all the way to fairy

Chapter 395 Alchemy Assessment

Chapter 395 Alchemy Assessment
But for Yunli to admit that she is an undercover agent and has been lying to them all along, she can't open her mouth.

There is also the matter of Mu Yan, who has revealed her identity, and these former friends must want to tear her apart. If she insists on being with Mu Yan, it will make people suspect that Mu Yan has also betrayed.

She was worried about directly handing Mu Yan over to the Taiyi sect's people for protection. When she was in a dilemma, Chu Nan came to her side and said, "I know you won't be able to accept it for a while, it's okay, take your time."

After hastily comforting him, he joined the siege again.

As soon as he walked away, Wei Lin immediately sent her a voice transmission: "Since Mo Huai didn't expose you, don't expose yourself."

Yunli was puzzled, her identity had been picked up almost, and the last layer of window paper was missing. Can Yege knew that she had betrayed, so she couldn't say that she was outside now, and her identity was no longer a secret, so there was no need to hide it.

Wei Lin picked up the big knife with a sword, and the sound transmission explained: "Just because I am from the Liang Kingdom and I am a member of the Canye Pavilion, Lin Chen overturned all conjectures and decided that I was the one who broke the seal. There must be a reason. .”

"You have entered the Misty Swamp. If your identity is revealed, they will definitely confirm directly that you are the one who broke the seal."

Yunli was still puzzled, "It doesn't make any difference from locking you to locking me, anyway, we were exposed."

The corner of Wei Lin's lips curved slightly, "For us, there is no difference, but for them there is. You and An Ran are cousins."

"You mean they will threaten me with my cousin, but I don't know your relationship with my cousin, so I won't threaten you."

After a pause, she frowned: "But Canye Pavilion already knows that we have betrayed, and they will expose me."

"No." Wei Lin's cool smile condensed on the corner of Wei Lin's mouth, "The matter of Donglu is the most important thing. They will not give up easily if they work hard to break into the chess pieces of the four major factions."

Yunli thinks about it too, Donglu's importance is definitely the highest in Canye Pavilion, more important than hunting down Wen Xueluo and taking back Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

If she were a high-ranking member of the pavilion, she would not easily give up a unique and key chess piece.

After explaining, Wei Lin swiped his sword a few times, and a blue whirlwind swept across, setting off yellow sand all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, forcefully forcing everyone back, and then fled far away on the flying sword.

Su Xu and others hurriedly chased after him, and another wave of yellow sand was set off. When other people who came from all directions saw it, most of them also huffed and chased after them.

"Hand over the beast!"

"Boy, the divine bird and phoenix is ​​not something you can have. If you are sensible, just hand it over obediently. Grandpa will leave you a whole body."

"A sick child is also worthy of having a divine beast."

For the rest of the people, some entered the interior of the Buddha statue to check, and some turned their attention to Yunli and Shaohao Luo. Due to Shaohao Luo's sturdy combat power, they didn't shout and kill immediately, but just stared at it. Looking at the two, hesitant.

The bearded Jindan crawled out of the pit, approached Yunli, pouted in the direction Wei Lindun was walking, and asked, "It's true that he took the divine beast Phoenix?"

Yunli was not in a good mood: "Your fifteenth uncle is still there, there are really gods and beasts, and there are others."

The bearded man hesitated, "But the phantom of the phoenix did appear in the sky, and we heard the phoenix cry."

Yunli rolled her eyes: "The phantom of the phoenix was inspired by his comprehension of the sword intent. How could there be divine beasts in such a ghostly place."

As soon as she finished speaking, a big black-faced man raised his voice, plausibly saying: "That's not necessarily true, the phoenix belongs to fire, and this thousands of miles of yellow sand is most likely caused by the phoenix fire. Remember, before the phoenix came out, the weird The grass just stopped."

Someone soon echoed the big man's words: "That's right, the beast must have been fighting with something before, and let that sick man take advantage of it, let's chase after it!"

Another group of people huffed and flew away, Yunli was speechless, and secretly rejoiced that, except for the bearded Jindan, those who came now were all at the foundation building stage, not the opponents of the senior brother.

However, where did Lin Chen wait for Jin Danqi to go?
When the wind settled and the sky cleared, apart from the dozens of corpses on the ground, only Yunli Mu Yan, Shaohao Luo and the flattering bearded Jindan remained.

"Uncle Fifteen, shall we chase after him too?"

Seeing that everyone else had left, Hu Hu was anxious, if that kid really contracted the divine bird, and now he is the only one at the golden core stage, if he chases up and kills that kid, the Phoenix will be his.

The one who answered him was Shaohao Luo's stinky foot. After kicking him away again, he said in a vicious voice, "I want to eat fart!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Shiran stepped on the flying sword and flew away.

A haze flashed across the bearded and disheveled face, and he quickly chased after him with a flattering smile, "Uncle Fifteen, wait for me."

After everyone left, Yunli took out a heart of grass and trees and put it in Mu Yan's palm, "Refine it quickly."

"What is this?" Mu Yan was puzzled, and then looked into the distance, "Can Mr. Wei be alone? Shall we help?"

"Don't worry, it's just a group of foundation-building stage brothers who haven't comprehended sword intent. They are no match, and they are even more so now. Hurry up and refine this, and I will protect you."

"This is the antidote to the grass poison." Mu Yan didn't ask any more, and gave her a few pills, and immediately sat down to refine them.

Time passed, and half an hour later, she stopped and stood up, looking at the palm of her hand suspiciously.

"How is it? How does it feel?" Yunli asked anxiously.

Mu Yanliu frowned lightly, "I can't say it, I feel that my body is more refreshed, and it seems to be my illusion."

Yunli was excited, and felt that the heart of grass and trees had not been abolished. She grabbed Mu Yan, jumped onto the banana fan, sensed the direction, and flew out in a hurry.

"This is the heart of vegetation. It should be felt in a place with lush vegetation. This area is a place where the muscles are imprisoned. Now that the muscles are dead, there is not even a root of grass. It is normal for you not to feel it."

After flying for seven days, I finally saw the greenery.

As soon as it landed, Yunli hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

Mu Yan froze, took a step back, and stared at the ground in disbelief.

Yunli followed her gaze and saw that it was a ground grass, which was stepped on by her earlier and was slowly straightening up at this moment.

"Did you hear it speak?"

She was pleasantly surprised, the most precious thing about the heart of plants and trees is the rich vitality, but under the condition of ensuring safety, for alchemists, communication with spiritual plants and pure medicinal liquid is the most practical.

Mu Yan shook her head, "I didn't speak, but I can feel their emotions." Pointing to Di Yucao, "It hurts."

"That's not bad. If you can feel their emotions, you can know their needs. What spiritual plants can't survive!"

Yunli smiled, and finally her efforts were not in vain.

After all, it's only one-third, so it's impossible to completely preserve the effect of the Heart of Plants, but it's not bad to keep all the effects at a discount.

She glanced around and suggested, "Why don't you try alchemy?"

She let out a soft "Huh", turned her head suddenly, and scanned her surroundings again. As far as she could see, she saw many Lingzhi in succession.

Although they are all low-level spiritual plants, it is not normal for so many to appear at once.

Speeding up the pace and walking a certain distance, weeds became less and less, and the spiritual plants were of a higher grade, and there were even pieces of the same type of spiritual plants. Those who had visited the medicine garden immediately understood that this was a man-made medicine garden .

Since it was artificially planted, it must not have been planted by those outsiders who came in to experience it. Thinking of what Shaohao Luo said, all the people locked up here are vicious and vicious, Yunli couldn't help but sweat.

As for the tendons, the three of them teamed up, and there were formation restrictions, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of it. Now it's only me alone, with Ah Yan, I don't know if I can run away.

Concerned all the way, but it was calm, not even a single poisonous weed, Yunli couldn't help wondering whether the formation here was too strong, and the prisoners were severely restricted.

After thinking about it, the logic is not correct, they can plant medicine gardens, and personal freedom is much better than muscle.

Since there was no danger, the two simply slowed down and picked spiritual plants to enrich Mu Yan's portable medicine garden.

Although it is not a rare and rare herb, the more precious the materials needed for alchemy, the better. Many ordinary spiritual plants are also needed, so plant some of each kind in case of emergencies.

As they walked, rows of stone houses appeared in front of them. The two of them immediately hid their breaths and hid themselves, and quietly released their spiritual senses to check, but they saw that the inside was empty, except for dust on the ground, there was nothing.

Yunli exhaled, and asked strangely: "What are these stone houses used for? A lounge for the gardeners?"

She took a few steps forward, and suddenly, the door of a stone room in front opened, and a strong suction came from inside, and before she could react, she was thrown in, and the door was closed very quickly.

"Cough cough cough" She got up, ignoring the smoke and dust in the house, and rushed to the door, but she couldn't open it no matter what. The material of the stone house was exactly the same as the Buddha statue that suppressed tendons.

She called out Zhanmeng Dao and slashed at Shimen. Just after a few cuts, Mu Yan's voice sounded from the next door, "Ali, Ali, are you there?"

"Ayan?" Yunli was startled, "Why did you come in too?"

After finishing speaking, she vaguely remembered that at the moment of being sucked away, she seemed to hear Mu Yan calling out to be careful. She must have wanted to hold her back, but in the end she was also sucked into the stone house.

She asked quickly, "Are you okay?"


There is no danger for the time being, Yunli is not in a hurry to go out, she looks around, "This empty room, is it trying to starve us to death?"

As soon as the words fell, a piece of the tightly-fitting floor in the center suddenly collapsed, and a mecha man of unknown material slowly rose up.

When the mecha man fully appeared in the room, the floor was closed again, and a board protruded from the waist of the mecha man, on which were placed finely ground spiritual plants, pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

"The first level, identify the spiritual plant, please answer the question." The mechanical voice echoed in the empty room.

Alchemist assessment?

Yunli's face was dark, what the hell, she's not an alchemist.

"Ayan, what's the situation with you?" She asked loudly.

"It seems to be an alchemist's assessment, asking me to identify Lingzhi, but what is this? A mechanism?"

It's the same on both sides. It's really an assessment. If you pass the assessment, you can go out and code?
Yunli came to the board, picked up a handful of grass powder, took it to her nose and sniffed it, only to smell many kinds of smells, but did not identify any specific spiritual plants.

"What if I don't know how to recognize Ling Zhi?"

Mu Yan next door took a rough look at Lingzhi's broken powder, and said with a smile: "It's okay, these are very simple, I finished writing, you describe it to me, and I will tell you the answer."

"Hey, I'll classify them by color first, it's convenient later." Yunli clicked her tongue twice, lamenting that the setting of the assessment area was not strict at all, and there was no signal shielding.

After dividing it, she suddenly found that there were a kind of light yellow colloidal particles in the crumbs, and it also exuded a vaguely sweet fragrance.

It's spiritual fruit!

Her eyes lit up, and while sorting, she picked out all the spiritual fruit particles inside and ate them.

Before the division was over, Mu Yan next door had already recognized all the spiritual plants, and said, "I'm done, please describe it to me."

Yunli straightened up, pushed aside a pile of light red grass grains, and was about to speak, when she heard a mechanical voice from the next door, "Passed the examination, now the next level begins."

Then there was bang bang bang, which seemed to be the sound of the stone door opening, followed by Mu Yan's short exclamation, and then there was nothing else.

"Ayan? Ayan, are you still there?" She tried to call a few times, but as expected, she didn't answer.

Yunli: .
After finishing the test, he couldn't stay in the examination area after handing in the papers!

She frustratingly flipped through the piles of debris, and then looked at the blank paper with no words written on it. She couldn't pass the assessment, so she could only continue to smash the door.

In her unremitting efforts, a small piece was finally knocked off. She wiped the sweat from her forehead. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but with this small hole as a breakthrough, it will be easier later.

Just as he was thinking, a mechanical voice sounded from behind him again, "Time is up, if you fail the assessment, you will be punished."

And punishment!

Yunli was shocked and turned around suddenly. The mech man had already put away the assessment tools, and turned into a ball flying in the air, shooting arrows at her 360 degrees without any dead angle.

The arrows are very special, they are stone arrows, stone arrows made of the same material as the house.

She swung the Meng Zhan Dao with her backhand, trying to cut off the stone arrow, but with a "ding", the Meng Zhan Dao bounced away, and her arm was numb from the shock, and she could hardly hold the sword.

The stone arrow continued to move forward, while she quickly retreated, she condensed out a spiritual power shield to resist, but it was useless, the stone arrow penetrated through the spiritual power shield in an instant, without any blocking effect.

The stone arrow was already in front of her eyes, she also retreated to the door, there was no way to retreat.

She took a deep breath, used her startling footwork, passed through the gap shot by the stone arrow, came to the side of the ball transformed by the mech man, and slashed directly at the ball.

The human-shaped mech man shrinks into a ball, its thickness can be imagined, although the material is not as good as the stone arrow, but it is not bad, Yunli hacked no less than a hundred knives before he cut a crack.

As she got closer, the rain of arrows became denser, and there was always something she couldn't take care of when swinging the knife. Dozens of stone arrows hit her arm, and her snow-white sleeves were immediately stained crimson, causing her to grin her teeth in pain.

With a flash of orange light, the Whispering World Ribbon unfolded, directly enveloping the ball, and the densely packed stone arrows continued to shoot out, the attack was extremely fierce.

Huanshi Ling suddenly seemed to be wrapped in a ball of thorns, and the veil was stuck between various thorns.

Yunli was a little hesitant, the material of the stone arrow was so special, wouldn't it take Huanshi Ling off the line?
After hesitating for a second, she poured her spiritual power into the Huanshi Ling, and kept tightening the veil.

The stone arrows couldn't break through the silk yarn, this tightening, a large number of stone arrows were blocked back to the arrow path of the ball, and then Yunli heard a sharp sound of mechanical rotation, and then stopped abruptly.

The ball also clacked and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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