all the way to fairy

Chapter 407 The Magic Seal

Chapter 407 The Magic Seal

Yunli leaned against Wei Lin's arms and cried out of breath. She clearly knew that the one who ate the little girl in her dream was a dragon that had reached its peak cultivation level, not the dragon outside that hadn't yet transformed into a dragon. Just the same race.

But the endless guilt and regret flooded her in an instant, and she couldn't bear it anymore, and urgently needed a vent.

Mu Yan slid on the ground leaning on the air bubbles, tears rolling down her eyes; Little Butterfly cried out for her grandma over and over again...

Shaohao Luo was at a loss, it was fine for Little Butterfly to cry, after all, it was her grandma, but why were the other two crying?
What does it have to do with them whether the old butterfly is dead or not?
There was chaos in the bubble, and the people outside soon stopped paying attention to them, and turned their fiery eyes to the dragon and butterfly fighting above the lake.

In the current situation, no one needs to talk about it at all, and all the monks understand that after transforming into a dragon, it is a divine beast.

Generally speaking, after a catastrophe, there will be a period of weakness for demon cultivators. If they can seize the opportunity to conclude a contract, then they will have a divine dragon as a spiritual pet!

Thinking of this, everyone's hearts were burning. How could they pay attention to the weeping girls? Even Chu Nan and others couldn't help but focus on Heijiao when they saw that she was fine.

Regardless of whether the black flood dragon can successfully transform into a dragon or not, and the seal is not broken, everything is a delusion. In this way, the old man who hinders the tribulation thunder from falling will become a thorn in their side.

At other times, with the old man's cultivation, they wouldn't dare to do anything wrong, but now that the black dragon is suppressing them, everyone has decided to do their part.

They couldn't go to the lake to resist the thunderstorm, they were right by the lake, interfering from a long distance, all kinds of spells flew towards the old man.

The teary-eyed little butterfly spirit couldn't believe it, "What are you doing!"

Everyone ignored them, and all kinds of attacks continued to fly towards the old man. The little butterfly spirit didn't bother to question, and hurriedly shouted to the old man: "Grandma, be careful!"

During the Tribulation Transcendence period, they were very capable of fighting techniques, and their methods were of no use. Before reaching the old man, they were torn apart by the aftermath of the fighting between the dragon and the butterfly.

Little Butterfly breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head and asked angrily: "How can you do this, grandma is here to protect you!"

Mu Yan next to him didn't care about being sad, and quickly persuaded: "Friends, the magic seal cannot be broken, and there is a very powerful evil cultivator sealed inside. If the seal is broken, we may not be able to go back."

"Magic seal?"

After thunderstorms fell and were bounced away by the invisible force at the bottom of the lake, everyone saw that there was a formation seal here, but they didn't know what kind of seal it was, and they all looked at Mu Yan after hearing the words.

Mu Yan didn't know much about this matter, but from the attitude of Duoduo, grandparents and grandchildren, she also knew that the evil cultivators being imprisoned were not easy, so she said: "The black flood dragon and senior are the guardians of the seal. .”

Su Xu was stunned: "Isn't the black dragon being imprisoned?"

Under the tribulation and thunder, the body of the black dragon did not appear, and he fought against the old man only with the phantom. Everyone thought that the one who was sealed was the black dragon.

He is just a guardian, what kind of evil cultivator is not enough to guard the outside, and needs the black dragon to guard in the seal?
Everyone was horrified, if the one who sealed it was the black flood dragon, and the seal was broken, it would be fine to sign the contract while he was weak after the catastrophe, but it would be dangerous if the one who sealed it was someone else.

"Uncle Lin, let's retreat." Zheng Rui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, looking at the top of the lake, the phantom of the black flood dragon had completely suppressed the blue-clothed old man, "This level is beyond our ability to meddle. "

Su Xu also responded: "Yes, in this situation, it's better to avoid it earlier."

Before Lin Chen could speak, someone jumped out, "The two senior brothers are wrong. I cultivate Taoism, how can I be timid? If the opportunity that comes to my door doesn't know how to seize it, what kind of Taoism is there!"

Zheng Rui ignored him, just looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen frowned, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Wait and see."

Zheng Rui was a little disappointed, and cupped his fists at him: "So, Zheng Rui will take a step first, everyone take care."

After finishing speaking, he flew away with his sword without looking back. As soon as he got to the lake, he had a feeling of palpitations. Since practicing, this natural sense of crisis has saved his life more than once. He believed in his intuition.

Wei Lin's eyes moved, and he sent a voice transmission to Ji Ruochen: "You and Zheng Rui leave."

Ji Ruochen was shocked, yes, now that Qianjiu and the others couldn't get out of the bubble, even if they were in danger, they would be helpless if they wanted to help.

Zheng Rui, a place that elite disciples of the Taiyi Sect must avoid, wouldn't he be more dangerous as a spiritual doctor with little combat power.

"I'm going one step ahead."

Putting these words aside in a hurry, he quickly chased after Zheng Rui with his sword, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After him, Sijigu Jiang Yurou gritted his teeth and left as well, and no one left after that.

Su Xu was a little anxious, "Brother Lin, you can't stay here for long."

Chu Nan also looked at Chu Feng, the seal could not be broken, they attacked earlier, the old man in blue would not let them go; breaking the seal is even worse, no matter it is the black flood dragon or the evil cultivator, they are not able to deal with it .

Lin Chen, Chu and Ye looked at each other, and simply called the Jindanqi real people aside, and set up an isolation formation to discuss.

There is no doubt that this place is dangerous, but with Jiaolong in front, they can't make them leave as quickly as Zheng Rui did.

Yunli sniffed, and slowly pulled away from that inexplicable emotion, she looked at the isolation formation next to her: "What should we do now?"

After she came back to her senses, with her thoughts, she can run as far as she can now, and she is capable of fighting during the tribulation period, so there is nothing they can do with a group of small foundation builders, and there are still things in the seal watching.

But in the bubble, you can't escape.

Shaohao Luo looked at her suspiciously: "Did you dream just now?"

Hearing Wei Lin's comforting words, he was at a loss for a long time, but just now she cried so badly, he didn't have the heart to ask.

"I'm stuck."

Yunli didn't know what was wrong with her, the emotion came too violently, as if a dream reappeared, and it seemed as if it was a past event that really happened.

She replied vaguely, and immediately changed the topic, "Is there a way to get out? She can't seem to stop it."

The black flood dragon flicked its tail in the air, and the old man, who couldn't dodge in time, suffered the blow abruptly, and an abnormal flush suddenly appeared on his face.

"There is a way."

Hearing this, Little Butterfly's eyes lit up, and she didn't care about being afraid, she took a few steps closer: "What can I do?"

A cluster of vermilion flames sprang up from Shaohao Luo's fingertips, and they shook lightly one after another: "Once Lao Tzu's fire comes out, nothing can stop it, but if it is forced to break through, she will definitely be backlashed by magic spells." .”

As soon as Zhu Huo appeared, the little butterfly spirit bounced away as if being electrocuted, clinging tightly to the bubble, eyes filled with fear.

Shaohao Luo shrugged his shoulders and put away Zhu Huo.

This method is definitely not going to work, Wei Lin frowned, the old man is already at a disadvantage right now, if he suffers backlash again and is caught by the black dragon, the battle will be over immediately.

"Is there no other way?"

Shaohao Luo stood up with her arms crossed: "She locked us in the bubble because she didn't want us to intervene."

A few people are silent, so, can we just wait?

Seeing more and more tribulation thunders falling, the old man became anxious, swiped the green stick in his hand, and a deep chant overflowed from her mouth, and there were slight popping sounds from all directions.

Before everyone could figure out what that sound was, they saw groups of blue and purple butterflies gathering from the surrounding swamps.

"Where are there so many butterflies?"

Everyone was amazed. During this journey, they almost crossed half of the Nether Swamp. There were many flying insects in the swamp, but they never found any trace of butterflies.

"Grandma, don't!" Little Butterfly shouted anxiously.

"This is a sacrifice!" Shaohao Luo was surprised, and his face was rarely solemn, "Who is imprisoned in the Infernal Prison?"

Yunli also lowered her eyes to look at Little Butterfly Spirit, "It's meaningless to keep it a secret, sacrifice half of the luck of the Yingmeng Spirit Butterfly Clan and your own life, and guard the entrance. Those who are locked inside, I'm afraid it's not easy."

The little butterfly spirit stared blankly at the steady stream of blue and purple butterflies flowing into the green stick, a look of confusion appeared on her immature face, "Grandma said that there is a magic locked inside..."

"Impossible!" Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Shaohao Luo, who said firmly, "There can't be demons on the intermediate plane!"

Yunli blinked and looked at him suspiciously, "Why can't there be?"

"Who said he was a demon? Is there any basis?" Shaohao Luo ignored her, looked at the little butterfly spirit, and asked seriously.

With crystal tears in the eyes of Little Butterfly Jing, he said sobbingly: "Because of him, more than half of the star fields under the jurisdiction of the Qingxuan Continent have been reduced to death zones, and even the Qingxuan mainland is almost destroyed. Died by his hands, no one in the entire Qingxuan Star Region can catch his three moves."

"How did you catch him?" Shaohao Luo's expression became more and more serious, which was completely inconsistent with his usual bluffing middle school demeanor.

Little Butterfly shook her head and sniffed: "This grandma didn't tell me."

Shaohao Luo let out a breath, "It seems that I really have to go to the Infernal Hell."

Yunli couldn't help but look at him, boy, you are so brave!

Then he turned around and held the hand of the little butterfly spirit, comforting her softly, after the old man made the sacrificial move, no matter whether it succeeded or not, she would not survive.

Circles of ripples suddenly appeared in the center of the lake, and these ripples were not worth mentioning on the surging lake surface, but Yunli felt a little palpitation in her heart.

The high-pitched dragon chant came from the bottom of the lake, and the invisible air waves spread out layer by layer. Before the crowd watching by the lake could react, they turned into blood mist and exploded.

Yunli suddenly looked at Chu Nan, only to see a jade pendant around his waist shattered, and a red light shone around his body. From the perspective of power, it was a method of Yuanying stage, presumably it was an amulet given by his elders;

She breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Su Xu and the others, each of them had Nascent Soul means to protect their bodies, and those who did not have amulets or amulets were not means of defense, regardless of the foundation and golden core, all turned into blood mist.

When the sound of the dragon's roar disappeared, there were less than a hundred people left in the team of ten thousand people.

Such an accident finally woke up the group of monks who wanted to make a contract with the beasts, and they all flew away with their weapons.

However, it was too late.

With the sound of the dragon chant, a ferocious aura erupted from the bottom of the lake, breaking away from the pressure of the Yingmeng Emperor Butterfly, and a black dragon sprang out from the bottom of the lake, this time it was not a phantom.

As if the pause button had been pressed on the turbulent lake surface, it suddenly became still, without a breath, and the still picture shattered like glass, blood shot up into the sky, and the dark sky shrouded by thunder was illuminated, turning blood red.

The magic seal was broken.

An irresistible suction came from the blood red, sucking in all the surrounding living things, and the people who flew out of the imperial weapon were sucked into the blood red together with the monsters in the swamp.

Even Zheng Rui, Ji Ruochen and Jiang Yurou who had left long ago were sucked back.

Yunli and the others were not sucked in temporarily because of the protection of the old man's bubble, but the bubble swayed left and right, and a crack appeared on it, obviously they couldn't last long.

Yunli was trembling, and screamed, "You crow's mouth, it seems that we are really going to take a tour of the Infernal Prison."

With such a strong smell of blood, it is impossible to say that the blood that disappeared inexplicably from the previous layers has all arrived here.

"Hei Hua!"

The magic seal was really broken, the old man was furious, raised the green staff, and began to sing again. She spoke very fast, her voice became louder and louder, and the thunder in the sky seemed to be affected, and the thunder was rolling endlessly , The sound of thunder continued to roar.

The huge body of the black flood dragon twisted and roared angrily: "Curse the Lightning Curse! Yingmeng, you really don't show mercy!"

The last tribulation thunder is the most dangerous. Yingmeng casts the Thunder Attraction Curse at this time, and the thunder and lightning converge. He is simply not able to bear the powerful tribulation thunder.

"Human face?" The old man sneered, "When you decided to break the seal with Thunder Tribulation, you should have expected this ending!"

"If that's the case, then you're going to die!"

The black dragon roared, and swam over like lightning, wrapping her tightly around her, at the same time, the fiery pillar of Jielei swooped down towards the black dragon.

In a flash, the old man turned into a little blue butterfly and broke free from his entanglement, but he was no longer able to resist the suction of the blood light, and fell straight down like a kite with a broken thread.

"Grandma!" Little Butterfly let go of Yunli and rushed over, flapping the bubbles anxiously.

Mu Yan's tears were like broken pearls, she smashed down one by one, hugged her, choked up: "Don't be afraid, Duo Duo, there is still sister..."

After getting along for more than a year, Mu Yan also has feelings for the old man, not to mention that the old man often gives her advice on cultivation.

Yunli also saw that her nose was sore, and she gently put her hands on her shoulders, "We are all here."

The mighty tribulation thunder had already fallen, and the black flood dragon didn't care about chasing the old man anymore. His whole body was sizzling with electricity, and the thick lightning flashed on his huge body, penetrating deep into the bones and spinal cord, and even his soul was shocked. The fire started.

The huge dragon's body kept rolling above the lake, his head held high, and he kept screaming in pain.

The unconscious sound attack made the already crumbling bubbles full of cracks, and the little butterfly spirit kept beating. The three of Yunli were terrified to see it. They didn't have the amulet that Yuanying Qida could give them.

Finally, before the bubbles couldn't hold on, the black flood dragon couldn't hold on first, and his head drooped, falling straight down into the endless bloody light below.

After experiencing the turbulent dragon chant and continuously resisting the suction of the blood light, the bubbles also reached the extreme and shattered, and Yunli and the others were immediately sucked to the bottom of the blood-red lake.

Uncontrollably, his body rolled and fell in the air, and his eyes were blood red, which made his head dizzy, and he couldn't tell where was the sky and where was the earth.

 Thank you book friend 20210717214256616 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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