all the way to fairy

Chapter 417 Array Mage

Chapter 417 Array Mage (3)

The white light on the big knife turned red, Yu Ziyou's cultivation base plummeted, and his spiritual power was gone in the blink of an eye, but the big knife didn't let him go, and started to suck his vitality instead.

His body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon fell to the ground like a piece of dried bacon.

Contrary to him, the black-armored sergeant who obtained all his cultivation and vitality through the sword, his whole body is shiny, and the surrounding aura is continuously gathering towards the black-armored chest.

Several damaged places were quickly repaired, and the black armor fit perfectly, completely covering him, not a single strand of hair was exposed.

All this happened too fast, and before everyone could react, it was completed. The black army sergeant did not stop, and swung a big knife at Qin Fei who was closest to him.

His speed seemed to be slow but fast, his eyes looked like he was still one meter away, but the cold blade had already landed on Qin Fei's shoulder.

Qin Fei's heart was full of alarm bells, and he immediately circulated his spiritual power while trying to distance himself, while raising his sword to push away the big knife.

However, the spiritual power in his body was sucked away by the cold blade in an instant like a flood that opened the gate. In an instant, there was no spiritual power left in his body. Yu Ziyou's mummified corpse flashed in his mind, and he was completely desperate.

At the very moment, a piece of orange gauze wrapped around his waist and quickly pulled him away.

Yunli covered his wound, then gave him the Rejuvenation Pill and Buling Pill, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and practice your skills."

Without the blade that absorbs spiritual vitality, this wound is just a skin trauma, but all his spiritual energy has been sucked away, without spiritual nourishment, it may not be able to withstand such a serious injury.

Qin Fei also knew that the situation was urgent, so he quickly used his kung fu to slice through the power of the elixir.

Hei Jia lost his target, and pointed the blade at another person who was close to him, Wei Lin.

Having seen his power, Wei Lin would never let the blade touch him. He raised his sword to block it, then leaped into the air with his strength, turned around, came behind the black armor, and Qingye shot out quickly.

The sword intent is sharp, the black armor is hard, the two strike each other, and sparks shoot out.

"Isn't this a spirit-absorbing formation?" Ye Chuning said in surprise. After absorbing the spiritual power and life-sucking, it was very similar to the spirit-absorbing formation that trapped them before, but the spirit-absorbing formation had a wide range and a slow absorption speed.

He looked at Lin Chen and Chu Feng, their eyes were also full of surprise.

After being tortured by the spirit-absorbing formation for several months, several of them had serious psychological shadows. Seeing the cold light of the broadsword, they did not dare to step forward for a while.

Yunli frowned, and after setting up a defensive formation for Qin Fei, she flew to join the battle, and at the same time shouted to the hesitant Shaohao Luo: "Go and chase Huiying, his chessboard may be the key to controlling all the formations , leave it to us here."

Gray Shadow Formation Mage has a very high attainment in formation techniques, and this is his old lair, if he is allowed to escape, maybe he will set up another formation technique, if it is delayed, maybe he will really escape.

As soon as she finished speaking, the eyes of those who were still alive shone brightly. It was obvious to all that the gray shadow manipulated the formation of the black armor chess game through the chessboard, and in the end, it seemed that by moving the sunspot, it opened the formation on the cave wall to escape.

Her conjecture is not impossible, be bold, maybe all the formations of Jiu Liyuan are controlled by the chessboard.

"Let's chase!" Lin Chen's eyes darkened, he yelled, and chased him out first.

The others followed suit one after another, and it was not known if Huiying was in a hurry to escape and did not have time to close the formation, allowing them to pass through the wall without hindrance.

In less than a second, there was no one in the cave except Qin Fei, who was in the defensive formation and healed his wounds.

Yunli was stunned, she was almost dragged by the black-armored sergeant in Huang Shenjian, she quickly grabbed Huan Shiling tightly to stabilize her figure, "Why are you all gone?"

She just told Shaohao Luo to chase after him, and didn't let them all go away.

This thing doesn't know any hidden means, just the two of them and a wounded person, can they beat it?

A sneer appeared on Wei Lin's face: "You talk so badly about the chessboard, can they not leave?"

Fenghuo has been raging in his body for so long, and he is holding on to manipulate the chessboard to besiege them. In the eyes of everyone, Huiying is already half dead. Whoever chases him first at this time will get his heaven-defying chessboard.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that there was still something about the spoils. Speaking of which, since encountering the formation, almost every time after that, it was a narrow escape, and the key point was that there was no compensation for the spoils.

Thinking about it this way, she was a little aggrieved. How could they be so unkind when they were fighting against the battle formation mage together, snatching the spoils, and letting the two of them face the dangerous spirit-absorbing sergeant alone.

It's just that they have been left behind now, and the black-armored sergeant will not let them chase the big troops, so they have to get rid of him first.

The more Yunli thought about it, the more angry she became, and she said bitterly: "This formation master is really unlucky. Ever since I met him, nothing good has happened. A lot of spiritual stone magic tools have been worn out, and there is no income."

Wei Lin: "Didn't you grab a heart fragment? By the way, what did you do with the fragment?"

When he first saw her clutching a broken heart after falling into a coma, he thought it was some kind of treasure. After studying it for a long time, he also discovered something special about it.

"Oh, that, make a protective shell for my peach blossom jade pendant." Speaking of the jade pendant, Yunli's tone softened, and she couldn't help but think of the gentle look of her princess mother when she put the jade pendant on her.

Although the jade pendant is a beautiful jade, it is an ordinary thing after all, and she has to fight with others every now and then, so what if it accidentally bumps into it.

The blood cocoon condensed by the giant heart can still make the people inside come to life after tens of millions of years, and it is also very hard, which can just be used as a shell to protect the jade pendant.

Wei Lin's eyes dimmed, and he couldn't help feeling disappointed for a moment, then heard her complain: "Brother Chu is an array mage, so it's reasonable for him to have a heart on the chessboard, and why are other sword cultivators following along to join in the fun?"

Wei Lin curled his lips: "Be careful, even if they stay here, you can't count on them."

Not only can't count on it, but he also has to guard against their coming, after all, he has a different stand from them, and it was just a temporary truce in a crisis.

Yunli suppressed the displeasure in her heart, and said in a muffled voice, "Separate the knife from him first."

The most dangerous thing about this black-armored sergeant is that his knife can absorb spiritual vitality. Without the knife, his danger is reduced by at least half. As for whether he has other means, it remains to be discovered.

Yunli wrapped the Huanshi Ling around his wrist holding the knife, twisted and cut, but did not break his hand, and did not even leave marks on the black armor.

"I'll go, what's the matter with this black armor, the previous one is obviously easy to cut off."

She carefully recalled the process of the black armor's mutation. The gray shadow formation mage moved the pieces, and the densely packed black armor formation disappeared in an instant like ice and snow meeting the morning sun.

At the same time, the scarlet sergeant with a mask suddenly appeared, and the big knife in his hand plunged into Yu Ziyou's body unexpectedly.

As for whether this formation mage appeared later, or whether it was mutated from the previous black armor, it is unknown. At that time, everyone's attention was on the gray shadow formation mage, so there was no energy to pay attention to how he appeared.

"It can be repaired." Wei Lin glanced at the position on the sergeant's chest, "It seems to be a gathering spirit formation."

Yunli also remembered that after the big knife sucked Yu Ziyou clean, the energy obtained immediately repaired the damaged part of the black armor, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, "Isn't this big knife absorbing spirits also a formation?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. Huiying was a formation master, and it was so easy to carve a formation on a magic weapon. The absorption effect of the big knife was very similar to the previous spirit absorption formation, probably because it had the same formation.

Thinking of the extremely fast sucking speed of the big knife, Wei Lin added: "Perhaps the material of this knife is also special."

In any case, he had to hand in his knife first, then she looked at Qin Fei who was still concentrating on healing in the corner, and she decided to try Fei Yan.

I didn't want her to mobilize her spiritual consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness felt like a needle prick, and she almost cried out in pain.

Seeing her forehead suddenly dripping with cold sweat and her face pale as paper, Wei Lin anxiously asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yunli supported her head with one hand, "Headache, I haven't regained my consciousness."

She was a little strange, as long as she had enough sleep and rested before, she could summon Crimson Flame again.

Could it be that the last time I insisted on using Crimson Flame, I hurt my consciousness?

Wei Lin frowned, with a sense of coolness, his consciousness was almost fully recovered after being bitten off by the devil, why didn't she recover from excessive use of consciousness?

The scope of her spiritual consciousness is not small, and her spiritual consciousness is not weak.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Then don't use it."

"Don't need to break his hand?" Yunli said with a bitter face, the big knife not only absorbs the static spiritual power, but also absorbs most of the attack composed of spiritual power if it falls on it. On the big knife.

Although Huan Shiling is very powerful, if she can't stop Da Dao from absorbing spirits, wouldn't she be sucked into human jerky?

"You control his hand not to move, it will be done with one breath."

After Wei Lin finished speaking, the true spirit flowed on Mo Li's sword, and a green leaf slowly emerged, swimming around the sword.

"Can it work?" Yunli was a little skeptical, this black armor was not generally strong.

Wei Lin fixedly stared ahead, swung out his sword, and Qing Ye rushed forward, piercing the inside of Hei Jia's wrist.

Encountering an obstacle, the green leaf spun around, unabated, and circles of spiritual power ripples appeared on the black armor with the point where the green leaf fell as the center.

Looking intently, I saw that whenever the black armor was nailed by the green leaves a little gap, there would be spiritual power to repair it immediately.

Yunli sighed in disappointment, although the elder brother's green leaf sword intent was very powerful, but the repair speed of the black armor was too fast, it was useless at all.

As soon as this sentence slipped through his mind, Hei Jia suddenly opened his fingers and dropped the sword.

She was shocked in her heart, but her body reacted extremely quickly. Huan Shiling yanked suddenly, dragging Hei Jia away from its original position.

Wei Lin used the Fengxing technique to blow the broadsword and move it in the opposite direction, but the Fengxing technique was absorbed part of the spiritual power by the broadsword and did not move far away.

Seeing this, he flew out with another vine technique, and together with Yunli, he pulled the black-armored sergeant far away.

After completely separating the black armor from the broadsword, Yunli asked curiously, "How did you do that just now?"


Yunli was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that, just like a knee-jerk reaction, hitting certain acupoints would cause her body to react uncontrollably.

Originally, this was an easy task, but because of the black armor, which was harder than a tortoise's shell, it hit the acupuncture point with continuous attacks with sword intent.

Without the big knife, the two felt relieved, and they stepped forward together to attack in close quarters.

As soon as there was a sound of ping pong pong, Yunli panted and shook her head: "No, this thing's defense ability is too high."

They used the strongest attack, but did not leave a single scar on the black armor. With the spirit gathering array, a steady stream of spiritual power poured into the armor, and any damage could be repaired immediately.

After a while, she put away the Mengzhan Saber, danced the Huanshi Ling around the black armor a few times, tied it like a rice dumpling, and then pulled him to the nearby stone pillar to tie it.

After completely subduing the black armor, Wei Lin studied the formation on the armor for a while, and quickly destroyed the spirit-gathering formation, without any spiritual power to replenish. After an hour, the black armor's spiritual power was exhausted, and he fell to the ground to strike.

"It's finally over." Yunli sat down on the ground, paralyzed from exhaustion.

From the time of binding to the end, Hei Jia's struggle never stopped. In order to create a safe environment for Wei Lin to break the formation, she could only continue to push Huan Shiling to suppress it.

Wei Lin exhaled, "Take the Buling Pill first to recover your spiritual power."

In the secret realm, no one can predict what will happen in the next moment, and one must keep full of spiritual energy at all times.

After persuading her, he began to pack up the booty. The armor's defense power is amazing. He wanted to put it away immediately, but he was stunned the moment his hand touched it.

Yunli had just taken the Buling Pill, seeing that his expression was not right, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Wei Lin peeled off the armor in twos and passed it to her, "Touch it."

Yunli raised her hand and twisted it, but also froze. She blinked, but in front of her eyes was the armor with metallic luster, but the touch in her hand was soft and light, as if there was nothing.

"What kind of material is this? Isn't it amazing?" Her eyes lit up, "Hey, it seems that our trophies are not bad!"

In two or three strokes, all the armor was stripped off, and the dead body was burned, and the sword was tested with spiritual power, only a small part of the spiritual power was swallowed, and the two put it into the storage bag for future research.

After doing all this well, Yunli said to Qin Fei: "Senior brother Qin, we are going in, do you want to come together?"

During these times, Qin Fei has stabilized his injury, but his spiritual power has not yet fully recovered. Thinking of the danger ahead, he shook his head and said, "You go in first, and I will enter by myself after I recover."

Yunli didn't persuade them either, and when the two came to the cave wall, they found sadly that at some point, the traffic formation on the cave wall was closed!
"I'm going, it's too much! This array of mages is simply against us!"

She was annoyed for a while, and then became puzzled again, "Did they not catch up with Gray Shadow?"

If he catches up, Hui Ying realizes that he forgot to close the passage array, but the large army has already entered, and he has to deal with them, so there is really no need to shut the three of them out.

Wei Lin studied for a while, and found that the formation on the cave wall was too advanced and difficult to decipher in a short time, so he gave up, and simply set up the formation on the spot, and took out a big knife to study.

After Yunli kicked the wall to vent her anger, she also went to study the big knife.

And behind the cave wall, someone was so angry that he kicked the wall.

Passing through the wall, three passages appeared in front of his eyes, all of which had the aura of gray shadows, Shaohaoluo distinguished for a while, and chose the middle one.

After flying less than [-] meters, there were three more passages. This time he chose the one on the right, and after flying not far away, three identical passages appeared in front of him...

Next, no matter which passage he chose, there were three after [-] meters. He also tried to turn back, but found that he could not return to the original position.

"Maze, another maze!"

 Thanks to 941 Dessert and Sun Moon Yu Shan for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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