all the way to fairy

Chapter 394 The Heart of Grass and Trees

Chapter 394 The Heart of Grass and Trees
The trick has been seen through, and he no longer pretends to be sloppy, he gathers back into a human form with a gloomy face, and thousands of grasses fly out.

Here, as long as he touches them, he can immediately take away their vitality.

It's a pity that the poison in front of him left a deep impression on Yunli and the others. At the critical moment of the battle, life and death can happen in an instant.

Yunli's veil flew down, covering large groups of grass strips and pasting them on the stone wall. Naturally, the tendons did not dare to let so many clones touch the formation, and they were decisively shattered.

With previous experience, she had already guessed that he would be like this. The Huanshi Ling unfolded and pressed down, and a large number of fragments were pressed into the flames.

Furious, with green light all over her body, she came to her side against the fire, and countless grass shone with green light, covering her head.

A faint sense of crisis lingered in her heart, Huanshi Ling whirled and tore a hole, she flew out without thinking, away from the soft green light.

At the same time, a whirlwind hit her plantain fan, pushing her out of the green light range.

The muscle attack also made him very close to Shaohao Luo, and at the same time he moved, Shaohao Luo also moved, and the red light on the mace hit him hard on the back.

The blow of this stick was so powerful that the muscles couldn't resist it at all. He staggered a few steps, and he was about to be engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, his body exploded and shattered into pieces.

There was a flash of light in Fangfang Wei Lin's eyes, and his spiritual power poured out, and bursts of whirlwinds fell into the sea of ​​flames, setting off thousands of layers of fire waves.

Without the protection of the green light, large groups of fragments were ruthlessly devoured by the vermilion fire, and there was a sharp howling sound in the cave, which was the scream of extreme muscle pain.

Yunli, avoiding the pursuit of the grass, turned around and threw out the Huanshi Ling, and pressed it hard. The fragments that escaped the fire wave were covered, and only a small part of the fragments wrapped in green light escaped.

After a while, the tendons fled back to their original positions, their momentum was sluggish, a leg was missing, and a large piece of their waist was also missing.

"Beautiful!" Shaohao Luo Zhan was excited and laughed heartily, "Come again!"

The three of them attacked, restrained, and made up their swords, and gradually cooperated very tacitly. After the tendons showed their flaws again, they finally pressed it firmly into the sea of ​​fire and burned it to death.

After confirming that all the fragments were burned, Shaohao Luo put away the strange fire, his face was a little pale, but his eyes were frighteningly bright, he reached out and grabbed the two rings that fell down, and shouted excitedly: "Divide the spoils!"

Yunli Weilin, who had just landed, staggered when he heard this. Has this child ever studied, so he can't change the word.

Suddenly, a mass of clear and soft green floated up from the ground and quietly suspended in midair. It was a pure emerald the size of a corn kernel.

Yunli was slightly stunned, and blurted out, "The heart of grass and trees!"

She finally understood why a mere weed in the area of ​​the tendons could cultivate to the stage of transcending tribulation, and finally understood why he could still absorb the energy of the clone outside if there was a formation blocking it.

The heart of vegetation, the purest and most refined wood spirit in the world, can communicate with thousands of trees, and can borrow the vitality of vegetation within a certain distance for your own use. With it, you will have a steady stream of vitality.

The Tendon Demon Herb was already tenacious in vitality, and with such a sharp weapon to snatch vitality, how could other Lingzhi be his opponents.

Moreover, judging from the mummified corpses in the Grass Forest, he not only took life from the vegetation, but also targeted monks.

She flew up, grabbed the green light, and shouted: "The rest is yours, we just need this."

"You are not stupid! Is the heart of grass and trees comparable to those rags?" Shaohao Luo knocked away her hand, and was about to grab it, when a cyan spiritual power rolled up the green stone and soared upwards.

Seeing that the heart of grass and trees was taken away by Wei Lin, Yunli hurriedly stopped Shaohao Luo, "You are not an alchemist, so giving you the heart of grass and trees would be a waste of money."

For other monks, the Heart of Plants is just a guarantee of vitality, as long as there is still one breath, it can be saved, but it can play its greatest role in the hands of an alchemist.

Be able to communicate with the spirit plants, understand their needs, and raise the spirit plants better; the smelted medicinal liquid is more pure, and the quality of the elixir refined is better, and every best product is not a dream.

"You are not an alchemist, so it would be a waste for you."

"My friend is, and so is my cousin."

"My sister is also a unique alchemist in heaven and earth."

Wei Lin looked at the green stone in his hand, although he didn't know what kind of heart of grass and trees it was, but from their conversation, he more or less guessed something.

Moreover, Ali probably knew it through blood inheritance, so it must be some kind of great treasure.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the two people who were gradually dissatisfied with kicking and kicking, and were about to sacrifice their magic weapon to fight a battle. He stepped forward with his sword and separated the two, "Speak up, we have fought together, we can be regarded as comrades-in-arms , if there is anything we can’t sit down and talk about.”

Shaohao Luo's strength is not bad, if they continue to fight, they won't be able to win. In addition, because of the unequal distribution of spoils and enmity, he feels that the price is low.

Luckily, Shaohao Luo stopped, "Then what do you say?"

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, looked at Yunli, and asked via voice transmission: "Tell me what the Heart of Plants is first."

After listening to Yunli's answer, he said quietly: "It's nothing if it's in the hands of a righteous person. If it falls into the hands of treacherous people, I'm afraid it will be a disaster."

Shaohao Luo raised his head, proud and proud: "My sister has a noble temperament, has a heart for the common people, and is also intelligent. If you give her the heart of grass and trees, she will definitely be able to play its role to the maximum and save countless soldiers."

Yunli curled her lips, "We don't know your sister, who knows what kind of person she is."

Wei Lin: "Does the division affect the effect?"

"I don't know." Yunli frowned, "These are legendary treasures, few people have ever owned them."

Shaohao Luo also said: "Who is willing to score."

"Since you all want it and it's our joint income, let's share it."

"Ah?" Yunli was a little reluctant, "What if the division doesn't work?"

Wei Lin smiled, "That means we have no destiny with it, or you are willing to give it to Fellow Daoist Shaohao, who will mend the spirit stone."

"No, no, no." Yunli shook her head like a rattle, Lingshi can be earned, and this thing is hard to come by.

She expressed her attitude, and Wei Lin looked at Shaohao Luo again, "Where is fellow Taoist Shaohao, aren't you willing to give in?"

Shaohao Luo gritted his teeth, "Part!"

Turning his eyes, Yunli said: "The three of us will defeat the gluttons together, and we will share three shares, one for each."

"No, I will contribute the most, I want half of it." Shaohao Luo frowned immediately.

Yunli raised her voice, "Why, we beat him seriously before you came. According to what you said, we should give half of it to us first, and you can take the rest."

"He didn't die when he was seriously injured. If he didn't die, you can get the heart of grass and trees, it doesn't count!"

"If it wasn't for us before"

The two began to quarrel with anxious faces again, and they quarreled hard.

Wei Lin rubbed his forehead, I don't know if it will be effective after the division is over, hey, the eardrums hurt so much.

After a long while, Shaohaoluo, who was thirsty, compromised.

The next step was to cut. Seeing the aura flowing from Mo Li's sword, Yunli's heart jumped out of her throat. She couldn't help clasping her hands together, and whispered: "Buddha bless Buddha, bless you, you must have it."

"Tch, look at your prospects." Although Shaohao Luo compromised, he still brooded over the quarrel and lost, and seized every opportunity to despise Yunli, even though he himself was too nervous.

"Also, you are a Taoist cultivator, what kind of Buddha do you worship?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, "I want you to take care of it."

Wei Lin ignored the two of them, raised his sword and dropped it, and three small green stones of the same size fell into his palm.

Passing one piece to Shaohao Luo and the other two pieces to Yunli, he said, "Let's go, there's such a big commotion, other people must be coming soon."

The three of them flew out from the bottom of the stone statue, only to realize that the outside has changed drastically. The previous cave is gone, and there are thousands of miles of yellow sand, stretching as far as the eye can see.

About a few miles away, Mo Huai was in a daze, walking alone, and further away, there were people rushing towards him from all directions.

Yunli turned her head, "What should we do now? Run away?"

"Run away?" Shaohao Luo crossed his hips and squinted his eyes: "I don't have this word in my life, he is naive, whoever dares to rob, just give me a vent."

Yunli curled her lips, took the nourishing pill, meditated on the spot to restore her spiritual power, and finally freed up, she suddenly felt hungry.

Taking out the jerky prepared in the storage bag, she took a big bite, delicious!

She hadn't eaten for more than three months, and she relied entirely on bigu pills. Originally, she planned to start eating as soon as she could use her spiritual sense, but the result was that Mo You was exposed first, and then grass stalks ravaged her. This delay, Just delay until now.

The three of them ate and ate at the same place. On the other side, Su Xu saw Mo Huai who was in a state of despair from a distance. He was shocked and rushed to meet him, "Junior Brother Mo, what's wrong with you?"

He had never seen him like this before, even when the Fang family was destroyed, he was full of hatred, and he was not as lifeless as this. It was as if all the soul had been taken out of his whole body, like a walking dead.

Mo Huai slowly raised his eyes, his eyes were blank. After a long time, he finally saw the person coming, and Mumu called out, "Senior Brother Su."

He had a reaction, Su Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but babble: "Where have you been these days? I haven't found you, I thought you were too"

Thinking of these days, the skeletons rolled out of the grass, he couldn't help being horrified. They didn't even know the source, and they died one after another. Later, the horrible grass disappeared completely for no reason. Think about it They all feel that this is weird.

Chu Nan: "By the way, have you seen Junior Sister Yun? This girl doesn't even care about Fellow Daoist Mu. She's gone crazy somewhere."

For Yunli, Chu Nan still had great confidence, among other things, with her strength, there was no straw that could trap her.

What's more, her Mengzhan Dao is a rare magical weapon, which can break hair and cut iron like mud.

When Yunli was mentioned, Mo Huai's eyes moved, and various images flashed in his mind, such as Mo You's death, the Fang family's extermination, the indifferent killer...
In the end, there was only the phrase 'Although it's useless, I still have to say sorry' and the unhesitating back, he clenched his fists, looked at Su Xu suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, and said, "Lu Li is Qian Jiu!"

Su Xu was stunned, suspecting that he had heard wrongly, and asked: "What did you say?"

Mo Huai took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Qianjiu came in as Lu Li's replacement. These days, Qianjiu is with us."


Su Xu took a breath and repeated in disbelief, "From the beginning to the end, the Lu Li we knew was Qian Jiu?"

Mo Huai nodded, "His natal sword is so special, I will never admit it."

Everyone inhaled in unison, they actually got along with the demon boss of Canye Pavilion for nearly a year, and they still think he is good!
Absurd, extremely absurd!
"Junior Sister Yun!" Chu Nan's face suddenly changed, "Junior Sister Yun might still be with him!"

He was very anxious, this girl was very innocent, because she gave her heart and soul to her just because she offered to help her, he used to think that Lu Li was a pretty good person, except that she was a bit unkind in the matter of Miss Xing.

But it's normal for people to be ambitious, and besides, Lu Li was the son of the former head of the Danxia sect, and it's understandable that he had a grudge against Xing Lili once he fell into the clouds.

Moreover, Xing Lili's death was also an accident, so they did not prevent Junior Sister Yun from making friends with him, but Lu Li was Qian Jiu, so this matter was another matter.

The devil must have ulterior motives for getting close to Junior Sister Yun!

"Her," Mo Huai's eyes darkened.

"What? Have you met her before? Where is she?" Chu Nan's heart tightened because of his expression, and he kept asking.

"Look, Junior Sister Yun and Lu Li, it's Qian Jiu!" Zheng Ruiba who was standing next to him raised his voice.

Looking in the direction of his finger, a giant Buddha stands in the long yellow sand. Under the Buddha statue, three people, one red and two white, are sitting on the ground, as if eating?

A large number of people came rushing forward, the air was surging, and yellow sand was thrown up, and the jerky in his hand was sprinkled with yellow sand in a daze.

Yunli's face was dark, and she quickly formed a spiritual shield, and Shaohao Luo who was next to her had already exploded, cursing: "Damn! Are you rushing to reincarnate!"

"Which bastard dares to scold grandpa, get out of here for your grandpa!"

A cannonball in the shape of a human came crashing down, and the visitors were extremely angry. When the yellow sand cleared away, seeing the black-faced Shaohao Luo, the bearded Jindan was stunned for a moment, and a flattering smile appeared on his face in the next second, "Oh, Lord Fifteen, you Where are you going, the little one has been looking for you. Are you okay?"

Shaohao Luo still had a dark face, and kicked him away with a flying kick. The bearded Jindan was extremely cooperative, and shouted: "Oh, my ass, Mr. Fifteen, I was wrong——"

He didn't resist at all, and didn't borrow spiritual power, he flew out along the force, and fell firmly into the sand on the ground.

Shaohao Luo originally wanted to beat him up violently, but when he saw his virtue, he immediately lost the interest to do it, and sat back with a dark face.

"Let Young Master Wei go."

Suddenly, Yunli received a voice transmission from Mu Yan, she looked over subconsciously, in the long yellow sand, Su Xu, Chu Nan and everyone with Cang Lan arrived in an instant, without saying a word, all kinds of spells and swords attacked Wei Lin together.

"What are you doing?" As soon as the words came out, she saw Mo Huai who was leading the charge, and she immediately understood that Mo Huai had exposed the identity of her senior brother.

Seeing her, Chu Nan hurriedly called out: "Junior Sister Yun, come quickly, Lu Li is Qian Jiu pretending to be, you were deceived by him!"

Yunli opened her mouth, not knowing where to start. From the moment she came in, her senior brother's identity was destined to be hidden.

Not only the brother's identity cannot be concealed, but hers is also the same. Jiuliyuan is extremely dangerous, and they must defend against the enemy together. Once the natal magic weapon is released, their identities will naturally be exposed.

 Thank you Yizhixiang for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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