all the way to fairy

Chapter 396 The Cremator

Chapter 396 The Cremator

After confirming that the ball had completely crashed, Yunli took Huanshiling away.

On the sphere, all the arrow paths were blocked, she felt more at ease, and squatted down to study slowly.

Mecha-humans are not living beings, they must have driving energy, and in the world of cultivating immortals, what energy is more useful and convenient than spirit stones.

This is the place where the evil cultivators of the upper realm are imprisoned, so the spirit stone should also be the spirit stone of the upper realm, maybe the spar she got from the meteor hammer and the jade box is.

Yunli was a little excited, the spiritual energy contained in the spar was far inferior to the best spiritual stone.

With the cracks opened earlier, and without any worries, she pushed the Mengzhan Dao with all her strength, and the ball broke into pieces in the time of a cup of tea.

There is indeed driving energy in it, but it is not a spar, but a dozen or so stones similar to spirit stones. There is also aura in it, which is richer and more pure than the spirit stones of Canglan Continent, but it is not the same as the previous spars. Fabi.

bang bang bang!
The wall behind suddenly moved away slowly, and there was another stone house in front.

"Ali? Ari? Is that you?"

Hearing Mu Yan's voice, Yunli quickly put away the ball and ran in, "It's me, it's me."

Mu Yan was not in the stone house, she was still next door.

"It's all my fault. I should help you identify it first. Are you okay?" Mu Yan was so annoyed that she didn't care about the new round of assessment. She worried for a long time in the room like a headless chicken, and finally heard the sound of the stone door next door moving away. .

"It's okay, I'm still making a small fortune!" Yunli beamed brightly. Although those stones were not as good as spar stones, they were richer in aura than the top-quality spirit stones. I got ten or so yuan at once, making a fortune!
The stone door behind him was slowly closed, the floor collapsed, and the mech man appeared in the room again, and this time the content of the assessment was alchemy.

Yunli's eyes lit up, looking at the mecha man eagerly, this is not a mecha, this is a spirit stone!
She stepped forward without even looking at it, and directly put all the alchemy furnace and spirit plants into her storage bag, and asked loudly, "Are you also alchemy in this level?"

Mu Yan nodded, remembering that Yunli couldn't see, she hurriedly said, "It's a potion of marrow washing pill."

Yunli felt relieved, Ayan, the marrow washing pill, had practiced it before, so it wasn't a big problem, after thinking about it, she said: "Practice first, tell me when it's almost ready."

Judging from the experience of the last level, the mecha man is the key to opening the door. If she kills the mech, she has to enter the next level. If something happens to Ah Yan, she can't take care of it.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally heard Mu Yan's voice, "I'm going to take the pill."

Yunli stood up, flexing her muscles and bones: "You set up the isolation formation, I'm going to start work!"

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, the ping-pong-pong sound from next door kept ringing, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she took out the isolation formation and set it up, and then began to make tricks to collect the pills. "

Because the deadline has not yet been reached, and the punishment mechanism for the mechaman has not been activated, he stands there and lets Yunli beat him.

It's not too easy to hit a wooden stake, she knocked down the mech man in threes and fives.

The next assessment is still alchemy, but the pills that need to be refined are getting higher and higher, and there are even many pills that Mu Yan has never seen before.

However, the assessors seem to only test the passers-by's alchemy ability, not the number of alchemy formulas they have mastered. Each level of assessment is equipped with alchemy formulas.

With the blessing of pure-hearted glazed fire and the heart of grass and trees, Mu Yan studied the alchemy recipes and refined all of them.

As for Yunli, she is even simpler. Every time she reaches a level, she starts to practice and restore her spiritual power. When Mu Yan starts to collect the pills, she then smashes the mecha man and collects the mecha and the upper realm spirit stones inside. Go, leaving only an empty room.

After going through seven levels in a row, they finally meet up.

The magma was churning, the heat wave was rolling, and in the huge cave, a three-story square alchemy furnace was burning red, and billowing black smoke was spewing out of the ancient lion's mouth at the four corners.

A slender woman in light purple clothes stood in front of the alchemy furnace with her back to them, and was doing alchemy.

"Here we come." Without turning her head, she said softly, her tone was natural and gentle, like a big sister next door, "Wait for me a while."

Waiting for you to be a big-headed ghost, without further ado, Yunli picked up the Meng Zhan Dao and slashed at it.

This woman is obviously an evil cultivator imprisoned here, and when she frees her hands, they will be fish on the chopping board.

With a single cut, it cut straight from the top of the woman's head, splitting her in half, but there was no blood or internal organs, as if it was a paper doll.

After the offensive dissipated, the woman who had been split in half closed up again, still playing tricks, as if she didn't know what happened before.


Yunli's complexion was solemn, and his consciousness was swayed, but he found nothing but billowing lava.

At this time, the woman took the alchemy, turned around, looked at Mu Yan gently, and praised: "The basic skills are solid, the techniques are meticulous, and the comprehension is excellent. I can quickly master the alchemy formulas that I have never touched before, which is not bad." .”

While she was speaking, Yunli slashed her backhand again, splitting her open again, the woman didn't realize it, and her tone became more cordial: "Would you like me to be your teacher?"

Mu Yan looked at the two halves of the body separated from the top of her head to the two sides, and then heard her invitation to apprentice, and suddenly felt terrified.

Yunli frowned, "Talk to yourself, isn't this a video?"

"Don't worry, think slowly, we have plenty of time."

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and looked at Yunli, with a faint smile on her lips, "And you, did you enjoy the cut?"

"It's not a video?!" Yunli was surprised, and Xuan Er guessed again, "Could it be a projection?"

"Pluck my spiritual plant, destroy my mecha, take away my primordial stone, greedy, bloodthirsty, I will do justice for the sky today!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge alchemy furnace started to spin, the furnace cover opened, and a suction force came, sucking them in.

As soon as Yunli's scalp exploded, her spiritual power circulated all over her body. She jumped to the side, and she was about to break free from the suction. The pill furnace lit up, and an unfathomable pressure came out from it. Her body froze for a moment, and then was dragged into it again. within the suction range.

This time the suction was stronger, without giving her any room to resist, she was sucked into the alchemy furnace, not caring about the heat, she grabbed the edge of the furnace, held on for a moment, and was completely sucked into the furnace, the moment the lid was closed, She saw the woman holding Mu Yan.


Mu Yan exclaimed, and wanted to step forward, but the woman pinned her shoulders, making her unable to move.

"You haven't figured it out yet, do you want to worship me as your teacher?"

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "I'm apprentice, I'm apprentice, can you let my friend go?"

"Don't worry, I will discuss it after refining this furnace of Soul Eater. During this period of time, you should think about it carefully." The woman turned around, her white fingers were as flexible as a flower-piercing butterfly, and a series of mysterious pills poured out from her hands out.


Mu Yan stared blankly at the red-burning alchemy furnace. Does this mean that Ali is going to be refined into a elixir?

She was in a hurry and wanted to talk again, but the woman felt noisy, sealed her spiritual veins, and tapped her dumb point.

Inside the alchemy furnace, it was pitch black and steaming. In just a moment, Yunli sweated profusely, her whole body, even her hair was drenched.

She quickly operated the exercises to counteract the evaporation of water vapor in her body, and formed a spiritual shield at the same time. With the buffer, the burning pain in her heart was reduced, and her other senses gradually became more sensitive.

There were shrill screams, painful wails, and vicious curses, one after another, like a group of ghosts screaming in the ears, and the disgusting stench went straight into the nostrils.

Yunli held her nose, what the hell, it stinks so much?

She took out the fluorescent stone, and under the faint fluorescent light, cloud after cloud of black gas rolled in the furnace, it was a resentful soul!

She suddenly felt a sticky feeling on her hands, and she took a look in front of her eyes, "Ugh!"

There was a black corpse oil in the palm, and the stench was even worse at close range. She almost vomited out the overnight meal.

Except for the scratch on the edge of the stove when she came in, she had never touched the inner wall of the alchemy stove, presumably the corpse oil was contaminated at that time.

After cleaning her hands, she held the fluorescent stone close to the furnace wall. As expected, there was a thick layer of corpse oil on the furnace wall.

This is not an alchemy furnace, it is clearly an incinerator!

Suddenly, the temperature in the furnace rose, and the water vapor evaporated. Under the high temperature, the spiritual power shield twisted and then began to thin.

The woman started alchemy!

Yunli let out her breath slowly, shed her spiritual power cover, and the Dream Slashing Saber in her hand was brightly peachy, tearing through the thick darkness, and slashed straight towards the furnace wall.

When the fierce saber air cut through the thick corpse oil and was about to touch the furnace wall, the pill furnace suddenly vibrated, and circles of light waves swayed, and the light waves collided with the saber air, causing the airflow to turbulent.

The pill furnace vibrated even more violently, pieces of corpse oil fell off from it, and the stench was overwhelming, drowning Yunli instantly.

She resolutely blocked her sense of smell, and her heart trembled. Before her attack fell, the woman started to fight back, indicating that the woman had been monitoring the furnace with her spiritual sense, but she didn't feel it at all. The other party's spiritual sense must be far stronger. to myself.

In addition, the woman outside is clearly not her real body, and she can trap herself without showing her body, which is worthy of the power of the upper realm.

But she also faintly felt a little weird, and she couldn't explain exactly what was weird.

Gradually, Yunli gradually adapted to the high temperature in the furnace, but the martial uniform on her body was not supported and began to vaporize.

Huanshiling flashed and turned into clothes. After solving the problem of clothes, she swung the Mengzhan Dao at full speed, cutting a hundred times with one knife, and a thousand times with one knife.

Water dripping through stone, even though the material of the pill furnace is extraordinary, it couldn't hold her against a single point, and a deep split mark appeared on the furnace wall visible to the naked eye.

Just as she was getting better, a cloud of black air suddenly shot out and exploded beside her ears.

"Husband, don't abandon me!" The young woman screamed in despair, and in a trance, she saw a thin woman sitting on the ground, crying to the decisive back in front of her.

The trance only lasted for a short moment, and she quickly came back to her senses, her spiritual power swayed, and pushed away the souls mixed with resentment around her.

Another cloud of black air struck and exploded around him, this time it was a tragic and tragic laugh, crying blood every word.

"Hahahaha, the laws of heaven are not fair, and the world is not fair. I was born and died for the empire, and fought on the battlefield. In the end, I died because of the royal conspiracy."

She saw the battlefield with corpses strewn across the field, a few embarrassed soldiers surrounded by groups, and a bloody general with disheveled hair in the middle, holding a secret letter in trembling hands.

"This is the country I guard, and this is the king I serve, hahahaha, such a country, such a king, you can abandon it!"

He raised his head, closed his eyes slowly, a cloudy tear slid down his dirty face, trembling his lips, his voice was incoherent, "I, Nan Batian, threatens the imperial power. It is not a pity to die, but my tenth brother of the Flame Legion Brother Wan is so innocent! How innocent!"

Yunli's heart trembled, an inexplicable emotion filled her heart, anger and disappointment overwhelmed her little by little.

The orange gauze on her body flickered, and a length of gauze floated up, gently draping her wrists, as if silently comforting her.

Yunli stretched out her hand and gently brushed the soft veil, her fighting spirit was ignited, she clenched the Mengzhan Saber tightly, and her mind merged into the knife.

The world of mortals works naturally, the spiritual power in the body is like a tide, pouring into the dream knife, the blade is getting brighter and brighter, the beautiful peach powder dispels the darkness, the scorching heat is gone, she seems to be in the warm peach in spring and March Forest;
Dressed in orange clothes, it was radiant and inviolable, and the resentful spirits in the furnace screamed and scattered, clinging to the wall of the furnace, not daring to come any closer.

She gave a soft drink, and swung the saber sideways, the light of Xiaoxiao's saber rose suddenly, heading straight for the furnace lid!

The furnace lid was raised, and a shocking momentum erupted from the furnace, thick black air rolled out, and the woman in purple dissipated like glass.

Soon, the furnace cover fell again.The alchemy furnace shook violently, even scrambling up and down, left and right.

As soon as Mu Yan's body relaxed, the spiritual power in her body resumed to flow, she stepped under the alchemy furnace, and the pure-hearted glazed fire flew out and burned at the bottom of the furnace.

At the same time, she made a talisman with her right hand, attracting the ground fire from the magma below, and the Qingxin glazed fire flourished and spread, and the blazing flame even reached the furnace body.

Just now she was wondering why the purple-clothed woman didn't throw herself into the alchemy furnace to refine some soul-eating pills.

Of course she wouldn't think that the other party was interested in her alchemy talent, those so-called alchemy tests were actually not that difficult.

It is those pills that she has never seen before. As long as she has a certain foundation, she can be refined according to the provided pills. It's just a matter of quality.

Besides, how could an evil cultivator who uses living people to make alchemy be so kind and accept a person he has never met as a personal heir.

When she saw the resentment in the pill furnace, she knew the answer, the woman was afraid of the pure-hearted Liulihuo.

In addition to improving the quality of the pill and calming the mind, the Qingxin Glazed Fire has the greatest effect of purification.

Purify all evil spirits in the world.

Ah Li has a crimson flame in her body, which can burn everything, and she has experienced that kind of calcination when she advanced, she has never been afraid of fire.

I haven't used Feiyan all this time, I'm afraid my heart has softened, and I don't want to burn the resentful soul to the ground.

Inside the alchemy furnace, Yunli frowned, she felt that the whole alchemy furnace seemed to come to life, every attack of hers would be counteracted by just the right amount of resentment and spiritual power, no matter how much saber energy she swung at a time, to whomever This is the result of all attacks.

With such precision, even a sword cultivator with extremely rich combat experience would find it difficult to achieve neither more nor less, let alone an alchemist.

She was even more vigilant, the powerful world of the upper realm really couldn't be deduced by their existing common sense.

Suddenly, she found that the resentment had dissipated a little, and under the pill furnace, a rich and clean fire spiritual power surged in, and there was a familiar aura flowing in it, it was the pure heart glass fire!

 Thanks to book friends 537***864 and Yangyang Dehui for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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