Chapter 390 Alien Grass (3)

The effect of the crimson mang did not diminish, Yunli was determined, the feeling of the tendons was too strong for her, stronger than any monk she had ever seen.

It is very dangerous to devour the blood in the demon cultivator. If you dare to do this, you must have some support, but your strength is much higher than hers, this is certain.

He can control the entire grassland to turn it into a grass forest. It is very likely that they are the natives of the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm. It seems that they have already reached the real Jiuliyuan Secret Realm.

The grass seems to be endless, and I can't go on like this. I worked hard for a long time, and my spiritual power was exhausted, but I kept fighting with the opponent's men, and I couldn't hurt myself at all.

After cleaning up the surrounding grass, she deliberately provoked him: "These shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not my opponents at all. If you have the ability, you can do it yourself!"

Mu Jin had a strange expression on his face, "Your knowledge is not worthy of your blood, these are all avatars of me."

"Including the outside?" Yunli was surprised, and carefully traced the shape of the grass in her mind. Without triggering any inheritance memory, she plausibly said, "It only means that your blood is too low to be worthy of my recognition."

The tendons seemed to be stepped on the tail, and he was furious. The three-finger-wide grass blades grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they grew into a huge straw man.

"I've seen a lot of brats, but not many can grow up alive." He grinned grinningly, raised his hand, and the seven dark purple grass stalks went straight to Yunli.

The purple electricity on the grass flickered, crackled, and sparked from time to time.

Another color, Yunli was frightened, using Jinghong's footwork to the extreme, dodging left and right, sometimes moving sideways, sometimes jumping up, slashing repeatedly with the Mengzhan Dao, and the light of the Taofen Dao made her whole body airtight .

The attacks failed again and again, the tendons became more and more irritable, and a few dark purple grass stalks shot out, and the sword energy suddenly surged behind him, sharp and menacing.

He turned around, and the billowing green leaves came towards him, and he raised his hand to grab it, all the green leaves stopped suddenly and shattered in an instant.

"When did you get rid of the poison?" Li Jin was surprised, the little brat was carrying the fire of heaven, and most of the poisons were useless to her, he knew this, but this kid had a cold constitution, so the poison should be more effective.

Wei Lin remained silent, spiritual power surged all over his body, like an arrow flying from the string, Mo Lijian slashed at the tendons again with astonishing sword power.

Despite Wei Lin's fierce offensive, the tendon was still contemptuous, he raised his hand casually, and lightly tapped on the tip of Li Li's sword, all the attacks turned into powder again and dissipated.

Wei Lin was so shocked that he flew upside down and slammed into the stone statue. He spun around in the air, touched the stone statue with his toes, finally stabilized his figure, and landed slowly.

His eyes slowly fell on Li Lijian, "The sword is not bad, and the person is not bad, it's a pity."

He shook his head, his palm surged with energy, he slowly lifted it up, and was about to shoot it, a piece of orange gauze flew over and wrapped around his wrist, with a little crimson light, the dark green wrist shrank, and soon became thin as a bamboo pole size.

With a scream, the grass rolled all over his body, and the straw figure collapsed suddenly, turning into a mass of grass, and quickly dispersed. After avoiding the scarlet glow, it re-condensed into a straw figure on the side of the stone statue.

At this moment, his face was gloomy like water, his eyes were like poisoned needles, he stared at Yunli firmly, and said viciously: "Bear boy, I owe it to you!"

Although he spoke very well, he didn't step forward, but stood where he was, directing the dark purple grass to entangle.

Yunli took out a few pills of nourishing spirits and took them, put away Feiyan, and used the Zhanmeng Dao to cooperate with Huanshiling to cut off the entangled grass one by one.

Although Fei Yan has excellent effects, the consumption is also astonishing. Every time she uses it, one-third of her body's spiritual power needs to be drained.

The spiritual power is nothing more than a few more pills and it will come back. The key is the spiritual consciousness. After using it once, she will feel deeply tired.

Fortunately, its passive defense in the body has basically no consumption.

The tendons were furious, and the continuous stream of dark purple grass entangled it like a madman. Even though Yunli chopped off one by one before he got close, he still stepped forward without flinching.

Looking at Yunli who was almost surrounded by strips of dark comfrey, Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted: "Come out, there's a scam!"

After shouting, he turned over and stabbed the tendons again with his sword.

Yunli also felt that it was inappropriate to be surrounded, so she chose a direction, and wanted to tear open the opening and rush out. The dark purple grass strips that had been twisting randomly came up to surround them, shuttled nimbly, and weaved a dense dark purple net in a short while.

The Meng Zhan Dao slashed out with a ding, as if hitting a solid rock, Yunli blinked, spiritual power poured into the Huanshi Ling, and the orange gauze shone brightly, like the sunset in midsummer.

The rays of the sun are gorgeous, flying out, tearing the thick purple clouds, but the purple clouds are extremely thick, tearing apart a little, there will be a steady stream of dense clouds gathering to fill them up one by one.

Under the billowing purple clouds, the rays of the sun gradually dimmed, and her spiritual power was exhausted. Yunli was so shocked that she sat down on her buttocks, and was immediately scorched by the thunder and lightning on the dark comfrey strips.

Outside, Wei Lin was thrown out again, his attack landed on the body of the muscle, as if to tickle him.

The tendons slowly raised the corners of his lips. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has never heard of cynicism. He will get angry because of a few words of contempt, a joke.

All he wanted was to be safe, not to give the little guy a chance to escape.

Little brat, no matter how talented you are, you are still too immature.

He shook his head, a large number of straws gathered and fused to his hands, and soon the hands became more and more delicate, turning into real human hands, but the color was not the normal flesh color, but green.

He chanted a few words in a low voice, and pinched the mysterious formula with both hands quickly. After two breaths, clusters of dark purple flames were formed under his hands.

As soon as the dark purple flame came out, the cave felt a bit chillier. The flame was quiet but creepy.

Seeing more and more strips of dark comfrey, and the familiar orange being suppressed little by little, Wei Lin was in a state of anxiety. Seeing the dark purple flames emanating from the tendons, his heart beat wildly. He took out a vial of sapphire, crushed it, and A handful of tonic pills are all stuffed into the entrance.

As the elixir melted, the eight extraordinary meridians were filled with spiritual energy in an instant, as if his whole body was being torn apart, and he was about to explode and die the next moment.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to run the exercises, letting the violent aura run along the sky, transform it into spiritual power, and flow it into the dantian.

At the same time, a steady stream of spiritual power flowed out from the dantian and poured into Mo Lijian. The blade became brighter and brighter, just like his cold eyes.

He turned around slowly, looking through the dark green grass with veins, fixedly staring at the airtight dark comfrey mass in midair.

No one can hurt her!
Mo Lijian buzzed non-stop, as if responding to him: No one can!

At this moment, the heart of the sword is transparent, and the sword and man are one.

Feeling the growing momentum behind him, he was taken aback and couldn't help turning his head to look.

Under the shadow of the Buddha statue, the young man was dressed in white clothes, as bright as frost and snow, with sword energy all over his body, and his black hair was windless and automatic, like a killing god who came out of Shura Hell.

The azure blue long sword in his hand is lingering with spiritual light, the thin golden thread in the center of the sword body seems to be flowing, and a green leaf is slowly floating around the sword body
(End of this chapter)

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