Chapter 404

"Also?" The eight-character eyebrow cultivator looked at her suspiciously, "Are you also lacking spiritual energy?"

Yunli nodded, and sighed softly: "Since the vision fell from the sky in 3 years, a large amount of spiritual energy has suddenly disappeared, and the large and small spiritual veins have also dried up overnight."

Before she could finish her sentence, the monk with eight-character eyebrows stood up, his two black eyebrows almost raised, "3 years ago! So did we!"

"Our Cangxuan was also 3 years ago, and the aura suddenly disappeared." Another voice interjected.

"Same as 3 years ago"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, this topic attracted everyone's attention, and even several formation mages who devoted themselves to breaking the formation stopped their work and joined the big discussion.

When several phases met, everyone was surprised to find that the auras of all continents disappeared without reason 3 years ago, and more than a dozen continents entered the age of Dharma.

"Hiss, this is all synchronized!" Yunli was shocked, "So what happened 3 years ago?"

Everyone is silent, this secret is too big, and the shocking secrets involving more than a dozen continents are not something that these little monks can guess, and they are not even accessible to the plane they are in now.

Yunli couldn't help muttering: "For more than 3 years, the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm has been opened more than a dozen times. These seniors are really real, and they don't know how to chat."

With so many people, as long as someone is curious about the affairs of other continents, as long as this matter is brought up, it will definitely cause an uproar immediately, and it is unlikely that they will only find out now.

Everyone was filled with emotion, winning treasures in a secret place, the same family is an enemy, not to mention people from different continents, meeting is life and death, who has the leisure to chat.

They lost their tempers because of this method of breaking the formation, and they broke the formation together for two years, and they didn't have the slightest thought of chattering. If there were no complaints, and some people asked at the right time, it might not be clear how this matter would develop.

Some people speculated: "Everyone is gathered in Jiuliyuan. Will the disappearance of spiritual energy have something to do with Jiuliyuan?"

Wei Lin shook his head: "No, Jiuliyuan opens every 3000 years, but the aura of the mainland disappears all the time."

After thinking for a while, Yunli said: "Not necessarily, Jiuliyuan is the place where the upper realm imprisoned evil cultivators. These evil cultivators were all big devils who caused disasters before. They have good means. Maybe they have some secret method to Take away the aura of the surrounding continents."

"The place of imprisonment? Evil cultivators?"

Except for Canglan, who learned the truth about Jiuliyuan from Mo Huai, the others were still unclear, and they all looked at Yunli in surprise.

"We also heard from Shaohao Luo that this is where evil cultivators are imprisoned in the Qingxuan Continent of the Upper Realm."

When they heard what Shaohao Luo said, everyone didn't have the slightest doubt, because he himself was a bug-like existence.

It was unheard of for the Golden Core Stage to fight back so hard at the Foundation Establishment Stage. If he was from the Upper Realm, all the weirdness would make sense.

Immediately, everyone panicked, Jiuliyuan was a conspiracy of evil cultivators, didn't they come to die!
The big devil who can harm the upper realm must be the highest in the upper realm. Dealing with them, low-level monks from low-level continents, is not as simple as crushing ants.

After a long while, Chu Nan said, "The matter of the spiritual energy will be revealed after Dong Lu appears. What we need to do now is to break through the formation and get out alive."

"Senior brother Chu is right, breaking the formation is the most important thing now!"

Yunli echoed loudly, although the imprint of her spiritual consciousness on Ayan's body did not change for the time being, but she was not at ease if it did not meet.

"Wait, what Donglu is alive?"

The eight-character eyebrow monk who was chatting with her earlier was puzzled, and people from other continents were also confused.

"When the aura of our Canglan Continent disappeared, a piece of land extending to the sea in the east also disappeared, and the gate of ascension was closed. Later, some ancestors detected that the aura that disappeared went to the east land."

Seeing the splayed eyebrows and round eyes, the other people were also shocked, Yunli was surprised: "Is there no place in your mainland that disappears?"

Isn't everyone the same?
The eight-character eyebrow shook his head sympathetically: "We only have the disappearance of spiritual energy. Although the number of people who have ascended has dropped sharply in the past 3 years, and they are no longer as glorious as before, the way to ascend has not been closed."

This person is happy only when there is a comparison. They felt very miserable when the aura disappeared inexplicably.

Now everyone in Canglan was surprised, and they couldn't help but look at people from other continents. Without exception, only the aura disappeared.

Yunli was speechless, "This is too unfair, why can't we, Canglan, be the only ones unable to ascend?"

A high-cold female cultivator suddenly asked, "Is your Donglu coming to this world soon?"

"How do you know?" Yunli almost blurted out.

"Sure enough." The woman's eyes flashed brightly, "Since a few years ago, the aura of our continent has been slowly recovering."

"So do we!" Yunli stared blankly at her, and it took him a long time to realize, "You mean, the aura from your mainland has also reached our Eastern Land?"

The woman's eyes were bright, "Nine out of ten."

Everyone was shocked by her conjecture. After thinking about it, they felt that it was very possible that the aura disappeared and recovered at the same time. Obviously, it was caused by the same thing.

If the aura that disappeared from the Canglan Continent is sure to have flowed into the Eastern Continent, then the aura from other continents is likely to be the same.

After a long time, the monk with eight-character eyebrows said blankly: "The spiritual energy of more than a dozen continents has been brought in. What does the spiritual energy in this Eastern Continent look like?"

"There must be a secret treasure inside, and it's a treasure that defies the sky." Another monk blushed with excitement.

"It's not up to you to say that it must be a peerless secret treasure to continuously suck away tens of thousands of years of spiritual energy from more than a dozen continents, and directly block the way to ascension of a continent!"

Brother Yi Canglan rubbed his hands: "I remember the legend, when a purple light fell from the sky into the Eastern Continent, the mountains and rivers trembled, and then the spiritual energy disappeared. Could the purple light be emitted by a secret treasure?"

"Yes, yes, it is very possible, so it seems that this secret treasure is still a thing of the upper realm..."

While they were chatting and discussing, in an unnamed space, gray mist danced, overflowing with a low voice: "So it's in Canglan."

Right in front of the gray mist is a set of chessboards, with black and white chess pieces intertwined to form various dangerous formations.

Above the chessboard is a light curtain. Inside the light curtain, the monk with eight-character eyebrows is heartbroken: "Why didn't the secret treasure come to our Tianwu Continent?"

"My Cangxuan Continent is no worse than Canglan."

Yun Limu reminded with a straight face, "You can't fly up."

The eight-character eyebrows didn't care, "It's not that I can't fly..."

A picture stone flew out of the gray mist, and came straight to Yunli's image. After recording her face, it started to record the portrait of Wei Lin next to it, until the faces of all the people in Canglan were recorded in the picture stone one by one. , it flew back into the gray mist again.

The gray mist shook violently, as if a person slowly stood up, took a few steps, the gray shadow stopped, turned around and moved a sunspot away, a gap appeared in the heavily besieged formation.

"Don't let me down."

With a soft murmur, Hui Ying stepped forward and continued to walk outside.

Nether ghosts, the sky is as dark as ever.

"where are we going?"

Looking at Shaohao Luo in front of her, Mu Yan asked curiously.

For more than two years, they wandered aimlessly in the Nether Ghost Ze, and all the big monsters they encountered became Shaohao Luo's dishes, and she also picked many rare spiritual plants.

Recently, she suddenly noticed that Shaohaoluo looked up at the sky from time to time, as if trying to discern the direction.

"Look for the entrance." Shaohao Luo didn't turn his head.

Mu Yan was a little confused, "What entrance?"

"At the entrance of the Infernal Prison, there is a little dragon hiding there. Last time it escaped, this time I must stew it!"

"Last time? Have you been here before?"

Mu Yan was even more shocked. After falling into the Netherworld, they met soon. Before that, he was fighting the anaconda. Obviously, this last time refers to the last time he came to Jiuliyuan.

But Shaohao Luo doesn't look like an old monster that has lived for more than 3000 years.

"Well, it's been more than 3 years, maybe Xiaojiao is going to transform into a dragon."

His voice was low and depressed, and Mu Yan's eyes almost fell out when he heard it, "3 to [-] years?"

She looked Shaohao Luo up and down, from appearance to character, no matter how you looked at it, he was still a young man.

"3 years, how did you cultivate in the late stage of foundation establishment?"

"Don't mention this to me!" Shaohaoluo exploded like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

After thousands of years of training, his injuries finally healed. He had just arrived in Qingxuan Continent, and was fighting a dead fox until the sky was dark. The twin life contract suddenly took effect, and his cultivation base plummeted all the way. He only had time to tear the interface and escape to the lower realm. I don't know about personnel.

When he woke up again, his cultivation had fallen to nothing, he couldn't even maintain his human form, and became a pheasant picked up by a village woman, what a shame!What a shame!
After the anger was over, he became worried again, and he didn't know what happened to Yaoyao, how could she suffer such a serious injury, and even aroused the twin deed.

"Sister, the weirdo has come out, hurry up and hide."

The immature childish voice interrupted his thoughts, and when he looked up, he saw a little girl in light purple clothes slowly flashing into the void.

"Yingmeng Spirit Butterfly!" After being surprised, he hurriedly said, "Hurry up!"

Mu Yan hurriedly grabbed him, "What do you want to do? You can't eat her."

Along the way, she has fully seen his foodie nature, every monster he catches, every spiritual plant he picks is for eating!

Shaohao Luo gave her an annoyed look, "A butterfly with powder all over its body and no meat, what's there to eat?"

"Yingmeng Lingdie cultivates with the power of the void. Where she is, the space is unstable, so the entrance must be there."

"You really don't want to eat her?" Mu Yan didn't believe it. If he had no ill intentions towards Dodo, Dodo wouldn't hide in fear. She hasn't appeared in the past two years.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Shaohao Luo broke away from her hand, "I am a dignified future god of war, and I promise everything!"

Mu Yan was skeptical, "The formation mage who set up the formation has come out, let's hide first."

"Hiding?" Shaohao Luo seemed to have heard some joke, and raised his voice: "A prisoner, I still need to hide, so where do you let me lose face!"

Mu Yan wished she could cover his mouth, this damn child, why is he so impulsive.

He is clever, and he can still run if he can't beat him. The key is that she is an alchemist, and she is not good at running away!
She patiently explained: "A prisoner, he can set up all kinds of exquisite formations to trap us, one can imagine how powerful it is, besides, Dodo is very afraid of you, she never came out for the past two years, but now she is risking being discovered by you to inform me of the danger."

Shaohao Luo still had plausible words: "I am a majestic future god of war, how can I run away without fighting..."

Mu Yan collapsed, she had a feeling that a scholar met a soldier, and she couldn't explain why. For her own safety, she took a deep breath and continued to speak earnestly: "The God of War also pays attention to tactics. Now that the enemy's situation is unknown, the most urgent thing is to find out the enemy's situation. Let’s draw it slowly.”

Shaohao Luo was stunned, "It makes sense!"

He took out a crystal clear bead and condensed a transparent film to cover the two of them. Unlike the spiritual power cover, this film did not have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. Mu Yan poked it curiously, and the film was extremely elastic.

"what is this?"

"The invincible enchantment, as long as it is inside, not only can't be found by any detection method, but also any attack can't be effective against it." Shaohaoluo was triumphant.

"so smart?"

"Why don't you call it invincible!"

While speaking, a thick gray fog quickly spread over the swamp, passed the two of them unknowingly, and drifted forward.

Shaohao Luo frowned: "Isn't this direction the direction where Yingmeng Lingdie escaped?"

"Could it be that he wants to do something to Dodo?" Immediately afterwards, she denied this conjecture. The little butterfly spirit has lived here for many years, if the formation master wanted to do something to her, he would not wait until now.

After waiting for a while, seeing Shaohao Luo not moving for a long time, she was surprised: "Why didn't you chase after him?"

"The enchantment can't be moved, don't worry, I have already remembered his smell, and I can't escape."

The corner of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, and she immediately felt relieved. If such a powerful magic weapon can still move, wouldn't it be possible to do whatever she wants.

A quarter of an hour later, Shaohao Luo was about to put away the beads and search for the past, but saw the gray shadow turning back.

"So fast!"

What did he do just now?

After a little thought, Shaohao Luo did not follow him back, but searched for the scent and found the gray shadow's destination, which was also his own destination, where the entrance was, by the lake.

Looking at the quiet lake, Mu Yan was stunned.

Under the gloomy sky, blue or purple butterflies danced lightly on the surface of the lake, their wings fluttering among the fans, and sprinkled a little fluorescent light on the surface of the lake. They were the butterflies they saw in the sea of ​​flowers when they came in.

It turned out that those butterflies that suddenly disappeared in the sea of ​​flowers came here, walked into the lake, and what was reflected in the lake was not the gloomy sky, but the bright blue sea of ​​flowers that I saw before.

Little Butterfly said that she lived here, so that's what she meant, going around and around, it turned out that they were at the door from the beginning.

Sensing that someone was coming, butterflies on the surface of the lake flocked to them, and sprinkled a little bit of fluorescent light on them.

Shaohao Luo snorted coldly, the vermilion flames jumped at his fingertips, whizzed past, and the fluorescent lights in the sky were burned up before he got close.

The little butterfly fluttered its wings and appeared out of thin air on the surface of the lake, looked at Shaohaoluo timidly, and trembling its lips: "You can't go in."

 Thanks to Carrot Rabbit and book friend 141003131910087 for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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