Chapter 389 Alien Grass (2)

After two breaths, a piece of the grass wall collapsed, revealing a big hole about two meters high, the inside was dark, and a long corridor leading to the inside could be vaguely seen.

Yunli swung out her consciousness, but the feedback she got was a cloud of air, nothing at all, this place was indeed more dangerous, the gray and green grass only limited the scope of her consciousness, so it was completely blocked here.

After entering, it was very quiet inside, no grass, no other attacks, not even wind.In the darkness, there was only the sound of two gentle footsteps.

Wei Lin in front stopped suddenly, and said via voice transmission: "We've been going down."

The corridor is very gentle, and the downward slope is so slight that it is easy to ignore.

Yunli squeezed the formula, a fire dragon flew forward along the ground, indeed all the way down, and more importantly, when the fire dragon's energy was exhausted and dissipated, it did not reach the end of the tunnel.

"Quietly, calmly, are you trying to send us into the mouth of the monster?" She murmured, turning her head to study the surroundings.

There is mud under the feet, and the sides and the top of the head are still mud. It is a very ordinary tunnel, but it is taller and wider.

The breath left by Mo You was obvious, but at this moment, it looked like it was trying to lure the enemy deeper.

Looking at the darkness ahead, Wei Lin said, "Let's go, we are going to save people, no matter what is ahead, we have to go."

This is indeed the reason, and Yunli didn't think about the weirdness for the time being.

Next, the two no longer walked cautiously, took out fluorescent stones to illuminate, and each drove the flying magic weapon, flying at high speed in the corridor.

After flying for about two days, the air changed, and voices could be heard faintly, and the two tacitly collected the fluorescent stones.

Soon, it came to the end. It was an extremely wide cave, and the first thing that caught the eye was the huge stone Buddha in the center.

The stone statue lowered its eyebrows and raised its lips slightly, outlining a strange smile. A crack opened from the center of the forehead to the wing of the nose, which looked very creepy.

Looking down, Mo Huai was supported by the dark green grass strips on the stone statue. Mo You stood in front of him, playing with the dagger, smiling happily. It was the bloodstains all over his face that ruined his sweet smile.

Yunli was taken aback, how could it be that Mo Huai was tied up?
"Is Mo You strong in battle?" She hurriedly asked through voice transmission. It stands to reason that Mo You is a person who relies on blood-sucking and drug addiction, and she has never seen her fight in a serious way. In such an occasion, how could it be Mo Huai's opponent.

And Mo Huai, although the dark green grass is powerful, it shouldn't be difficult for him to break free, right?
"She basically has no actual combat experience." Wei Lin's eyes were heavy. Although he had never seen Mo You do it, it could be seen that she was very blunt in the daily dust removal skills, fire spirit skills, and imperial weapons.

In addition, because he was doing everything outside all the year round, Mo You almost followed him all the time, even if she chose to study after separation, she would definitely not be Mo Huai's opponent.

He clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, and said via voice transmission: "There may be a third party involved, let's wait and see for a while."

"Brother Fang Mo, You'er is very touched by your relentless pursuit." Mo You covered her lips and giggled, with a bit of shyness on her face, and immediately stabbed the dagger into Mo Huai's shoulder, blood gurgling out.

Mo Huai snorted, his eyes were as red as blood, he stared at her, and gritted his teeth: "I'm going to tear you to pieces with my own hands!"

Mo You turned a deaf ear to his harsh words, she tilted her head slightly, her face full of worry: "Oh, it's bleeding, Brother Fang Mo, do you hurt?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to dip some blood, licked it, and aftertaste, murmured: "It's a bit salty, and it's still cold."

"Ha ha ha ha."

She suddenly laughed nervously, pulled out the dagger as if to vent her anger, and stabbed Mo Huai again and again. In the blink of an eye, she had pierced a dozen holes.

Yunli was about to go out to stop her, but she stopped again, and continued to humiliate her, "Yes, your blood is cold, ungrateful, wolf-hearted."

Seeing that the heart was not injured, Yunli stood still for the time being. After thinking about it, she decided to ask Mo Huai through sound transmission. They had scanned the cave several times back and forth, but they did not find any third person.

After receiving her voice transmission, Mo Huai was startled, and immediately urged: "Go!"

Was there really a third person present?
Yunli was shocked, just as she was about to tell Wei Lin the result of the sound transmission, her feet tightened suddenly, and a strong force dragged her away, and when she came back to her senses, she and Wei Lin were also tied to the stone statue by dark green grass strips, and with them Mohuai stands in a row.

This time the toxin was extraordinarily fierce, her limbs were stiff and weak, thanks to Fei Yan, her poison was quickly suppressed.

"The poison doesn't affect you, does it? Don't show it."

After receiving Wei Lin's voice transmission, Yunli lost her spiritual power and was honestly tied up, "I'm not affected, what about you? Can you handle it?"

"Don't worry, I already took the detoxification pill in my mouth."

Yunli felt relieved, turned her head and continued to inquire about the situation with Mo Huai: "Senior Brother Mo, what's going on here?"

Before Mo Huai could speak, a gloomy voice rang in his ears: "Little guy, I've waited for you. You're so young, you're actually possessed of heaven fire, tsk tsk tsk, your bloodline is pretty good."

Yunli tilted her head to look, and was taken aback. On a strip of green grass, two small mung bean-sized eyes flashed excitedly, and her thin mouth opened and closed.

"Grass demon?"

The other party was a monster, Yunli was relieved at first, and then became nervous again. So far, all the monster cultivators who have seen through her identity have been respectful, and this grass monster is the first one to attack her.

Thinking of what he said just now, is it possible that this demon wants to absorb his own blood?
"Grass demon? The little guy is really arrogant. No one has dared to call me that for so many years." He murmured in a sad voice, and then said seriously: "I am a scorpion, you should call me the demon emperor."

"Grass can be a demon emperor?" Yunli was surprised. There are very few plants that can give birth to spiritual wisdom, and they are generally not strong in combat.Lingzhi is also the medicine and food for many living beings to cultivate, and it is not easy to live well. What kind of tendon can cultivate to such a high level, and what kind of species is it?
His eyelids drooped, looking very displeased.

Soon, he collected his mood, leaned close to her, and sniffed greedily, "Little boy, you delivered it to the door yourself, so I will use you to try my new exercise."

While speaking, a long straw hair branched out from her body and pierced her neck.

Yunli's face turned black suddenly, she was so disgusted, if she guessed correctly, that grass whisker was his tongue.

When Caoxiu was about to touch it, she broke free from the entanglement of the grass, swung out the Mengzhan Saber, and slashed at Caoxiu fiercely.

The tendons were extremely flexible, and the grass whiskers moved slightly, just to avoid her attack. At the same time, countless grass stalks suddenly appeared around her, crazily entangled her from all directions.

The poison of the grass controlled by the tendon will only become stronger. Yunli didn't want to take any risks, so she jumped up, opened the distance, and jumped into the air with her strength. Exhausted.

Shocked, is this the power of Tianhuo, even if there is only a little spark, it can completely incinerate one's clone.

His main body is the tendon demon grass, with extremely strong vitality, as long as there is a little root, it can grow again.

He found another way to practice, subdued a Nine Thunder Gangfire to temper his body, and after he cultivated to the end, the strange fire was no longer a threat to him.

While secretly vigilant in his heart, he couldn't help but make up his mind that he must get the Skyfire!

Fortunately, Tianhuo is still in its infancy, so he still has a chance.

 Thanks for the cute tip! ! !

  Thank you Riyue Yushan for your monthly pass! ! !
  One more later

(End of this chapter)

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