all the way to fairy

Chapter 410 Blood Prison

Chapter 410 Blood Prison (3)

It looks like a bigger monster from the outside, even in front of many huge monsters, it is barely considered a medium-sized monster, but inside it has its own universe.

Wei Lin frowned: "Go and have a look."

Yunli nodded, the broken gap can be repaired, but it is useless to make a big gap without knowing the reason.

Looking for the direction of the previous heartbeat, I don't know how long I walked. There are all kinds of blood calluses along the way, and there are not only dozens of them on this trip.

Even if the monsters sucked in from the Nether Ghost Lake were removed, the number was still much higher, presumably it was transformed by the monks who came in before.

The closer to the direction of the heartbeat, the more blood cocoons, and in the end it is densely packed, and even the way out is blocked, so we can only carefully pass through the gaps.

Thinking of the dead people around her, Yunli's scalp became numb, and she covered her heart and said, "It's so scary, my heart is about to jump out."

Wei Lin in front of him suddenly stopped, he touched his heart, and leaned closer to Yunli's chest.

Yunli was sluggish, the tip of her nose was full of his clear and clean breath, even a few strands of his black hair slid down her cheek, gently and softly, like a feather brushing over her heart, numb.

Her face burned violently, a hot feeling that she had never felt before surged up, and her heartbeat was completely out of control, thumping like a war drum.

Seeing the sound of her heartbeat getting louder and louder, she jumped back, covering her heart tightly with her hands, as if the thunderous heartbeat would be smaller, but it was completely useless, instead, she jumped a little louder when she met Shang Weilin's suspicious eyes. faster.

I'm going, I was teased!

Yunli's mind went blank, and she stammered, "Why are you coming here all of a sudden?"

After being puzzled for less than a second, Wei Lin came to his senses, his quiet phoenix eyes blurred with a soft smile, and the corners of his lips curled up in joyful loneliness, "Ah Li, you are so cute."

Concerned about meat monsters, he deliberately lowered his voice, hoarse and deep, but with an indescribable charm, Yunli felt that soft feather was brushing her heart again.

She took a deep breath and quickly changed the subject, "What did you find?"

Wei Lin glanced at her blushing cheeks jokingly, trying to suppress the smile on his lips, "Didn't you notice that your heart beats faster here?"

Heart beating again, Yunli wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in, so she just grabbed this and wouldn't let it go!
After a short shyness, she finally noticed the important point in Wei Lin's words.

Scanning the blood calluses around her eyes, she bent her ears and leaned over to a blood callus next to her, and a very slight heartbeat sounded into her ears, her eyes widened in disbelief: "Alive?"

Through the blood cocoon, the female cultivator inside had a soft and serene expression, with a faint smile on her lips, but she was not the cultivator they were on this trip.

If there is no accident, it should be a monk who entered Jiuliyuan before. It has been at least 3000 years, how come he is still alive!

Closing her eyes and maximizing her sense of hearing, she realized that there was a beating heart in all the blood cocoons.

"Pay attention to your heartbeat, don't be affected."

After being reminded by the sound transmission, Wei Lin continued to move forward, Yunli rubbed the goose bumps on his arms, and followed quickly.

The further you go, the more red the blood cocoon is, and the heartbeat inside becomes clearer. When you get to the back, you don't need to pay attention, and you can hear it clearly.

Squeezing through a row of dense blood cocoons, the front was suddenly empty, there were no more blood cocoons, only a huge heart.

Is this the core of the meat monster?

Suddenly, the huge heart contracted violently, Yunli's heart also thumped, all the blood was pumped out of the atrium, and she wanted to get out of her body uncontrollably.

Blood oozes through the skin, and in the blink of an eye, she is covered in blood, and the light yellow clothes on her body can no longer see the original color.

Heart ischemia, her eyes turned black, her body was weak, and her consciousness also became dizzy.

At the critical moment, the beads in the heart suddenly spun rapidly, the blood flowed back, and the blood that flowed out again was no longer pulled by external forces, and slowly returned to calm.

As soon as she resumed her actions, she immediately looked at Wei Lin. It was no surprise that he was also covered in blood, gritting his gums, desperately mobilizing his exercises, and using his spiritual power to suppress the outflow of blood.

As long as there is still consciousness, Yunli's tense heart relaxes a little, and she grabs his hand again to send her spiritual power over.

With her support, Wei Lin finally controlled the blood in his body, swallowed a mouthful of fishy sweetness, and immediately drew out his Mo Li sword, stabbing straight at the giant heart.

Yun Li is not talking nonsense, Huan Shiling cooperates with Fei Yan to fly towards Wei Wei's heart, attack is the best defense, they need to deal with it with all their strength when the heart pulses, if it is allowed to beat, it will be fine.


The giant heart felt threatened, and as soon as the two of them moved, it beat again. Wei Lin froze, and tried to swing a few swords before falling into darkness.

Huanshiling followed closely behind, but also did not enter the heart. The sword intent and Feimang exploded at the same time, and the giant heart beat violently and quickly.

bang bang bang...

The dense heartbeat sounds like an ambush from all sides, intense and tense, it's a blood cocoon!
The giant heart beat very slowly before, they didn't notice it, but now it seems that the heart of the cultivator in the blood cocoon beats at the same frequency as the giant heart.

Both times, after hearing its beating sound, the heart pulsates uncontrollably. If you can't hear it, will it not be affected?
Yunli tried to set up an isolation barrier, but it was useless, Wei Lin's heartbeat was still very messy, and blood kept oozing out of his body, "Brother, hold on!"

She made a decisive decision, and her body flew to the bottom of the giant heart like an arrow from the string. She slapped the heart with her palm and touched her flesh. Hard tentacles protruded from the giant heart, pierced the skin, and pierced into her hand.

Feeling that the blood was being sucked away, she hurriedly activated Fei Yan, and before she could get close, the tentacles retracted immediately, but Yunli did not let go, directing Fei Yan to burn her heart.

Under the raging fire, the giant heart beat even more violently, and there was a faint scream in her ear, as if her heart had been melted, and the blood drowned her hands completely, and spread quickly.

In the blink of an eye, she was wrapped and tightened by layers of blood, and the flowing blood solidified again, trying to seal her inside.

The crimson flames in his hands exploded and turned into specks of crimson awns, protecting his whole body, and the blood threads wrapped around his body were cut off bit by bit, however, it was only limited to this.

Although Fei Yan is very powerful, she is a little bit stretched in the face of the continuous blood, and what's worse, she is completely unable to continue to urge her now.

The giant heart seemed to know her shortcoming, and the dense blood lines stopped around her body. It was conceivable that as soon as the crimson light disappeared, they would rewind and trap her heavily.

Yunli was a little anxious, not only Fei Yan couldn't hold on, but Wei Lin behind couldn't hold on for a long time either. When attacked, the giant heart beat very fast, which drove the hearts of other people around to beat very violently. It must fail prematurely.

Moreover, I don't know if there will be other dangers if I am trapped in a blood cocoon for a long time.

Before she could figure out a way, she suddenly saw a drop of golden blood in the center of the giant heart outside the blood line. The smell was very familiar. It was her blood, which was sucked away by the tentacles that suddenly protruded.

A bad premonition flashed across her heart, and she saw the drop of blood beating. In an instant, the blood in her body was boiling, and the blood suppressed by the beads lost control again, scrambling to ooze out.

It's a spell!
Using one's own blood as a guide, from the same source, other blood can't resist the traction of the blood control secret technique, and the secret technique will play a role in percentage.

To make matters worse, the sea of ​​consciousness began to throb in pain, as if it was about to split open, and a steady stream of coolness swayed from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, trying to relieve the pain.

At a critical juncture, a rune appeared in her mind, and she raised her hand to strike a formula without thinking, and the crimson glow slowly gathered, and a mysterious rune slowly formed.

The line of the rune is extremely simple, yet it reveals a terrifying coercion before it is completed.

The giant heart trembled, and dense blood flowed towards her recklessly.

Yunli's crow's eyelashes trembled slightly, her ten fingers kept changing, and the afterimages were drawn out at such a high speed, she was secretly looking forward to it, hurry up, hurry up...

The runes are made in one go, and they will collapse if there is a slight pause. If the blood clings to the hand, the runes will definitely be destroyed. Let alone seeing the power of the runes, the giant heart will not give her a chance to draw again.

This nirvana must be added to Crimson Flame, and after this move, she will be unable to use Crimson Flame for a short time.

A few strands of blood had already hung on her wrist, and the Nirvana was still short of the last touch, Yunli felt a chill in her heart, it was over...

Just at this time, a green leaf suddenly flew from behind, cut off lightly, and the blood line was cut off before it could play a role in the future.

Yunli's eyes lit up, senior brother!

Just finishing the last stroke in his hand, the rune was condensed, and with a slight shock, it flew into the giant heart, and the fiery golden glow dyed the blood-red heart golden.

There were cracks and bruises on the giant heart, Yunli exhaled, turned around and pulled Wei Lin back quickly, while the Huanshi Ling unfolded to cover the two of them.

In just a few breaths, bright golden light shot up into the sky, the bright blood color was suppressed, and there was a loud bang, the giant heart exploded, all the blood cocoons shattered, and the corpse that rolled out quickly shriveled up, turning into nothingness in the blink of an eye. Thick bones.

Wei Lin coughed out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and asked weakly, "What happened to you just now?"

His heart was beating wildly, and his blood and spiritual energy were in a mess. Although he struggled with all his strength, he could only hold on, without any power of action. He didn't want to feel the coolness of her sea of ​​consciousness rippling wildly.

The giant heart was dead, Yunli let out the breath she was holding on to, hammered her head, and said weakly: "Headache, I'm so tired."

After the words fell, he fell limply and lost consciousness.

Wei Lin stretched out his hand to catch her, but he was also exhausted and was brought to the ground. He struggled to get up and hurriedly checked her situation.

After some inspection, the corner of his mouth twitched violently, and it turned out that he was asleep!
He shook his head helplessly, took out the Buling Pill and took it, he caught a glimpse of a familiar purple from the corner of his eye, he paused, and suddenly turned his head to look at the surrounding flesh wall.

Cracks kept appearing one after another, and what was even more shocking was that those bloody flesh walls were covered with purple-red markings, which were exactly the same as those on Mo You's body!
What's happening here?
As the blood slowly returned to its place, his strength and spiritual power gradually recovered, and he flew towards Shaohao Luo with Yun Li in his arms.

From a distance, Shaohao Luo smashed a mace on the wall of the flesh, spat again, and said viciously: "Dare to suck my blood, this is the end!"

With a thought in his mind, Wei Lin hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by Taoist Shaohao? I think this pattern is very similar to the one on Mo You's body, but it is also the longevity curse?"

Shaohao Luo nodded angrily, "The blood of our family is cursed. Anyone who dares to suck our blood, no matter whether they are cultivators or demon cultivators, will have their related bloodlines extinct, with the exception of mortals and beasts. But as long as they start to practice, they will also Immediate death."

Wei Lin was thoughtful: "As soon as you practice, you will die, and you will not have the chance to live forever, so is it called the Longevity Curse?"

Shaohao Luo pursed his lips, but did not answer. A monk next to him was stunned and envious: "This curse is too good! The strongest amulet!"

The bearded Jindan rolled his eyes and smiled obsequiously: "Master Fifteen, can you know this curse? Can you give it to the younger one too?"

"If it's not necessary..."

He murmured inaudibly, a trace of sadness appeared on his face, which was fleeting.

Before everyone caught him, they saw him looking at the bearded Jindan in surprise, "Why aren't you dead yet?"

The bearded Jindan was so choked that he couldn't speak, he smiled sarcastically, stepped aside and pretended to be dumb.

Seeing Yun Li in Wei Lin's arms, Chu Nan stepped forward and asked worriedly, "Junior Sister Yun is this?"

Wei Lin took a step back and said calmly, "She's fine, she's just too tired."

Chu Nan stopped walking, and looked at it from a distance worriedly, "Are you all right?"

"This long breath, maybe it's a beautiful dream, it doesn't look like something happened." Shaohao Luo rolled his eyes, and Renxiu just babbled and thought about things that he could see clearly at a glance, and asked It's endless.

"Go, go, go out first, why are you still in the stomach?"

Thinking of being trapped by such a thing, and finally escaped with the Longevity Curse, he felt ashamed and panicked. Sure enough, illusions are the most annoying thing!
He hit the flesh wall again with his backhand. The flesh wall was already shattered, but it could withstand his repeated blows, and a big hole was smashed out, and the outside of the hole was pitch black.

"Why is it black?"

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't care about the awesome Longevity Curse. The most urgent thing now is to get out of danger.

Shaohao Luo sacrificed the flying sword, and flew out of the crumbling blood-colored wall first, Wei Lin followed closely behind with Yunli in his arms, he turned around and saw that monster was the same size as he had seen on the stone platform before.

The four strange eyes were closed, the tongue drooped feebly, and a hole the size of a fist was opened in the middle of the stomach. The person who was coming out of it seemed to have shrunk, but when he came out, he was of normal size again, very much like they used to be. The appearance of taking things out of the storage bag.

"This monster has space attributes?"

Shaohao Luo looked back and saw the strangeness: "It's just the space in the body, and monsters with all five elements can be cultivated to a certain level, and they can chop by themselves."

It was the first time everyone heard this statement, and they were all very curious, and they looked at Shaohao Luo with even more fear.

(End of this chapter)

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