all the way to fairy

Chapter 408 Blood Prison

Chapter 408 Blood Prison (1)

I don't know how long it has passed, but the suction below gradually diminished, Yunli took the opportunity to flip in the air for a few weeks, stabilized her figure, and hurriedly searched for other people's traces.

Above, Shaohao Luo took the first step to stabilize his body and grabbed Mu Yan. On the other side, Wei Lin had also controlled the speed of his descent and was looking towards her.

Yunli heaved a sigh of relief, and Huanshiling flew out, grabbing the little butterfly essence not far away, the suction force from below was still continuous, her eyes were full of blood, and she couldn't see the specific environment around her.

"Grandma!" Little Butterfly Jing suddenly yelled, with a flash of silver light all over her body, she disappeared from the spot, because she was still wrapped in the Huanshi Ling, Yunli was caught off guard and was dragged straight down.

A green vine flew around her waist, and she hurriedly moved the Huanshiling, and finally stabilized her figure again, her thoughts stretched along the Huanshiling, she 'saw' the little butterfly holding the old man straight Fall straight down.

The old man has been left behind for so long, but he still hasn't reached the end!

She suppressed the surprise in her heart, tightened the Huanshi Ling, and grabbed the Little Butterfly Jing grandpa and grandson when they were about to fall into the sea of ​​blood.

"You Ling can do it, and you can also travel through the void."

Shaohao Luo's surprised voice came from above her head, and Yunli smiled openly: "That is, this fairy's natal magic weapon, which is naturally extraordinary."

In fact, I was terrified in my heart, it was void, and it was the most mysterious. Fortunately, the Huanshi Ling was made of good material and resisted it. Otherwise, the magic weapon of my life would be destroyed, and the backlash would be extremely severe.

Shaohao Luo moved his eyebrows, hesitated to speak, and uttered a sentence after a long while: "Have ambition."

It made Yunli baffled.

At this time, as they descended, several people finally saw clearly the situation below. The endless sea of ​​blood was as smooth as a mirror, but there was a steady stream of suction coming from below.

Su Xu and others who fell earlier used their own means to resist the suction force and floated in the air. Some people couldn't hold on, and fell into the sea of ​​blood. After struggling a few times, they became silent again.


In the distance, the huge body of the black flood dragon smashed into the sea of ​​blood, and the blood splashed everywhere. Someone nearby couldn't dodge, and was stained with blood, as if being splashed with sulfuric acid, the flesh and blood collapsed, and even the bones were corroded.

Yunli saw that her scalp was numb, she quickly sacrificed her banana fan, and pulled Little Butterfly's grandfather and grandson up, Wei Lin also flew over with difficulty, saying: "You concentrate on controlling the banana fan, we will resist the suction."

While speaking, Shaohao Luo also fell down, threw Mu Yan on the banana fan, and resisted the suction together with Wei Lin.

The relieved Mu Yan also joined them, and the suction was almost completely blocked by the combined efforts of the three of them, and Yunli immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

As soon as she relaxed, she immediately felt that someone was looking at her. She hurriedly looked for the direction and met Su Xu's unbelievable eyes.

Yunli blinked, seeing his eyes wandering over her and Huanshiling's, she was shocked, no, the vest fell off!
When Dengtai Mountain rescued the senior brother from the young children of the Xiao family, she had used Huanshiling. At that time, besides the elites of the younger generation of the Xiao family, Su Xu and Mo Huai were also there.

Immediately, she realized that besides Su Xu Mohuai, there were people in the Xiao family who were still alive. Back then, she had trapped Xiao Heng with the Huanshi Ling, so it was hard not to be impressed!

She quickly took Huanshiling away, and quickly searched for the Xiao family's children in the crowd, and quickly passed through the crowd, and met Xiao Heng with the same surprised expression.

At the critical moment, Wei Lin on the side suddenly raised his voice: "The black flood dragon failed to cross the tribulation, this is a good opportunity!"

Xiao Heng's eyes moved to him, and then to Yunli, showing a sudden realization. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when a green leaf flew by and fell into the sea of ​​blood not far in front of him.

As soon as the sword intent entered the sea of ​​blood, it exploded suddenly, and the blood splashed everywhere. Xiao Heng, who was at close range, couldn't dodge in time.

Yunli reached out and grabbed Wei Lin's turned wrist, and said via voice transmission: "Don't!"

Only Xiao Heng and an old man with golden core were left in the Xiao family, and Wei Lin's next target was Su Xu in the direction of his wrist.

She looked at Su Xu, and saw that his eyes were full of astonishment. She presumably saw their little movements, and his lips twitched a few times, and finally changed to voice transmission: "Who are you?"

Yun Li pursed her lips, Su Xu was different from Xiao Heng, they had been together for many years and had experienced so many things together, she couldn't just turn their faces like this.

After thinking about it, she replied, "An Yue."

Since she couldn't make a decision, she would take a risk and hand over the choice to him.

There was a bang in Su Xu's ears, and his mind was in a mess. An Yue, the cousin that the little master missed, the girl who died in the sea with Qian Jiu!

Qian Jiu's identity was exposed. He had thought that she might still be alive, but he never expected that she was actually right under their noses, and even flirted with their brothers and sisters!

Immediately, he thought of a question and hurriedly asked; "Little Master, she..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yunli immediately said, "Of course my cousin knows about me."

Looking at those clear eyes, Su Xu felt that the world was not real anymore, their cousins ​​had already known each other, when did they meet each other, did she just enter the sect or later?

During these years of getting along, he didn't see any clues at all. The closeness between her and the little master is also traceable and reasonable...

"Devil, what are you going to do?"

A roar pulled him out of his thoughts, and he saw the young man in blue and white calmly look away, and said casually, "Of course it is to catch the black flood dragon."

"Fuck your mother, no one is blind to where the black dragon falls!"

The golden core of the Xiao family was furious, and the Xiao family's skills were opened and closed, and they were not good at lightness. After falling into the blood pool, almost all of them were broken. Xiao Heng is the only remaining Xiao family besides him, and now it is broken by the devil. How could he not be angry.

There was a cool smile on the corner of Wei Lin's mouth, and his thin lips parted slightly: "Not everyone is like you, who can only see the one-acre three-point land in front of them."

The Xiao Family Golden Pill couldn't breathe, and his face was flushed, "You, you, Huangkou..."

Before he finished cursing a sentence, the sea of ​​blood suddenly burst into ripples, and then an angry roar came from below, and the blood wave rose violently on the ground, even the suction force was somewhat suppressed by the angry roar.

Yunli hurriedly drove the plantain fan to avoid the splashing blood, the suction power decreased, and Wei Lin and Shaohao Luo immediately released their spiritual power shields to protect the plantain fan.

A huge black dragon flew out of the bloody water, and at the same time, a woman with a cold face also flew out of the bloody water.

"Wen Xueluo!"

Seeing her, everyone was shocked and chased her all the way down, but was stopped by the formation, and she hid directly in the sea of ​​blood without looking like her.

The Immortal Mansion and the injured black dragon made some people want to move, and the blood wave made them have to suppress their impulse.

Yunli suddenly noticed something flickering on the head of the black flood dragon, and when she looked closely, it turned out to be a blood-colored rune.

Because she flew out of the sea of ​​blood, her body was covered in blood, and the bloody runes were not obvious, she suddenly looked at Wen Xueluo, and sure enough, there was a little blood on her forehead.

"You made a bond with him?!"

Yunli's words surprised the people around him, and they hurriedly looked at the black flood dragon, the black scales glowed with a crystal-like luster, and the blood was also thrown off as he rolled, the rune on his forehead was particularly clear, it was the contract of spiritual pet.

With a flash of light, the rune disappeared from his forehead, and the cultivation base of the black flood dragon plummeted. He let out an angry roar, his thick body rolled over, and slammed into Wen Xueluo with shocking anger.

Wen Xueluo didn't dodge or dodge, just looked at the black dragon so coldly.

The menacing black dragon stopped suddenly, like a stone smashed into the sea of ​​blood, rolling in pain, the blood waves were like pillars, and the few people who were close were affected, screaming again and again.

While everyone gasped, they couldn't help but sigh, that such a little girl who was not well-known was able to snatch Heijiao away.

Even if he didn't succeed in transforming the dragon, the black flood dragon's cultivation was far superior to that of the monks after Yuan Dynasty. Now that he has signed a contract with Wen Xueluo, he was burdened by his master's cultivation and fell to the monks at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty.

Wen Xueluo looked at the black dragon rolling in the sea of ​​blood expressionlessly, "Surrender, or die."

The black flood dragon in the sea of ​​blood slowly stopped rolling, flying into the sea of ​​blood, he fixedly looked at Wen Xueluo who was stepping on the flying sword, and then reluctantly lowered his head after a while.

Wen Xueluo's expression softened a little, and she said, "I will treat you as a friend and will not treat you badly."

Yunli frowned stubbornly, both being monsters, this scene made her inexplicably aggrieved.

A dragon that is about to transform into a dragon has worked so hard to cultivate for so long, and after a mistake, someone forcibly concludes a contract of spiritual favor. Not only is his cultivation suppressed, his cultivation has plummeted all the way, and he is also bossed around by a weak person.

Returning a friend, there is no way to force a contract with a friend, it is the cruelest master-servant contract.

"Grandma, you're awake!" Little Butterfly's surprised voice brought her back to her thoughts, and she looked down, only to find that the old man had woken up at some point.

Her words also attracted the attention of other people. Hei Jiao turned his head and looked over, mocking himself in a low voice: "I didn't expect you and I to stay here for so many years, and it ended like this in the end."

The old man's skinny face was even more worried. She tremblingly stretched out a finger, and tapped on the center of Little Butterfly's brow, as if the acupuncture point had been tapped. Little Butterfly immediately froze and couldn't move.

"Grandma, what are you doing?"

Her voice was terrified, but the old man didn't answer. He only looked at her with loving and anxious eyes, and all the remaining strength went into her eyebrows, and a silver rune appeared between the eyebrows of Little Butterfly.

The runes became brighter and brighter, and the figure of the little butterfly spirit became more and more blurred. Not only her, but Mu Yan beside her was also shining.


Yunli exclaimed, and was about to ask the old man, when the silver light disappeared, the little butterfly spirit and Mu Yan also disappeared completely, and the old man turned into dots of blue light, scattered into nothingness.

"What the hell!"

Yunli was stunned, she felt the spatial fluctuations, if there is no accident, they were teleported away by the old man with a secret method, but you can teleport your granddaughter, what are you doing teleporting Ayan away too.

They finally reunited and were separated again, and they didn't give any hints about where to look for them in the future.

Wei Lin patted her on the shoulder, "It's a good thing, it's dangerous here, it's safe for her to leave."

"But where can I find her later?" Yunli was crying, the imprint of her spiritual consciousness left on Mu Yan did not respond at all, which meant that she was not teleported as far as 01:30.

"Let's try to get out of here first."

Everyone looked back, yes, the top priority is to leave this ghostly place, but how to leave?
The suction is so strong, if the Black Flood Dragon hadn't suppressed the suction just now, they wouldn't be able to watch the show easily at this moment.

After thinking about it, everyone turned their attention to the black flood dragon. Since they wanted to leave, they had to find out where it was and how the suction came from. The black flood dragon who had been guarding here was obviously the best questioner.

But Hei Jiao had just experienced being forcibly accepted as a spiritual pet by a weak human cultivator, and he was very upset. They were all human cultivators, and Hei Jiao hated the house and the crow, so he was very restrained not to tear them apart.

Yunli also noticed that there were no demon cultivators here, and after thinking about it again, there was no sign of demon cultivators by the lake, so she couldn't help asking: "Senior Brother Chu, where are those demon cultivators?"

She remembered that there were quite a few demon cultivators who were still alive after breaking the formation, so why didn't any of them make it to the lake.

Speaking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help frowning: "The group of monster cultivators didn't know what they were doing. When they reached the edge of the swamp, they acted like hell, and then they all retreated."


Yunli was dumbfounded, do demon cultivators have such a strong sense of crisis?

Why didn't she feel it in advance.

Is it because her soul is a person, so her natural sense of crisis is not sensitive?
Wei Lin raised his eyebrows at her, and pouted angrily at Shaohao Luo beside him.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and finally recalled that for two whole years, there were only Shaohao Luo and Ayan in the Netherworld, and he did not hide his aura at all, and tried his best to make troubles in the Netherworld, causing the Netherworld to leave behind everywhere. with his breath.

And the monsters are very sensitive to monsters with stronger blood than their own, presumably they were scared back by Shaohao Luo's breath.

Everyone didn't bother about the abnormality of the demon cultivator. Hei Jiao refused to speak, so he went to his master.

With Nascent Soul stage monsters as bodyguards, Wen Xueluo stopped hiding and just floated in the air.

Facing everyone's brazen request, she did not refuse, and asked Hei Jiao directly: "Where is this place? How do I get out?"

The beard around Hei Jiao's mouth was automatic without any wind, and after a long while, he still said aggrievedly: "This is the first floor of the Infernal Hell, the seal has been broken, and you can leave naturally if you rush up."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, isn't it impossible to rush forward?

Someone asked cheekily: "Senior said so, I think he can rush up, I wonder if you can take us with you?"

The black dragon shook its body and turned into a pitch-black boy, grabbed Wen Xueluo's arm, and flew upwards like lightning, without giving everyone any time to react.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the suction suddenly increased. They didn't care about complaining, and tried their best to resist the suction.

Seeing that the plantain fan has dropped a little, Yunli raised her voice and said, "It's not a problem for us to carry it like this. We need to find out what has such a strong suction force below."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone immediately said, "How do you figure it out? Just to resist the suction, you have to use all your strength."

"Yes, you can't even touch this thing."

"Oh, save me first!" A monk who was about to be dragged into the sea of ​​blood screamed.

Yunli pursed her lips, Huan Shiling flashed, and pulled his waist up.

After recovering a life, the man thanked him again and again: "Thank you, fellow daoist, you are such a good person."

(End of this chapter)

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