all the way to fairy

Chapter 398 You Are Selling Counterfeit Medicines

Chapter 398 You Are Selling Counterfeit Medicines
Three days later, the meaning of coolness finally responded, and Yunli heaved a sigh of relief, "I finally found it."

Looking at the endless prairie in front of him, no matter in his vision or consciousness, except for the grass, there is no ghost shadow, Mu Yan wondered: "Are you sure he is here?"

"That's right." Yunli frowned. According to her coolness, the senior brother should be nearby. No one was seen, and the sound transmission was also blocked.

"It's rare to be an isolation formation?" Mu Yan guessed, wasn't this the case when they first came in.

Just as she was talking, she saw Yunli take a few steps forward, and then disappeared.

She was stunned, what about people?

After thinking about it, she might as well go there. An alchemist with little combat power is dangerous anywhere, so it's better to follow Ali.

Stepping out in one step, changing the world, goose feathers and snow are fluttering, and the earth is covered with silver.

Not far away, the dazed Yunli heard the sound and turned around with surprise on her face, "Why did you come in?"

On the small hill a few meters away, Wei Lin was looking at Yunli with a helpless expression. Beside him, Shaohao Luo was sitting on the ground with his back facing them, with his head lowered, as if he was gnawing on something.

It was a little cold under her feet, Mu Yan lowered her head, the snow covered her knees, and her skirt, shoes and socks were slowly soaked.

"Let's go there quickly." After speaking, Yunli jumped onto the open space beside Wei Lin, looked around, "What's going on?"

Wei Linfu briefly explained the current situation, "This is a very complicated formation, and we are all trapped in it."

It turned out that half a month ago, Wei Lin led a group of people who were chasing him into the first trap, and met Lin Chen and other Jindan real people who had disappeared for a long time.

A group of people were sallow and emaciated, almost out of shape, and he was surprised that he soon discovered that his physical strength and spiritual strength were continuously disappearing.

In such a horrific situation, everyone didn't care about chasing and killing them. After some questioning, they learned that this formation absorbs spirits, and the spiritual power in the body of all creatures in it will be absorbed by the formation.

When the spiritual power was exhausted, the formation did not give up, and began to absorb vitality instead. This group of Jin Danqi chased Wen Xueluo to this place, and they have been trapped here.

The most deceitful thing is that any spiritual power will be absorbed, not to mention breaking the formation, they can't even find the formation eye, and to find the formation eye also needs to use magic weapons and tactics.

In the beginning, they could still rely on their rich family background. When the spirit stones and all kinds of magic weapons for storing spiritual energy were exhausted, the formation began to draw vitality, and this group of high-ranking Golden Core Stages became addicts, and some of them were not rich enough. The thick one has already returned to heaven and earth.

When the crisis comes, some people want to snatch other people's spiritual stones and magic weapons, but they are helpless. The essence of monk's attack is spiritual power. The sword style has some advantages.

The pursuit failed, and they fell into a desperate situation. Everyone was very desperate until Shaohao Luo arrived. After understanding the situation, he took out a mace and went down with it. The ground cracked and the mountains and rivers shook.

Under the indiscriminate attack, the eye of the formation was destroyed, and the first layer of the formation was broken.

It seems that the exquisite trapping formation is also vulnerable to absolute brute force, Yunli secretly sighed, and then said: "So we are now in the second formation, how do we break the formation?"

"This is the formation of four seasons. It must be broken in the order of the cycle of the four seasons. We are in winter and we have to wait for the previous three seasons to be broken."

Because there are various tasks to be performed, Wei Lin also understands the formation method. After explaining, his eyes swept away, "Wait, what's the matter with your hair?"

"Hair it," Yunli stroked her veil, "run away from home."

Wei Lin: .
Shaohao Luo, who had been eating and eating, turned his head and glanced, and suddenly jumped up, "You went to the lava field, you took the fire crystal, didn't you!"

Yunli was stunned, and after a while she asked suspiciously: "How do you know there is lava? Have you been there too?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Shaohao Luo asked nervously, "How much did you take away?"

Yunli squinted at him with an idiot's eyes, "I'm not stupid. I only dived after losing so much. Why don't I take it all away and keep it for the New Year?"

"You you you" Shaohao Luo almost couldn't breathe, and it took a long time to squeeze out a sentence from between his teeth, "You really beat me!"

Yunli was confused, "What are you doing with such a big reaction? It's not yours."

"I..." Shaohao Luo choked, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down, "You can use five or six yuan at most, what about the rest? I'll buy it!"

He was aggrieved and heartbroken. Apart from collecting the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi, the main purpose of his trip was to go to the lava field to get fire crystals. However, he was delayed for half a month, and someone got there first!

"That's Fire Crystal, don't sell it!"

Yunli refused straight away, Huojing is a very pure fire spirit, and it is a rare tonic for most strange fires, only fools sell it.

"The price is negotiable."

"Do not sell!"

Shaohao Luo gritted his teeth, and took out a red fruit with pain, "Huangming fruit can greatly strengthen the strange fire, and it can also wash the sutras and cut the marrow. Its effect is more than ten times that of the fire crystal."

As soon as the fruit came out, the cold wind was dissipated, and the surrounding snow line receded a hundred meters away in an instant. The warm fruit fragrance entered the nostrils.

"Exchange it for your remaining fire crystals." Her reaction made Shaohaoluo heave a sigh of relief, but she couldn't help muttering, "It's really cheap for you. If it wasn't for special circumstances, I wouldn't change it."

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and interjected, "Since it's so good, why did you change it?"

After being reminded by him, Yunli, who was seduced by the fruit, also regained her senses and looked at the fruit suspiciously, "There won't be any side effects?"

Shaohao Luo let out a murmur from his nostrils, "Huangmingguo can only be used once in a lifetime, otherwise, how could it be cheaper for you!"

Yunli thought for a while, since the effect was similar, it would not hurt her to change it. Besides, although this baby was a little bit in the second class, he still helped them a lot unintentionally.

She nodded, took out the remaining five yuan and handed it to him, then went to take the Huangming fruit in his hand.

"Just five yuan? You cheated me! It's 15 yuan in total, and you can use up ten yuan!" Shaohao Luo moved his hand away and glared at her.

Yunli blinked, "How do you know there are 15 yuan?"

Knowing the lava field and the existence of fire crystals, if he is sensitive, he can barely explain it, but even knowing the exact number of pieces, it is difficult to explain it except seeing it with his own eyes!

"Oh, you admitted it! The most important thing in a transaction is integrity. Since you are not kind first, don't blame me for being rude!"

Shaohao Luo's hair exploded, and he took out his mace on the spot and started to fight.

Yunli turned around to avoid it, kindly treating her as a donkey's liver and lungs, and she immediately lost her temper: "It's agreed that what's left is what's left, only these five yuan are left, whether you want to change it or not."

"Fellow Daoist Shaohao, if you have something to say, there must be some misunderstanding." Wei Lin raised his sword, deflected his attack, and persuaded.

"There's a fart misunderstanding! She used up ten yuan at a time, so I took my head off and used it as a kick for her!"

"We don't just have one kind of strange fire."

Yunli is very innocent, she really only has five yuan left, Fei Yan absorbs eight yuan, Mu Yan has no fire root, and her body is not strong, but fortunately Qingxin Liulihuo is already a mature different fire, so she only absorbed two yuan .

Shaohao Luo stopped and looked suspiciously at the unremarkable Mu Yan, "You also have a strange fire?"

Mu Yan spread her hands, and a blue flame quietly burned in her palm.

"Qingxin Liulihuo?" Shaohao Luo was a little surprised. Qingxin Liulihuo is not ranked high among the different fires, but it is the best support. Its powerful purification ability is the nemesis of all evil spirits.

With such a teammate, there is almost no need to worry about going crazy in battle.

"It's really only five yuan left, you can change it if you don't want to." Yunli said while signaling Mu Yan to put away the Qingxin Liulihuo. Anyway, for her, Huojing and other Huangmingguo have the same effect.

Shaohao Luo hesitated, "Is it really only five yuan?"

"Truer than pearls."

"Grass! You've lost a lot!" He was depressed and struggled for a while before gritting his teeth: "Change!"

After the exchange, taking advantage of nothing to do now, they simply refined it on the spot.

The fire crystals are all pure fire spirit energy, they only need to be absorbed. Shaohao Luo's strange fire is very strong, and his physique is also very strong. Five fire crystals can be absorbed in the blink of an eye.

Yunli held the fruit and sniffed it, the fruity aroma was tangy, and the rich fire spirit attracted all the fire spirit in the air to gather.

Bite lightly, as if a stream of magma flowed into her body from her throat, her throat was burning, her stomach was burning, and her whole body was burning.

The pure fire spirit is filled with the eight extraordinary meridians, runs around the sky, and flows into the dantian.

After two breaths, she suddenly opened her eyes, rushed straight at Shaohao Luo, grabbed his neck and roared, "Mist grass! You sell fake medicine, give me back my fire crystal!"

Shaohao Luo grabbed her wrist, with an inexplicable expression on his face, "What are you doing?"

Yunli felt an irresistible force pinching her wrist, unable to move any further, she stomped her feet angrily, "What kind of fruit is it, it's completely useless! My Crimson Flame hasn't grown at all!"

Looking at the momentum from the front, it turns out that once it entered the dantian, Fei Yan ignored it, and the majestic fire spirit energy was all transformed into fire spiritual power and stored in the dantian. This is a high-quality fire-attribute spirit stone.

Wei Lin stepped forward and separated the two of them, "Calm down, if you have something to say, don't do anything."

His eyes fell on her reddened right wrist, and seeing the red mark slowly disappearing, he let out a breath slowly, Yunli said through the sound transmission, "We have to divide people up, and we have to be reasonable for those who can't be beaten."

Yunli was obedient and no longer moved her hands, she moved her mouth instead, pointed at Shaohao Luo's nose, and cursed: "You liar, give me back my Huojing!"

"Impossible, how can it be useless, you call out the fire and let me see."

Yunli paused for a moment, and when Fei Yan was released, the identity of the demon cultivator would be exposed.

She was aggressive: "Why did I show you my fire! You saw me swallow the Huangming fruit. Is such a short time enough for the different fire to advance? Will I not respond when I advance?"

Shaohao Luo was stunned, it was true, he had absorbed the fire crystal, the phoenix fire had not advanced, and the fire power was surging all over his body; the effect of the huangming fruit was stronger than that of the fire crystal, so it was impossible that there was no reaction.

Just as he couldn't figure it out, he heard Yunli questioning in a sharp voice, "How old is your Huangmingguo, has it expired?"

He was stunned, looking at the angry little girl, he couldn't help but start to wonder, could it be that it had been left for too long and it had rotted?
Seeing his expression, Yunli became even angrier, "It's really expired! You gave me expired one, you profiteer! You give me Huojing back!"

Shaohaoluo felt a little guilty, "I will compensate you for the rest."

"I don't want it, I just want the fire crystal!"

"The fire crystal is gone, do you want compensation for your love?" He had never been pointed at by someone before, and Shaohao Luo was also angry. A phoenix fruit.

Realizing this cruel fact, Yunli wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood. She kept taking deep breaths, and finally suppressed her anger, and spat out viciously: "Pay!"

Shaohao Luo took out a small storage bag and threw it to her, "This is the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi. The spiritual power is a thousand times that of Lingshi. Even in the middle star field, it is very rare."

Yunli took out one and was stunned, isn't this the spar in those magic weapons!

She raised her eyes, and met Shang Weilin's equally surprised eyes, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she quickly remembered Shaohao Luo's strange behavior during the competition for Xueming Gong. His goal was the same as theirs, and it was also a spar!

A whole storage bag, where did he get so many?
Wei Linqing coughed twice, "Hearing what fellow Daoists mean, the essence of this Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi is the same as that of Lingshi?"

With his reminder, Yunli came back to her senses, "No matter how rare it is, it's still a spirit stone! It can't directly affect the strange fire!"

Shaohaoluo thought for a while, took out an exquisite alchemy furnace, looked at Mu Yan, and said, "This purple-gold flying phoenix furnace was used by my sister when she first learned alchemy, and your friend can just use it."

The ellipse of the pill furnace is engraved with a flying phoenix spreading its wings. It is lifelike and has a powerful spiritual pressure. It is stronger than any utensil they have ever seen!
"In addition, its defense is also very strong. As long as the spiritual power is sufficient, let alone the Nascent Soul stage, even the attack of the Transcendence Tribulation stage is no problem."

"Really?" Yunli's eyes lit up. For an alchemist, defense is definitely the most important thing.

"The premise is that she has enough spiritual power. With her current skill, she can at most resist the golden core stage."

That's not bad, Yunli shook her hair, "You have a conscience."

After the matter was settled, Mu Yan saw that she took out the cabin to rest, and couldn't help but transmit the voice: "Don't you want to express your heart?"

Along the way, she was jumping up and down with excitement, chattering all the time, making her head buzzing now.

Yunli straightened her veil, "I think, the current image is not suitable for talking about feelings."

Now this shape, the whole nun.

After thinking about it, she sent a voice transmission to Wei Lin: "Senior brother, I've thought about it, the secret realm is too dangerous, we can't separate, the four major sects, I'll make a sacrifice and be a Marysu girl, you saved me, I admire you You, that makes sense, too."

"Isn't that true?"

"Ah?" Yunli was stunned, was this discovered?

Misty Grass, Misty Grass, was she that obvious before?What to do, what to do, do you want to confess your love?

Her mind was a mess.

Wei Linfeng half-closed his eyes, and looked her up and down, "Or do you admire others?"

"I do not……"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted, "If you dare to admire others, I will give you a discount on your legs!"

 Thanks to Riyue Yushan, book friend 20190905122932177, and Carrot Rabbit for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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