all the way to fairy

Chapter 403 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 403 Breaking the Formation
Yunli carefully rummaged through her memories, and indeed she had never seen such an exquisite and luxurious wedding dress, which was already stunning at a glance. If she had seen it, it was impossible not to be impressed.

Could it be that I really hate marriage so much that I have designed the wedding dress in my mind?
"I found the first eye of the isolation formation." Wei Lin's voice interrupted her thoughts, Yunli was about to speak, and with the flash of Li Li's sword light, like a pair of hands pushing through the fog, a large light curtain suddenly appeared in mid-air.

In the dark and deep sea, the waves are raging, and the huge waves hit the sky. A group of people are thrown back and forth by the waves. For a while, they rise three thousand feet with the huge waves, and for a while, they are smashed into the bottom of the sea by the falling waves.
Isn't it just the first formation eye? Why did the formation break, it's going to die, and the umbrella hasn't been put away yet!
As soon as this thought flashed through, Lin Chen's startled voice sounded, "Yueying Mingxin Umbrella! Where did you come from?"

Yunli blinked, and said to him from left to right, "Uncle Lin?! Where are you?"

She scanned the light curtain, looking for Tai Yi and the others, while her mind was spinning fast, thinking about how to deal with it.

"Don't look for it, we are in the formation behind you, you can't see it."

After hearing Chu Nan's reminder, Yunli sighed inwardly. It turned out that it was a one-way video, six formations, but everyone in Canglan was behind them, bad luck!

Wei Lin added: "There is still a hole in the isolation formation, we can see them through it."

Oh, it turned out to be halfway through solving the problem, but why is it so hard to die, it happened to break the eye of this formation.

"Where did you get your umbrella!" Lin Chen raised his voice and asked again.

"This umbrella, I bought it, isn't it very beautiful?" She smiled, twisted her wrist lightly, and the thin white gauze hanging around fluttered like a fairy in white dancing, and the cyan jade buckle hanging from the eaves of the umbrella fluttered in the wind It made a pleasant light sound, as if accompanying a fairy.

"I fell in love with it as soon as I entered the store. I've spent a long time with the shopkeeper. It's beautiful and useful. This spirit stone is not in vain!"

Ignoring her pride, Lin Chen's tone was still cold: "Where did you buy it?"

"Ye's Firm." She seemed to hear something was wrong, so she stopped turning the umbrella, and asked nervously, "Uncle Lin, is there something wrong with this umbrella?"

In the formation of sword qi fluttering around, Lin Chen's eyes were cold, and he stared at the nervous girl in the light curtain, but his voice was as calm as water: "This is the magic weapon of Zhenjun Zhiming."

"Zhenjun Zhiming," the girl said in a low voice, her eyebrows frowned slightly. After a while, she seemed to remember who Zhiming was, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it: "Didn't Zhenjun disappear in the misty swamp? His law How did the device appear in Ye's Firm?"

After not hearing Lin Chen's words for a long time, and not being able to see his expression, Yunli was a little nervous. Suddenly, another voice sounded, "Ah! I remembered!"

Yunli's heart was about to jump out of her throat, but she kept holding on. She tilted her head slightly, as if listening curiously.

"This talisman belongs to Li Jun Li."

Hearing this, Yunli remembered that she had made some special arrangements when dealing with Zhiming and the others' instruments, and it seemed that the arrangements had worked.

In the sword formation on the other side, a middle-aged man poured spiritual power into the Zijin Ruanhao talisman pen, turned the talisman pen, and exposed the top of the pen.

"Look, everyone, I bought this Zijin Ruanhao Talisman Pen from Ye's Trading Company. After injecting spiritual power, a small character "Jun" will appear here. I always think it looks familiar, but I can't figure it out. Where have you seen it?"

"When I mentioned Zhenjun Zhiming just now, I just remembered that I had the honor to see Master Li use this pen to make talisman seals. Unfortunately, I didn't see the character Jun on the pen at that time."

Although the quality of the Zijin Ruanhao Talisman Pen is not low, it is not a unique magic weapon. Many common utensils for a certain profession, such as the Talisman Pen and the Pill Stove, are mass-produced, and there are many Talisman masters who use such Talisman Pens.

Among the several utensils that Yunli had selected, she was most satisfied with this talisman pen. It was not low in quality, and those who could afford it would not have a low net worth. For monks, net worth was linked to cultivation and status. Such a person is very likely to recognize the former owner of the talisman pen.

It is also a conventional talisman pen system, except for those who use it, most people will not notice the handsome characters on it.

In this way, after being discovered, they will feel that the person who sold the stolen goods was negligent, rather than doing it deliberately.

It's just that it didn't expect that its new owner only now recognized its former owner, and the unique spiritual plant medicine box of Canye Pavilion on it was long gone.

Yunli secretly despised the monk from Four Seasons Valley in her heart, and comforted herself, it's not bad to recognize it now, at least the suspicion of Yueying Mingxin umbrella was dispelled.

A Jindan Daoist from Mirage Palace rushed forward, "Show me."

Looking at the small handsome character, with a faint sharpness in the strokes, the master of Mirage Palace's expression darkened, "This is indeed Senior Brother Li's talisman pen."

The atmosphere was stagnant. The four of Zhiming hadn't returned for a long time back then, and everyone knew that they were in danger. They had also guessed that they died of murder, but now that it was clearly confirmed, everyone was still feeling cold all over.

Especially those who participated in the pursuit of Lan Shu in the Misty Swamp, so many people were in the swamp, but let the murderer silently kill three Jindan and one Nascent Soul, and then escaped calmly, how arrogant it is !

Lin Chen and several core disciples of the four factions who knew the person who revealed the seal looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes. Soon, they looked away tacitly.

It suddenly became quiet over there, and Mu Yan's voice had not been heard, Yunli was a little flustered, "Ayan? Are you there, Ayan?"

"Junior Sister Mu had an accident." Su Xu quickly collected his emotions and said, "The formation suddenly changed, and we all separated. Now there are only a dozen or so of us cultivators in this formation. She Maybe in other formations."

"What!" Yunli's voice became sharp, and she asked, "Isn't she with you? She is an alchemist, and you don't know how to drag her when something happens!"

"It's indeed my fault." Su Xu rubbed his brows, and saw that there were two Jindanqi senior uncles beside Mu Yan. on heart.

Seeing that she was on the verge of going berserk, Wei Lin hurriedly advised: "Calm down, the imprint of divine consciousness is still there, and nothing will happen."

Yunli frantically rotated the Yueying Mingxin Umbrella, "When will the formation be broken?"

"The food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and the road needs to be walked step by step. It's useless for you to be anxious now. After so much preparation, if something happens to her, it can only be said that fate should be like this."

Yunli raised her head suddenly, and paused every word: "I don't accept my fate!"

Wei Lin was stunned, it didn't match her domineering words, his clear almond eyes were full of confusion, guilt, and self-blame, he sighed softly, that's all, some words are just deceiving, but they will indeed make people Much easier.

"Don't worry, she has a lucky star, she will be fine." After finishing speaking, she changed to voice transmission: "You are Tiandao's daughter, a good sister of Tiandao's daughter, who dares to touch!"

Yunli pursed her lips, "Let's find a team quickly."

At this time, Lin Chen suddenly said again: "It's really a good skill, just in the foundation building period, you can kill the Jindan Nascent Soul."

Yunli's flustered heart froze, did he know that Zhiming Zhenjun and the other four were killed by himself?
Soon, she denied this conjecture, not to mention that her identity has not been revealed yet, the four major sects now believe that the person who broke the seal is the senior brother.

But during that time, senior brother, he never entered the Misty Swamp.

"He's cheating on me."

After the sound was transmitted, the long sword in Wei Lin's hand touched somewhere on the ground. Under the attack of the surging sword energy, the eyes of the array collapsed, and another light curtain appeared in midair.

All kinds of fierce sword qi flew around, and the three groups of people surrounded the city in a circle with the continent as the unit. Some of them put up spiritual power shields, and some of them used magic tools to resist the sword qi attack.

Wei Lin raised his eyes, met Lin Chen's gaze on the light curtain, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Renren Lin always likes to joke, what kind of foundation building period can kill Jindan Nascent Soul."

"It's someone who knows well."

Lin Chen's meaningful words made Yunli's heart skip a beat. He didn't call the name, but the senior brother took the initiative to answer the conversation. Isn't this self-inflicted?

She transmitted voice: "You shouldn't have answered him."

Wei Lin withdrew his gaze and continued to look for the eyes of the Qijue formation, "Whether I answer or not, they have already identified me. If they answer, their suspicions will be settled, and they will not suspect others."

Yun Yunli heaved a long sigh, "No, I have to try to find out why they overturned all the evidence and directly identified you just because you are from Liang Guo."

"No hurry, take it step by step." Wei Lin raised his eyes and glanced at them, and lightly transmitted his voice.

Time passed day by day, and the isolation formations of seven successive formations had been broken. In each formation, there were six other light curtains hanging on the sky.

That is to say, everyone can see each other, hear each other talking, and the next step is to find out the formation hole, and then break the formation at the same time.

Mu Yan was nowhere to be seen in the other six formations. When Yunli was frantically preparing to set fire, she didn't know if all the isolation formations had been broken, but she faintly felt that the imprint of divine consciousness was somewhere not far outside the formation.

Because all the formations need to be broken at the same time, it is rare for everyone to be united. The formation masters cooperate and discuss with each other, and they also divide their hands to help other people who are not good at formations find the eyes of the formation.

Lian Yunli learned a few sets of hand tactics from Chu Nan, and by the way made up some knowledge of formations. After two years, after more than half of the people died, they finally found all the eyes of the seven formations.

In fact, the eyes of the other five formations had been found a year ago, but the people in the sea and wind formations were "displaced" by the strong wind and waves, and could not control their positions at all. It took some time.

There are seven formations in each formation, and these formations need to be destroyed in order, one by one without stopping. Other formations have many people, and everyone is divided into one point, so there is no pressure at all.

But in the poisonous formation, there were only Yunli and Wei Lin, and the poisonous formation was extraordinarily wide, and the eyes of the formation were very scattered, which really tested their speed.

Chu Nan looked at Yunli: "Junior Sister Yun, are you all right?"

Among all the formation mages, Chu Nan was the most accomplished. With his help in the past two years, everyone found formation eyes one after another. Unknowingly, they established their prestige, and this time they took the role of the general commander of the formation as a matter of course.

"rest assured."

Yunli nodded at him, and they assigned the seven formations crosswise. When one broke the formation, the other rushed to the next place to wait. Both of them were not slow, so there was no big problem.

The only troublesome thing is that the speed of cracking the fourth place will be very fast, and it is a bit far from the third place to the fifth place, which will test the brother's speed very much.

Chu Nan raised his voice and asked, "Friends, are you ready?"

"Ready!" Everyone replied loudly, all excited at the same time, after more than two years, they are finally about to break through!
"The first round of eyes, solve!" Following Chu Nan's order, several people in charge of the first round of eyes started to move at the same time, and various magic formulas poured out of everyone's hands like flowing water.

It is related to everyone's life. In the past two years, everyone has already mastered the formation-breaking formulas needed for each formation eye, and now they are very smooth, without any stagnation.

Soon the first set of eyes was broken, and Chu Nan immediately shouted: "The second set of eyes, unlock!"

Yunli's heart tightened involuntarily, but she recited the formula in her hands like a conditioned reflex. With the pouring of spiritual power in her hands, the second eye burst open, and then she flew towards the fourth eye like lightning.

Almost as soon as she arrived at the front of the formation, the order to unlock the fourth formation eye followed, and the formula for the fourth formation eye was quickly completed in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, Wei Linren's sword merged into one, and he swept to the middle, still a little distance away from the fifth eye, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on him, he failed, and everyone's life was at stake.

Hearing the order to break the formation, he continued to rush towards the eye of the formation while starting to make a formula. When his formula flew out, a wind travel technique was inserted from the oblique side. With this layer of help, the formula flew out instantly , unbiased, just landed at the eye of the formation.

The first method is accurately placed, and the subsequent ones will no longer be a problem as Wei Lin's distance approaches.

Chu Nan couldn't help but praise: "Junior Sister Yun, great job!"

Yunli turned her head and smiled at him, and rushed to the next place without stopping, this was the solution they discussed early in the morning, if Wei Lin couldn't make it in time, she would use the Fengxing technique to send the magic formula there.

I thought she would send at least three or four waves, but I didn't expect my senior brother to be so fast. Moreover, his wind spirit power transformed too fast, almost catching up with Feng Linggen.

When the seventh formation eye is cracked, the poisonous mist dissipates, the sea water recedes, the sword energy ceases, and the raging fire goes out...

All the obstacles disappeared, everyone gathered together, and couldn't control their excitement. After the excitement, they were about to resolve the previous grievances, but they found that they were still in the formation.

After some investigation, Chu Nan's expression was heavy: "Everyone, this is a trap, an extremely tricky trap."

According to his explanation, the trapping formation this time did not have other overlapping formations, but because it was too pure, using all the power to trap the enemy was rather tricky.

Its formation eyes are not as tricky as before, but the method of breaking the formation is extremely complicated and changeable. In a word, it cannot be broken for a while.

In the past two years, the other formations were in dire straits, all supported by spirit stones, so they were consumed non-stop for two years, and no matter how rich the family was, they couldn't bear it.

Seeing that the formation is broken, although there is no danger in the trapped formation, there is no spiritual power. Waiting for the cultivation after breaking the formation, everyone can only continue to consume spirit stones and magic weapons that store spiritual energy.

A cultivator from Tianwu Continent couldn't help complaining: "The mainland lacks spiritual energy, so it's not easy to earn spirit stones. I thought this secret land in another continent would be rich in spiritual energy, but who would have thought that it would be a place of absolute spirits, and would consume even more spiritual stones."

Yunli couldn't help being curious, "Your Tianwu Continent also lacks aura?"

(End of this chapter)

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