all the way to fairy

Chapter 416 Array Mage

Chapter 416 Array Mage (2)

The red light flickering in the depths of the cave is Shaohao Luo's phoenix fire!

The crowd hurried over and came to an incomparably wide and deep cave, filled with dense formations of black-armored troops. At this time, they were encircling Shaohao Luo with all their strength.

Holding the flowing flame spear, Shaohao Luo pierced the black-armored sergeant in front of him, turned around and picked off a sneak attacking enemy, suddenly rushed a hundred meters, broke through the formation of the black-armored army, and fought tens of thousands of black-armored soldiers alone without losing the wind.

At the end of the black armor formation was a simple round stone table with a chessboard on it. At this moment, the chessboard was densely packed with black pieces, only a white piece at the right rear.

Yunli looked at the chessboard, then at Shaohaoluo, and was shocked to find that his position was exactly where the white pieces were on the chessboard, and those black-armored sergeants were in exactly the same position as the black pieces.

This magic weapon actually uses the formation mage as the chess player, and Shaohao Luo turns into a white piece to play against it!

The gray shadow array mage propped his hands on the stone table, struggling to stabilize his shaky body, and when he saw the crowd approaching, he quickly moved the sunspots on the chessboard.

The Heijia army divided into several teams and attacked them. Yunli and the others naturally sacrificed magic weapons to resist, passively turned into white pieces, and entered the chess game.

As soon as she entered the chess game, Yunli realized that she was more than a little perverted. She slashed through the black armor surrounding her with a knife, spun her feet, and took a few steps forward. The dozen or so black armored soldiers in front suddenly turned into hundreds. , holding up the sword, gun and halberd to attack her.

This number is not right. When she was outside just now, the total number of black-armored sergeants she saw was about a few hundred. With so many of them entering the battle, it was obviously impossible for the formation master to let all the black-armored soldiers surround and kill her.

Without thinking too much, she tiptoed and leaped up to avoid the attack of the black-armored sergeant.

A black-armored sergeant suddenly appeared in the air, and he slashed out without hesitation with the Zhanmeng Dao in his hand. After cutting off the sergeant's weapon, Yunli jumped in the air, head down, and slashed down several times fiercely. The black-armored sergeant on the ground The stabbing spears were all cut off.

Taking advantage of the momentum, she turned her body over and landed again. She caught a glimpse of a light out of the corner of her eye and stared at it, only to find that the ground was covered with intertwined vertical and horizontal lines, and Hei Jia was standing at the point where the vertical and horizontal lines intersected.

She instantly understood that this was a formation, a formation based on the chess game that could change at any time.

Chess-like formations naturally have to follow the rules of chess.

The reason why so many black-armored sergeants suddenly appeared just now was probably a wrong move.

But she is a half-baked chess player. After coming to the Canglan Continent, she was either fighting or killing, or drawing symbols to earn spirit stones. She had already thrown the chess, calligraphy and paintings to Java Island.

She stood where she was, and didn't move rashly. Instead, she swung her knife to resist the besieging black armor army, while looking around.

On the left front, Wei Lin pushed the black-armored sergeant away with a sword, took three steps to the front left, took another step back, and then took another step to the side...

He seemed to have noticed some patterns. The number of black-armored sergeants gradually decreased in the positions he went later.

Just as Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, a black-armored sergeant appeared in front of him out of thin air, filling in the only vacancy, forming a siege again.

And connecting the two Black Armors not only restrained him, but also trapped Chu Nan who was also on the sidelines.

She frowned, and looked up, just in time to see the gray shadow array mage put down a black piece, and on the chessboard, the black piece connected into one piece, besieging the two white pieces.

There is a chess player watching over them, as soon as they have a sign of solving the chess game, he will intervene to fix it, how can this be broken?
A scream came from the side, which attracted everyone's attention. It was Tianxinge Fei Heng, who worked together in the Misty Swamp back then, and Yunli and him also had a bit of face.

I saw him lying on the ground, like a bloody tofu tied up with a thin thread, spitting out blood.

"Junior Brother Fei!" Chu Nan turned his head and shouted anxiously. Up to now, there are only three monks alive in Tianxin Pavilion, their brother and Fei Heng.

Fei Heng is a direct disciple of Master Uncle Jin Lan. Although he is not outstanding in combat power, he is quite talented in divination, and he is best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Now that Uncle Jin Lan is seriously injured, the future divination task of Tianxin Pavilion rests on him, so he cannot die here.

Chu Nan wanted to go to the rescue, but he was surrounded by many black-armored soldiers and couldn't drag him away for a while. Besides, Fei Heng was a little far away from him.

As for his elder brother, in front of him, he was farther away from Fei Heng. He raised his eyes and looked at the people around Fei Heng, all of them were monks from other continents.

Not to mention that they also have their own troubles, even if they are not trapped, and they are not relatives or relatives, they will not rescue a stranger.

Amid everyone's astonishment, Fei Heng twitched a few times and then died.

Those who can survive until now are all elites, each with their own means. Although they entered the battle suddenly, everyone quickly stabilized the situation.

Fei Heng was the first person to die since he entered the cave, and he died so unexpectedly that everyone felt chills and became more vigilant.

After a closer look, it was discovered that the thin strings tied to his body were actually criss-crossed vertical and horizontal lines on the ground.

Are the lines dangerous too?

Everyone subconsciously jumped up, and before they could look around, another scream sounded in their ears. Following the sound, a female cultivator from Tianwu mainland jumped up high, and two white lines rubbed her cheeks. In the past, two deep bloodstains were left behind.

Under the woman's feet, dozens of vertical and horizontal lines intertwined into a net, tightly entwining her legs, and the blood color became thicker and thicker. As the height of the woman climbed, the chess net became tighter and tighter, and two bloody legs fell off. landed.

The blood-stained chess strings still didn't let her go. After cutting off her legs, they immediately let go of the broken legs and flew out again. Some continued to wrap around her bloody legs, while others shot at her waist. Her breasts, chest, head and other parts of the whole body, as long as they are stained by chess lines, a piece of her will be cut off.

The speed of the chess line is very fast, and dozens of moves are made at the same time. In less than one breath, the woman has been cut into dozens of large and small pieces.

The living dismemberment was staged in front of their eyes, and when they were still alive, everyone felt chills in their hearts, and quickly lowered their eyes to check their bodies.

This inspection was terrible, unknowingly, many people's legs were wrapped with thin chess strings.

There were screams one after another, and those who were entangled by chess strings were all dismembered without exception. A small number of resolute people, after discovering that their legs were entangled, cut off their legs decisively by themselves, gritted their teeth and pulled distance.

Abandoning a pair of legs may not necessarily save a life, because apart from the chess line, the black-armored sergeant did not stop attacking. Due to the fierce attack of the chess line, everyone left the ground, and the sergeant also chased into the air.

The pain of a broken leg is not something everyone can bear. If you react a little slower, you will be beheaded by those black-armored soldiers who are like wolves and tigers.

Yunli's condition is not bad. After seeing Fei Heng's tragic appearance, she immediately flew into the air, and then summoned the Huanshi Ling to spread at every foothold of her. The chess line couldn't penetrate the Huan Shi Ling, so there was nothing she could do .

The array mage also seemed to know that her Huanshiling was extraordinary, so he stopped letting the chess line attack her and only manipulated the black-armored sergeant to trap her, and concentrated on manipulating the chess line to deal with other people.

Without the interference of the chess line, it was not easy for Yunli. Many people died, and more black-armored sergeants surrounded her, and because of the previous maneuvers, they did not pay attention to the position, and the number of black-armored sergeants began to increase several times out of thin air.

She quickly swung the Meng Zhan Dao, and the pink light of the peach powder knife condensed into a bright peach color in front of her, beheading the black-armored soldiers who rushed forward one by one.

During the break, she raised her eyes to look at Wei Lin, saw that he was holding the Mo Li sword, and he was able to deal with it fairly easily, she was relieved, secretly glad that Ji Ruochen was a sensible person, and did not follow in.

Otherwise, if you want to protect him, even if your senior brother has experienced many battles and rich fighting skills, he may not be able to completely protect the two of them.

She looked at Shaohao Luo in front of her again, under the lance of flowing flames, no matter it was the black armored sergeant or the chess strings, they couldn't do anything to him, even if the chess strings were entwined around him, they would be broken by the phoenix fire. clean.

It's just that he is not good at formations, so he chose the most straightforward way, forward!

No matter what is in front of you, just move forward without hesitation!

But there were too many black-armored sergeants, and they kept gathering in the past, eventually slowing down his progress.

A black armor rushed up, and Yunli slashed it down as usual. The black mask of the black armored sergeant was split from the center, and with a bright red color appearing, he fell slowly to the ground.

Yunli looked away and continued to deal with other things, suddenly felt that the face under the black armor was a little familiar, turned her head and saw that the mask of the black armor had completely fallen off, and the appearance under the mask was shockingly familiar.

It's Fei Heng, Fei Heng who just died!
She subconsciously looked in the direction of Fei Heng's corpse. Not only did the corpse disappear, but even the blood on the ground disappeared.


Yunli gasped, Huan Shiling flew over and dragged the soldier to him. The black-armored soldier in front of him was indeed Fei Heng, who was exactly the same, and his face was still covered with grid bloodstains. It was he who lay down on the ground and stamped of.

Pulling off his black armor, the martial uniform of Tianxin Pavilion inside has not been changed, and there are bloodstains all over his neck and chest. This is undoubtedly Fei Heng's corpse!
Looking at the end of the cave, with a pale face and dripping with cold sweat, Yunli couldn't feel any contempt in her heart, like a formation mage who could be knocked down by a gust of wind.

She swallowed, and said cautiously: "What kind of method is this?"

The formation master has been standing behind the table without coming over. How did he manage to transform Fei Heng's corpse into a black-armored sergeant in such a short period of time?
Others also saw this scene, and felt even more chilled in their hearts. A formation mage who was seriously injured and on the verge of death not only trapped them to death, but also beheaded many people in one fell swoop.

Thinking about it now, fighting with the uninjured him by the lake, everyone was in a trance like a dream. How did they seriously injure the Nascent Soul Late Formation Master without attrition?
Wei Lin thoughtfully, swiped his long sword, green leaves fell like rain, and landed on the masks and armor of the besieging black-armored soldiers, and corpses in dark red clothes appeared one by one.

Among the dead corpses, the bright red-clothed male corpse was so eye-catching, it was a male cultivator who had just been dismembered by chess lines.

Brush brush!
A few more people broke through the black armor of the sergeant, and as expected, a few more dismembered people were found.

A chill enveloped Yunli's limbs and bones, and the screams were still lingering.

Horror and despair flowed in the hearts of every living monk, and their responses unconsciously slowed down. Is Nascent Soul monk really something they can kill?
Sensing the negative attitudes of the people around her, Yunli clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, "Fellow Taoists, he has been seriously injured and won't last long. If we give up now, we can only bury him with him!"

Everyone who was originally scared and moved unconsciously slow heard, yes, in this situation, either the formation is broken, or the gray shadow formation mage dies, and there is no other choice.

Besieged on all sides, and the formation mage was too busy to take care of himself, how could he have the energy to find the way to break the formation. The previous experience of the Four Seasons Formation and the Qijue Formation told them that it would be faster to kill him than to find a way to break the formation.

After all, this is a genius formation master who has transformed the entire formation of Jiuliyuan. Compared with him, the formation masters present are like fireflies to Haoyue. What's more, he is still on the scene, modifying the formation at any time.

The gray shadow formation master behind the table easily saw through their thoughts, twitched the corners of his mouth, a sneer appeared on his face, he opened his mouth to say something, but there was an abnormal blush on his face, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of bright red. Yan blood.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood, his breath became even more sluggish. Wei Lin keenly noticed that the chess line's attack was a bit slower, not as ferocious as before.

However, he couldn't relax in his heart. The array mage had the same half-dead look before, trapping all of them and killing so many people.

Sure enough, although the chess formation was not as fierce as before, people still died, but it was not as dense as before.

Time passed slowly, and fewer and fewer people were still alive. Fortunately, the gray shadow formation masters became more and more incapable, and it was very difficult to even move the chess pieces, and Shaohao Luo was about to break out of the siege of the black-armored sergeants.

With victory in sight, Yunli cheered up and shouted: "Fellow daoists, he is at the end of his rope, let's persevere and beat him to death!"

With a sweep of his eyes, among the black-armored corpses everywhere, there are only a dozen or so people still alive, most of them are Canglan monks, and only two other mainland monks are still alive.

At this time, Shaohao Luo finally came to the edge, and the spear in his hand was like a fire in July, and he threw it straight at the gray shadow array mage with the scorching phoenix flame.

At dusk, the journey was poor, and the eyes of the gray shadow formation mage were full of unwillingness. He surged with spiritual power, briefly suppressed the raging phoenix fire in his body, regained some strength, raised his hand, and the chessboard that made everyone desperate fly out.

However, the chessboard only resisted for a moment before it was shot flying by the spear. He was shot on the wall of the cave behind with his body and the chessboard, and another mouthful of blood was sprayed on the chessboard.

Gray Shadow also became ruthless, quickly moved a few chess pieces with bloody fingers, and ripples appeared on the cave wall, swallowing him instantly.

Shaohao Luo was about to chase after him, when he heard a scream: "Friend Yu!"

He turned around, and the dense black-armored sergeant had disappeared, leaving only a tall black-armored sergeant with a scarlet streak spreading from his forehead to his chin on his pitch-black mask. in vivo.

He remembered that the male cultivator was also from the Canglan Continent, and his name seemed to be Yu Ziyou.

 Thanks to Wan, Muzi who listens to books, ygy923, Riyue Yushan, Meet Yuanshi, and Fengyou for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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