all the way to fairy

Chapter 393 Shaohao Luo

Chapter 393 Shaohao Luo

"What are you going to do, take advantage of the Grass Demon's serious injury and steal his treasure house!"

The boy in red rubbed his hands with excitement.

Yunli's eyes lit up in the treasury's treasury. His cultivation base is unfathomable, and he came from the upper realm. There must be many treasures!
However, they tried their best, but they only seriously injured him. She couldn't summon Fei Yan in a short time, and the brother's sword intent had just formed...

Turning her eyes, she landed on the young man. His vermilion flame was also very powerful. She cleared her throat and said, "Based on our previous experience, it is easy to use fire to attack him. Your strange fire is no problem, right?"

"Of course I have no problem with my fire, the sky can burn a hole!" The young man raised his neck, his fart was terrible.

Yunli was relieved, and looked around the cave. Since Mo Jin chose to drag Mo You here, this place should be very close to his old lair. He first appeared from the Buddha statue, and she came to the stone statue in a few steps.

The stone statue is very big, about the thickness of six people hugging each other. The legs alone are several meters high. The surface is covered with shallow scratches, and the folds of the scratches are still mossy.

Turning to the back, there was a deep crack running across her whole body, and it was dark inside. She leaned closer to the crack and looked in, and there was a weak air current blowing her face. She said in surprise, "It seems to be empty."

Hearing this, Wei Lin had a thought, jumped up a few times, and came to the top of the stone statue. At the height of the Buddha's forehead, the engraving was slightly misaligned, as if it was cut off by someone's sword, and then closed again and misaligned.

After thinking about it, he slashed at the misplaced place a few times, but only cut off a stone the size of a fingernail, but the inside was indeed empty.

"So hard?"

Wei Lin was stunned. After comprehending the sword intent, his attack went up to a higher level. Now, even if it is Nascent Soul's great power, he should avoid his edge when facing his attack.

Peeling a stone only peeled off such a small piece!

Seeing Yunli below, she murmured: "Could it be that this stone is also a treasure?"

As she said that, she called out the Mengzhan Dao, and slashed on the stone statue with her backhand, "Ding", the huge shock force made her sit on the ground, her arms were numb, and she almost couldn't hold the knife.

"Idiot, didn't you see the formation above?"

The boy laughed at her unceremoniously, and then flew to the top of the stone statue, holding the mace in both hands, jumped, swung it round, and slammed it down, causing the gravel to splash.

He shook his hair, full of air: "Did you see, you have to hit here!"

Yunli jumped up, avoiding the falling stones, and also flew to the top of the stone statue, seeing the completely staggered engravings next to it, "Has the formation here been destroyed?"

"Of course, if you don't destroy the formation, how can he get out?"

Wei Lin was thoughtful, "According to fellow Taoist, if there is no formation to suppress him, what kind of strength is he?"

Yunli was shocked, yes, the suppressed old monsters are not inferior to the monks of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, if they destroy the formation and lose the suppression, then it will be fine!
The young man folded his arms, let out a 'huh', and said, "This little monster, I guess it was in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe in its heyday, and after being suppressed, it can't show its strength at all."

He glanced at Li Li in Yanwei Lin's hand, "Origin was injured again, and he should be half dead now."

Little demon, Yunli was speechless, "At any rate, he is also a demon emperor, so calling him little demon is inappropriate."

"Demon Emperor?" The young man jumped up and spat fiercely, "Damn! A weed dares to pretend to be the Demon Emperor!"

He swung his mace and smashed it violently, "Hurry up, let me go and kill him, it's a great shame!"

Yunli nodded in agreement, this kind of muscle is indeed arrogant, in the demon cultivator, the demon king and demon emperor can't do it with strong strength, and the blood has to be tyrannical.

She picked up the Meng Zhan Dao and started to work, Wei Lin's voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "From now on, don't use Fei Yan and any other techniques that may reveal your identity as a demon cultivator in front of him."

The hand that swung the knife paused, Yunli looked at the sullen young man who was smashing the Buddha statue, and Weilin's sound transmission from Sea of ​​Consciousness continued, "He should also be a demon cultivator, or a demon cultivator with a good bloodline."

Yunli pursed her lips, it was indeed very similar.

The young man is awesome, his speech is mostly contempt for everyone, and he has a lot of knowledge. He knows many things in the upper world and his cultivation level. She guessed that he should come from an extraordinary background.

He reacted so violently to the matter of proclaiming himself emperor, it is indeed very likely that he is a demon cultivator, and it is very likely that he is a noble blood that can be called king and emperor.

She trembled a little in her heart, the world of demon cultivators was even crueler, she was weak and possessed the treasure of Crimson Flame, so she had to be more careful.

Although he looks nice, who knows if after seeing Fei Yan, he will also want to devour the strange fire to strengthen him.

Yunli immediately slowed down, and made a summary of the situation where she was recognized by the monsters.

Next to it, Wei Lin slashed a few swords, stopped, and asked seemingly unintentionally: "Weeds? Fellow Daoist, do you know what the body of the grass demon is?"

"Hmph, it's just a weed with sinews. It has no value other than hard work. The lowest beasts don't like to eat it."

The young man's words were still full of contempt, but the two of them also understood that this tendon grass is a very common spiritual plant in the upper world, with very low spiritual power, and it belongs to the kind that is even ugly for paving grass.

But this tendon demon grass has a characteristic, that is, its vitality is extremely tenacious, even if there are only a few stubs left, it can still regenerate when the spring breeze blows.

This kind of grass grows on the side of the road, is trampled by passers-by, often dies, and then grows again, and there are other spiritual plants competing with it for nutrients, so it can't make a big climate.

After listening to his words, Yunli became even more vigilant, there must be something special about a demon grass with such a low background who dares to be called the demon emperor.

However, after glancing at the young man, she felt that he was even more terrifying.

"Well, everyone is so familiar, my name is Yunli, this is my senior brother Wei Lin, what's your name?"

The young man wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, "Call me Uncle Fifteen."

Yunli: .
"Fifteen, you have to be polite."

"Don't call me Shiwu!" The boy gritted his teeth.

Yun Li put on a dull face, "Our family doesn't have such a middle school uncle."

"You're taking advantage of me."

"The name, it's just a title, how can it take advantage of you."

The young man held his breath, only the elders in the family would directly call his ranking.

Yunli raised her chin, assuming that if you don't tell me, I'll just call you that.

The boy was lucky, and squeezed out between his teeth after a while: "Luo, Shaohao Luo."

Yunli brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead, "Small sample, I can't cure the boy with the second illness."

Wei Lin: Two childish ghosts.

While talking about it, the three of them soon knocked off the top of the stone Buddha's head. The inside was completely hollow and black, and the stone wall was covered with vertical marks. Obviously, it was covered with grass strips before.

Descending along the stone wall, about a quarter of an hour later, there was a faint green light flickering, and after falling a certain distance, Yunli smelled a bloody smell.

She tightened Huan Shiling tightly without making a fuss, and stared down intently. Next to him, Shaohao Luo raised his hand and formed a fire dragon. He took the lead and swooped down towards the bottom of the cave.

The bright fire light illuminated the darkness, and the withered and yellow mass below turned over, revealing a face like withered bark, and the appearance of a straw man's tendons could be vaguely seen between his eyebrows and eyes.

Under him, a woman in pink was motionless, her long hair covering her face was blown by the strong wind, revealing her pale cheeks, and there were several shriveled corpses scattered around beside her.

It seemed that he was using these monks to heal his wounds before their arrival.

Facing the menacing fire dragon, Pan Jin's eyes flashed with panic, his withered and yellow body exploded and shot towards the top of his head.

"Want to run?" Shaohao Luo snorted coldly, "Block the door!"

"Got it!"

Yunli smiled, and the phantom world silk unfolded layer by layer, sticking to the stone wall, sealing the passage tightly, and thousands of fragments transformed from tendons came crashing into them, slamming left and right, but they couldn't be broken, as thin as cicada's wings the silk yarn.

The true spirit flowed, and the majestic spiritual power poured into the fantasy silk like water. It was dazzling and smooth like a mirror. With a sound of clank, all the fragments were bounced back.

"You stay here."

With an order, Wei Lin stepped on the flying sword and stood in the air, scorching air waves swept across, his robes rattled, and Li Lijian swung his sword, pa pa pa pa, and the withered yellow fragments that flew up again were shot back into the sea of ​​flames below.

After several rounds like this, he knew in his heart that there was only one battle, and all the fragments condensed into human form again. He stood in the sea of ​​flames, the green brilliance around his body was flickering, constantly counteracting the burning of Zhu Ming's flame.

"Since you have to die, I will fulfill you!"

He took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, his lips moved, a strange sound wave echoed in the cave, the rhythm was gentle, the tone was soft, and it was very comfortable to listen to.

Yunli frowned, this feeling was very real, not an illusion, and she felt that the tendons in the sea of ​​fire had become kind and lively.

There was a rustling sound in her ears, and she was startled. It was the grass, and the grass outside was gathering here.

But the only passage is blocked by himself, so it's useless to come?

She was wondering, but she saw that the aura of the muscles was rising steadily, and she returned to the state before the injury in a blink of an eye.

Outside, everyone used their own means to fly towards the place where the phoenix phantom exploded at full speed. Halfway through the flight, the weeds on the ground turned into stalks again.

Just when everyone was vigilant, they saw them spread out one by one towards the distance, as if they were transmitting energy. As soon as they are connected, the ones behind them will die instantly and have no vitality.

Someone raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and suddenly found that the direction in which the grass stretched was the direction in which the phantom of the divine phoenix appeared earlier.

Everyone was even more enthusiastic, and the flying magic weapon was extremely powerful.

Inside the stone statue, Yunli stared closely at the battle situation below. In the turbulent sea of ​​flames, there was a glistening green light all over his body, blocking the scorching flames.

His body is like a Yamata snake, and grass sticks protrude from his body one after another, piercing, winding, stabbing, and twisting, very flexible.

In the sea of ​​flames, Shaohao Luo was holding a mace, neither dodging nor dodging, one stick after another, smashing and crushing, smashing all the grass blades that wanted to attack him.

Wei Lin stepped on the flying sword and walked nimbly over the sea of ​​flames. The long sword in his hand was full of sword intent, and bursts of blue whirlwind swept across, and the nearby grass was dragged into it and shredded.

Shaohao Luo was in a sea of ​​flames, and he was also the controller of the strange fire. Whenever a blade of grass was broken, the fire would explode in that direction and burn the fragments.

Wei Lin was in the sky above, so he himself had to avoid contact with Zhu Ming's strange fire, the fragments of grass shredded by the whirlwind had already been recalled by Zijin before they fell into the sea of ​​flames.

In this way, the weakening of the tendons was limited, and Yunli was about to help, but saw that after he chopped the grass, the tip of the sword turned slightly, and the swaying sword energy stirred up a ball of flames under the scattered fragments, burning up the fragments .

The two of them don't need her help for the time being, so Yunli puts her mind on the body of the tendon. It doesn't affect him much if one or two fragments are burned, but as time goes by, more and more grass strips disappear in the Zhu Huozhong, his strength is much weaker than before.

Suddenly, she noticed that the blades of grass he controlled seemed to be erratic, attacking independently, but they all avoided the stone wall.


With a thought, she used the dust removal technique to clean up the stone wall next to it. As expected, the stone wall was also covered with various runes, even more than the ones outside.

Thinking that he hadn't flown away from the sea of ​​flames, Yunli hurriedly looked at the ground, where Zhu Huo had already burned all the corpses and sand on the ground.

Under the high temperature, the stone slab was burnt red, and the formations on it seemed to be shaking with the heat wave, and the faint light of the formations was suppressed by the vermilion fire. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all.

She immediately understood that the formation on the stone wall was the most critical, suppressing the muscles all the time, if he could trigger the formation on the stone wall, his strength would be greatly weakened.

Thinking of this, she quickly shouted: "Formation, lead up the formation."

Wei Lin didn't raise his head, his wrist was slightly tilted, the whirlwind he aroused changed its course, and slammed into the stone wall with the grass.

This time, without the cover of vermilion fire, the light of the formation was very obvious. As soon as the grass strip touched the stone wall, the light on it flashed sharply, as if an electric current penetrated into the body along the grass strip, his face became even more distorted.

He looked up at Yunli viciously, "Little brat!"

After saying that, a dozen straws stabbed towards her, Yunli's side, after avoiding the first wave of impact, attracted Huanshiling, tied them into a bunch, and dragged them into the stone wall without any explanation.

Shocked, he shattered the grass by himself, Yunli only had time to shoot some of them into the sea of ​​flames, and he took back the rest.

She raised her chin and said provocatively, "Come again!"

Yan Jin's face was colorful, and he held back for a long time, but finally did not attack her again.

Yunli looked at him, suddenly startled.

Wait, the stone slab has a formation, he can't leave, even if it was turned into thousands of pieces at first, he can't escape!

He is faking!
If I didn't stop him immediately, according to the characteristics of the Tendon Demon Grass, they would think that he had already escaped, and they would chase after him. In this way, they would fall into his plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!
After accepting Huanshiling, she flew down, feeling in her heart, she has so many eyes, she deserves to be an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

"What are you doing down there?" Shaohao Luo glared at her, while Mujin seized this opportunity, turned into thousands of fragments again, and rushed upwards.

Shaohao Luo didn't care about talking about her anymore, and changed his hand formula, directing the fire dragon to chase after her.

Yunli stood calmly on the plantain fan, and said slowly: "You run, you run at ease, we will wait here."

"Formation." Wei Lin glanced at the rapidly flashing formation on the stone wall, and suddenly realized that he could not escape.

Shaohao Luo, who was flying up, paused, and quickly realized, he couldn't help but patted his head, and said angrily, "Why did you forget this?"

(End of this chapter)

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