all the way to fairy

Chapter 400 Wishes

Chapter 400 Wishes
"Devil, take your life!" A look of pain flashed across Mo Huai's face, he shouted sharply, and raised his sword to attack.

Others also attacked one after another, even Lin Chen and the Canglan Jindanqi all attacked.

The wind and snow rose suddenly, the ice flowers loomed, and the sky was full of icicles, and an indescribable coldness permeated every part of the body. The flow of spiritual power was stagnant, and even the thinking seemed to become dull.

After the icicle, the sword's light spread across the sky, coming after the strike first, and slashing straight at it with an astonishing sword intent.

Wei Lin didn't retreat but advanced, with a flick of his wrist, the green spirit on Mo Li's sword swirled, and the strong wind howled, and he rushed forward.

The collision of sword intent and sword intent, the strong wind swayed up, the golden light climbed steadily, and they refused to give in to each other. Time seemed to be frozen.

After one breath, the violent wind and the golden light exploded at the same time, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and the aftermath of the turbulent sword intent smashed all the attacks that entered the range, and Chu Feng's icicle was no exception.

Yunli pushed Mu Yan away, and a peach light appeared in front of her, with a 'ding' sound, a pure white Qionghua appeared in the peach light.

She was terrified, Ye Chuning's natal magic weapon turned out to be a hidden weapon, and it was really impossible to guard against!

"It seems that you really comprehended the sword intent."

Lin Chen's expression was complicated when the blow was not completed. He is at the golden core stage, with strong spiritual power, and has comprehended the sword intent for many years.

He sighed, then looked away, and looked at Yunli next to him: "Nephew Yun, what do you mean?"

Without waiting for Yunli to answer, Chu Nan who was behind hurried forward and persuaded: "Junior Sister Yun, the devil is very cunning, come here quickly, don't be fooled by him."

Yunli raised her eyes to look at him, and said seriously: "Senior brother Chu, I have considered what you said. He has been helping me before, so I can't repay my kindness with revenge."

She bit her lip, "Besides, I think he is different from other Canye Pavilion killers."

Chu Nan was anxious, did she know what she was talking about, did she want to betray Tai Yizong for the devil?

"How can the devil have good intentions, he must have a plan for helping you." Su Xu also persuaded.

Yunli shook her head, "No, he has also fought side by side with you for more than a year. Do you think his actions are like a devil?"

"I've never had any conflicts with You Yuan before, and I didn't even know her, so she stabbed me in the back because she coveted my Mengzhan Dao."

"But the devil you call protects me when danger comes, and fights side by side with me. To me, You Yuan is the enemy."

Su Xu didn't expect her to say such rebellious words, so he hurriedly stopped: "Don't talk nonsense, since ancient times there is no balance between good and evil, crooked evil and evil ways, everyone can get it."

"Then you think You Yuan is right?"

Yunli raised her voice and interrupted him, "She is a disciple of our Taiyi Sect. To you, she was just blinded by greed and led astray for a while; but if she is a killer in Canye Pavilion, what would you think of her?" she?"

"It's just a matter of different positions. If you want to protect her, you have to consider various aspects such as fellowship, people's hearts, and sect cohesion; but as far as I am concerned, if she wants to kill me, she is an enemy and will never die."

She spread her hands, "You see, everyone has their own selfishness. You and I have different positions, so you don't need to persuade me."

This can be regarded as a small vaccination. I hope that one day they will feel better after they know the truth.

Su Xu was silent, and said for a long while: "That's different. The demon bosses of the Canye Pavilion murdered people like hemp, annihilated families and slaughtered cities. There are countless people who died under their hands."

"Which monk has no blood on his hands? Among us righteous monks, are there few people who kill people and seize treasures?"

Yunli finds it ironic that when Zhanmengdao recognized its master, the people of the sect were eager to move, and Fuyu, as the master of a peak, wanted to snatch it, let alone other people.

In addition, most of the assassination orders of Canye Pavilion were placed by these so-called decent people. If the knife for the murder was wrong, then the person who placed the order was right.

In the world of cultivating immortals, what is right and what is evil, how can it be clearly stated.

"Junior Sister Yun!"

Chu Nan sternly stopped, anxious in his heart, these ideas of good and evil were just discussed in private, how could they be said in front of so many people.

He took a deep breath, changed his angle, and patiently expressed his affection: "Mo Huai and you have also experienced life and death several times. His father was killed by Qianjiu himself. The revenge of killing his father is irreconcilable. You have to stop him too." Revenge?"

Yunli paused, and said: "That's not his original intention, if he doesn't perform the task, he will die."

After finishing speaking, she sent a voice transmission to Mo Huai, "It's only natural for you to want revenge; but for us, we couldn't help ourselves back then, so we wouldn't kill at will. Everyone has different positions, and each act is life or death." , it all depends on the ability."

Mo Huai felt pain in his heart when he heard that crisp sound transmission, and his throat was dry and tight.

After the transmission, Yunli continued to argue: "He joined the Canye Pavilion out of necessity. If it wasn't an accident, he would be a fellow of our Taiyi Sect today."

Although this sentence was said secretly, it also revealed a lot of information, which attracted the attention of other melon eaters.

The internal fighting among the four major sects caused the peerless genius who should belong to the Taiyi sect to live in the Remnant Ye Pavilion, which in turn suppressed the core disciples of the four major sects without any power to fight back. After all, it is not a glorious thing.

Therefore, Wei Lin's true identity is within the four major sects, and only a very few people know about it. Lin Chen couldn't help being angry when she saw her talking about this matter.

"The overall situation is the most important. No matter what his previous status is, whether he has any difficulties in entering the Remnant Ye Pavilion, these years, he has caused a lot of killings, and many disciples of the four sects died under him. He and we are already sworn to death!"

Wei Lin couldn't help but sneer, "What a life and death relationship."

He has long let go of this matter. In the indifferent world of cultivating immortals, no matter whether it is an assassin organization or a decent family, the essence is the same, and strength comes first.

But Lin Chen, as the person directly involved in all this, didn't feel guilty at all, and he spoke of his grievances so righteously, which made people really angry.

Yunli lowered her eyes, she couldn't continue to argue about the topic, otherwise she would have to tear herself apart with the four major factions, which would run counter to their original purpose.

She was thinking about how to ease the atmosphere, when she heard a chuckle, "Really Lin, don't be too serious, the little girl can't think so far."

Seeing the person who interrupted, Yunli was a little surprised. Sijigu Jiang Yurou, that beautiful female cultivator who is very good at lowering her sense of existence, she never likes to show off, why did she suddenly speak up?
Just when he was wondering, he saw Jiang Yurou looking over with a smile, "You Daoist Yun and him only met in the secret realm, so there is such a deep friendship. Young Muai, fellow Daoist Yun is not like the girls outside, Are you confused by his appearance?"

After finishing speaking, she winked at Yunli playfully.

Yunli was slightly stunned, not knowing whether she was an enemy or a friend.When she said this, although she was suspected of classifying herself as a face-controlling, nympho, and not being a judge of right and wrong, it did ease her tit-for-tat confrontation with Tai Yizong.

This is also her idea, a disciple who is dazzled by love, all her faults are her own, there is no such thing as betraying the sect, Taiyi Sect will not threaten Mu Yan and An Ran.

"you like him?"

Shaohao Luo, who had been watching the show for a long time, was surprised, and immediately showed a clear expression, "So it's not a coincidence that we met in the winter formation, and you went to find him specifically?"

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched slightly, this was indeed the truth, but saying it in this situation made her look like a stalking idiot.

Just as he was about to send a voice transmission to tell him to shut up, Shaohao Luo shook his head, "It's a pity, he's already married, and it doesn't matter if you like it."

Yunli froze, turned her neck mechanically, and looked at him: "What did you say?"

What famous flower has a master?
Shaohao Luo stood with arms folded, looking at her with pity: "He already has a fiancée, you have no chance."

Yunli blinked her eyes, then blinked again, still confused, she looked at Wei Lin, and asked doubtfully, "When did you have a fiancée?"

Logically, the two grew up together since they were young. Although they separated for a few days after arriving in the Canglan Continent, they often exchanged news. She didn't even know that her senior brother had a fiancée. How did Shaohao Luo, a monk from another continent whom he had known for only a few months, know about it? ?
Wei Lin also looked confused, he also wanted to know when he would have a fiancée.

Although the elders in the family acquiesced in the past, they have not yet engaged them because of their young age.

In the eyes of Chu Nan, Su Xu and others, their behavior had another explanation.

Chu Nan scolded: "It turns out that you are not only murderous, but also ruthless. You are already married, and you even provoke my junior sister. Unfortunately, I used to think you were a good character."

Wei Lin: ...

"Junior Sister Yun, don't be sad, it's not worth it for such a scumbag."


Yun Li was numb, she was going to follow the route of Mary Su's love brain, but now she suddenly made such a mess, how could she continue to act.

Wei Lin was speechless, and he transmitted his voice to Shaohao Luo, "Fellow Shaohao, what a mess you are, when did I have a fiancée, why didn't I know?"

"You don't know? She gave you all the tokens, and you don't even know?" Shaohao Luo was shocked.

"What token?"

Wei Lin was even more dizzy. He asked himself that he hadn't experienced any windfalls during this journey. Everything he owned was obtained through hard work and blood and sweat after going through all kinds of hardships and dangers.

"Huh? What stuff?" A melon-eating crowd suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked at him and saw a spot of light dangling on his face, and finally stopped on his eyes. The man raised his hand to block the light, and shouted angrily: "Who did it?"

I thought someone's weapon refracted the sunlight and accidentally shook him, but I didn't want to, no one would admit it.

The middle-aged man's complexion became more and more unsightly. For such a small misunderstanding, he just apologized verbally, and he would not do anything to others.

"I'm going, what is this?"

Yunli pointed at the sky, and at some point, a light curtain appeared in the sky, and a scene unsuitable for children was being shown inside.

More than a dozen young women in light veils surrounded a middle-aged man with a big belly, allowing him to manipulate them. The man gasped heavily, while the woman wept softly, interspersed with lewd words and slang. It makes people blush.

The female cultivators around screamed and turned around one after another. A slender hand stretched out to cover Yunli's eyes.

Yunli stuck out her tongue, and suddenly remembered that the man in the picture looked familiar. She opened Wei Lin's hand and looked at the man who exclaimed at first, "That man seems to be you."

The man's complexion had already turned into a pig's liver color, and he was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.


Someone exclaimed again, Yunli looked into the sky, and the light curtain had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"How is this going?"

In such a weird situation, everyone couldn't care less about eating melons, and they were like frightened birds, trembling with fear.

Yunli swung her consciousness and looked around, suddenly a spot of light reappeared on her chest, then slowly moved up to her face.

She panicked a lot in her heart, is she going to be the protagonist of the color film like that middle-aged monk.

Although it wasn't true, doing such a thing with a face that was exactly the same as mine was really shocking.

The people around were also aware of this problem, and looked at her with subtle eyes. Wei Lin took a step forward, blocking her behind, and glanced coldly at everyone.

The second is like the middle of the year, the light curtain reappears, on the festive wedding bed, sits a bride with a phoenix crown and xiapei, Yunli is greatly relieved, it is not just a color film, but why is it a marriage?
Soon the light curtain disappeared, and the light spot reappeared, this time it appeared on Wei Lin, but the person who appeared in the light curtain was not Wei Lin, but Yunli.

In the sunny garden, she was wearing a pale yellow dress, smiling with crooked eyebrows.

"What's the situation?"

Everyone was surprised and vigilant. Although neither the light curtain nor the light spot was in danger for the time being, they appeared inexplicably, which really made people panic.

Soon, the spot of light reappeared, this time it was Mu Yan, but the light curtain corresponding to her was a vast expanse of white, and she couldn't see anything clearly, only a deep male voice could be heard, " good, be obedient...why are you so naughty? I bought it for you..."

The voice is intermittent and the tone is ethereal, but everyone can feel the full of pampering.

After Mu Yan came Shaohao Luo, a dense army, a solemn battlefield, and a uniform "Welcome to the God of War" resounded through the sky.

"I see." Shaohao Luo suddenly realized, "The light curtain is what each of us wishes for! My wish is to be the God of War."

Most people looked at the middle-aged man at the beginning, was that shocking scene what he wished in his heart?
The man who had just regained his composure blushed again, facing the meaningful gazes of the crowd, and even became angry from embarrassment.

"You guys might be worse than me."

Yunli scratched her head, did she hate marriage so much in her heart?And what happened to Ayan?

Just wondering, he heard Shaohao Luo say: "Wait, your picture is her, and your wish is her?!"

He stared at Wei Lin, his voice gradually became louder, his face full of disbelief.

Yunli was secretly delighted, when he saw that he couldn't believe it and turned all his thoughts, and then his body shook, and he roared: "Dog boy!"

The vermilion flames on the mace were shining brightly, and with unrivaled anger, they threw it straight at the two of them.

Both of them changed their colors at the same time, their red eyes seemed to burn everything up, Mo Lijian and Meng Zhan Dao flew out at the same time, as soon as they came into contact with the vermilion fire, they knew they couldn't stop it.

They jumped up tacitly, jumped into the sky, and fled immediately.

Although I don't know where he got offended, but angry people can't be unreasonable, it's better to run away first.

(End of this chapter)

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