all the way to fairy

Chapter 414 Extreme Yin Body

Chapter 414 Extreme Yin Body
The golden light was completely extinguished, and the surroundings returned to darkness,
"Is this the end? It's too easy."

Some people couldn't believe it. Although two people died, those two died purely because they talked too much and liked to show off.

In the previous formation, the number of personnel was halved directly, and the personnel of the Black Flood Dragon in the back was halved again, both of which were more tragic than facing the demon. In this way, the demon had no face.

Yunli was angry: "It's not that Duo is willing to give up on you, of course you find it easy."

Just the intense reaction of the coolness, one can see how dangerous it is inside. If they didn't happen to have Buddha relics, Master Huijue still has a causal relationship with demons, and the power of faith is specialized in subduing demons, so it is unclear what the situation is now Woolen cloth.

The man was stunned by her, hesitated for a long time, and muttered: "What's the matter with getting angry, I didn't let Mo Duo abandon him."

Hearing this, Jiang Yurou's thoughts moved, and she whispered softly, "It's also strange, there are so many of us, why did we pick him alone?"

Yunli rolled her eyes: "What's so strange about this, the purpose of the devil is to take advantage of the abandonment of our Canglan Continent and take advantage of the loopholes of reincarnation."

"In case only the ascension cultivator who is blocked by the ban of heaven and earth can re-enter reincarnation after death, he will naturally find someone with good talent and practice as soon as possible to reach Mahayana ascension."

Jiang Yurou frowned lightly, her beautiful eyes turned around, and fell on Lin Chen: "Since that's the case, wouldn't it be a better choice for a few Jindan seniors?"

Yunli was stunned, the devil was pursuing to improve his cultivation quickly, so Lin Chen with a single golden spirit root, and Chu Feng with a mutated ice spirit root were faster than his senior brother with double spirit roots.

Could it be that the demon saw that the purity of the brother's spiritual root is close to full value?
But they are already at the golden core stage, so it is more appropriate to choose them under balance.

After thinking about it, she pointed at Shaohao Luo and guessed: "Maybe it's like what he said, I'm afraid that if I choose someone else, I will be sealed in my body by fellow Taoist Shaohao and kill me."

Chu Nan looked serious: "I won't give up on my brother easily."

Su Xu also spoke in a correct tone: "Brother Lin is the future helm of my Taiyi sect. Until the last moment, our Taiyi disciples will never abandon him."

Yunli put on a dull face, that's not what you said when you persuaded me before, it's a double standard.

"Uncle, don't worry, our Wuya Sword Sect is united as one, and we will never give up on any fellow sect!"

"The Flame Legion never gambles with the lives of their comrades..."

In the face of everyone's righteousness and insignificance, Shaohao Luo raised his chin: "You can't stop me."

Everyone was dumbfounded, he glanced at Yunli and Yunli, and said: "This is only one of the reasons, and more importantly, he has a very negative physique, and Duoshe can fuse with his body as soon as possible. To put it bluntly, the remnant soul is also a ghost."

Wei Lin thought about it, and hurriedly asked: "What is this extremely yin body?"

The demon also said that he has an extremely yin body, and there are several special physiques among monks, such as a pure yin body and a pure yang body.

Most of the pure yin bodies are female cultivators, whose body is like glass, with gentle and pure spiritual power, and the longer the appearance, the more beautiful; male cultivators and their dual cultivation can not only improve their cultivation, but also purify their spiritual power.

Especially for those who are dual cultivation with it for the first time, they can get a pure spirit of primordial yin, which not only greatly improves their cultivation, but also has the effect of prolonging life.

Therefore, it is also called the cauldron physique. The body of pure yang is similar to it, and it is the cauldron physique in men's cultivation.

But this is the first time I've heard of such an extremely yin body.

"The body of extreme yin, or the soul of fate is more appropriate. The soul is extremely cold, and after long-term exposure, the body will also become cold, so it is called the body of extreme yin."

He looked at Wei Lin with doubts in his eyes, "You should cultivate ghosts for such a fateful soul."

"Cultivating ghosts? What cultivating ghosts?" Yunli blinked, confused.

"Extreme Yin Fate Soul can suppress hundreds of ghosts and thousands of souls in the underworld, and you are a rare talent in ghost cultivation. With your talent, if you cultivate ghosts, your future is limitless."

"He is also a genius in cultivation."

Yunli didn't take it seriously, she was more concerned about another matter, whether there would be sequelae after being invaded by the remnant soul of the demon, "How do we get out now?"

Hurry up and check the Sea of ​​Consciousness to make sure there is no demonic energy remaining.

Everyone cheered up, yes, escape from death, and get out of this ghost place earlier, as to why the devil wanted to take away Sheweilin, what is the body of extreme yin, it doesn't have much to do with them.

Someone asked: "The demon is dead, so why will the Nirvana Formation of the Ten Kingdoms Heavenly Kings be closed?"

"What are you thinking about?" Yunli rolled her eyes. Is this common sense? Once the formation is set up, it is impossible to close it by itself unless the person who set up the formation voluntarily withdraws it, or the person who breaks through the formation breaks the formation.

Some low-level formations may fail due to energy exhaustion, or the formations may become invalid due to wear and tear, but the Nirvana formation of the Heavenly Kings of Ten Kingdoms, which is trapped in demons, is obviously not included in this list.

"Without spiritual power, we can't fly up."

Looking up at the dark darkness, everyone was discouraged. This is a huge abyss, a hundred meters above the ground, above the ten Buddha statues, there is a thick stone beam with a cross, on which the demon was originally hung.

The surrounding stone walls were inspected when they first came down, and they were covered with formations, which were indestructible, so they didn't want to climb up at all.

Looking at Shaohao Luo, Yunli's eyes lit up: "Hey, aren't you a phoenix? You have wings, and you can fly without spiritual power!"

Shaohao Luo ringed his chest and tugged, "Of course such a small formation can't trap me."

Yunli's eyes brightened even more.

He squinted, "Want me to take you up?"

Yun Likuang nodded, and the others also looked forward to it.

"What kind of Spring and Autumn dream, I am not a mount."

Crowd: ...

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched, and suddenly realized that he had wings, so he didn't have to come down with them at all.

She looked at him suspiciously, "The array can't do anything to you, what are you doing down here?"

"Slaughter the devil."


Yun Li put on a blank face, what a bold person with high skills, they didn't want to come in, but they had no choice but to do so, so he took the initiative to move forward.

As if seeing what she was thinking, Shaohao Luo shook his hair, "I want to be a God of War. Wherever I go, there are demons alive. Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud."

Yunli shook her head, this phoenix is ​​not only in the second grade, but also has a worrying IQ.

"Since the array can't do anything to you, why don't you go up and call out the phoenix fire before you come down, your fire, can't this nirvana array be extinguished? If it doesn't work, you take out your natal magic weapon and come down again, carrying such a broken What's the use of rotten copper?"

Shaohao Luo got stuck, and he became angry from embarrassment: "I still need you to teach me how to behave!"

Yunli snorted coldly, turned her head away, pretending to be inseparable from each other.

"Well, my spiritual pet is the Minogue Crane, maybe we can try it."

Ji Ruochen at the side suddenly spoke, Yunli was stunned, "Do you still have a spiritual pet?"

These years, they have spent a lot of time together, and have never seen his spiritual pet.

"It's still young, Jiuliyuan is so dangerous, I dare not let it out."

His words reminded the others that as a monk, who doesn't have a spiritual pet yet, five more people immediately said that their spiritual pet also has wings.

However, it is impossible to ride for free. Several people raised the price and talked about the conditions.

Wei Lin suddenly said, "Wait, where's that formation master?"

"The formation master is naturally outside..." Su Xu stopped before he finished speaking, with a solemn expression, "He may be waiting for us at the exit."

"There is another possibility, he is already below." Yunli retreated to Wei Lin's side, looking around vigilantly, according to their previous discussion, the formation master is the one who cooperates with the devil inside and outside, and is also the devil's subordinate .

There was so much movement when the seal was broken, it was impossible for him not to know that he hadn't shown up for so long, there are two possibilities.

One is that he was afraid of the endless prison, so he dared not enter, and only waited for the devil at the exit; the other was that he had already entered, but for some reason he hid himself.

Thinking of the performance of the devil, if it is the second type, he is afraid that even the devil will hide it.

Shaohao Luo added leisurely: "When we saw him earlier, he was completely free without any restraints, except for his low cultivation level and late Nascent Soul."

Yunli myocardial infarction, late Nascent Soul, late Nascent Soul without any restrictions!
Finish the calf!
"Oh, that's not right." She turned her head suddenly, and asked inexplicably, "He is an evil cultivator in the upper realm, how can he only be in the late Yuanying stage?"

One day, monk Wu replied: "Cultivation is used to break the formation. In this ghostly place, there are no spiritual places everywhere. Without spiritual cultivation, we have to destroy the formation that seals him, and help the devil reform the formation. It's normal for the cultivation base to drop after this set up."

"Is that so?" Yunli tilted her head, as if it made sense.

Wei Lin: "Let's find a way to go up first."

Yunli was puzzled: "If you don't check here, what if he is here."

The corners of Wei Lin's lips curled slightly, and he said meaningfully: "He won't be here."

There is something in this tone of voice!

Yunli racked her brains and finally figured out that with the Nirvana Formation of Heavenly Kings of the Ten Kingdoms, Nascent Soul cultivators could not use their spiritual power, so they had an absolute advantage.

There are many people, and she and Shaohao Luo are still very strong, and the advantages of the Nascent Soul stage cannot be fully utilized.

Even if the formation master is here at this time, he will not come out, and he hides so secretly, the demons who have been living here have not found his trace, and they will not be able to find him if they think about it.

Therefore, no matter whether he is here or not, the place of decisive battle will only be outside.

She was a little unwilling, what a great opportunity, if she really found him here, it would save a lot of trouble.

Wei Lin has already discussed with a few people who have flying pets, because there are only five flying pets, it is impossible for everyone to go up together and score batches.

Before, everyone was naturally eager to leave this ghostly place earlier, but now that there is a Nascent Soul waiting for a rabbit in the late stage, no one wants to go up first.

Just kidding, that's a monk from Yuanhou, or a monk who fell back to Yuanying from above. His vision is far from that of ordinary Yuanhou monks. Isn't he going up to die?

Seeing that they were arguing fiercely, Yunli curled her lips, "You guys first try to see if the flying spirit pet can fly."

After finishing speaking, he held up the fragment of the heart and searched it bit by bit. At least it was the formation of the sleepy demon, and he could fly out if he really had wings. The demon didn't know to notify his subordinates to throw a flying monster down.

Everyone was stunned, a Jindan cultivator called out an eagle-like monster and signaled it to fly up to try, but the monster would crawl on the ground and foam at the mouth as soon as it came out.

Shaohao Luo shrugged his shoulders and restrained his breath, then the monster slowed down and chirped softly at him a few times, as if to say hello.

Then it bypassed him and flew up with flapping wings. It just crossed the cross stone beam above, its body froze, and it fell down with a snap.

After the silence, Wei Lin came to a stone statue of Buddha and made a Buddhist salute: "I'm sorry."

After speaking, he took a few strides to the top of the Buddha's head, and followed the chain to the stone beam. Under a terrifying pressure, he immediately half-kneeled on the stone beam, and jumped off it without thinking.

"What's the matter?" Yunli asked hastily, ignoring the traces of the formation master.

Wei Lin was still in fear. At that moment, he felt that the whole world was pressing on him, and if he waited a little longer, he would be turned into flesh.

After hearing what he said, everyone panicked.

Someone cried out: "Could it be that we're going to be stuck here forever?"

Yunli looked at Shaohao Luo, "You can, right?"

"Of course!" Shaohao Luo said proudly.

"But, don't even think about it, I can't let the humble ants ride on my back! Anyone can't do it!"

Everyone was filled with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

Yunli waved her hand, "If you don't ride, just drag us!"

It was a divine beast, even if she was asked to ride it, she would feel guilty, besides, the thought of her sitting on the back of a strange man would make her feel like she was going to suffer from embarrassment.

"I only have one pair of hands."

"It's okay, we can connect a string, you just carry one."

The corners of Shaohao Luo's mouth twitched, "I don't work for nothing."

"We'll give you whatever price they paid just now." Yunli immediately pointed to the few people who had flying pets before, anyway, they wanted to pay for the air ticket, whoever it was.

Shaohao Luo said angrily: "You compare me with those low-level monsters!"

"No, no." Yunli immediately denied it, "Why don't you give me [-]% more?"

Anyway, it is Shenfeng, this experience is only once in a lifetime, and the ticket price should be higher.

Shaohao Luo's forehead twitched wildly, and finally resisted the urge to beat her up, he swept over Wei Lin calmly, Yaoyao decided that he was a son-in-law, and this little girl was a trouble.

After thinking about it, he said, "I don't want those broken spirit stones anymore, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Yunli wondered, there are things that the awesome Phoenix can't do.

"I haven't thought about it yet. If you promise me, I will take you up."

Yunli immediately became vigilant. Generally, this kind of situation is a sinkhole.

"It's fine if you don't agree." Shaohao Luo was not in a hurry at all, and took a few steps forward leisurely, as if preparing to transform into a fly away.

Yunli is not in a hurry, the others are.

"Quickly promise him!"

"He's gone, we're really going to be here forever."

"Yes, yes, isn't it just one condition, don't mention one, you have to agree to ten..."

Yunli rolled her eyes, annoyed, "It's not that I want you to agree, of course you don't mind, it doesn't hurt your back to talk while standing."

What if she was asked to do something that hit the bottom line?

Ji Ruochen suddenly said softly, "Don't tell me you want your senior brother to wait to die with you."

Yunli held her breath in her chest, almost gritted her teeth and said, "I agree."

 Thanks to Lei Siyan, Maryling, Xiao He Ye Bian Bian, and Carrot Rabbit for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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