all the way to fairy

Chapter 405 Unkind Invitation

Chapter 405 Unkind Invitation
Seeing that Shaohao Luoli ignored him, and was ready to do something, Mu Yan quickly changed the topic: "What did that formation master come here just now?"

Little Butterfly stared timidly at Shaohao Luo, making sure that he had no intention of doing anything, and then said: "He threw the picture stone in."

"Picture Stone?" Mu Yan was a little confused, "What's in it? Why did you throw the Picture Stone in?"

Little Butterfly quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, thought for a while, then put her hand down again: "I can't say it."

After speaking, she raised her hand to cover her mouth again.

"I must go in today!" Shaohao Luo moved his neck and walked forward.

Mu Yan quickly had nothing to say: "Is there really a dragon down here? We have been to this sea of ​​flowers, and there is nothing but flowers."

After asking, without waiting for Shaohaoluo to answer, she immediately sent a voice transmission to the little butterfly spirit: "Get out of the way quickly, you are not his opponent, he is bound to win against Jiao."

It has been 3 years, and he still can't forget this dragon, which shows how attractive it is to him.

Little Butterfly shook her head and sent back: "No, sister Nan Mi said that no one can go in."

Mu Yan was in a hurry, Little Butterfly Jing couldn't even beat Ah Li, how could it be Shaohao Luo's opponent, he had no taboos in order to eat.

She walked two steps quickly, and was about to continue persuading, when she suddenly felt dizzy, and her eyelids were extremely heavy, she tried hard to open her eyes, but only opened a crack, and she couldn't hold it anymore, her body went limp, and she didn't know what was going on .

Hearing the sound behind him, Shaohao Luo suddenly turned his head and saw Mu Yan fell to the ground. He felt a warning in his heart and looked around, only to realize that, at some point, large clouds of moon-white smoke gathered towards the lake .

Because the color was extremely light, and it was covered by the gray mist of Nether Ghost Lake itself, he didn't notice it immediately.

No, it's Yingmeng Huangdie!

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, shadows appeared in front of his eyes, and a deep drowsiness hit him.
Suddenly there was a gust of wind on the surface of the lake, and a dark blue figure flew over from the center of the lake. It was an old lady with white hair and chicken skin, and a stooped figure.

Little Butterfly looked at her and asked worriedly, "Grandma, are you alright?"

The old man covered his lips and coughed twice, and pointed at Shaohao Luo, "I'm fine, move him to the dream cocoon quickly, these dream smoke won't trap him for long."

Little Butterfly nodded, tremblingly stretched out her small hand to grab Shaohao Luo's collar and flew towards the center of the lake.

Mu Yan felt that she had had a long, long dream, and the dream was bright and bright, but she couldn't open her eyes anyway, and occasionally tried to open a crack, and she was immediately stabbed to tears by the sunlight behind the thick clouds, conditioned reflex close again.

She knew it was a dream. In fact, she had had this dream countless times since she was a child, but she couldn't wake up no matter what. The fear of blindness lingered in her heart, desperate and helpless.

Suddenly, there was a coolness between her brows, the deep drowsiness dissipated, and she slowly regained consciousness.

"elder sister."

The crisp and crisp voice of Little Butterfly came to her ears, she opened her eyes, and saw the familiar crystal purple eyes.

"This is where?"

Mu Yan was amazed by the verdant green in front of her eyes. The Nether Ghost Swamp is full of dark gray, low shrubs, and weeds, while in front of her eyes, there are giant trees towering to the sky, and the leaves are like water, shining green.

"my home."

Saw a little white from the corner of the eye, Mu Yan turned her head to look over, and found a huge human-shaped white cocoon hanging on the big tree next to it, and the person inside was Shaohao Luo.

A dark blue butterfly the size of a palm rested on the giant cocoon.

"He is this?"


"Is he going to be okay?" Although he disapproved of some of Shaohao Luo's actions, at least he protected her for two years, and Mu Yan couldn't be indifferent to his life and death.

"He's just sleeping, grandma won't do anything to him."

Little Butterfly glanced timidly at the white cocoon, then quickly moved her eyes away, looking very scared.

"Grandma?" Mu Yan glanced around, and finally landed on the dark blue butterfly on the white cocoon, "Is it your grandma?!"

As soon as the words were finished, the dark blue butterfly flew over tremblingly from the white cocoon, and with a flash of light, it turned into a white-haired old lady, and bowed slightly to her: "The old man is a dreamy butterfly, thank you for the spiritual fruit."

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly waved her hands: "The old man is polite, but they are just some spiritual fruits."

The old man let out a long sigh, and looked at Little Butterfly Essence, his turbid eyes sparkled brightly: "Although there are many spirit plants and spirit fruits in the Nether Ghost Lake, all living beings are tainted with resentment and cannot eat them."

"It's nothing to be an old man with old bones. Poor Duo Duo, who has been here since he was born, has never eaten anything. The girl's spirit fruit is the first food she eats."

Mu Yan was stunned, and looked at Little Butterfly Jing in disbelief. The latter smiled back at her sweetly. She had never eaten food before. No wonder she kept shouting hungry when they first met.

"What's under here? Why do you let Dodo stay here? She's still so young."

Her heart was full of distress, it was hard to imagine that a child, from birth, would face the endless darkness, day after day, without even eating a bite of food.

"It's her life."

The old man sighed softly, "Our Dreaming Spirit Butterfly Clan has been ordered by the Holy Lady to stay here for generations. Po Cocoon was sent over."

"In the past ten thousand years, the seals have been broken one after another. I'm afraid they won't be able to trap him for a long time. Girl, I have a heartless request, and I hope the girl will agree."

From Duo Duo to the old man, they kept silent about the things below. Mu Yan wisely didn't ask any further questions. She looked at the old man and said seriously: "Please tell me, old man. I will help if I can help."

"I'm old with my old bones, and I'll keep it until the last moment, but Duo Duo is still young, and she has a long way to go. She shouldn't be buried with these demons like me. Can you please sign an equal contract with her and take her with her?" Get out of this cage."

"Grandma, I don't want to leave you." Little Butterfly leaned on the old man with a look of reluctance.

The old man raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek with his skinny fingers, "Silly boy, didn't we agree that you will go out and lead our Yingmeng Lingdie family."

"But what to do here, Sister Nan Mi said..."

"There is grandma here." Before she could finish speaking, the old man interrupted her and looked up at Mu Yan.

"Duoduo is innocent and cute, I am willing, but why did you choose me?"

This point, Mu Yan couldn't figure it out. She had no strength, no talent, and even an ordinary appearance. She had no sense of existence in the crowd.

Among the monks who came in this time, there were many who had higher cultivation, better talent than her, and better temperament than her.

The old man smiled, "Duoduo chose you. I had this idea a long time ago. With so many people coming and going, she only chose you."

"Sister is the best." Feeling Mu Yan's gaze, Little Butterfly smiled finely.

The time is long, and it is another spring and autumn in a blink of an eye.

In the trapped formation, the crowd was divided into several waves. Under the leadership of Chu Nan, several continents were in charge of a formation eye. Yun Li was about to vomit as they broke through the formation day and night.

Turning her head to look at Chu Nan, she felt better again. They could at least take turns, but those array mages, especially Chu Nan, the chief person in charge, had to keep staring at the crowd and instruct the non-array mages to make tactics. It's hard work.

Although the people present all crammed their feet temporarily and learned some tactics to untangle the formation, they were completely unsure of which tactics to use to untangle the formation in any situation.

It is equivalent to doing a question, you only memorized the formula, and you need someone to point out what formula is used where.

After everyone's efforts, the complicated formation finally reached the last step, Yunli moved to Wei Lin's side, and said via voice transmission: "As soon as the formation is broken, shall we run away immediately?"

Because the formation is too complicated, it is necessary to gather everyone's strength to break the formation. Everyone has reached an agreement. No matter what grievances or grievances there are, they will wait until after the formation is broken. This year is a rare peace.

Wei Lin nodded slightly, "Just avoid Lin Chen and the others."

As long as they are not besieged by Lin Chen and other golden cores, with the strength of the two of them, they can't beat them, but they can still escape.

The two quietly moved away from Canglan and the others. Yunli had just walked a few steps when she noticed a cold gaze falling on her body. She raised her eyes and saw that the tip of Mo Huai's eyes were bloodshot, and her gaze was as cold as ice.

After taking a look, she looked away as if nothing had happened, and continued to stay away from the four major factions quietly.

After a soft sound, the trap that had trapped the crowd for more than a year broke, and amidst the cheers of the crowd, the two disappeared into the gray sky like two strands of green smoke.

Mo Huai gritted his teeth and followed.

"This is... the Nether Ghost Swamp!"

After recognizing this place, everyone's hearts were filled with enthusiasm, and their eyes suddenly turned strange when they looked at the people around them. Although the Nether Ghost Marsh is dangerous, there are exceptionally many rare and exotic plants. Many spiritual plants that have been recorded so far come from this place.

"Remember to keep the spiritual plants here alone, and don't mix them with other spiritual plants."

The few surviving alchemists reminded that although there are many spiritual plants in the Nether Ghost Lake, all the spiritual plants are haunted by resentment and require special treatment before they can be used normally.

Chu Nan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was about to signal Yunli to be careful, when he raised his head, he saw no one, "Where is Junior Sister Yun?"

Su Xu sighed helplessly, "Run away, Junior Brother Mo caught up."

Thinking of this incident, Su Xu got a headache. In the past few years in the formation, he tried to persuade him countless times, both overtly and secretly.

That girl was so stubborn that she accepted the reason of death, and blocked all his reasons by saying that she should not be an ungrateful person.

The disciple of the leader of the dignified and righteous way ran after a demon, and when word spread, the majesty of the Taiyi Sect was swept away.

He was having a headache, so he heard Lin Chen say: "He is not Qianjiu's opponent, Junior Brother Su, you are optimistic about the same sect."

After giving the order, Lin Chen turned around and bowed to Chu Feng and Ye Chuning: "Please help me take care of my Tai Yizong, I will go after them."

"Brother Lin is polite, as it should be."

As soon as she got out of the trap, Yunli suddenly felt her stomach churn, "What kind of mess is this, why is it so smelly!"

"Ghost Ghost Ze."

While guarding the sword, Wei Lin lowered his head to look at the environment below, when a black worm the size of a finger suddenly jumped up, and its ferocious mouthparts stabbed straight at his forehead.

When it was about to pierce, a faint spiritual light emerged from his forehead and bounced off the black worm, and then a spiritual blade directly split it in half.

Looking at the fallen insect corpses, he asked in surprise, "Mosquitoes?"

Yunli poked her head out from behind him and was shocked when she saw the piebald mosquitoes as thick as fingers, "I'll go, the mosquitoes can grow so big! This environment is not right."

She looked down, and Mo Huai's figure suddenly appeared in her consciousness, she helped her forehead helplessly: "Mo Huai chased him out."

She is a little strange, she can't beat her again and again, why chase her out?Are you sure they won't do anything to him?

Wei Lin slowed down, found an open space and lowered the flying sword.

"Stop what?" Yunli was puzzled, "Aren't we going to escape? Hurry up."

"There is someone following behind as a guide, how can you get rid of Lin Chen and the others, and ask him what he wants to do."

It makes sense, Yunli nodded, and waited quietly for Mo Huai to arrive.

Seeing the two people waiting for him, Mo Huai clenched his fists, which was a kind of silent contempt, and the other party didn't take him seriously at all.

Belittled by the enemy, the anger in his heart was burning, almost burning out his reason, he gritted his teeth, and then suppressed the anger, regained his reason, and slowly moved his eyes away from Wei Lin.

"I'm here to find you."

"Me?" Yunli pointed to her nose, a little surprised, "Could it be that you came to persuade me too?"


Unexpectedly, Mo Huai deserved to be straightforward, but Yunli was completely confused. Others didn't know her identity as an undercover agent, and thought she was going astray.

Mo Huai took a deep breath, "Over the years, you have made a lot of contributions to the sect, and you don't have the lives of our four major sects in your hands. I will plead with the sect and treat you leniently. You don't have to follow him to the end of the world. "

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, "Do you believe this?"

"I will do my best to plead with Master."

Yunli was startled, and said, "Thank you, but it's not necessary."

She was out of her mind, so she placed her hope in the benevolence of the four major factions. In the eyes of those high-ranking monks of the Yuan Dynasty, they are not even as good as ants.

"Believe me, I will be able to convince Master." Mo Huai was a little anxious, and his voice raised a few degrees unconsciously.

Yunli thinks it's a bit square, he probably really likes her.

She gently reminded: "Why do you help me, we are your father-killing enemies."

"you are not."

Mo Huai immediately retorted, and he smiled wryly, "Over the years, I have complained and hated you, but now I want to understand."

"There is a grievance and a debtor. You never did anything back then. On the contrary, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have survived. You are my savior."

Speaking of the latter, his eyes were as bright as stars, and the years of gloom seemed to dissipate.

Yunli pointed at Wei Lin, "But my brother did it, and Mo You said he killed your father."

"You are you, he is him, what he does has nothing to do with you!" His tone was a little anxious, and the expression on his face became impatient.

"The two of us have always been together, and the affairs of my senior brother are mine."

"Why do you insist on being tied to him?" Mo Huai interrupted her with a raised voice.

(End of this chapter)

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