Chapter 399

Yunli blinked her eyes, unable to recover. This means, does the senior brother like her too?
Seeing her dumbfounded appearance, Wei Lin was worried, after thinking about it, he still had to make it clear that the little girl didn't understand, if she didn't pierce the window paper, God knows when she would be enlightened.

If someone coaxed him away halfway, where would he cry?Could it be that she really wanted to break her legs?

He leaned closer, looked into her eyes, and said softly, "Ali, if the cabbage I've been raising for so long is picked up by a pig, I'll kill the pig and stew the vegetables."

The phoenix eyes in front of her were deep and deep, with a layer of light floating there, clearly reflecting her own shadow, Yunli tilted her head, and the shadow in her eyes tilted her head slightly, showing a little uncertainty.

Is this confessed?
Confession is confession, the whole thing is like a threat, and the words are still so annoying.

Having said that, her heart still fluctuated violently uncontrollably, with a bang, a bang, a bang, bang bang, as if it was about to jump out of her chest the next moment.

"Cabbage stew? Can you cook?" A pleasantly surprised voice pulled Yunli out of her charming thoughts.

She calmed down her beating heart, looked at Shaohao Luo with an expectant face, moved her eyes down, and landed on the barbecue in his hand, Yunli blurted out: "I'll go, brother, you really don't care! Can eat!"

I saw that the barbecue in his hand was as mushy as charcoal, and bloodshot on the other side.

Thinking of how much he gnawed with relish before, Yunli's expression was indescribable, "You are so proficient in controlling the different fire, how can you make it look like this after roasting meat?"

Shaohao Luo was annoyed, "Can fighting be the same as barbecue?"

When fighting, he just beats it to the death, without thinking about whether the opponent can stop him or not, but barbecue is different, the temperature must be right, and if one is not careful, it will be mushy.

His Fenghuotian can burn a hole, he didn't directly roast the meat into ashes, which is already a big improvement.

"You really know how to cook?" He continued to look at Wei Lin expectantly, "Come on, help me roast the meat. If you cook it well, I will reward you!"

Wei Lin had a black face, "I'm not a cook."

The tone of this dead child made Yunli want to hit someone, and brushed away the barbecue he stretched out, "Do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing."

Mu Yan at the side suddenly interjected, her voice trembling, "Do you feel a little cold?"

"what happened to you?"

Yunli turned her head and saw that she was shaking all over, she was taken aback, she grabbed Mu Yan's hand, her body temperature was normal.

"Cold." Mu Yan shrank her shoulders, "The soul is cold."

Wei Lin: "In the formation of four seasons, the cold and heat directly affect the spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness is not concise enough, so it is difficult to survive."

"Then what should I do?" Yunli was anxious for a moment, and she asked anxiously, "How long have you two been here? Why are you all right?"

"Who is I, who would be afraid of the cold? It's just a cool breeze." Shaohao Luo was as awesome as ever, looking at the meat in his hand, he picked a place that was neither mushy nor raw, and started again Eat up.

She looked at Wei Lin, who raised his eyebrows and said, "Cool."

Yunli suddenly realized that although the meaning of coolness is refreshing and cool to the outside, its essence is to warm and nourish the consciousness, even if it is damaged, it can be repaired, and the balance of cold and heat is not worth mentioning to it.

But Ah Yeon didn't.

"Then what should we do now?" She rubbed Mu Yan's hands while doing useless work, while looking at Shaohao Luo, "Why don't you give me another blow?"

Wei Lin shook his head, "No, the formations of the four seasons must be broken in sequence, otherwise the formations will be reversed and will explode on their own, and the surrounding space is unstable, so we may not be able to drift into the void."

Yunli is numb, they have to wait until the other three seasons are broken in the winter formation before they can break the formation, which has to wait until what year and month.

"Wait, what's the danger in the Spring Formation?"

She had an ominous premonition. Spring seemed to be the most comfortable season among the four seasons. The warm wind was blowing, the flowers were fragrant and the birds were singing.

Shaohao Luo gloated: "The spring is sleepy and the autumn is exhausting. On such a good day, it is natural to sleep. The high bed is soft and the pillow is warm. There is everything in the dream. They should not be able to wake up for a while."

"You mean they fell into an illusion in their sleep!" Yunli almost beeped the dog in her heart, and scolded: "Which bastard designed the formation, it's so pitiful."

Seeing that Mu Yan's consciousness became more and more blurred, she didn't care about cursing people anymore, and went through all their methods in her mind, only to find that they had no means to protect her consciousness.

"Then what purple gold flying phoenix furnace can protect the consciousness? By the way, there are those two purses of Moyou. She is so precious about her life. Maybe there is a magic weapon to protect the consciousness in it. Where did you put it?"

She flipped over Mu Yan's body in a panic, but naturally she didn't find any trace of the purse, except that Mo Youyin couldn't use her consciousness, so she would put the magic weapon in the purse, and monks all have storage bags, so who would put things outside.

"Of course, the utensils of my Shaohao clan still have this effect."

Yunli's anger, if it works, you should have said earlier, she hurriedly called Mu Yan, "Ayan, wake up."

"With her cultivation level, she can't last much time." Shaohao Luo shrugged, no matter how good the artifact is, it must have a corresponding cultivation level to be effective.

Mu Yan was vaguely conscious, struggling to take out the purple-gold flying phoenix stove, and the spiritual power injected, the exquisite patterns carved on the alchemy stove slowly lit up, and two purple-gold phoenixes flew out, dancing around the alchemy stove.

A faint halo sprinkled, casting a circle of light curtain a foot around the alchemy furnace, like a dream.

"So cool?"

Yunli was surprised, she turned her head to look, and Mu Yan's face turned rosy visibly.

As soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, she saw that Mu Yan was sweating profusely on her forehead, her feet were staggering, and her spiritual power had been consumed by more than half.

"I'll go! It's only a few breaths!"

She quickly raised her hand to Mu Yan's back, and a steady stream of spiritual power poured into her body, and Wei Lin hurried over to help.

With the support of the two of them, Mu Yan's pressure dropped sharply. She breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took the tonic pill. Half an hour later, her spiritual power was in a hurry again.

After she had already taken three rounds of Buling Pills, Wei Lin started supplementing for the first time, but Yunli could still persist, her dantian, which was as wide as the sea, played a role.

Although the advancement process is slow and requires a lot of spiritual power, it has to be said that the great benefits of Dantian are also obvious. Let alone the quality, the amount of spiritual power is more than others.

Originally, Yunli was still very calm. Although the Zijin Feifeng furnace consumed a lot of spiritual power, there was still some distance to catch up with Feiyan.

But looking at the empty bottles lying all over the floor, and Mu Yan who was still taking the Buling Pill, Yunli couldn't calm down anymore.

The ghost knows how long the people in the spring formation will have to sleep. If the spring formation is broken, there will be summer and autumn formations.

She shook her head: "No, no, this won't last long at all, I have to find a way to get them up and break the formation!"

"There is an isolation array on the outer edge, and the sound, smell, and spiritual power fluctuations can't pass through. How do you want to wake them up?" Wei Lin raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. If it wasn't for this, they wouldn't have come in for so long without doing anything .

"Then break the isolation formation first."

"The formation eyes of the isolation formation and the formation eyes of the four seasons formation are stacked together."

Yunli: ...

Wei Lin persuaded: "The person who set up this formation is very accomplished. The Four Seasons formation is the main one. Not only is the isolation formation stacked, but also a series of other formations are bound. If there is a slight mistake, it will fall into other formations. No."

"Wait, if the formation can't be broken, are we going to wait here to die?"

"There is another way to solve this formation," Wei Lin sighed softly, and said in a deep voice: "When there are only a hundred people left, the formation will be solved by itself."

Yunli was frightened, this was a test of human nature, if she chooses to break the formation, if she makes a slight mistake, she will be involved in other unknown formations, and life and death are uncertain. For the strong in the same formation, killing other people is guaranteed. Living by yourself is obviously a better choice.

She doesn't care if the test doesn't test human nature at other times, but now it's about their lives and family fortunes, so it matters a lot!

Shaohao Luo put down the barbecue that he really had no place to eat, and wiped his mouth, "I have a way, not to mention waking up those idiots, even destroying this formation is no problem!"

The eyes of the three of them lit up, and they all looked at him expectantly.

"However, I have one condition."

Yunli's forehead twitched, why this dead child can never tell the priority.

He looked at Mu Yan, "You are an alchemist, cooking should be delicious. If you are my cook for 3000 years, I will help."

The three of them were speechless, just like this, life and death are at stake, not to mention 3000 years, even 3 years is fine.

This matter is mainly related to Mu Yan, and she has to make up her own mind. After making eye contact, she decided to agree. There is no time to practice, and 3000 years is just a moment.

Just as she was about to respond, she suddenly remembered something, "The secret realm has only been open for ten years, and it has been over a year. How can I be your cook for 3000 years?"

"Hand out."

Mu Yan stretched out her hand according to her words, but she saw Shaohao Luo drawing a cluster of flames on her palm, "Continue in Qingxuan Continent, I will find you."

On the white palm, the bright red flame pattern was so eye-catching, as if it was a cluster of raging fire, she subconsciously clenched her fist, and opened it again, the pattern had disappeared without a trace.

Shaohao Luo turned and looked at Wei Lin, "Can you figure out where the spring formation is?"

Wei Lin nodded, took out a set of tools and fiddled with it for a while, pointed to a place on the left, Shaohao Luo raised his hand, and a vermilion flame as thin as a hair rushed over, with a 'poof' sound, passed through something, and disappeared .

Yunli: ...

It turns out that this is the way, she can do it too!

Using a different fire to quickly burn out extremely fine holes, the time is short, and the formation can be repaired automatically in a short time. It does not count as destroying the formation, and there is no danger of self-explosion.

The small fire soon came to the green grass and the spring of fragrant flowers and birds singing. Once it entered this place, the fire was full of power and suddenly became a prairie fire.

In the spring, the flames are soaring, and the heat wave hits people. Those who have not woken up wake up, and those who are awake panic.

Previously, they thought that they would wait for the people behind to die enough before they started to break the formation, but now they had to give up their previous plan, if they didn't break the formation, the menacing fire would burn them up first.

During the winter battle, Shaohao Luo took out a pile of monster meat and handed it to Mu Yan, and then sat down beside him, crossing his legs and waiting for the meal.

With a knife in one hand and a piece of meat in the other, Mu Yan gestured for a long time, not knowing where to start, she glanced at Shaohao Luo with closed eyes and rested her mind, she approached Yunli, and whispered: "I haven't cooked a spiritual meal before. Is there any difference in cooking in the world?"

When she first entered the Taiyi School, she was poor and couldn't afford spiritual meals. Later, she became a Taoist of Senior Sister An Ran, and she always went to Tianxianglou to solve the food, so she never had the opportunity to try it herself.

"What! You don't know how to cook?" Shaohao Luo suddenly sat up and glared.

Yunli pretended to be calm: "She's an alchemist, she's top-notch in fire control, even beginners are better than your half-baked ones."

When Shaohao Luo thought about it, it was the same reason, besides, he had already done his work, so he couldn't take Fenghuo back now.

After thinking about it, Yunli enthusiastically passed on her lazy experience: "For beginners, you can just stew it directly. Adding water and meat is called seasoning. It is convenient and quick, and there will be no big mistakes."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but secretly despise Shaohao Luo, he couldn't master the heat well, and learned how to roast meat, wouldn't it be delicious to stew randomly, no matter what, he would never appear, his bloody and burnt situation at the same time.

Wei Lin shook his head, signaling Yunli to maintain the Zijin Feifeng Furnace, and he stepped forward to instruct: "Take care of the soul and flesh first."

With his guidance as a chef, Yunli, a half-baked person, would no longer come up with ideas blindly. Looking away from the corner of her eye, she suddenly found that Shaohao Luo was staring at her blankly, with a trace of reminiscence floating on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She was a little terrified.

"Hey," Shaohao Luo sighed, "my sister once said that too."

He raised his eyes to the sky, and his usually arrogant eyes were also stained with a touch of sadness.

"One time, she and I went to a venerable's mansion with the elders of the clan as guests, and we forgot why we fought. Her fire got out of control and burned the venerable's medicine garden, and the clan cut off our rations in a fit of anger. "

"In those days, we ate and drank all over the place. Later, we had no other choice but decided to cook by ourselves, and the fire was not well controlled, so she suggested random stewing, which was very similar to what you said."

Yunli blinked, "So she worked hard to control fire and became a powerful alchemist?"

"My younger sister is a heavenly genius. She can learn all kinds of alchemy formulas. From the beginning of her practice, fire control is her strong point, and she needs to work hard!" Shaohao Luoba raised his voice, acting like a vulgar person. The routine of insulting his sister.

Yunli curled her lips. Isn't this statement contradictory? They even burned down other people's medicine gardens by mistake, and fire control is their strength.

It just so happened that at this time, under the guidance of Wei Lin, Mu Yan roasted a piece of spirit meat until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with every inch just right.

Yunli took the barbecue and handed it to him, implying: "This is the level of barbecue that an alchemist should have. This is the first time for us Ayan to barbecue."

The implication is that your sister who doesn't know how to roast meat, but who can only stew, is a genius.

A trace of confusion flashed in Shaohao Luo's eyes, and he quickly bowed his head and remained silent for a rare time.

With the threat of the strange fire, the formation was quickly broken, half a month later, the autumn formation was broken.

In their winter formation, Wei Lin found the formation's eye early on, and when the time came, he slashed down with his sword, the ice and snow melted, and the people in the other three formations slowly appeared.

"Junior Sister Yun, Junior Sister Mu?"

Seeing the two people with Wei Lin, Su Xu was surprised. When they absorbed the spirit formation, the two of them hadn't arrived yet, so they could meet each other. The fate is deep!
 Thanks to Yizhixiang, Shenmi kt, and Shuyou 20210303164141812 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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