all the way to fairy

Chapter 392 Like?

Chapter 392 Like?

She burst into tears, and pointed at Mo Huai, "The sisters of the Fang family are dissatisfied with my marriage with him, and their verbal sarcasm is light. Do you know what they did?"

Her eyelids trembled and her voice was sad and angry: "They pushed me into ponds, cesspit, and put me in a cage for raising monsters."

"Because they are ascetics, they can do whatever they want, and all the evidence can be easily erased with a dust removal technique. I don't even have the opportunity to sue my elders."

"And him, my fiancé, how did he do it? He just reprimanded Fang Yiyi a few times, bought some gadgets and apologized without pain, but occasionally made trouble with the elders, and said something between little girls." A quarrel, just gently expose the matter."

"I'm just not reconciled. They are all children of the three major families. My father is still a mighty Nascent Soul. Why should I be humiliated by them? Is it because I am just a mortal?"

As the daughter of Mo Qishan, but a mortal, Yunli thought that her childhood was not so happy, but she didn't expect that those people would dare to commit crimes against the wind. Mo Qishan really cares about it, and it doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not.

She lowered her eyes and said softly: "The grievances and grievances between you and the children of the Fang family should not affect others, let alone practice some kind of blood magic, taking away other people's talents and lifespans, it is against the law of heaven."

"You've also practiced the Blood Underworld Kung Fu!" The young man was shocked, and immediately said fiercely: "You really deserve to die!"

"How do you know the content of Xueming Gong?" Mo You was stunned, looking at Yunli full of guard and doubt.

Oops, I slipped my tongue, Yunli touched the tip of her nose angrily, "Anyway, poor people must have something to hate, and you are not a kind person, so don't say how innocent you are."

Xueming Kung Fu can't be practiced in one go, and it's unknown how many people she used as test subjects.

Hearing that Mo You was still practicing the Blood Dark Kung Fu, the young man was so furious that he hit her leg with a stick, blood sprayed out and the flesh was mutilated, and Mo You let out a terrifying scream.

A drop of blood splashed onto Yunli's cheek, the corners of her mouth twitched, she raised her hand to wipe off the blood, and said speechlessly, "You just killed me, there's no need to humiliate you."

"People won't appreciate you for your kindness." The young man rolled his eyes, "If you stab him to death, your Zhu Ge will follow you."

"Only when she is in extreme pain and her mind is in a trance can your friend's soul turn back to the guest. Otherwise, the sea of ​​consciousness will be erratic. Where can I lure him out?"

Speaking of this, the corners of his lips turned cold, and he said coldly: "This is the fate of offending our Shaohao clan!"

For him, Yunli has already learned to automatically filter out the words of the second disease, and with her index finger across her lips, she said honestly: "Please, I will shut up."

The young man raised his hand, and a scarlet flame as thick as a strand of hair sank into the center of Mo You's eyebrows. Her face twisted in an instant, and a scream was louder than a scream, and a red thread was swimming in her body.

After the sizzling sounds, the smell of burnt meat permeated the tip of her nose, and Yunli trembled unconsciously. This familiar scene instantly brought her back to the burning pain when she entered the stage.

"Hahaha" in extreme pain, Mo You suddenly smiled tragically, "The way of heaven is not fair, the way of heaven is not fair, why some people are born with excellent single spiritual roots, while others don't even have any spiritual roots! I don't agree, I Don't worry about dissatisfaction!"

Because one leg was smashed into the sand, she couldn't even roll over, so she could only curl up and twist slightly on the ground.

After a long time, she murmured almost dreamily, "I'm having a hard time, so don't you guys think about it either."

After rolling a few more times, she supported the ground tremblingly, raised her eyes to look at Mo Huai, full of malice, "Brother Fang Fangmo, you like her, don't you?"

"You don't have to deny it. We are childhood sweethearts and we have missed each other for so many years. I know exactly what you think."

She giggled, her face full of terrifying blood vessels was covered with sand, which was not so ugly, but her tone was like a ghost crawling out of hell, "Who do you think your sweetheart likes?"

Mo Huai was cold and did not speak.

She couldn't breathe from laughing. After coughing for a while, she stared firmly into Mo Huai's eyes and said word by word: "She likes you and kills her father and enemy, hahaha."

Startled, Mo Huai rushed over, restrained her, and shouted sharply: "What do you mean? Who killed my father?"

"Cough, cough, I like you so much, but you dismiss it like a shoe, what a retribution, hahaha. Cough cough."


Yunli was thinking about who Mo Huai's father might be, when the boy's voice interrupted her thoughts, she subconsciously slapped Mo Huai unconscious.

Meeting the surprised gaze cast by the young man, she explained: "He is too noisy, which affects your spellcasting."

The young man gave her a big white eye, took Mo You's finger and stroked it, the finger was dipped in blood, raised his hand and drew a mysterious rune on her forehead, then took out a piccolo and played it.

Yunli: .
Wei Lin curled his lips, and a little smile flashed in his eyes, Yunli became more embarrassed at the sight, she touched the tip of her nose, and pretended to be serious to transmit the sound: "This is a young man who does not take an unusual path."

The sound of the flute is faint, echoing repeatedly in the empty cave, like weeping and complaining, it seems to have boundless magic power, people are unconsciously addicted to it, and slowly move forward with the sound of the flute.

Yunli frowned, always felt that this song was inexplicably familiar, as if she had listened to it countless times, she tried hard to recall it, but she couldn't remember where she heard it before.

With the sound of the flute playing, Mo You gradually stopped struggling, and his eyes gradually became blurred. Suddenly, the sound of the flute turned, and the tone was passionate and tragic.

Mo You's eyes became clear again, his pupils dilated, and he looked at the face close at hand in disbelief. After a short moment, his consciousness sank into the darkness again.

The boy raised his eyebrows, looked at her suspiciously, then lowered his eyes and continued playing.

The sound of the flute became louder and louder, something was soaked into the blood rune, and the rune became red and bright little by little, as if it was flowing.

Suddenly, a little white protruded from the scarlet talisman, like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, slowly tore apart the blood talisman, got out, and condensed a transparent shadow in the air.

"Zhu Ge!" Yunli was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly urged, "Quick, quick, Soul Sealing Pearl!"

The transparent shadow slowly opened its eyes, glanced at her, and a faint, almost nihilistic smile appeared on the corners of its lips. Turning around, the shadow became more and more transparent and disappeared suddenly.

Wei Lin threw out the soul-sealing bead, the young man's flute played again, and the dissipated shadows gathered together again, and were instantly sucked into the bead.

Yunli stared at the bead carefully, there was a mass of thick white in the originally clear bead, she turned her head to look at the boy who had stopped, and asked expectantly: "Is it finished?"

"I will make a move, how can I lose."

The young man is still awesome, but his face is pale, and his forehead is covered with fine beads of sweat. Obviously, this matter is not particularly easy for him.

As soon as he helped, Yunli stopped exposing his bullshit, spit out a series of good words as if he didn't want money, and only praised the young man like he was in the clouds, making him dizzy.

After thinking about it, she cheerfully found two purses from Mo You, found the Buddha's relics and stuffed them to Wei Lin, smiled and offered the two purses with both hands, and said generously: "You have contributed the most, and all of these belong to you!"

The boy started to roll his eyes again, and waved his hands like chasing flies, "It's a pile of junk, what's there for you, it's taking up space!"

"Fellow Daoist is rich and admirable!" Yunli said as she quickly put away her purse, showing no sign of refusal.

Mo You is a person who cherishes his life, and his own combat power is weak, so he has exhausted his thoughts on defense.

Those accessories are not only exquisite, but also a good defensive magic weapon, so good for Ah Yan.

Seeing this, the young man was even more disdainful, "Money fan, such a shabby place is worth making a fuss about, a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."

Yunli bit her lip, her expression twisted, I can bear it!
"Ahem," Wei Lin cleared his throat, and asked, "It seems that his soul is very weak, is it okay?"

Towards Wei Lin, the young man's attitude is much more patient than the naked eye, "After all, he has been imprisoned in other people's sea of ​​consciousness for so long and has been tortured so much, it's pretty good that he can still maintain his self-awareness."

"Will it affect his reincarnation?" Speaking of business, Yunli let go of her discomfort and hurriedly asked.

"Nonsense, of course it has an impact. If you think about it with your toes, you should know that if the soul is weak like this, the reincarnation will definitely not live long."

Yunli had a question mark on her face, when did she provoke him?The difference in attitude is too big!

After a pause, he said again: "But it would be nice to reincarnate a few more times. If the chance is strong, you may be able to step into the fairyland again."

This is beyond the scope of their abilities, Yunli didn't think about it anymore, she turned her head to stare at the dry rune on Mo You's forehead, and recalled the order of the boy's sketching, she stretched out her fingers and sketched in the air several times.

In the first pass, the strokes were a little congested, but in the second pass it was very smooth, and in the third pass, it was already completed in one go.

"Have you seen Soul Requiem before?" the young man was surprised.


Yunli repeated it, and recalled the process of the young man casting the spell in his mind several times, and suddenly realized: "I understand, the soul-suppressing rune drawn with her blood is to suppress her own soul, then you The music played should have the effect of attracting souls, right?"

The young man was even more surprised, and remembered that in the middle of playing the soul song, she inserted the knife precisely, and said involuntarily, "It seems that you still have some talent in the rune."

"I'm not only a bit talented, I'm very talented!"

While speaking, Mo Huai faintly woke up, saw Mo You lying in a pool of blood, he rushed over, and when he found that Mo You was dead, his eyes suddenly turned red, "Who killed it?"

"Ah, here," Yunli scratched her head, "It's me, I'm sorry, the timing is urgent, I didn't have time to wake you up."

She was secretly annoyed that she was quick. If she asked Mo Huai first, she would be able to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Mo Huai sat on the ground slumped, his eyes showing bewilderment and helplessness.

Yunli touched the tip of her nose guiltily, how deeply Mo Huai's obsession with Mo You is, no one in the Canglan Continent knows all these years, the one-handed enemy that people have been thinking about for so long, in the end, they were disturbed by his own knife up.

She was very guilty, organized her words for a while, and said: "Well, no matter what, you took revenge, didn't you, she died so miserably, and you were also beside her, rounding it up, it is equivalent to your own hands."

Before he finished speaking, the slumped Mo Huai suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Wei Lin.

Yunli was stunned, looking at Mo Huai who was thrown away by a sword, she sighed, and said earnestly: "I know you are feeling uncomfortable now, and you can't just find someone from the Remnant Night Pavilion, so let's do it. Brother and I have already Betrayed the Remnant Night Pavilion, you"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mo Huai again, "The revenge of killing your father is irreconcilable!"

Revenge for killing your father?The person who killed his father was the senior brother!
Yunli was suspicious, didn't Mo You say that the person who killed his father was his sweetheart's sweetheart?
She felt that her mind was a little confused, rubbed her temples, and wrung her fingers.

Mo Huai's sweetheart, likes his father-killing enemy, now Mo Huai believes that his senior brother is his father-killing enemy, and at the same time has a relationship with Mo Huai and his senior brother, several figures quickly flashed in his mind.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she lost her voice: "Could it be me?!"

Mo Huai likes himself?

Impossible, impossible, just his eccentricity and moodiness, can he be called liking?
But the people who are related to both of them at the same time, besides himself, are cousin and A Yan. Mo You has never met her cousin, and she and A Yan only met in Jiuliyuan this time.

Excluding the cousin, although Ayan and Mo Huai haven't spoken much, the relationship seems to be quite harmonious, but Ayan is polite to the senior brother, and it doesn't seem like she likes him.

Suddenly, Lin Xi once said that Mo Huai liked her. Could it be that he is really a fan of the authorities?

She held her hands and supported her head: Hey, wait a minute, in this way, doesn't it mean that I like senior brother? !

Do I like brother?

She turned her head suddenly, staring blankly at the young man in white clothes swaying and stretched, her heart was still at a loss.

She turned her head, leaned closer to the boy in red, and lowered her voice: "Hey, let me ask you something, what is it like to like someone?"

The young man rolled his eyes, "You ask me, I'll ask who, and I've never liked anyone, how would I know!"

"Keep your voice down." Yunli glared at him, forget it, with his rough nerves, it's useless to ask.

She reached into the storage bag with her spiritual sense, and she dug out a few scripts, picked out one about love and love, opened it, and searched for descriptions in the scripts.

The young man was dumbfounded: "I'll go, you're so heartbroken, they're fighting like hell, you still have the mood to read the script!"

After being dazed for a few seconds, Yunli realized that she should persuade the fight first.

She opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to persuade her, the revenge of killing her father must not be let go!

After struggling for a long time, Mo Huai fell to the ground, and Mo Lijian was within an inch of his throat.

Mo Huai smiled bitterly. Over the years, although Qianjiu had fought against the disciples of the four major sects many times, he had never fought seriously against the future helmsmen of the sect.

On the few occasions when he met, he would run away immediately when he sensed the presence of his masters at the Golden Core stage.

They estimated his strength based on the strength of the four disciples who were defeated by him.

Originally, I thought that the estimate was not good, even if they were not Qianjiu's opponents, the difference in strength was not too big.

But he didn't expect that he was defeated so thoroughly, he slowly closed his eyes, but he didn't wait to die.

Opening his eyes, the boy in white had already put away his sword and turned to leave.

Mo Huai clenched the long sword in his hand, and said sharply, "One day, I will defeat you and avenge my father."

Wei Lin didn't turn his head back, "I'll wait."

Yunli sighed, stepped forward and said, "Although it's useless, I still want to say sorry to you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and trotted to catch up with Wei Lin, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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