all the way to fairy

Chapter 397 Artifact Spirit

Chapter 397 Artifact Spirit
Yunli felt relieved, it seemed that Ah Yan was fine, although the woman in purple expressed that she wanted to accept her as a disciple, and did not throw her into the furnace, but don't guess what the evil cultivators are thinking, the ghost knows what they want to do.

However, Qingxin Liulihuo can also purify evil and resentful spirits. With a thought in her mind, she flew up, her fingertips were as bright as practice, and pressed down all the resentful souls.

Soon the woman discovered their intentions, opened the furnace lid, and wanted to release the resentful soul, even if Yunli escaped.

It's a pity that it's easier to invite gods than to give them away. Yunli floated in the air at the position of the furnace mouth, her orange clothes fluttering and shining brightly, sealing the furnace mouth tightly.

The woman cared about the resentful soul very much, and couldn't escape, the huge square furnace spun wildly, hitting Mu Yan directly below.

Yunli slapped the edge of the furnace with one palm, pouring out spiritual power, stabilizing the rotating giant furnace, and below, Mu Yan retreated quickly, playing a trick to control the Qingxin Liulihuo.


The pill furnace was trembling, and the resentment inside was getting darker and darker. It wanted to break free like crazy, but Yunli held it firmly in place, "I know what you are, you are mere weapon, and you dare to cause trouble!"

"Qi Ling?" Mu Yan was surprised, "How did you find out?"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, "Of course it's because it's stupid."

Anyone who is a little bit smarter knows that Mu Yan is the soft persimmon. If she is under control, even if she has the pure-hearted Liulihuo, she won't be able to use it, and she will let herself be swayed.

This pill furnace imprisoned the resentful souls, instinctively afraid of the Qingxin Liulihuo, and subconsciously didn't want to be contaminated, but gave them a chance.

In addition, when it was in the furnace, its response was perfect, but when it came out, its combat techniques were very rough and blunt, and it could only bump and smash.

If it is ruthless, it may still do meritorious deeds when it bumps into it before Ah Yan has just sacrificed the Qingxin Glazed Fire.

Unfortunately, its first reaction was still to flee, giving itself enough time to react.

Now the resentful souls are going to be completely destroyed by them, and the master has not come out to stop them, which shows the problem even more.

As the purification time gets longer, more and more resentful souls are purified, and the power of the pill furnace is greatly weakened, and its struggle becomes lighter and smaller.

When the last trace of resentment dissipated, and the spirit of the weapon did not appear, Yunli was heartbroken, "It's a pity that the pill furnace that can produce the spirit of the weapon."

If it hadn't been polluted, it happened to be a natal magic weapon for Ah Yan, and now it is purified, as long as I think that it was a cremator before, I will panic, who would dare to eat the elixir made by such a pill furnace.

Mu Yan took the Qingxin Liulihuo away, and said: "I have nothing to do with it, let it be ruined."

Yunli nodded, raised her hand and flew a crimson flame into the furnace, facing life and death crisis, the pill furnace struggled again, naturally it was useless.

Suddenly, a group of extremely dark human-shaped souls flew out of it, and got caught between Mu Yan's eyebrows unexpectedly.

"Ayan!" Yunli exclaimed, slapped hard, and stuck the pill furnace into the magma.

Facing Mu Yan who was covered in black energy, she was at a loss what to do, Fei Yan swayed, but she didn't dare to greet Mu Yan directly.

Careless, careless, why there is still a resentful soul, looking at its soul body, the soul is condensed into a human form, it must be a very powerful and powerful soul.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, she remembered that the appearance of that resentful soul was exactly the same as that purple-clothed woman before.

She gritted her teeth, and decided to cut off part of the resentful souls and eliminate them first.

At this time, the bright flames flickered suddenly, and the resentful soul dimmed.


A soft murmur sounded, Yunli turned her head, and above the alchemy furnace, the phantom of the man in black floated on it, his eyes were very complicated, filled with pain, confusion, resentment, and bewilderment.

Soon, the black energy around Mu Yan dissipated, leaving only a sluggish soul body floating in the air, and then collapsed and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

"Are you okay?" Yunli asked quickly.

Mu Yan's expression was a bit complicated. She turned her eyes to look at Qi Ling who was not struggling above the alchemy furnace, and said softly: "She is not trying to take me away, but is here to seek death."

Qi Ling was still silent, but those eyes were a little more sad, thinking that the woman in purple didn't even look at it before, and then it shattered, and her soul returned to heaven and earth, Yunli raised her eyebrows, "What love and hate do they have hatred?"

Mu Yan sighed, "The woman is a royal princess in the Qingxuan Continent. She has been gifted since she was a child, and later she was recognized as the master of the sacred artifact Guiyuan Furnace. She was in the limelight for a while."

"Later, during an alchemy assessment, someone conspired to inject a wisp of resentful soul into her alchemy furnace in an attempt to hinder her assessment, but was easily resolved by Qi Ling."

"Qi Ling absorbed the wronged souls to strengthen his body. After tasting the sweetness, he got out of control and even controlled his master to use demon cultivation and human cultivation pills."

"The proud daughter of a generation became a female devil who was shouted and beaten by everyone, and was imprisoned here. After arriving here, there was no continuous stream of demon cultivators and human cultivators for her to refine. It also refined its own master."

"Hiss!" Yunli gasped, intensifying the burning of the flames, no matter how rare and magical such an arrogant weapon spirit is, she dare not want it!
"You also think I'm wrong?" Qi Ling suddenly spoke, with a somewhat dazed tone, "Only when I become stronger can I protect her."

Yunli: "...Turning her into a wronged soul, is there someone who protects people like you?"

"Only in this way can she live forever with me." Qi Ling didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him at all, it was still puzzled by the woman's choice, but it didn't struggle, and even took the initiative to jump into the crimson flame.

After the woman's soul body dissipated, it seemed to lose its target.

Looking at the weapon spirit that turned into nothingness in the crimson flame, Yunli sighed long and didn't know what to say.

The alchemy furnace lost its spirit, and its power was greatly reduced. Yunli put it away. Although they didn't know how to use it, it was good to take it back and return it to the furnace.

After the giant furnace was moved away, a huge fire pit was revealed, with raging flames burning and laughing, sparks crackled and exploded from time to time.

Yunli walked around the fire pit and said, "Do you feel that the power of the fire spirit here is extraordinarily pure?"

Mu Yan nodded, "Earth fires continue all year round, so it's normal for the fire spirit to be stronger. Let's go, we're going to be roasted."

Yunli shook her head, "No, I think there is something down there, you wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look."

"Go down?!" Mu Yan was shocked, "This is lava, not a soup pool!"

"It's okay!" Yunli tugged Huanshiling on her body, "With Huanshiling here, there is no problem."

She condensed out the spiritual power cover and jumped down into the fire pit. The magma sprayed out all around, and some particles hit the spiritual power cover, and the spiritual power cover immediately leaked, and the pits were full of small holes.

After thinking about it, she dispelled the spiritual power cover and poured spiritual power into the Huanshi Ling, which greatly enhanced the defense effect. Even if rock slag hit it, it would be bounced away by the shimmering Huan Shi Ling.

But unfortunately, she forgot to protect her hair, and as a spark exploded, her hair was blown by the heat wave and burned.

"Oops, my hair!"

She screamed to put out the fire, but was frustrated to find that her black hair was scorched to the point of being ragged like a dog, and a strand of it was almost scorched to the scalp!
Yunli froze in place, wanting to die, her black and beautiful hair.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and said viciously: "I have paid for my hair, and without rich rewards, this fairy just dumped this lava!"

Wrapping her appalling hair with Huanshi Ling, she continued to fall, and suddenly the crimson flame in her body moved, there really was something good!

Yunli's eyes lit up, could the thing that excited Fei Yan be a strange fire?

She speeded up, and Fei Yan in her dantian was even more excited, and she was dragged straight down. Unexpectedly, Yunli fell headlong into the magma.

"Cough, cough, cough." She flopped a few times, poked her head out of the suffocating magma, touched her head, she was bald, and her hair was gone.

"Ahhh! My hair!"

She let out a sharper roar, and the tumbling magma was stirred up by the sound waves. Mu Yan, who was above, heard it and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

The temperature of the incomplete magma was too high, beyond her tolerance, she hurriedly shouted: "No, you come up first, life is the most important thing!"

Yunli let out a breath and shouted depressedly: "I'm fine."

When it fell down, the lava pushed the fantasy world away, and besides the head, a lot of skin was exposed in other places. Fortunately, the body was calcined by the flames during the advanced stage, and the temperature can still be tolerated, but the hair is not good!
Regardless of her grief and anger, Fei Yan continued to drag her inside, took a deep breath, holding it in her lungs, she simply sank into the magma.

At the bottom of the dive, a dozen or so clear red crystals are burning in a circle, and the pure power of the fire spirit is continuously overflowing.

The depression in Yunli's heart was swept away, Huo Jing!Not a bad trip!

She reached out to pick it up, and seven or eight fire crystals suddenly flew over and slapped her directly on the stomach, disappearing in an instant.

Immediately, Fei Yan rushed out from the dantian, scattered a little bit of scarlet light, and surrounded all the fire crystals, and within a few breaths, all the fire crystals were swallowed up.

After eating and drinking, Fei Yan lazily returned to her dantian, dormant.

Yunli didn't bother to complain, it couldn't grow after eating so many fire crystals, so it grabbed the remaining fire crystals and went upstream.

If you stay any longer, you will suffocate to death.

In addition, the magma that lost the fire crystals will slowly solidify into rocks, if it doesn't go out, she will probably become a specimen.

Cheng Guangwaliang's head flew out of the fire pit, Mu Yan was stunned, "Your hair..."

Without the magma package, Yunli suddenly felt her head was chilly, she touched her head, pulled the Huanshi Ling to change it on her head, then pulled the rest to cover her face, she tilted her head and asked: "Would this be better?" ?”

She remembered that some ethnic minorities in Xinjiang were dressed like this, and it was quite nice.

Mu Yan bit her lip, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Hey, hey, be kind, is it that funny?" Yunli was depressed.

Mu Yan nodded vigorously, "Your hair is cleaner than a monk, hahahaha..."

"It's almost done..."

The sky is clear and the air is clear, the wind is gentle, and the green grass is swaying under the breeze. A green plantain fan flies over the grass, and disappears into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Are you sure about the direction? We've been flying for three full days, and we haven't seen a single person." Mu Yan looked into the distance, suspicious.

Yunli was not very sure, she didn't sense the coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness, "I remember they were flying in this direction, and if they flew forward, as long as they reached a certain distance, I could feel the position of the senior."

The flying time was a bit boring, after thinking about it, she decided to ask some emotional questions: "Well, do you know what it feels like to like someone?"

Mu Yan had a question mark on her face, "Aren't you the one with the most say on this issue?"

"Ah?" Yunli was stunned, "You also think I like senior brother?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Mu Yan was speechless, she paused, she was surprised: "You mean, don't you even understand yourself?"

Yunli touched the tip of her nose, her cheeks flushed a little, "I don't know, we grew up together, and I don't know if I told him the relationship between brother and sister, or the relationship between a man and a woman."

After living two lifetimes, talking about this topic for the first time, Yunli felt extremely awkward.

"I don't like it, why are you blushing." Mu Yan put on a dull face.

"Is it very red?"

Yunli raised her hand and touched her cheek, it was really hot, "Hi, I'm a girl, you should always be shy about this kind of thing."

She was a little depressed, could it be that in the eyes of others, she was thick-skinned?
The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, and she silently lit a candle for Wei Lin. For so many years, it was not easy for a baby who couldn't figure out the situation.

"Then think about it, what would you do if one day another woman appeared next to Mr. Wei?"

Yunli was categorical: "Impossible! How could there be other women around Senior Brother!"

"Isn't that obvious? I still need to ask." Mu Yan couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Yunli scratched her head, she never thought that she would be separated from Wei Lin, did she really like her senior brother?

She felt ashamed and flustered that she had silently liked someone who was younger than herself in these years.

After being embarrassed for a while, she found a reason to convince herself that they are immortal cultivators, and the days are long, just 15 years, just a short nap.

Knowing this, she felt that she had become a little strange, and her heart was numb, and there was a trace of joy.

"Wait, will senior brother dislike me?"

The plantain fan flying at high speed stopped abruptly, and Mu Yan, who was defenseless, was almost thrown out. She helped her heart, is the woman who fell in love blind?

Mr. Wei was about to swear sovereignty over everyone, and she actually suspected that they didn't like her.

For her own safety, Mu Yan asked patiently, "Why do you think so?"

"Since ancient times, green plums have loved bamboo horses, and bamboo horses have loved other people's green plums." The more Yun Li thought about it, the more she panicked, as long as she thought of Wei Lin telling her, 'I just think of you as my sister', she would frantically want to kill someone.

Mu Yan rolled her eyes to the sky again, it was all a mess, she didn't want to explain anymore, she said casually: "Oh, you can act first."


Yunli didn't hear her perfunctory at all, and drove the plantain fan on the road again, with a radiant look: "I will always stick to him, and I must never give other women a chance!"

The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, "Just be happy."

 Thank you book friend 20190905122932177 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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