all the way to fairy

Chapter 415 Array Mage

Chapter 415 Array Mage (1)

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and seeing her turn around again, she said angrily: "You must have one of your spirit stones, he doesn't want me, and I want it."

She can't do free work either.

Everyone didn't care about the spirit stone, and gave it to Ji Ruochen very readily. When it was Ji Ruochen's turn, he whispered: "I want to go back to see my senior sister, and I don't want to die here, sorry."

Yunli was not angry with him, after all, they really couldn't stay here forever.

She took the Lingshi, winked at him, and waved him away pretending not to be angry, just in time to leave him beside Wei Lin.

Ji Ruochen understood, obediently stood still, making a little transparent shape.

The next step is to pull one by one, and the others are eyeing the senior brother, what if they take the opportunity to do something wrong.

Before she finished collecting the spirit stones, Shaohao Luo grabbed her by the collar and jumped.

"At least wait until I finish collecting the spirit stones!" Yunli exclaimed, and quickly grabbed Wei Lin who was next to her.

Leaping near the stone beam, Yunli felt a pressure covering her body, and Shaohaoluo suddenly spread two red wings behind her, and the invisible pressure disappeared immediately.

The dazzling red light dispelled the darkness with the aura of sweeping away everything, and forced it into everyone's eyes with an irresistible gesture.

Everyone burst into tears inexplicably. Is this the phoenix? Is this the divine beast?Huanghuang Tianwei is nothing more than that.

Yunli, who was closest to Fengyi, didn't have so much emotion, the strong fire spirit power rushed down to her face, burning her face to the point of burning pain.

After breaking free from the pressure of the formation, Shaohao Luo's wings flickered a few times, and before she could adapt, the whole person rose up like a rocket.

The phoenix wings went away, and the cave returned to darkness. In the silence, a soft murmur suddenly sounded: "Mythical beast... I'm really envious..."

After a long time, the voice suddenly laughed softly, "As expected of the devil's favorite person, he has exquisite seven orifices and is as careful as a hair, even this seat is about to be moved."

In the calm deep pool, a silver-gray light suddenly appeared. It was a chess piece, a milky-white chess piece with a little silver-gray inside.

The chess piece drifts faintly to the side of a Buddha on the left, then sinks to the bottom of the lake and disappears.

Shaohao Luo's speed was extremely fast, and after a few hours, they had already arrived at the location where the sea of ​​blood was before.

At this time, the dense darkness has descended to the bottom of the stone platform again, and there is no restriction of the nirvana formation, and everyone's spiritual power and consciousness can operate freely.

After resting for a while on the stone platform and simply controlling the tactics to deal with the enemy, everyone drove their magic weapons and flew upwards.

When he was approaching the exit, he found a cloud of gray mist standing by the lake from a distance. It was the gray shadow formation mage that Shaohao Luo had seen before.

Seeing that someone slowed down, Yunli said loudly: "We have a phoenix! I'm afraid that he will fail in the Nascent Soul Stage with his head and tail exposed!"

After finishing speaking, she accelerated suddenly, and Huan Shiling shot away quickly, piercing through the gray fog, which was cut in half, revealing a figure in gray cassock.

I saw him slightly sideways to get away from Huanshiling, a few strands of hair were blown up by the force, but none of them broke.

Yunli's gaze was fixed, her wrist trembled slightly, and the Huanshiling that flew past suddenly turned back and spread out flutteringly, trying to envelop him and the gray mist completely.

He raised his hand and flicked it lightly, Huanshiling was bounced away, and then hundreds of black and white chess pieces flew out, condensing into a vertical chessboard in front of him, blocking the flying spears.

Yunli waved the Huanshi Ling and entangled it again, but her eyes were attracted by the spear: "This is your natal magic weapon?"

The length of the spear is about six feet two inches. The body of the spear is as white as Yunfeng. The head of the spear is composed of two interlaced white blades, one large and one small. The middle is inlaid and connected by a blood-red stone. The red glow lingers, burning like fire.

Shaohao Luo came flying from behind, and slapped the end of the spear with a palm. The spear shook and moved forward suddenly. The black and white chessboard swayed like a shadow in the water, and then suddenly collapsed.

The formation master was shocked, his body flashed, and he teleported to 300 meters away. Just when he stopped, a green leaf suddenly shot in front of him, and the sharp sword intent exploded.

He hastily raised his hand, and another chessboard stood in front of him. Before he could catch his breath, sheets of pure white petals fell endlessly from the top of his head, and sharp golden lights came from behind him, and the soles of his feet were covered with frost and ice. A dozen or so vines flew over...

This is the tactic they formulated earlier. Shaohao Luo is physically strong and attacks at close range; the law cultivators headed by Yunli use entanglement and restraint; Wei Lin and other sword cultivators attack and interfere from a distance.

In the face of a strong enemy, one cannot blindly defend. Only by attacking violently, interrupting the opponent's rhythm and preventing them from displaying their full strength, will they have a chance.

And with Shaohao Luo's phoenix fire, as long as it is contaminated, it is useless for Yuanying's cultivation, after all, it is a strange fire that can burn down even the fairy mansion.

The formation master obviously also knew how powerful Shaohao Luo was, and he was very cautious, not daring to get in the slightest. He was like a cunning loach, moving left and right, up and down, not giving Shaohao Luo any chance.

It's like a group of very patient wolves, if they don't rush forward, even if Wei Lin and the others show their weakness, he must first avoid Fenghuo.

The spear pierced the air, and Shaohaoluo ran out of patience, turned around and shouted at Yunli and the others: "You are pestering him!"

Yunli is also very helpless, the formation master not only hides from Shaohao Luo, but also avoids her Huanshiling like a snake and scorpion. Other people's vines sometimes entangle him, but her Huanshiling never once.

But it’s useless to be entangled with the vines. First, the quality is not good, and the magician’s spiritual power will be broken as soon as it is shaken; second, the man who used it is not strong enough. It's just hanging on him, and it doesn't have any restrictive effect.

Yunli was aggrieved and puzzled, when she was trapped in the Four Seasons Formation and the Seven Jue Formation, she didn't use Huanshiling, how did he know that Huanshiling was of good quality?
Did he really go to the Infernal Hell?
But she is useless in the Annihilation Formation, Huanshiling, she won't be seen by him when dealing with the giant heart, right?
Her mind was in a mess, and suddenly she saw that Hui Ying had forcibly received Wei Lin's sword intent in order to avoid Feng Huo.

The body is faster than the brain, twirling left and right around, and the unsuccessful fantasy world silk flew out a silk head, first wrapped around his waving hand, and the silk body behind it drew closer, and wrapped around it lightly His waist flew around.

As soon as Yunli exerted force, Huan Shiling tightened, his outstretched arms were immediately wrapped tightly around his side, and the formation master was staggered by her.

Shaohao Luo's eyes lit up, and the spear stabbed at him fiercely with flowing flames. Panic flashed across the face of the formation master, he spun his feet, raised his unbound left hand, and a black and white chessboard appeared again, blocking Shaohao's attack. Hao Luo's long spear was on fire.

The erratic formation master finally stopped, Shaohaoluo's flaming spear on one side, and Yunli's fantasy silk on the other. The others would not let go of this golden opportunity, regardless of whether the attack was useful to him or not. They all threw their strongest attacks at him.

At a critical juncture, the formation master shouted loudly, and a white light flashed in the thick gray fog. It was the spirit gang of a high-ranking monk!
Linggang not only deflected the attacks of Wei Lin and the others, but also the gray mist that lingered around the formation master, revealing a hunched figure, under the gray cuffs, the exposed arms were as thin as sticks, and dark age spots were densely packed.

Yunli was absent-minded for a moment, monks have many means, for high-level monks, even when the time limit is approaching, they can still maintain their youthful appearance, the old man's appearance is not without the ability, but it is really rare to see people who are as old as ordinary people .

After shaking off the other people's attacks, the formation master turned to look at Yunli, and a milky white chess piece flew straight towards her head. There was a powerful spiritual pressure on the chess piece, and at the same time, a powerful energy enveloped the fantasy world. Aya, want to shatter it.

Yunli stepped on Jinghong's footwork, avoiding the chess piece, and missed the hit. The chess piece flew back and came towards her forehead again. On the fantasy world, waves of powerful energy surged.

Obviously, he was anxious to get rid of Yunli and concentrate on dealing with Shaohao Luo.

Yunli is very confident in Huan Shiling, while holding Huan Shiling tight, firmly controlling his right hand, while dodging and moving, avoiding the white chess.

The array mage mainly focused on dealing with Shaohao Luo, and he couldn't help her for a while, and the second wave of attacks came again, so he could only deal with others first.

Yunli looked at him who was aggrieved, and felt relieved, now it's time for him to be aggrieved.

So what about the great power in the Nascent Soul stage? Being bound is not a case of fish and meat. There are two reasons why low-level monks can only be crushed against high-level monks. One is that the turtle shells of high-priced monks are too thick to hurt them; The second is that their attack power is too strong, and low-level monks can't handle a single move.

But Shaohao Luo has rough skin and thick flesh, and is blessed with phoenix fire and magical weapons. The only difference between him and the high-priced monks is his cultivation.

With their support, this shortcoming is also reduced. A formation mage who is not good at fighting skills still has a chance with concerted efforts.

Hey, wait a minute, why does he, a formation master, fight with them?
She blinked, and looked at the hunchbacked old man who was holding back his anger with some doubts. Could it be that he was too old, with dementia?

The formation master on the other side also knew that he could no longer be passive, the spirit gang shone, and after shaking off the attacks of others, he suddenly sacrificed a round bowl-shaped magic weapon and buckled it at Shaohao Luo.

The black and white chessboard flew towards Yunli, and the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard were like small cannonballs, hitting her one after another.

While Yunli surrounded herself with the Huanshi Ling, she flew up, away from the black and white chess pieces, not thinking that a strong force suddenly came from the Huan Shi Ling, almost dragging her down from the air.

With force in her hand, she stepped heavily on the plantain fan with her right foot, squatted down and shifted her center of gravity downward, and then she stabilized.

Looking up, it turned out that after the formation master held Shaohao Luo with a round bowl, the free left hand grabbed Huan Shiling, trying to pull her over.

Yunli doesn't want to be approached by Yuan Yingqi, she doesn't want to experience the power of the domain anymore, but she is not afraid of fighting hard.

Unable to take down Yunli in one fell swoop, the formation master had no choice but to put away the black and white chessboard, and was about to turn around and continue to deal with Shaohaoluo, when suddenly he felt the heat wave behind him, and the next moment, the fiery spear pierced his back heart, and he only had time to turn sideways to avoid the attack. Open your heart.

Fengyan exploded in his body, and the smell of burnt meat wafted from the tip of his nose. His mind went blank, and spiritual power gushed out from his dantian continuously, enveloping Fengyan.


After a miserable cry, he broke free from the Flowing Flame Spear and fled in a hurry.

Everyone was shocked by the shout and did not stop him immediately.

That sound is really, really ugly!
At first, it was a hoarse male duck's voice that was so loud that it was piercing with sizzle current, and the ending sound was like howling of a wolf, and it was still howling dryly after being strangled by the neck and unable to get stuck.

Rubbing his ears, Shaohao Luo took the lead: "Chasing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures, one yellow and one white, had already flashed by his side, and he did not delay, stepping on the flying sword to catch up.

Someone behind hesitated and said, "Why don't you take advantage of the opportunity and run away quickly."

Su Xu was speechless, and still explained with a good temper: "The ten-year period has not yet come, and we have to stay in the secret realm for a few more years. When he recovers from his injuries, where can we escape?"

The most important thing is that as long as everyone separates, except for Shaohao Luo, no one else is his opponent, and he doesn't even need to heal his injuries.

After speaking, without waiting for the man to answer, he chased after Yu Jian.

In the current situation, there is no need to weigh. For them, killing the formation master is the best choice for them when Shaohaoluo is willing to make a move.

In the claustrophobic space, the array mage covered the wound on his chest, and looked up at the light curtain above the chessboard. The three of Yunli Wei, Lin Shaohao, and Luo Luo were moving at a strange speed, and they had already followed him outside his cave. while rushing.

He raised the corners of his lips, his turbid eyes sparkled with fragments of light, he stretched out his hand to move a few pieces on the chessboard, and then he took a breath and sat down, suppressing the raging phoenix flame in his body.

Shaohao Luo frowned, and murmured: "It's just some low bushes, where can he hide?"


Yunli looked at the towering mountain in front of her, and said firmly, "There is a phantom array!"

Shaohao Luo looked at Wei Lin: "Can you find the eye of the array?"

"I can do this." Yunli searched the mountain inch by inch without looking back.

"You?" Shaohao Luo doubted, "Aren't you not good at formations?"

"I'm better at phantom formations."

While speaking, her eyes fell on a big rock in front of the mountain, "The eye of the formation, here."

"So fast?" Shaohao Luo was stunned. I didn't know the speed, but I thought she was watching the formation.

Wei Lin cleared his throat, "She's really good at magic arrays."

With Wei Lin's guarantee, Shaohao Luo didn't doubt it either, time waited for no one, even if he doubted, he had to try.

The spear in his hand stabbed straight down, and in a flash, a mountain peak piercing the sky stood in front of him, and the aura of the formation master also appeared, extending all the way to the depths of a cave under the mountain.

"It's really a formation eye!" With a sigh, Shaohao Luoli shot out like an arrow.

The corner of the formation mage's eyes twitched in the cave, and he looked at Yunli with doubts and fears. He was not good at illusion formations, and he clearly had some magic weapon or secret technique to restrain illusions.

He sucked in his breath, and said to himself in a low voice: "Although I'm a little anxious, it's reasonable."

At this time, other talents slowly caught up.

Zheng Rui was out of breath: "When did such a high mountain appear? Why didn't I see it before?"

"Illusion." Yunli explained briefly, and flew into the cave with Wei Lin.

This is a karst cave, with gurgling water, and the whistling wind of the bluestone, which sounds particularly creepy, like a woman's sobbing.

 Thank you book friends 20181206162054017, Brown Sugar Treasure, and those who love peaches for not being able to offend the three cute monthly tickets! ! !

  Happy New Year, little cuties!
(End of this chapter)

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