all the way to fairy

Chapter 412 Demons

Chapter 412 Demon (2)

Although these two flames were also faint, they were much brighter than the heart fragment in Yunli's hand, and the surroundings were no longer pitch black.

Through the light, everyone saw the whole picture of this place clearly for the first time. This is a dark cave, surrounded by ten majestic statues of Buddha, all with right hand and left hand Buddha staff.

On both sides of the round stone platform where they stood, there were thick chains hanging from the ceiling of the cave.

Looking along the chain, a skeleton was hung in the center of the hole, its bones were ashes, and black air appeared from time to time. At the position of its eyes, there were two bloody flames dancing, and its spine was faintly red.

There was only a remnant of his soul left, but even so, the coercion above it was still terrifying, an unspeakable coldness filled everyone's limbs and bones, and when he 'looked over', everyone couldn't even move their fingers.

Mo glanced at the crowd and looked at Shaohao Luo: "Since we can't do anything to each other, how about making an agreement not to interfere with each other?"

Without waiting for Shaohao Luo to answer, bearded Jindan hurriedly jumped out: "Don't listen to him, how can you believe the devil's words, he wants to defeat them one by one."

"Yeah, who knows what kind of conspiracy he has..."

Some people echoed and tried their best to persuade Shaohao Luo that no matter whether he could use his spiritual power or not, Shaohao Luo was an excellent thug. If he quit the battle, he would have no chance of winning with them alone.

"The conversation between us can also be interrupted by ants."

The flame in the magic eye frame jumped a few times, and the majestic will enveloped the person who had persuaded them earlier. The two of them froze immediately, bleeding from the seven orifices, and softened in an instant, lifeless.

Yunli's eyes were fixed, his palms were sweaty, he was so strong, a wisp of remnant soul could instantly kill two Jindan stage real people, his divine sense was beyond imagination.

Under the current situation, the nirvana formation is actually protecting him. If it is outside, no matter how strong the power of the soul is, under the crimson flames, it can only be burned to ashes.

Of course, without the restrictions of the nirvana formation, he can use other methods, and she may not even have the chance to summon Fei Yan.

But the current situation is not optimistic. The only thing they can use is strength, but no matter how strong the strength is, it can't affect the soul.

With a ray of remnant soul, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she blurted out: "You don't think you want to take it away, do you?"

Mo turned his head slightly to look at her, his bones creaked, and the flames in his eyes danced briskly. Yunli felt his emotions strangely, and he was surprised.

"The little girl is very smart."

While speaking, the flames in his eye sockets were still beating, but this time the emotion was joy.

Everyone didn't care to wonder why he was so emotional when he was a skeleton, and when they heard about Duoshe, they all backed away, especially those heaven's favored ones.

"You will be punished by the heavens if you seize the house, and you, the remnant soul, can withstand a few thunderstorms."

Yunli reminded that no one has a deeper understanding of Tianzhu than them, with a sword hanging over their heads anytime and anywhere, they dare not sleep to death, maybe Tiandao will cheat you anytime.

He laughed crazily, the flames in his eyes danced crazily, stretched out his arms, and landed directly from the top of the cave, "With the Heavenly Kings of the Ten Kingdoms in the Nirvana Formation, what thunder tribulation can do to me!"

Everyone was frightened, turned into rabbits, retreated to the edge, and some even jumped into the water directly.

He actually came down, the chain obviously has seal runes, so it doesn't work!
"Hahaha, old man Tianyuan, you can't trap me..."

He laughed more and more crazily, bloody flames almost jumped out of his eye sockets.

"What about the Ascension Tribulation?" Wei Lin observed his expression, and said, "The Ascending Thunder Tribulation of Seizing House is far stronger than the other Thunder Tribulations. Are you sure you can handle it?"

The golem was strangled by the neck, the devilish smile stopped abruptly, and he turned to look at him appreciatively: "I want to make a joke."

"The juniors nowadays are really not simple. When facing the old monk, they also talk to the old man. They are worthy of our Canglan people."

Our Canglan?

Yunli was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out, "You are also from the Canglan Continent!"

Maybe everything is in his mind, or he hasn't talked to anyone for a long time, the demon has a very strong desire to talk, he nodded in a good temper, and looked up at the top of the cave at 45 degrees, with a desolate voice in his voice, "Don't say tens of thousands I don’t know if the homeland is still there.”

Yunli stared blankly at his head supported by only one bone, and a thought popped into his head, will the skull fall off?
The people in Canglan have complicated feelings. A demon who caused disasters in the upper world is their fellow countryman. This feeling is really hard to describe.

Wei Lin's eyes flashed, and he continued to test: "If you can stir up the situation in Qingxuan Continent, you are not an unknown person when you come to Canglan."

If you can get more information about the enemy, maybe you can think of a way to deal with it.

Besides, everyone was more or less injured when they fell from above. Although the spiritual power cannot be used here, the spiritual power in the body has not disappeared. They are nourishing the body all the time.

Yunli felt that the two balls of fire in Mo's eye sockets seemed to be more red.

He looked at them deeply for a long time, and brought the topic back to the previous Thunder Tribulation: "As for the Ascension Tribulation, it was indeed a problem before, but we, Canglan, are outstanding people and are blessed by heaven."

Yunli curled her lips secretly, you still chose to become a demon under the blessing of heaven.

In the skull's eyes, two flames danced in a strange rhythm, and the excitement in his voice could not be suppressed, "About ten thousand years ago, a group of people came to the Netherworld, and I found one of them, who had been here before."

Speaking of this, he slowly glanced at the expressions of everyone, and finally fell on Wei Lin's face, his tone became soft, as if he was afraid of waking up.

"Also, he was a human cultivator 1 years ago, but he was a demon cultivator when he came back [-] years ago."

Yunli is a little confused, what do you mean?Tens of thousands of years have passed since a human cultivator became a demon cultivator, but his cultivation has not improved. Has he been taken away?

The others were as dazed as she was, not understanding what he was excited about.

"The most important thing is that his mind and soul are condensed, and his soul and body are completely natural, and it is by no means taken away."

Yunli and the others were confused by his words, and couldn't figure out the logic for a long time, but he didn't give everyone time to think, and said quickly like pouring beans.

"Later, with all my magic power, I finally contacted my subordinate and asked him to show the portraits of a man and a demon to the monk who came in from behind. I finally learned from one person that after returning from Jiuliyuan, that man cultivated all the way to the Yuan Dynasty. In the late stage of infancy, due to the prohibition of heaven and earth, he was not allowed to ascend, and his life limit was exhausted and he died."


Yunli's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, since she died, why did she become a demon cultivator again? Isn't it impossible to reincarnate after foundation establishment?
Shaohao Luo next to him suddenly turned his head, "It is your Canglan Continent that is banned by heaven and earth!"

He grabbed Wei Lin's arm and asked anxiously, "When, was it more than 3 years ago?"

Received Wei Lin's nod, he backed up a few steps in shock, his heart was filled with turmoil, could it be that the same clan who gave the feather to Wei Lin was Yaoyao!
Thinking of Mu Yan's description of the same family, he panicked a little. Yaoyao really prefers white clothes, and her appearance is peerless, but if it is Yaoyao, it is absolutely impossible not to know the special meaning of Lingyu, so how could she agree to marry Lingyu after she gave her away? Other men form Taoist couples.

Could it be that the woman named Xu Linghui is not Yaoyao?
He stared at Wei Lin, opened his mouth, and wanted him to take out the magic sword, but then remembered that Lingyu had been melted and sealed, and he could no longer recognize its master's breath.

Wei Lin felt a little terrified when he saw it, "What's the matter, Fellow Daoist Shaohao?"

Originally, everyone was still immersed in the shock of the reincarnation of the Canglan Continent cultivator after his death, but before they recovered, they were shocked by his big reaction.

Not only were they surprised, but the demon was also stunned. Jie Jie smiled, "It seems that there is a surprise, do you know what happened to the Canglan Continent's ban?"

Everyone looked at him expectantly. The ban on the Canglan Continent was not only related to Canglan, but also related to the disappearance of spiritual energy in other continents. Seeing Mo's reaction, he didn't know what was going on, which showed the mystery of this matter.

In the anticipation of everyone, Shaohao Luo said bluntly: "None of your business."

After beating the devil, he changed the topic extremely bluntly, "You are an ant like you, and you want to take advantage of the loopholes and re-enter reincarnation!"

After speaking, he swung the mace and threw it at the demon.

Yunli is still digesting the shocking secrets one after another, and after hearing his words, she has a new understanding of his arrogance. How did such an arrogant baby grow up safely?
Also, we are stalling for time, can you discuss it in advance if you take the initiative to start the fight.

Now that Shaohao Luo has already started, the demon will not let them go, she flipped the shield in her hand, rolled her legs and rushed up, but seeing that the demon only defended and did not fight back, she stopped immediately, maybe she could still fight back. Procrastinate again.

While parrying easily, the demon discussed: "Why be so impulsive, we have no grievances, you recover from your wounds, I will be reborn for revenge, the best choice is for everyone to enter the water and not violate the river."

"Besides, among these personal cultivation, there are not a few who want to turn you into a spiritual pet, so why should you help them?"

"Hmph, I don't need you to teach me how to act! You are a devil, and I am a fairy, and they are born opposites!"

Hearing this, Yunli speeded up and rushed towards the demon again, and at the same time shouted: "Why are you still in a daze, his goal is us, if you don't kill him, everyone don't want to live!"

Everyone woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and they all stepped forward with their magic weapons.

Yunli jumped up and threw a shield at the skull's eyes. The demon's body turned slightly, avoiding the eye sockets, and the Void Spirit Shield hit his skull. There was only a click, and the Void Spirit Shield was covered with cracks.

"I'm going, it's so hard!"

At this time, other people's attacks also arrived. Their magical weapons were not broken, but they were shaken away, and a big man with a giant hammer even had blood oozing from his mouth.

Yunli threw away the Void Spirit Shield and snatched the man's giant hammer: "Let me do it."

With all her strength, she swung the sledgehammer and smashed it hard. The hammer was as powerful as thunder and lightning, and there was even a slight crackling sound in the air.

There was a loud bang, the skeleton was still intact, but the giant hammer in Yunli's hand suddenly shattered into powder.

The corners of Yunli's eyes twitched, "Oh my god, are you sure it's a skull?"

It stands to reason that if she hammers it down, the mountain will collapse!
A majestic will came to her, and it was a demon watching her.

Mo raised his hand to parry Shaohao Luo's mace, the flames in his eyes jumped a few times, "Who are you?"

"I'm your aunt!" Yunli snatched the magic weapon from the person next to her, and threw it at Mo again.

Not surprisingly, this smash still didn't accomplish anything, she kept grabbing other people's magic weapons and smashing wildly.

Because the meat monster was dead at that time, everyone fled with their weapons, so most of the magic weapons they left outside were flying magic weapons, which were of poor quality and were scrapped after being smashed.

Panting, she stopped and looked at the mace in Shaohao Luo's hand. Although the workmanship was crude, it was a Taoist weapon after all, not comparable to these finely crafted low-level magic weapons.

With a sweep of her eyes, she saw the long sword in Lin Chen's hand. It was his natal sword, the Taoist Qingyuan Sword. Her eyes lit up: "Uncle Lin, lend me your sword."

They didn't have enough strength, they just scratched the devil, Lin Chen stretched out his hand, and was about to pass the Qingyuan Sword to her, when he heard a click, turned his head and saw a huge crack appeared on the mace in Shaohao Luo's hand.

Lin Chen quickly retracted the Qingyuan Sword. It is also a Taoist weapon, even a mace can't hold it, and his Qingyuan Sword can't hold it either.

Yunli was also stunned, it's fine if their magic weapon was damaged, but the Taoist weapon couldn't hold the demon's bones anyway, he didn't use any tricks, he just relied on the hardness of the bone itself to carry it.

After a while, the mace was completely scrapped, and everyone was completely panicked, and the calf was over.

But seeing Shaohao Luo throw away the mace, he clenched his fist and slammed into the demon's eye socket, the demon turned his head and raised his hand to block Shaohao Luo's hand, Shaohao Luo's attack could not penetrate any further.

Yunli glanced at her white and tender hand, gritted her teeth, clenched her fist and rushed up, hitting his other eye socket.

The body is dead, and the skeleton is just a protective shell for the devil, slowing down the dissipation of the soul. His soul is the bloody flame in his eye sockets. Only by destroying the soul can he die.

Mo casually raised his other hand, easily blocking her fist.

Yunli kicked hard on the skull's chest, using her strength to flip in the air for a few weeks, and whipped her leg hard towards his face.

Although the devil only had a skeleton left, his reaction speed was not slow, and he blocked her legs accurately again.

She was not discouraged, she missed her right leg and replaced her left leg, her leg was blocked and replaced her fist, punched and kicked, and the intensive attacks rained down on the demon's right eye.

Shaohao Luo on the other side paid more attention to using his hands, either chopping, stabbing, smashing or digging, his hands turned into eighteen kinds of weapons.

The sense of coolness in the sea of ​​consciousness shook, she pushed Shaohao Luo away, and at the same time she jumped to the side.

Almost as soon as they dispersed, fierce sword intent rushed towards them, and the magic fire jumped quickly, and quickly raised their hands to cover their eyes.

However, only shriveled bones remained in his hands, which could block the punches and kicks of Yunli and the others, but could not block the slender sword intent.

The sword intent pierced straight into the blood fire and exploded suddenly, the blood fire was scattered and sparks flew everywhere.

Yunli was overjoyed, this is the dominance of a sword cultivator, even though he has no spiritual power and his attack power is not bad.

However, the scattered blood and fire quickly condensed again, without the addition of spiritual power, it was difficult for the pure sword intent to cause large-scale damage to the demon's soul.

 Thanks to 941 Dessert, two big monthly tickets for the book famine crowd! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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