all the way to fairy

Chapter 418 Array Mage

Chapter 418 Array Mage (4)

Shaohao Luo was so angry that he kicked the wall. The pain in his life was the phantom formation and the maze. The damn thing is that formation masters seem to have a special preference for these two formations, and they often use them in combination.

Of course, among the two, the one he hates the most is the phantom formation, because the maze formation is mostly used by formation mages, and when he is lucky, he can still get out by relying on intuition.

Illusion array, or illusion, is not only used by array mages, but many magic weapons and exercises have hallucinogenic effects. In my memory, there seems to be an opponent who is very powerful in illusion. He is often so angry that one Buddha is born and two Buddhas ascend to heaven, but he can't see clearly her face.

He still had the strength to kick the wall. Across the wall, three monks from different continents had already fallen in a pool of blood, their bodies covered with arrows, pierced like hedgehogs.

The others, led by Lin Chen, successfully found the gray shadow in a small claustrophobic cave.

At that time, he was sitting in the center of the spirit-gathering formation with his heart turned to the sky, surrounded by stones like spirit stones, and was racing against time to heal his injuries. The heaven-defying chessboard was placed in front of him within easy reach.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chen took the lead, slashing straight with the long sword, rolling the golden light wildly, and the sword's intent was overwhelming.

Gray Shadow ignored it, and tried his best to activate the cultivation technique, and the spiritual energy in his body was dense, even liquefied, and spiritual rain began to fall.

The attack was stopped a foot in front of Huiying, and a criss-cross chessboard light screen was activated, blocking Lin Chen's shocking blow.

Lin Chen's face darkened, and he raised his voice: "Everyone, don't let him recover, attack with all your strength!"

The more points the gray shadow formation mages recover, the more dangerous they will be. Everyone understands this truth, and they all shot without reservation.

Jue-jue making, talisman-throwing talisman-throwing talisman, spirit-calling pet-summoning...

All of a sudden, colorful attacks rained down on the light screen of the chessboard.

The chessboard light screen is a temporary arrangement of gray shadows, and it has to resist the raging phoenix fire in the body. The arrangement is very rough, and cracks appear after insisting on a cup of tea.

Gray shadow raised his eyebrows, he reluctantly interrupted the healing, raised his hand and squeezed a formula, a steady stream of spiritual power was input into the chessboard in front of him, the crack on the light screen was quickly repaired, and he was so soft that he spit out blood .

The defense of the light screen reinforced by him was astonishing, and it endured the continuous attacks of the crowd for a quarter of an hour without any cracks.

And Hui Ying was like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten, and started to heal and recover with strength. Everyone secretly worried, after all, the opponent was in the Nascent Soul stage, and he was much higher than them, so he could kill them without fully recovering.

Ye Chuning, who was dressed in pale white clothes, tapped her toes, lifted her robe, sat down in the air, raised her hand and flicked it, and a water blue light flower qin appeared out of nowhere in front of her.

He put his hands on the piano and patted the strings lightly, like a rest, the surroundings became quiet, and everyone looked at him involuntarily.

At this moment, he no longer had the calmness and tranquility of the past, and the chilling atmosphere was spreading. After a pause, his slender fingers quickly plucked the strings, and the passionate sound of the piano poured out from his fingertips.

In an instant, everyone seemed to be on the battlefield of a fierce battle. The battle flags were flying, the war drums were thundering, and the arrows flew down like a rainstorm, piercing through the armor and uniforms, screaming everywhere.

After a short period of panic, high-pitched shouts rang out, and the soldiers charged forward fearlessly. Spiritual lights clashed, blood splattered, heads fell to the ground one by one, and unwilling heroic souls roared in the air, with hateful gazes and ferocious faces...


Huiying spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the Changqin on Ye Chuning's lap with a suspicious expression. To heal his wounds, the defensive formation he had set up naturally also had to guard against attacks from consciousness.

But this person's piano sound is not an ordinary sound attack. It ignores any defenses and directly sounds in the sea of ​​consciousness, forcibly leading you into the world of the piano sound.

He only felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to be torn into strands, and each strand was a soldier, who staged a charge in his sea of ​​consciousness, attacking the city and conquering the territory.

A very faint smile floated on Ye Chuning's lips. Like the Dream Zhanmeng Saber, this light flower chanting qin also came from the ancient battlefield.

After changing owners several times, it wasn't until being acquired by the ancestors of the Ye family ten thousand years ago that the wandering stopped.

Different from Huiying, everyone in Canglan felt their hearts throbbing when they heard the passionate piano sound, one attack after another fell on the defensive light screen in front of Huiying.

It didn't work for a while, and everyone was not discouraged, but inspired infinite fighting spirit.

Under their continuous attacks, cracks appeared on the defensive light screen again, but Gray Shadow's spiritual power did not recover much, instead it was continuously consumed to suppress Fenghuo.

The defeat is set.

He smiled miserably, "I have killed countless geniuses in my life, but in the end, I was forced to come here by a few ants. It is extremely ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!"

After speaking, he took a deep breath, stood up staggeringly holding the chessboard, and said proudly: "This seat was defeated by the divine beast Phoenix, not by you group of ants."

Lin Chen and the others remained silent, and only immersed themselves in attacking the defensive light screen. This is the truth. If there was no Shaohao Luo, they would have to wait for death if they met him.

But by chance, Shaohao Luo was the second person to come in after Lin Chen, but he never disappeared. From this point of view, Hui Ying is destined to die at their hands, and the chessboard must belong to Cang Lan!
Gray shadow's withered fingers brushed the chessboard with nostalgia, and sighed softly: "Hey, without your protection, I am afraid that I would not be able to break through the foundation building. Now, it is time to say goodbye."

A few pieces on the chessboard flickered, as if responding to him.

The eyes of everyone in Cang Lan lit up, this chessboard already has wisdom!
Huiying tapped a light on a white piece with a little light on his fingertips, and a little silver gray appeared in the center of that milky white piece. His eyes were filled with deep reluctance, and he murmured faintly: "You will bring my life's experience, Go find the next master."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, the chessboard spun round and round, shrinking round and round until it was only the size of a palm.

At the same time, the defensive light screen in front of him disappeared, and the palm-sized chessboard rushed outward like lightning.

Naturally, everyone would not let the cooked duck fly away, and tried their best to stop the chessboard.

There is only one chessboard, and no one is willing to give it up. Although there is no naked fight, there are small movements in secret. Just as one person is about to grab the chessboard, someone next to him will shake it and accidentally knock it crooked.

Among the crazy people, there are still calm and cautious people.

Su Xu's face was heavy: "It's such a deep plan, and I still haven't given up at this time. I used the magic weapon of my life as a gimmick to attract us to snatch it."

As a formation master, although Chu Nan wanted the chessboard very much, he resisted it.

Others may not be able to see through that this is Huiying's trick, but no one wants to give up on a powerful natal magic weapon in the upper realm, knowing that it is a trick, they can only pretend not to know.

"Go and stop them." Lin Chen sighed softly, and after giving instructions to Su Xu and the others, he looked at Chu Feng and Ye Chuning again, "Kill Hui Ying, and we will discuss ownership."

Up to now, apart from the three young masters of Jin Danqi who are still alive, there is only Taiyizong Kaiyu, and the four major sects have always been led by Taiyizong, and the two have no objection.

Of course, they also felt from the bottom of their hearts that they should solve the trouble of the gray shadow formation master first, and the others were only in the foundation building stage.

The four of them stepped forward together, blocked all of Hui Ying's escape routes, and attacked him at the same time.

Hui Ying knew that he was doomed, he grinned grimly, his body was like an inflated balloon, and he swelled up in an instant, shouting loudly: "A mere ant is not worthy of killing me!"

"No, he's going to blow himself up!" Lin Chen cried out in horror, his liver and gallbladder split.

His figure was like lightning, and he quickly fled to the outside. He just flew a little distance, but he couldn't move forward any more.

Looking back, Hui Ying stretched out his hands, one hand was holding onto his ankle, the other was Ye Chuning's, and he was still stepping on Kui Yu. Among the four, only Chu Feng managed to escape.

Lin Chen turned around and cut Huiying's hand with a sword, but at the end of the road, how could Huiying care about a hand, he didn't dodge or dodge, and let Xiaoxiao's sword intent fall on his wrist.

Hearing the self-explosion, a group of monks fighting for the chessboard finally woke up from their greed and flew out as fast as they could in their lives.

This time the cave is the hiding place chosen by Huiying, it is extremely cramped, and this self-destruct is not bad.

Besides, Huiying is still in the late stage of Nascent Soul, so the whole mountain might be flattened.

Su Xu originally flew out with the crowd, but when he arrived at the entrance of the cave, he heard the sound behind him, and when he looked back, the only two Jindan masters left in the Taiyi Sect were both entangled by gray shadows.

"Senior Brother Lin!"

He let out a cry of surprise, turned back without hesitation, and slashed at Huiying's hand holding Lin Chen with his sword.

Hui Ying was originally a great power in the upper realm, even though his cultivation had dropped to the late Nascent Soul stage, his physique was still at the stage of crossing the catastrophe, relying on them alone, he could not stop cutting at all.

Su Xu's brain turned sharply, his eyes moved from Huiying's wrist to Lin Chen's ankle, he tightened his white sword tightly, and said, "Senior brother Lin, hold on."

Under the current situation, I can't take care of so much. Besides, when a monk advances, there is an opportunity to reshape his soul and transform his body. Senior Brother Lin is already in the middle stage of Golden Core. With his talent, it will be a matter of time before he has a baby. He is nothing.

He was about to make a move when the gray shadow suddenly shook and let go of Lin Chen!
The two of them didn't care about the reason, they immediately merged their swords into one, and flew out desperately. The sound of the piano was exciting in their ears, and they quickly understood that it was Ye Chuning.

In the face of a crisis, Ye Chuning would naturally catch her without a fight, and immediately called out the Qinghua Youyinqin and began to play it quickly.

Zilazila's piano sound resounded in the gray shadow consciousness sea, he had a splitting headache and almost blew himself up.

Thoroughly enraged, he simply let go of Lin Chen, and instead grabbed Ye Chuning with both hands, he must hold him back.

Accompanied by a tragic shout, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the shocking and complete explosion almost deafened everyone's ears.

Before Lin Chen and Su Xu could fly out of the cave, they were rushed out by the airflow coming from behind.

In the wide cave, Yunli and Yunli were having a lively discussion in front of the delicate and crystal-clear sword, when the ground suddenly shook, like sitting on a seesaw, up and down.

Looking at each other, the two immediately withdrew the formation, and Qin Fei, who was healed, also stopped and stood up. Seeing the two, he hurriedly said, "What's going on?"

The ground was shaking, and gravel and plaster were falling down one after another.

"This cave is not going to collapse, is it?" Yunli raised her hand to cover her eyes, smoke and dust billowed everywhere, her vision was blurred, she hurriedly said: "Let's get out!"

As soon as the words fell, the cave wall suddenly collapsed, and large pieces of mud and rock were washed out.

The three of them quickly dodged and were about to go out when they suddenly found some white stuff in the mud and rocks. They took a closer look and saw Tai Yizong's martial uniform!
Looking again, there were not only Taiyi sects in the mud, but also other sects. Soon, all the monks pushed aside the mud and got up. Although they had scratches on their faces and hands, they were extremely flexible and ran out.

Yunli was also about to flee, when Mo Huai suddenly heard anxiously shouting: "Senior Brother Lin, Senior Brother Su!"

Her heart tightened, something happened.

Searching for the sound, Mo Huai's face was ashamed, and the dark blood was covered in mud on his face.

"What's the matter, what's wrong with Senior Brother Su?" Yunli asked anxiously.

Seeing her, Mo Huai seemed to see a savior, and hurriedly shouted: "Find Senior Brother Lin and Senior Brother Su, they are injured."

When Yunli heard it, she didn't care to inquire about the cause and effect, and hurriedly searched for it.

Forget about Lin Chen, Su Xu treated her well, even after knowing her identity, she didn't expose it.

In addition, although my cousin is not a nose to him, and his eyes are not eyes, she actually cares about him very much. If something happens to him, my cousin will definitely be sad.

She has a sensitive nose, and quickly found Su Xu's trace, but his condition is not optimistic, his whole body is covered with injuries, and he has already let out more air and less air in.

"Brother Su!"

She called out hastily, raised her hand to remove the boulder on his body, and immediately condensed the spiritual power shield to prevent the gravel on the top of the cave from causing secondary damage to him.

Lifting him up, Lin Chen was actually pressed underneath, Mo Huai, who heard her exclaimed and found him, hurriedly carried Lin Chen on his back.

At this time, almost half of the cave roof collapsed, countless boulders fell down, and the road ahead was blocked.

Wei Lin swiped his sword a few times, splitting the gravel blocking the way, several people rushed through, and when they were almost outside, Yunli called out to Ji Ruochen from afar.

Ji Ruochen was also unambiguous, he quickly got his pulse, his face changed suddenly, and he said to the anxious Yunli: "It can't be saved."

Yun Li was stunned, looked down at the bloody and angry Su Xu, and said dumbly, "Isn't it just some skin trauma?"

"The internal organs are all shattered."

Compassion flashed in Ji Ruochen's eyes, such an injury would not only guarantee death, but also be very painful.

When people describe pain, they often describe it as heart-piercing, but heart-piercing lungs can't compare to internal organs being smashed, that is the most severe pain.

He shook his head, and started to take Lin Chen's pulse again. This time, he didn't change his face, but took out a set of silver needles, quickly stopped the bleeding, and fed Lin Chen the pill he made himself.

With a loud noise, the towering mountain collapsed completely. Wei Lin sacrificed a defensive magic weapon to block the front.

Yunli's heart is a little heavy, she is a monk, although she doesn't know how to heal, simple detection is still possible.

From the perception, Su Xu's body was already completely muddled, and the outer shell was as fragile as glass, unable to withstand any twists and turns, and she didn't even dare to use the dust removal technique on him.

She looked up at Mo Huai, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on, no one else was injured, why just..."

She didn't go on, but the meaning was clear. There are not a few monks who survived. Lin Chen's combat power is the best among the group. Su Xu is also top-notch in terms of combat power and character in a bunch of foundation-building stages. It makes no sense to do anything else Everyone is fine, just the two of them have an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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