going to work."

The surrounding grass is still frantically trying to wind up, they don't even understand what the grass is, and they don't know what is hidden behind these lush grass.

I recklessly started alchemy, and suddenly some accident happened, what should I do if I go crazy.

She held back for a long time, and said, "Is it okay to boil water?"

The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched.

"Uh, just kidding." Yunli laughed.

"Okay, it's just a little residual poison, it's not a big deal, I'll take it off after I go out." Wei Lin made a final decision.

Mu Yan also added: "There won't be any major problems, but the body will stiffen from time to time, but it should not be allowed to stay in the body for too long."

Yunli disagreed, although it was just stiffening from time to time, but the timing of the stiffening was wrong, and big things happened every minute.

After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth: "Look for Mo You first."

Under the attack of many grass blades, although the gang of killers in Canye Pavilion had no problem with self-protection, it was impossible for them to protect others in a dangerous situation.

With the ability of the young man in red, these straws will definitely not be able to trap him. If he is allowed to find Mo You first, Zhu Ge will follow his soul and disappear.

After searching for a long time in the grass, Mo You was not found, but Su Xu and others were found.

After a little thought, Yunli immediately decided to let Mu Yan and Ji Ruochen follow Su Xu. Now she has to restart alchemy to completely detoxify. The fellow disciples of the Taiyi Sect will not do anything to her, but with Su Xu around, her safety is more guaranteed.

In addition, judging from the breath left by Mo You, she was also dragged away by the dark green grass just like Ah Yan was at that time.

The dark green grass is higher level, and the place it is in must be more dangerous than the gray-green area, and since the grass appeared, she has always had a faint sense of danger in her heart, which cannot be shaken off.

Intuition told her that the source of danger was at the end of Mo You's breath disappearing.

Mu Yan had no objection, but only asked: "The safety of you two is the most important thing. On this basis, let's talk about saving lives."

Yunli agreed with a smile, and sent them to the road that Su Xu and others must pass, Ji Ruochen drove the flying sword, and Mu Yan sacrificed the defensive magic weapon.

Yunli and Wei Lin held their breaths and hid themselves, waiting by the side until they were sure that Su Xu and the others had seen them, then they quietly fled away.

After getting out of the range of Su Xu's spiritual consciousness, Yunli had a sharp nose, and was in charge of driving the plantain fan on the way, while Wei Lin was in charge of cutting off the entangled grass.

Speeding all the way, soon, Yunli stopped and let out a light snort.

"What did you find?" Wei Lin asked.

Stretching out her head and sniffing around, Yunli said, "Mo Huai has already gone after Mo You."

She no longer knew what to say, the dark green grass was very dangerous at first glance, and when she realized that her enemy had been arrested, Mo Huai actually chased after him!

In order to take revenge with her own hands, this baby will not even die!
After flying for another two full days, a huge grass wall blocked their way.

The grass strips here are all dark green, and they are not as random as before, but are neatly arranged in rows.

The grass wall is wide and boundless, straight into the sky, exquisite and magnificent.

"Their aura is behind the wall," Yunli's eyelids twitched, she was fully alert, "but I think it's dangerous inside."

Wei Lin nodded silently. Once he arrived here, he also had frequent heart palpitations. Mo Lijian cut off a few grass blades close to him with a cold light, "Stay away, and I'll test the depth of this wall."

"Why don't I use fire to burn it." Thinking of Fei Yan's meritorious service on the dark green grass before, Yunli suggested.

"The trump card should only be used at a critical moment." Wei Lin shook his head, Fei Yan was indeed powerful, they didn't know its limit so far, but it was too weak.

At first, there were only a few sparks, and after devouring the strange fire of Zhenjun Xinshen, it grew into a small cluster, but it was still a newborn baby and needed careful care.

If the transition is used to cause damage to its growth, the loss outweighs the gain; moreover, to arouse the flame requires both spiritual power and spiritual consciousness, which consumes a lot.

"Okay." Yunli backed away, "You try it first, if it doesn't work, I'll try it with Zhanmeng."

Wei Linding looked ahead, and in front of his eyes appeared a little fat man in red sitting on a bamboo raft, enthusiastically and earnestly explaining the basics of cultivation to them, those small and bright eyes were full of kindness and sincerity .

After entering the Canglan Continent, they almost never encountered such unadulterated kindness.

Such a person should not be robbed of his spiritual roots and imprisoned his soul.

The Li Lijian in his hand seemed to feel his emotions, the clanging sword sounded passionately, spiritual power flowed into the sword like water, and the blade became brighter and brighter.
A little bit of green emerges from the junction of the sword grid and the sword body, and the green color slowly rises, and finally the complete leaf body appears, rotating and moving down around the sword body.

Yunli's brows were filled with joy. Although there was only one green leaf this time, it was more verdant than before, with restrained momentum, less sharp edge, and more dangerous.

"go with!"

Wei Lin let out a low cry, and slashed out with a sword, not harsh, not sharp, just like a mortal slash.

There is only a green leaf moving straight, lightly penetrating through everything, submerging into the dark green grass wall.

 Thanks to nanalyqa and book friend 20190905122932177 for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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