all the way to fairy

Chapter 411 Demons

Chapter 411 Demon (1)

In the darkness, only the remnant of the blood-colored flesh monster exuded a glistening red light. The fluorescent stones, the fire spirit spell, and the lamp-shaped magic weapon, everyone used their own methods to quickly illuminate the darkness.

The huge stone platform below is so familiar, obviously they are still at the previous place, but because of the disappearance of the sea of ​​blood, this place has also fallen into the night.

There is no bloody red light interference, and the field of vision is much wider. When I looked up, I realized that this place is surprisingly large. There are more than ten stone platforms with a radius of more than ten feet.

Below the stone platform, there was a darkness that could not be illuminated by light. Wei Lin condensed a cluster of flames and threw them down, as if thrown into the water, the flames were extinguished instantly.

Chu Nan tried to throw down another moon bead, and the never-extinguishing moon bead also lost its brilliance when it fell into darkness.

Seeing this situation, everyone's heart trembled slightly, as if there was a huge beast hidden in the darkness, swallowing all the light silently.

Someone panicked and said: "Didn't the black flood dragon say that it can go out after flying up, let's leave quickly."

This place is very strange, everyone's heart was chilled, and they didn't have the intention to find out, so they flew up with their weapons one after another.

Wei Lin flew up for a while, turned around and found that Shaohao Luo hadn't moved, he couldn't help being surprised: "Aren't you leaving?"

"I can't go anymore." Shaohao Luo stared at the darkness below with an unclear expression.

As soon as the words fell, the darkness spread up, Wei Lin was startled, hurriedly flew up with his sword, and at the same time quickly sacrificed a Void Spirit Shield to defend.

The darkness spread very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it completely enveloped him. The Void Spirit Shield, the Flying Sword, and all the magic tools on his body lost their spirituality in an instant, and the spiritual power in his body seemed to be imprisoned by something, and he could not use it any more. cents.

Without spiritual power, without flying swords, everyone fell down like dumplings.

Wei Lin threw Yunli on his back, and wanted to fall to the previous stone platform, which was the nearest stone platform to them, but he lowered his eyes and found that the surroundings were as dark as before under the stone platform, and nothing could be seen.

Only Yunli had a red light flashing in her hand. When she opened her hand, it was a piece of blood-red heart. I don't know when she grabbed it in her hand.

I took the blood-red shard to take a photo, and the stone platform was already above my head, so it had been staggered unconsciously.

Without spiritual power, he couldn't use the vine technique. He put some crane talismans in his purse, but the talisman seals also needed spiritual power to activate.

Glancing at the Huanshi Ling on Yunli's wrist, without spiritual power, it is just a high-quality ribbon, and it is useless.

He sighed helplessly, lifted Yunli up on his back that was about to slide down, and let it fall.

After a stick of incense, with the help of the faint red light, he looked up and saw Shaohao Luo with his head down, opening and closing his mouth, but he couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

They were not far apart, and it seemed that not only light but also sound would be swallowed.

After some time passed, Yunli opened her eyes, "I'll go! What is this place!"

She hugged Wei Lin's neck tightly, and quickly glanced around, it was so dark that she couldn't see anything clearly, and they were falling.

Her movement alarmed Wei Lin, he turned his head, opened and closed his mouth but made no sound.

Yunli was puzzled: "What mime show?"

Wei Lin was stunned, couldn't he hear it even if he was so close?

A quarter of an hour later, during Wei Lin's gestures, Yunli finally understood the current situation.

These darkness is actually a special sealing formation, which seals all the methods of monks, except that they are stronger and more sensitive, here they are no different from ordinary people.

According to the Little Butterfly Spirit, the demon is imprisoned below, and the original intention of the formation should be to prevent the demon from absorbing the energy of the demon spirit to grow stronger.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the effect of this formation is so powerful, even if the demons are more cultivated than them, they can only fight hand-to-hand, they still have the power to fight.

Otherwise, as long as the demon has breath, he can kill them with a single look, and even hit a ghost.

I had to find a handy weapon, Huan Shiling had no spiritual power, it was just a ribbon, and the flower-turning rope was too short, and the Meng Zhan Dao was put into the storage bag, and couldn't be taken out...

After examining her whole body, she found in despair that, apart from Huanshi Ling, there was only a hairpin magic weapon for defense.

Fighting with hairpins is different from fighting with bare hands!

Glancing at Wei Lin, he saw a flying sword in his waist, and a shield in his left hand. After thinking about it, she took the shield from Wei Lin's hand and shook it slightly.

This Void Spirit Shield is a defensive magic weapon, and the material used is not bad, but for her, the weight is too light, but it is better than nothing.

She was secretly annoyed why she didn't use the Mengzhan Dao when fighting against the giant heart. Given its weight, it was definitely a good melee weapon.

After falling for an unknown amount of time, Yunli finally felt a slight change in the surrounding airflow, and they hurriedly adjusted their figures.

After half an hour, Yunli got up from the water, grinned and sat down against a big stone, "Oh, it hurts like hell."

"Where did you fall?" Wei Lin coughed a few times, climbed ashore, and pulled her up to check.

"I can hear it!"

Yunli was startled, and didn't care about the pain anymore, she got up swiftly and looked around vigilantly, this formation is for restraining demons, so it should be the most powerful at the core.

Now the sound here is no longer restricted, what this explains is self-evident.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement around, but when Shaohao Luo arrived, he was fully on guard as soon as he landed, and scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

Seeing the solemn expressions of the two, Wei Lin comforted softly: "It's been a while since the magic seal above has been destroyed, and there is also a gap in the formation here, but the demon is still here. Presumably, he hasn't completely escaped."

Yunli was still uneasy, that was a demon, a demon who had defeated the invincible demons in the Qingxuan Continent, the Nascent Soul Stage was also an ant in front of him, let alone them.

As long as he can use his magic, they have little chance of winning.

Wei Lin also knew that these words were hard to convince, but even in the face of a strong enemy, he could not lose his determination to fight.

Yunli exhaled slowly, and leaned closer to him for a closer look: "Brother, are you alright?"

Falling down from such a height, there is no spiritual protection, and there is no buffer. Fortunately, there is a deep pool below, otherwise it may not be possible to fall directly to death. Even so, with her sturdy physique, she was throbbing in pain, let alone others.

Wei Lin waved his hand, "It's okay."

A bloody smell wafted from the tip of her nose. She took the blood-red heart fragment and leaned close to his face to take a closer look. Under the faint red light, the blood on the corner of Wei Lin's mouth was very glaring.

"It's nothing!"

She screamed, and wanted to investigate, but found that she had no spiritual power, and she didn't know medical skills, so after thinking about it, she took the Rejuvenation Pill from her purse and fed it to him.

Regardless of internal or external injuries, the Rejuvenation Pill has miraculous effects. Although it cannot use spiritual power, it does not prevent the elixir from functioning, but it cannot be used to catalyze the effect, and the effect is a bit slow.

She was fortunate that she had learned a lesson from the sudden inability to use her spiritual sense earlier, and she no longer relied on the storage bag blindly, and put some emergency medicines in her purse.

plop plop...

The people above fell down one after another, some unlucky ones landed directly on the shore and died on the spot.

Holding up the broken heart, Yunli looked up at the sky, and suddenly found Su Xu's figure. Given his current position, he was probably the unlucky ghost who fell on the shore.

Seeing the right time, she stomped heavily on the ground, leaped into the air with her strength, and kicked him in the stomach with her flying kick, forcing him to change course and let him fall into the water.

The momentum of the fall was too great. With this kick, her legs went numb for a while, and after she lost consciousness for a short time, her whole leg became stiff and sore.

"Friend Daoist Yun, help!"

As soon as it landed, Ji Ruochen's cry for help came from above, and he was also hitting the shore, or hitting the big stone slab in the center.

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, rubbed his stiff and sore right leg, jumped into the air, and kicked him into the water with the other leg.

She sat slumped on the ground, gasping for breath in pain: "It can't be done, my legs will be useless again."

People climbed up from the water one after another, until everyone climbed up from the water, and there was no trace of the demon.

The tense strings of the people were loosened, and they began to treat the wounds. Ji Ruochen, who was a doctor, became a favorite. Not to mention that there are no alchemists alive at this time, there are, and when they cannot use spiritual power, their role It is also far inferior to the spiritual doctor.

Wei Lin: "Fellow Daoist Shaohao, have you found anything?"

As a demon cultivator, Shaohao Luo has a very strong body, and he is almost intact. After landing on the shore, he has been carefully checking the surrounding situation.

"How do you feel in the water?" he asked something irrelevant.

Yunli thought about it, "I don't feel anything, it's just ordinary water, it seems quite pure."

It wasn't as magical as she had expected.

Wei Lin said, "It's warm and peaceful, and there's a very peaceful feeling inside."

Su Xu also echoed: "Very tolerant."

Yunli blinked, took a handful of water in disbelief and felt it carefully again, but still couldn't find the difference between it and ordinary water.

A discordant voice interjected from a group of monks praising the water, "It hurts a bit."

Yunli looked over, and his eyes fell on the bloody full moon on his flying sword, his eyes suddenly became subtle, the people in the Canye Pavilion silently observed their expressions, it was undoubtedly Yue Yi.

Looking at the person next to him, there is also a bloody full moon on the flying sword, it must be Wen Ming.

Shaohao Luo rolled his eyes, "You have done too many unreasonable things, of course it hurts."

As soon as he said this, Yunli shut up instantly when he saw a few people who wanted to respond, obviously he was not the only one who felt this way.

"This water is the karmic water in the Alanruo Buddha Realm. If you guessed correctly, there should have been an Alan Ruo Buddha Realm here at first, and the demon was locked there. Later, he broke through the realm, and the water in the Buddha Realm It also flowed out."

Shaohao Luo knelt down and stroked the bluestone slab with his fingertips, "After breaking the boundary, he broke through the Nirvana Formation of the Heavenly Kings of the Ten Kingdoms, and changed the formation to draw the blood from the sea of ​​blood above to this place."

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers. Under the faint red light, the bluestone slab was engraved with mysterious formations, some lines of the formations were cut off, and some were obviously newly added, and these modified lines had blood stains. .

Wei Lin pointed to the heart fragment in Yunli's hand, and suddenly realized: "So this heart fragment can still shine in the Heavenly Kings of the Ten Kingdoms Annihilation Formation, because the formation has been changed."

Yunli frowned, "The blood that disappeared when we were fighting should have flowed into the sea of ​​blood, but he is trapped here, so he can change the formation here. What about the formation outside, who changed it?"

In a place where evil cultivators are imprisoned, the formation should be mainly restricted by seals, just like the scorpion grass demon and evil weapon spirit they encountered earlier.

The formation restricted by the seal is obviously unable to gather blood into the Infernal Hell.

In order to gather the blood into the blood sea, it is obvious that the formation needs to be changed, and the external changes are the most critical.

Wei Lin added: "There are also those secret treasures, which first burst out phantoms to attract everyone to go, and then release them for us to snatch when everyone is full. Obviously someone is controlling them and let us kill them wantonly."

Chu Feng's gaze narrowed, and he said in astonishment: "Someone is cooperating with him inside and out!"

Lin Chen frowned: "The magic seal was not destroyed before, how did they get in touch?"

Shaohao Luo's eyes were cold, "It's the formation master, the little butterfly saw him throwing the picture stone into the lake with his own eyes."

He briefly mentioned the matter of discovering the traces of the formation master with Mu Yan.

"So the people inside this magic seal cannot contact the outside, but the outside people can contact the people inside." Yunli was speechless, "Who created the formation breaking method, is this the attitude that the prison demon should have?"

Wei Lin raised his forehead, "It must have been the formation master who made the changes. He was able to change the original sealing formation into a blood-gathering formation, as well as the formation we were trapped in before. Presumably it was also his handwriting."

"With this formation technique attainment, it is impossible for him to break the Kaifeng magic seal, but it is not impossible for him to change it."

Everyone looked at each other, but heard a long sigh, the voice was a little hoarse, as if they hadn't spoken for a long time, but it was hard to hide the feeling of the vicissitudes of life.

"Hey, talented people come out from generation to generation."

Yunli's hairs stood on end, she jumped up, and shouted sharply: "Who!"

The voice laughed strangely, "You guys have been discussing me for so long, don't you know who I am?"

Everyone was terrified, and someone exclaimed: "Demon, it's a demon!"

Shaohao Luo sneered disdainfully, "Playing tricks, get out of here!"

Yunli was almost choked to death, and turned her head to look at him speechlessly, young man, can we take care of the second illness for a while, this is a demon, not a kitten or puppy.

Now that the situation is unclear, what good is it to provoke him!
The demon didn't think about it, but he didn't get angry, "The Feng clan is really proud, it is worthy of being a divine beast, and it is born to be superior."

Speaking of this, he paused, his tone suddenly cold, like a hell Shura: "It's really annoying!"

"Feng Clan?" Yunli looked at him in astonishment, "Aren't you a butterfly?"

Shaohao Luo glared at her bitterly, "You are the butterfly, and your whole family is a butterfly!"

The bearded Jindan was so startled that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he was at a loss for words, "There really is a phoenix, we saw it right! Fifteenth uncle, so you are..."

He didn't say the following words, but the eyes he looked at Shaohao Luo no longer had the awe he had before, but were full of enthusiasm.

Yunli lowered her eyes, with the word beast, no matter how high her cultivation was, in the eyes of human beings, she was still a beast, inferior to them.

They don't understand at all, what is a beast, it is a god.

Shaohao Luo ignored the fiery gazes around him, raised his eyes to look at the top of his head, and said lightly: "No matter how annoying you are, you can't kill me."

The surroundings fell silent, and after a long time, two groups of weak flames lit up above the head, "Yes, I can't kill you, even if you are injured."

 Thanks to sumo4 and Yangyangdehui for the two big monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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