all the way to fairy

Chapter 391 Sword Intent

Chapter 391 Sword Intent
"Sword Intent?"

Surprise flashed in his eyes, "It seems that some real geniuses have come in this time. At such a young age, they have already comprehended sword intent. It's amazing!"

Wei Lin remained silent, only slowly raised his sword, and a crisp howl of the sword rose into the sky, passing through heavy sand and stones, tearing open the dense grass forest, and reaching straight into the sky.

Seeing this, he waved his hand, and the dark purple flame under his hand roared towards the grass where Yunli was, and then he turned around and grabbed Wei Lin.

An unremarkable grab, but it caused a riot of spiritual energy around him, rushing towards his palm. Under this suction, the sword energy all over Wei Lin's body became disordered for a moment, and then quickly stabilized.

He didn't flinch, and his mind sank into Li Li's sword. The howling sound of the sword became more and more frequent and urgent, and the green leaves surrounding it also accelerated, flying around the sword body at high speed.

The speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a blue whirlwind. The surrounding spiritual energy was attracted by this, and broke free from the shackles of the tendons for a short time, pouring into the whirlwind
The phoenix eyes flashed, and Mo Lijian slashed out without hesitation, and the cyan whirlwind swept away, the sword intent filled the sky, bloodstains appeared on the hands of the tendons, and grass clippings flew around the arms entwined with grass, rustling like rain .

However, it is limited to this.

The huge difference in cultivation cannot be easily made up by Jianyi.

His sinewy eyes were filled with haze, full of hostility, and he said almost word by word: "Genius, I'm still as annoying as ever!"

Clenching a fist, the greenness surged, and the shaved arm was completely filled again, and a layer of dark green luster appeared on the fist. As soon as this luster came out, the light in the cave seemed to be swallowed up and became dim.

Wei Lin fought his destiny to turn his skills, and the two spiritual power lakes in the dantian, one red and one green, were frantically sending out spiritual power, and the fire and wood spiritual powers converged in one place as soon as they left the dantian.

Fire and wood become wind, under high intensity, it has been transformed into wind spirit power in the body, poured into Mo Lijian, and swung out a few more swords, the gradually weakening blue whirlwind became mighty again.

For a while, sand and rocks flew in the cave, blowing people's eyes hard.

In the dark sky, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and the gorgeous orange gauze came through the air with a little bit of crimson light, like a snake, entwined around the tendons.

The green light was shining all over the tendons, and the spiritual power surged, and Huan Shiling was squeezed away little by little. At this moment, Mo Lijian stabbed straight.

The orange gauze flutters, the sword shines brightly, and scattered crimson glows fly from the orange gauze into the golden thread of the sword body. There is a sound of 'clank', and a sudden inspiration emerges. A huge phoenix phantom flies out of it, soaring into the sky, tearing the sword apart. Open numerous obstacles, straight into the sky.

Clear into the clouds, the orange-gold phoenix spreads its wings, resplendent and bright, as if it can cleanse all evil in the world.


"It's the divine beast Phoenix!"

"Oh my god, I actually saw the legendary phoenix!"

"Could it be that the strange treasure this time is the divine beast Phoenix!"

"Look quickly, you are not allowed to force me, the Phoenix belongs to me!"

The outside has become a mess, everyone is scrambling to fly towards the phoenix phantom, those annoying grasses dare not offend the divine beast Tianwei, most of them have disappeared before the phoenix comes out, and the remaining ones have turned back into shallow weeds. Listless.

In the corridor, the young man in red looked at the phoenix phantom flying out, and froze in place, "Phantom phoenix phantom?"

After two breaths, he woke up as if he had just woken up from a dream, and he shot forward like an arrow leaving the string.

Inside the cave, Wei Lin, who had regained his senses, suddenly slashed a few swords, and the orange-gold phoenix in the air was pulled, swooped down, and smashed into the body of the muscle with a shriek, with a destructive aura.

The blazing flames rose in an instant, and the tendons screamed sharply. The dark purple flames flew out of his body, and the dark purple flames that besieged Yunli were also recalled by him, forming a flame barrier in front of him.

The orange golden phoenix seemed to be enraged by his actions. With a cry of anger, Mo Lijian's sword intent surged, and the imaginary silk was radiant, and one silk and one sword echoed each other.

The whirlwind raged, the wind fueled the fire, and in the midst of the fire, the orange-gold phoenix revived, fiercely broke through the dark purple flame barrier, and wreaked havoc in the body of the muscle.

In just a short while, the grass man's tendons exploded and never condensed again. The dark purple flame, which lost the support of its master, was no match for Crimson Flame. What's more, with the blessing of the orange-gold phoenix, it was soon completely swallowed.

Jian Ling parted, and Fei Yan, who had obviously grown a lot, wobbled into the center of Yunli's eyebrows, she closed her wide mouth, unconsciously shook the orange gauze in her hand, and stared blankly at Wei Lin: "What happened just now? "

Huanshiling and Zhanmengdao couldn't break open the cage woven with dark purple grass strips, so she could only go all the way and take the Replenishment Pill to restore some spiritual power, and directly summoned Feiyan to deal with the enemy.

Although Fei Yan consumes a lot, she is still very powerful. With the blessing of Fei Yan, she quickly destroyed the grass cage, and then rushed out from the dark purple flames. At a disadvantage in the battle.

She didn't even think about it, Fei Yan cooperated with Huan Shiling and went up to help, but the next thing was out of control.

Fei Yan seemed to have something to do with the golden liquid that Ling Yu transformed, anyway, she didn't understand whether the phoenix phantom was the brother's sword intent, or what.

Wei Lin opened his mouth, and fell straight backwards. Yun Li hurriedly stepped forward to catch him, exclaiming, "Are you injured?"

After a quick inspection, the problem was not serious. Although he suffered some minor injuries, it was harmless. He fell down because he drained all the spiritual energy in his body.

As soon as he took out the nourishing pill and fed it to him, the dull Mo You rushed over, "Senior Brother Qianjiu, are you alright?"

Yunli raised her hand to brush away her pounced paws, and was vigilant: "What are you doing?"

"Brother has protected me all these years and treated me with great kindness. You have seen it before, even in the face of a strong enemy, he did not give up on me."

After the death of the tendon, all the grass in the cave disappeared, and Mo Huai had already regained his freedom, and he had already taken the detoxification pill to recover.

Yunli naturally knew that what she said was to remind herself that she was the person her senior brother wanted to protect, but Yunli still turned black and said angrily, "Who is your senior brother, don't make random connections."

Mo You glanced at Mo Huai who was walking towards her with a gloomy face, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Oh, look at my brain, I forgot that you are Yunli from Taiyi Sect now."

After finishing speaking, seeing that Mo Huai didn't understand the meaning behind her words, she looked flustered, and she simply pointed out: "Senior Sister Qianshi has been in Taiyi School for a long time, so she must not be very clear about the relationship in the cabinet. These years, Qianjiu and I Brother gets along day and night, life and death together, if I die, he will be angry."

Yunli rolled her eyes, turned her head and asked Mo Huai, "Why didn't you tie her up?"

Mo Huai's target was Mo You, and Mo Huai chased her in, but it turned out that she was able to move freely in the cave, which Yunli had never figured out.

"The Blood Underworld Art practiced by Mo You was improved by Mo Qishan, and it is suitable for any race. This demon cultivator also likes it." Mo Huai paused, his expression complicated.

"I see."

Yunli nodded, and couldn't help feeling that Mo You really had a good father. Because of Xingye's blood dark power, she protected her. She never thought that after entering Jiuliyuan, she could still enjoy the benefits of blood dark power.

"You guys," Mo You took a few steps back, stared blankly at Mo Huai, and said in surprise, "Do you know the identity of her killer in the Canye Pavilion?!"

Both Yunli and Yunli denied it.

There is no outsider here, Yunli simply said, "If you want to kill her, I will not stop it, but not now, Zhu Ge's soul is imprisoned in her body, you can't touch her until we find a solution."

"How do you know!" As soon as she finished speaking, Mo You immediately jumped up, her voice was extraordinarily sharp, "You guys know Zhu Ge, so does Qian Jiu."

A drop of sweat the size of a bean slid across her forehead, before she finished speaking, she summoned the flying sword, turned around and flew out.

"Zhu Ge?" Mo Huai frowned, murmured, and suddenly raised his head, "Zhu Xiaoqi?!"

"I don't know how high he is in the family, but he is indeed from Jincheng. He has helped us before, and we must save him, so Mo You can't move for the time being."

Yunli said very resolutely, if Mo Huai insisted on fighting, he could only fight!

The memory is far away, but with the introduction, Mo Huai quickly remembered that kind little fat man in the Zhu family, "Among the three previous families, he had the best relationship with Mo You, how could she?"

"One body and two souls, no wonder he's still alive." A cold snort came from the direction of the tunnel, interrupting Mo Huai's words.

The voice was that perverted young man in red, thinking of Mo You who ran away, Yunli felt bad.

The rebellious young man slowly walked out of the darkness, and as she expected, Mo You was dragged by his hand.

He glanced into the hole, and his eyes fell on the Li Li sword on the ground, "Is the sword yours?"

"Ahem, cough, it's mine."

"Senior brother, you're awake!" Yunli opened her mouth to say nonsense, seeing that he wanted to stand up, she hurriedly helped him up, "Do you want some more elixir?"

Just now he was in a coma and couldn't sort out his spirit energy on his own, and she couldn't give him too many nourishing pills at once.

"Senior Brother Qianjiu, save me!" Mo You, who was being lifted by the collar and placed on the ground, saw that Wei Lin had woken up, and asked for help repeatedly.

After taking the Buling Pill, Wei Lin raised his hand, and Mo Lijian flew into his hand. He looked up at the young man and said, "Since fellow Taoist heard what you said just now, let her go, and wait until a solution is found." , you are definitely not the only one who wants her to die."

The young man's gaze was still on Mo Lijian, and upon hearing this, he slowly moved to Wei Lin's face, stared at it for a long time, and muttered, "I don't see anything good except a face."

The nonsensical sentence confused Yunli and the others, she looked at the boy suspiciously: "What did you say?"

The young man lifted Mo You, and threw it on the ground like a rag, "Stupid, if you want to save your friend, you should kill her earlier, otherwise, when their souls are completely fused, your friend will truly never be reborn."

After a pause, he continued: "Fortunately, you didn't act rashly. No matter how you kill, there must be conditions. If you can't separate their souls, your friend will have to accompany her to nothingness forever."

"Do you know how to separate their souls?" Yunli's eyes lit up, and she looked at the young man expectantly. He has extraordinary skills and mysterious origins, and he has seen through the longevity curse that Mo You's curse is. Then...
"Naturally." The young man said proudly, "It's just separating two souls, it's a piece of cake. However, many evil spirits are imprisoned here, full of hostility and resentment, and they enter reincarnation from here. Not many."

Yunli blinked, wait, the amount of information is a bit too much, "Imprisonment? Rebirth Pond? What stuff?
Boy, do you know too much?
"The so-called Jiuliyuan is actually a place where evil cultivators are imprisoned in the upper realm. As for the pool of rebirth, it is beyond your knowledge."

A few simple words completely shocked Yunli into a daze, and after thinking about it, she felt that this should be the case, only in this way could there be an answer to all the weirdness.

Those so-called secret treasures are indeed very precious in their eyes, but to the people of the upper realm, they must be the common goods.

Thinking of others throwing out a bone with no meat at random, and they snatched their heads, she felt as sick as swallowing a fly.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "Take care of her first. I have the Soul Sealing Orb, which can temporarily store Zhu Ge's soul in it. I also ask fellow Taoists to help. Wei Lin will be very grateful."

"It's well prepared." The young man muttered, and then said: "You don't need to thank me, my Shaohao family has clear grievances and grievances, and I never hurt the innocent."

Yunli and the others were even more confused, what exactly is this longevity curse?
But right now, it's important to rescue Zhu Ge first, so I didn't mention it.

The young man said: "The Grass Demon is seriously injured, and it can't make waves for the time being. Just stay here. Pay attention to your surroundings, and don't let any evil and resentment come over."

seriously injured?Isn't he dead?
Yunli couldn't believe it, she opened her mouth, but finally didn't ask.

After explaining everything, the boy is ready to start.

Mo You was desperate, she wanted to escape, but the young man didn't know what method he used, not only his spiritual power was blocked, he couldn't mobilize a bit, and he couldn't raise his strength.

"You can't kill me, senior brother Qianjiu, please save me, please save me, you know, the Pavilion Master values ​​me very much, if I die, the Pavilion Master will definitely investigate."

She spoke incoherently, but there was a long-lost humiliation in her heart. A group of people were discussing her life and death unscrupulously. This feeling was like a nightmare.

She seemed to have returned to the time when she tested her spiritual roots when she was six years old, and that was the beginning of her nightmare.

Before that day, she was the well-deserved proud daughter of the sky in Jincheng, and she was sought after by her peers; after that day, all that awaited her were endless white eyes, ridicule, teasing and indifference.

Do not!
She can't die, she hides in the shadows like a mouse, dragging out her life, she has paid so much to get to where she is today, she can't die!
She hasn't ascended yet, she hasn't become a fairy yet, she doesn't want to die!

She shouted silently from the bottom of her heart, her eyes swept over everyone in the field one by one, Fang Mo has a hatred for her, and she wished to eat his flesh alive, so she would definitely not save her.

Needless to say, the boy in red yelled at her for no reason.

She has been with Qianjiu for many years, so she knows how indifferent he is, besides, she has been under the order of the pavilion master to monitor him all these years, so he has long been impatient.

The only hope is Qianshi. She has been protected by Qianjiu all the time, and then went to the famous Taiyi sect.

"Senior Sister Qianshi, please help me. I don't want to be like this. As the powerful daughter of the Nascent Soul, but without spiritual roots, do you know how much I have suffered?"

 Thank you for getting a big reward from Zhanyi! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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