all the way to fairy

Chapter 409 Blood Prison

Chapter 409 Blood Prison (2)

Yun Li put on a wooden face: "Quick Yu Jian, I'm about to let go."

"Uh," the man was stunned, and begged in a low voice, "I am the only one left in my sect, can I join you?"


Yunli rolled her eyes. At such a dangerous moment, if you put a stranger by your side, who knows what kind of character, what would you do if you were stabbed in the back.

Shaohao Luo glanced at her sideways, "It's not too stupid to be incurable."

Yunli is also a little depressed, she doesn't hurt herself, there is no conflict of grievances, and she will not be stingy if she can help her if she can, but why do people always treat her as a fool.

Seeing her tough attitude, the man couldn't beg anymore, thanked him again, and continued to fight against the suction with Yujian.

Wei Lin smiled, the poor are good for themselves, and the good is for the world. Although she is kind, she is never blind and knows how to do what she can.

He raised his eyebrows: "Blood water is also water, try fire attack."

Hearing this, Yunli's eyes lit up, other people's fire may not work, but Shaohao Luo's will definitely work!
Her scorching gaze was undisguised, and Shaohao Luo was very useful, and at critical moments, she had to rely on him!

Seeing his smug expression, Yunli said very kindly: "Fellow Daoist Shaohao is so mighty, I can't wait to catch up with him, so I ask fellow Daoist to help!"

Others also realized that at this time, if they can retain a little bit of strength, they will have a little bit more hope of living. A few kind words can make others take action, and they will not begrudge it.

"That's right, it's hard for us little shrimps to protect themselves, unlike you, Uncle Fifteen, whose miraculous skills are world-class, and it's nothing more than a sea of ​​blood, you can drown it with your spit!"

The bearded Jindan was the first to realize that he was used to flattering Shaohao Luo, without any psychological barriers, he just opened his mouth when he said nice words.

With him at the Golden Core Stage, the others put aside their shame for the time being. What kind of Daoist friend is a young talent, once in ten thousand years, what kind of talent is outstanding, outstanding, and even No. 1 under Nascent Soul.

Facing the compliments from everyone, Shaohao Luo raised his chin: "Whoever is your fellow Taoist, I am your fifteenth uncle."

The faces of the people were a little stiff. Those who are still alive today are all people with real abilities, and some of them are geniuses who have been sought after since childhood. The contempt in Shaohaoluo's words stung their nerves.

After Shaohaoluo finished speaking, he didn't grumble, vermilion flames flew out from his fingertips, the bloody sea and Zhu Ming's fire, as soon as they met, the surrounding became more red, and the eyes were blinded.

Grumpy Grumpy!

The sea of ​​blood boiled, the water level dropped, and a little black was exposed in the center. Slowly, more and more black was exposed, and it turned out to be a towering stone platform.


Yunli praised it sincerely, and drove the plantain fan to fall on the stone platform, without keeping it in the air, the suction force became smaller, and the pressure dropped sharply.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Fellow daoists, offense is the best defense. If we attack the sea of ​​blood together, we may not be able to completely get rid of the suction."

After speaking, she tried to throw a stack of fireball talismans towards the sea of ​​blood. The fireball talismans did not have the blessing of scarlet flames, and had little effect on the sea of ​​blood.

The raging vermilion flames became more intense, and the sea of ​​blood descended faster, and a bamboo bridge was exposed in a short while.

Her demonstration was effective, and everyone was overjoyed, and they were ready to take action, but the sea of ​​blood suddenly shook, and a blood-red unknown object rushed up from it.

The Yunli Huanshi Ling spread out suddenly, covering several people's bodies, and jumped up at the same time.


There was a shrill scream from the side, and a female cultivator's arm was splashed with blood, and the flesh and blood on her sleeve was instantly corroded, and it spread to both ends.

The female cultivator was also decisive, cutting off her arm with a backhand sword, preventing the spread of corrosion.

Yunli glanced in admiration, then looked away, and focused on the unidentified object rushing up.

It is about ten meters in diameter and occupies almost half of the stone platform. It is blood-red and round like a meat ball.

The meat ball moved, and a pair of bloody bat-like wings protruded from both sides. Then, it was pushing against the red meat of Yunli and the others, revealing a strange face.

The outline of the face is like a bear, with four eyes, three arcs above the mouth, and one above the middle eye, no nose, sausage mouth, sharp fangs, and a thick tongue hanging straight down to the lower jaw.

It seemed to recognize Shaohao Luo as the one who set the fire, and stared straight at him, its dark eyeballs suddenly turned scarlet, Yunli felt his body go cold, and couldn't move a single inch.

She quickly mobilized her spiritual power to dispel the coldness in her body. Before she could break free completely, a suction force that was more than ten times stronger than before came, and her body flew forward uncontrollably. It opened its mouth wide, and the suction came from its mouth.

The bright sunshine shone on her eyelids, she subconsciously raised her hand to block it, her body suddenly flew out, the long-lost sense of weightlessness came, she tapped her toes lightly, but did not step on something real.

She was stunned, what did she want to step on?

Before he could come up with a result, he plopped into the pond.

"The princess!"

"Princess! Come quickly, the princess fell into the water..."

The anxious voices of the maids sounded indistinct in the water, even a little strange.

She struggled to swim to the shore, and as soon as she surfaced, she met a pair of playful phoenix eyes, "Why, it's not fun to just swing, and you still want to perform a swing and jump into the pond?"

"Brother? Why are you here?"

"Come and see the soaked chicken." Wei Lin stretched out his hand, "I haven't come up yet, the water is cool."

Yunli grabbed his hand and jumped ashore with his strength, and Yuzhu next to her quickly took a blanket and wrapped her up, muttering: "Why are you so careless, wrap it up quickly, it's good if you catch a cold."

Then she turned her head and told the little maid, Lu'e: "Go to the kitchen and ask someone to cook a pot of ginger soup and send it to Tonghua Courtyard."

Surrounded by her, Yunli walked a few steps, suddenly felt something was wrong, stopped and looked at her legs in a daze, when did she become so sensitive, she jumped up immediately.

He didn't hear her follow, Wei Lin turned his head and saw her standing stupidly, raised his eyebrows and said: "What are you looking at, go back and change quickly, if you catch a cold, you can't hide it from the Eldest Princess."

"Don't let mother know!"

Yunli almost jumped up, shook off the little bit of weirdness in her mind, and ran wildly wrapped in a blanket.

In the end, Princess Zhaoren was not hidden from this incident. In the afternoon, she was fed several bowls of ginger soup, which made her face turn green.

Until dinner, she kept scolding her: "You are a noble lady of the royal family, you are always so reckless, where have you learned the rules, you can fall into the pond when you are on a swing, tell me, what are you doing?" There's nothing you can't do."

Yunli shrank her neck, almost buried her head in the bowl.

Yun Huaijin, who was on the side, couldn't stop laughing, and personally served a bowl of soup for Princess Zhaoren, "Okay, she is still young, so it's okay if she didn't hold her tight for a while, isn't it okay?"

Princess Zhaoren raised her brows upside down, and turned to shoot at him: "Knowing that she is still young, what kind of swing did you build her for? Don't you know the virtues of your daughter? The other little girls are sitting on swings, and she wants to fly out... "

Yunli secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head to meet Shang Yunfeng's watching eyes, stuck out her tongue, and quietly took a piece of braised pork for her father, thanking him with practical actions for helping to share her mother's anger.

Her small movements were caught by Princess Zhaoren, who stared at her: "If you don't look upright every day, don't go to the Taimiao sacrifice tomorrow, stay at home and reflect on yourself."

Yunli turned pale with shock, put down her chopsticks, rushed over and grabbed her arm, her eyes dimmed with tears: "Mother, I was wrong."

Although there are many rules and cumbersome procedures in the Taimiao Temple, it only takes a few hours, and you can still stroll around the palace in the rest of the time. This is rare for Yunli, who has been locked in a square courtyard all year round. Good thing!
She was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and she finally got it, but when she was about to set off, she was locked up in confinement.

She swears and swears, jumps up and down, and finally begs Princess Zhaoren to let go, and she is not removed from the list of sacrifices to heaven.

After dinner, the two brothers and sisters went out surrounded by maidservants, Yun Feng knocked her on the head, with a look of hatred: "Why are you still so stupid, the list of sacrifices to heaven has already been handed in No, it is impossible for mother to row you off."

After speaking, he shook his head, sighed, and walked past her with his hands behind his back.

Yunli quietly looked at his receding back, then looked back at the warm yellow candlelight in the room, her eyes gradually became moist, and her voice slowly choked: "I know."

She tried to widen her eyes, trying to see the people in the room clearly, but she couldn't stop the tears, blurring her eyes.

This was her previous life, which was lively and warm. Unfortunately, after the spiritual root was detected, such peaceful and peaceful days were destined to miss her.

She raised her hand and said the formula slowly, everything around her peeled off like glass shattering, even though she knew it was all fake, her heart still hurt.

She is homesick.

When the vision was clear again, the eyes were still red. Thinking of the scene I saw before entering the illusion, it should be inside the belly of the fleshy monster.

But the strange thing is that there is nothing inside, no internal organs and no blood, the monster seems to have only a shell of flesh.

What about the rest?

The monster's mouth had great suction, and she remembered that many people around were sucked in together, but there was no one there.

Feeling that the coolness was not far away, she searched for the past, walked for about a cup of tea, and suddenly found a place in front of her that was too red.

She stepped forward in two steps at a time, and it turned out to be a blood cocoon, approaching Xiqiao, and the person inside was Shaohao Luo.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and in less than a day, she saw him stay in the cocoon twice.

He called out the Dream Slashing Knife, and slashed at the blood cocoon. Ding, the Dream Slashing Knife was bounced off, and the blood cocoon didn't move at all, but Shaohaoluo showed a painful expression on his face.

Combined with her own experience, she quickly understood that he was also trapped in the illusion, and remembering that he once said that he hated illusions the most, this should be his shortcoming.

The illusion here is obviously unusual. The illusions she encountered in the past have no effect on her, and she can't even feel the existence of the illusion, but this time, she was pulled into the illusion.

Illusions are related to beliefs and Taoism. The matter is of great importance and cannot be treated roughly. If you want to get out, you can only rely on yourself.

She shook her head and continued to move forward. She was not sure about pulling other people out of the illusion, but it was different for her senior brother. She had the intention of refreshing, and she could directly remind him through the intention of refreshing.

As she walked, she urged her to feel cool and cool. As soon as she walked to the blood cocoon where he was, she saw the blood cocoon shaking and slowly softening, like real blood, flowing into the flesh walls on both sides. When he opened his eyes, At that time, the blood cocoon disappeared completely, as if it had never existed.

"Coolness is also very useful, I woke up so quickly!"

Wei Lin stared at her blankly, his phoenix eyes were a little confused, he suddenly raised his hand to pinch her face, Yunli was dumbfounded, "What are you doing?"

He put down his hands as if nothing had happened, and muttered to himself: "Warm and hot, it seems to be true."

Yunli: ...

She said her guess, and then asked: "What do you think we should do now, I feel that this illusion is quite powerful, and they should not be able to break free for a while."

Wei Lin frowned: "Shaohao Luo's strange fire was very effective on the blood sea before, and the meat monster grows in the blood sea, so the strange fire should also be effective on it."

Yunli also thought about this method, but she was a little worried, "Will the brutal destruction of the meat monsters make them stay in the illusion forever?"

To put it bluntly, illusions are a test of xinxing, and it is best to break them by yourself. They have not yet been broken, and it is really dangerous to destroy them forcibly.

"Staying in it is also very dangerous. If you guess correctly, the illusion this time is the greed of the three poisons of Buddhism. It has transformed into the life that people yearn for most in their hearts. After a long time of indulging, it becomes even more difficult to distinguish the real from the fake."

"Then try." Yunli came to the side of a blood cocoon, and controlled Fei Yan to land on it. The blood cocoon trembled violently, softened and disappeared into the flesh wall.

The person inside looked grim and painful, as if he had lost something very important, and suddenly he opened his eyes without warning.

Caught off guard by a pair of murderous eyes, Yunli almost suffered a cardiac arrest. She was about to explain when the man's head tilted and fell limp to the ground.

Wei Lin knelt down and sniffed his breath, "He's still alive, but he was so sad that he passed out."

Yunli felt relieved, put her palm on the wall of the flesh, and directly burned the wall of flesh with the crimson flame.

its not right!
She suddenly thought that the meat monster is only about ten meters in diameter, so it is reasonable to read the whole situation at a glance, but she has not only walked about ten meters along the way, but she has not met a few people!
Could it be that this meat monster still has space in its body?

Although he was puzzled in his heart, the movements of his hands did not stop. Under the crimson flames, the bloody flesh wall became thinner and thinner, until finally a fingernail-sized hole was burned out.

The strange thing is that through the opening, the outside is not the bloody stone platform where they stayed before, but pitch black.

"How is this going?"

Yunli leaned over, trying to take a closer look outside, but the collar of her back coat was grabbed.

Wei Lin lifted her aside, put his index finger on his lips, and gestured for silence.


Hit and hit, strong and powerful.

The entire fleshy wall suddenly lit up, and amidst the brilliant red light, a steady stream of blood flowed from the side, filling up the fingernail-sized hole in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, Yunli swallowed, "Did you hear that?"

Wei Lin looked to the left, his eyes darkened: "Well, the sound of a heartbeat."

"The meat monster is a living thing, so why is its stomach so much bigger than its body?" Yunli really couldn't figure this out.

(End of this chapter)

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