all the way to fairy

Chapter 402 Wedding Dress

Chapter 402 Wedding Dress
The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, and she also knew that this was not the time to make excuses, so she had to lead him to explain the reason before the problem could be solved.

She thought about it carefully for a while, and said: "Is the longevity curse the purple scar on her body? I really don't know who was the first person in the Mo family to be cursed. Back then, the Mo family members died suddenly within a few days. Only Mo You, who is still a mortal, survived..."

She detailed the grievances and grievances between Mo You and Mo Huai, and the opposition between good and evil between Canye Pavilion and the four major sects, "I don't know about the rest, since I am humble."

"Isn't your relationship with Yunli very good? She didn't tell you?" Shaohao Luo didn't believe her words. Even though he got along with him for a short time, he could see why Yunli was in the Taiyi sect. The relationship is very good.

Mu Yan thought for a while, anyway, he is not from the Canglan Continent, and it doesn't matter if he knows Ali's identity, the most important thing at the moment is to resolve the misunderstanding.

Before there were four major factions encircling and suppressing, and later he was such a fierce and fierce man shouting and shouting, can this Jiuliyuan secret realm still have fun playing happily?

She got up and slowly stirred in the cauldron with a giant spoon, "This matter is complicated. A Li is actually a spy sent by the Canye Pavilion to our Taiyi sect. The matter of Mo You is very sensitive. If I If I know too much, one day I will leak the truth or make it known, and I will become a non-reporter."

They discussed this matter in private. If Ah Li's identity was revealed one day, she and An Ran would only admit that they had already recognized Ah Li and Mr. Wei, and they didn't know anything else.

As for Zongmen's belief or not, how to treat them can only be taken one step at a time.

"So both she and Wei Lin are killers of Canye Pavilion!"

Shaohao Luoba raised his voice, and immediately felt heartbroken: "It's wrong for you to do this. Since you are a member of the Taiyi sect, how can you make friends with the spies of the opposite family and hide it? If I have soldiers like you, I will definitely kill you." Beheaded for public display!"

For the last four words, he raised his voice, speaking murderously.

Mu Yan shook her hand, and the giant spoon fell into the cauldron, boy, did you get the point wrong?

She made a trick, picked up the giant spoon from the cauldron, and while continuing to simmer slowly over a low fire, she told the story of several people who were detected to have their spiritual roots together, went to the Canglan Continent together, and were attacked and separated halfway.

The final conclusion: "All of this is a mistake. If it were not an accident, everyone would not be in such a situation now."

Shaohao Luo also realized that the topic was off topic, and hurriedly pulled back: "Is there anyone special who has been to Mo's house?"

"Special person? What kind of person is special?"

"For example, a beautiful girl, isn't that right?" Shaohao Luo pulled his hair, Feng Ling was in Wei Lin's hands, this person who was admired by the same clan must be Wei Lin, the Mo family should be taking advantage of the danger.

Thinking about this, he asked: "Has anyone in the Mo family ever received a powerful spiritual pet?"

"I don't know. The Mo family is in the Nanshan department, and our Taiyi sect is far away in the Dongshan department. Except for passing through the Nanshan department back then, I have never been there since I arrived at the sect."

After asking three questions, Shaohao Luo's face was stinky, "What about Wei Lin, you should know about the beautiful girls and powerful pets around him, right?"

Mu Yan stopped making tricks, and let Yu Wen slowly simmer: "Young Master Wei, he has no spiritual pet, the beautiful girl is just Ah Li."

"Except for her!"

Talking about Yunli, Shaohao Luo felt angry inside, he really didn't know what was good about this dead girl, and that Wei Lin was also blind, the dignified Phoenix didn't like it, he fell in love with such a weak and inexperienced girl soy Mujer.

"No, the only girl related to Mr. Wei is Ah Li."

Mu Yan spread her hands, and finally talked about Ah Li and the others. She vaguely felt that Shaohao Luo's upset was related to the relationship between Ah Li and the two of them, but what did their relationship have to do with Shaohao Luo?

"If you think about it again, there are no other beautiful girls who have a crush on Wei Lin?"

The beautiful girl who has a crush on Mr. Wei, Mu Yanshengtang's hand paused, and suddenly thought of someone, but Xu Linghui and Shaohao Luo couldn't beat each other.

Seeing her expression, Shaohao Luo's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly urged: "Who do you think of? Tell me quickly!"

"Xu Linghui, the little granddaughter of the head of the Xuanyu Sect, when she met a bandit on the road and got separated from the guards, it is said that Mr. Wei saved her. Later, she treated Mr. Wei very differently."

"Attacked?" Shaohao Luo was a little nervous, but also a little angry, and said viciously, "What kind of cultivation are they?"

Human cultivators are self-righteous, and they really think that they are the masters of the world, and all monsters and beasts have to be their spiritual pets.

"It should be the foundation building period. At the early stage of Mr. Wei's foundation building, the robbers' cultivation base was about the same."

The corners of Shaohao Luo's mouth twitched, it seemed that he had made a mistake, how could a majestic beast be so weak, a mere ants could drown in a mouthful of saliva, and they needed help.

But what if she was injured like himself?
Think about the Longevity Curse of the Mo family, this possibility is very high, and there is also the Xuanyu Sect, the sect has the word "Feather", does it have something to do with it?
He continued to ask: "Is there anything special about her?"

"Beautiful and smart."

It's still green tea, but Mu Yan didn't say anything about this, seeing Shaohao Luo's protective appearance, she was afraid that she would be beaten up by him if she said that.

As a weak alchemist, she couldn't stand his beating.

"In any situation, she is unparalleled in beauty, just like a banished fairy. Almost all male cultivators who have seen her are fascinated by her."

Shaohao Luo is very proud, their Shaohao clan has always been extremely charming, in heaven and earth, who would not want to be married to the Shaohao clan!
Only the surname Wei is blind!
He huffed angrily, "What did that couple do to her?"

"Is it Xu Linghui? It's okay, now she is doing her best in Xuanyumen as her eldest lady."

Mu Yan felt that Yunli and Yunli were very wronged, and after a long time, it turned out that he suspected what they did to Xu Linghui.

"Ah?" Now Shaohaoluo was confused.

After figuring out the crux, Mu Yan also knew what to say and what not to say.

"There wasn't any big grievances at first. The kindness of saving his life back then was just a small effort for Mr. Wei, and he didn't take it to heart at all; as for her and Ah Li, that is, the little girl had quarreled a few times."

Well, using Xu Linghui to kill Shuying Xiaozhu or something is nothing to do with it. As for Ah Li pushing her to the ground, who saw it!

Glancing at his expression, she continued to add: "Speaking of which, we only met Xu Linghui a few times. When she came to Taiyi School as a guest, Ah Li and I were busy retreating to build a foundation. When we left, she would have returned early. Profound Feather Gate."

"She interacts even less with Mr. Wei. You also know that Mr. Wei is the killer of the Canye Pavilion. He usually appears and disappears. He is either killing or on the way to kill. He and Xu Linghui in the deep boudoir are completely in two worlds." .”

In the end, she seemed to say inadvertently, "The last time I heard about her was that she and the seventh son of the Ye family seemed to be discussing marriage, which made most male cultivators feel sad."

Shaohaoluo was even more confused, why did he want to marry someone else after all the tokens were given away?

Could it be that this fellow clan didn't know the special meaning of Feng Ling, and just regarded it as a reward for saving his life?
In this case, wouldn't he have wronged Yunli and the other two? He felt a little guilty, and pointed to the tripod: "It's ripe, eat it quickly, the anaconda is a great tonic."

This misunderstanding can be solved, Mu Yan smiled politely, "I'm not hungry, you can eat."

It's good to be able to hold back the vomiting. Under such an environment, even if the phoenix liver and gentian are in front of you, you can't eat it!

"It's fine if you don't eat it, you can get used to it."

Seeing her disgust, Shaohaoluo rolled his eyes, "You have to look at the place to pick and choose. Outside, you can be picky. No one says you, but in danger, even a lump of bloody raw meat has to be eaten." Otherwise, where would the strength be to fight?"

Mu Yan was still firm, "I think Bigu Pills are pretty good too."

After Shaohao Luo had eaten and drank enough, they started to walk deep into the swamp. There was a farm in Shaohao Luo town, and Mu Yan picked a lot of spiritual plants.

In the poison formation on the other side, after wandering around for three full days, without reaching the end or finding the opening of the formation, Yunli stomped her feet anxiously.

"Calm down, Su Xu and other members of the Taiyi Sect are here, she may not be in trouble." Wei Lin Fu forehead, I really don't know why she cares so much about Mu Yan with so many people, always thinking about it.

"Ayan is not a cousin, Senior Brother Su won't keep an eye on her all the time, the danger from the inside is more deadly, those from the same sect are even more terrifying."

Thinking of playing black hands against You Yuan and others, Yunli became even more flustered. If it was an outsider, Su Xu would naturally be a little bit more defensive, but if someone in the same school is against Ah Yan, it is hard to guard against.

Wei Lin comforted her while making a formula, "It's useless to be anxious, didn't you put a mark of spiritual consciousness on her body, and she hasn't responded these days, so why worry about it?"

"Then what if we are too far apart, and the imprint of spiritual consciousness can't be felt?"

Wei Lin: "...Don't be arguing, you can't expect her to order."

Seeing her bowing her head and not speaking, he sighed and had to tell her the cruel truth.

"This should be the Qijue Formation. Seven formations must be broken at the same time. Outside the Qijue Formation, there is still an isolation formation. In addition, the eyes of the formation are still moving."

"Damn it!" Yunli couldn't hold back her brusqueness, "Array masters really are the most annoying!"

"Now the top priority is to find out the eyes of the isolation formation, break through the isolation formation, and contact the people in the other six formations. It's too late. If the people in any formation die, we can only be buried with them. .”

Calm down, keep calm!

Yunli took a deep breath, suppressing the worry in her heart, "Then what should we do now?"

"I'll first find a few positions where the formation eyes may appear, fix them, and then slowly find the formation eyes."

The problem has to be solved step by step, and Yunli knows that it is useless to be anxious, but as soon as she is free, she can't help thinking about it. , and nothing else to do.

After thinking about it, she asked, "Won't chatting bother you?"

Wei Lin secretly rolled his eyes, "Don't bother, what do you want to talk about?"

"Then let me think about it." She scratched her head. "It's a little strange. What was shown in the light curtain before was what we thought in our hearts. Since it is what we think in our hearts, it should be clear and clear."

She glanced at Wei Lin's expression, and smiled wickedly, "For example, you are thinking of me, how clear is that picture, the folds on the clothes are clearly visible."

Wei Lin's ears turned red all of a sudden, and he said stiffly, "Who was thinking of you, but I was thinking of your dress, which is the proof that you have extorted all your savings."

"What kind of extortion, it's so ugly to say, it's you who lost the bet."

Wei Linmu made a face, "I remember you signed my name before you asked me to bet."

Yunli was a little guilty. She and An Ran fought with Xiaobailian and Zhao Wanying in Jinxiufang back then, and in a flash of excitement, they raised a piece of clothing to a sky-high price.

Originally wanted to trick Zhao Wanying, but she gave up neatly, and then the clothes fell on their hands.

When she went to pick up the clothes, seeing the sky-high price, she really felt sorry for her purse, rolled her eyes, and wrote an IOU, which was signed in Wei Lin's name, but she turned around and asked Wei Lin to bet.

Feeling guilty for a while, she spoke convincingly: "The process is not important, anyway, if you lose the bet, you are willing to accept the bet. Oh, don't talk too far, I'm telling you something serious."

Wei Lin: ...

"In Ayan's light curtain, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, no one is seen, and the voice is intermittent. Since it is what she is thinking, why is it so vague?"

It's Mu Yan again!

Wei Lin rolled his eyes and said perfunctorily: "Maybe it's because her memory is too long, and she can't remember it clearly. Didn't you say that her father died when she was four years old?"

"You mean, it was her father who said that?

Yunli scratched her head, she was obedient, mischievous, and shopping, indeed, her elders coaxed her own daughter to dote on her, and Ah Yan had been living under the fence for a long time, and she desperately longed for family affection. Her wish for her father's doting also made sense.

But that voice is very special, clear and light voice, even if it speaks loving and warm words, it can't hide its indifference.

It is a kind of indifference that has been in a high position for a long time and is used to the glitz of life and death. Does a silk shop owner have such characteristics?
Moreover, she always felt that the voice was a little familiar.

She said what she thought, and Wei Lin rolled his eyes again, "You can hear so much about what's there and what's not in just one intermittent sentence."

He paused, and then said: "If you have that leisurely mind, you might as well think about what you need to get married. Look at your wish, the wedding bed is so blurred that there is only a piece of red."

There was a bang, Yunli felt her face was burning, she jumped up and said sharply: "What nonsense are you talking about, what do I want to do with marriage, and I don't hate to marry!"

Wei Lin turned his head and looked at her with a smile that was not a smile. Amidst her blushing, he quietly said: "Well, there is no rush. The style of the wedding dress has been planned in advance. If there is anything inappropriate, we will slowly change it later."

Yunli's face was on fire, but she was powerless to refute, because even the most detailed details of the wedding dress were clear, needless to say the colorful phoenix on the skirt, the rhombus pattern on the girdle, and even the gold thread on the wide cuffs. The red beads are all clear.

"Hey, wait a minute, I've never seen that wedding dress before, how could it be so clear?"

 Thank you Xichuang Jianzhu cutie for your reward! ! !
  Thank you Momo is not Baozi, book friends 160816024918915, book friends 537***864, Lei Siyan (*^o^*), and those who are in the book shortage crowd for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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