all the way to fairy

Chapter 419 On Credit

Chapter 419 On Credit

Mo Huai sighed, and explained the matter in detail. When he saw Su Xu turning back, he also hesitated whether to go back to help, but before he could come to a conclusion, he saw the two of them flying out together.

However it was too late.

After all, Su Xu was in the foundation building stage, and his speed was far less than that of Lin Chen. He was the first to be hit by the airflow. If Lin Chen hadn't turned around and threw out the defensive magic weapon, he would have been torn apart by the aftermath of the explosion on the spot, and he wouldn't be able to survive now.

Yunli's expression was complicated, she could guess the situation at that time, Su Xu was the last person to rush out of the cave, and suffered the biggest aftermath of self-destruction, even when the first wave of air flow came, he used his body to help Lin Chen block it.

All internal organs are broken, how painful it is, she pursed her lips and slowly clenched her fists.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ji Ruochen is indeed an extremely talented spiritual doctor. Under his pill, Lin Chen quickly woke up, "Su... Junior brother Su, how is it?"

Ji Ruochen moved away, "Look for yourself."

"Junior Brother Su!" Lin Chen's pupils trembled, and he pounced on him, but touched the wound, his body softened, and he fell back into Mo Huai's arms.

"It's all my fault. If it wasn't for saving me, Junior Brother Su wouldn't..."

Lin Chen's voice was low, guilt, self-blame, and regret surrounded him like a tide.

Yunli's fingernails were almost embedded in her flesh before she stopped questioning her. It seemed normal to Su Xu to save people. If it was her, she wouldn't just leave if someone close to her was in danger. Let it go.

But after escaping from danger, Lin Chen only cared about himself, knowing that he was in the foundation building stage and his speed was far inferior to his golden core, but he didn't drag him to escape with him.

She couldn't help but suspect that he did it on purpose, deliberately letting Su Xu act as his human shield behind him.

Suddenly, Su Xu's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. She exclaimed in surprise: "He's awake, he's awake, Ji Ruochen, take a quick look, he's awake!"

Ji Ruochen sighed, took out a silver needle and stuck it on Su Xu's neck, a flash of unbearable emotion flashed across his face: "If you have anything to say, say it quickly."

As soon as the great joy in her heart rose, it was drowned by a basin of cold water. A thought flashed in her mind, and she was powerless to recover. This was just a flashback, Yunli just refused to admit it.

"Senior Brother Su." She lowered her head and called out in a low voice, her eyes blurred.

Su Xu raised his eyelids with difficulty, his voice was thin and weak, "Little... Master... Zu..."

Yunli's heart trembled, she didn't expect that Su Xu's first words were about her cousin.

She nodded vigorously, choked up and said, "I know, I will protect her, don't worry."

"Thank you so much."

After saying this, he closed his eyes, took a breath with difficulty, and finally gathered some strength to finish a complete sentence.

"Senior brother Lin, my little master knows the general situation and cares about the overall situation the most. She just values ​​affection. If one day she makes a mistake, please forgive her for my sake."

People who don't know this sentence don't understand, but Yunli knows what he is talking about. He is worried that one day his identity will be exposed and his cousin will be implicated.

The hot tears in his eyes could no longer contain them, and rolled out in an instant. At the last moment of his life, he was still worried about his cousin's safety.

Lin Chen lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking, Mo Huai hurriedly called, "Senior Brother Lin."

Only then did he raise his eyes, his eyes lightly swept over several people, and finally looked deeply at Su Xu: "I promise you."

With his promise, the big stone in Su Xu's heart finally fell. He is not worried about his parents, grandfather, and clan members. With the Su family around, they will be fine.

The only thing that made him worry was the bright figure in his heart, she was so affectionate, if Junior Sister Yun's identity was revealed, she would admit it without hesitation given her temperament; He will never admit his mistakes, nor will he give in.

His body was no longer tense, his eyes gradually became loose, and he murmured softly, "Grandpa, Xu'er is not filial."

Close your eyes, the past is vivid in your mind, the care of your parents, the earnest expectations of your grandpa, and her proud and bright smile.

At the end of his life, was he not reconciled, the past was so beautiful, overnight, without any warning, why did she suddenly change.

He clenched his fists tightly, enduring the overwhelming pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, mobilized his broken consciousness with the last of his mind, and said via voice transmission: "Junior sister Yun, why did she suddenly change, little master?"

After receiving the sound transmission, Yunli was stunned for a moment, and her tears flowed more fiercely. After deliberating for a while, she euphemistically replied: "It's not that she doesn't want to learn attacking techniques."

Su Xu suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he vomited blood.

The blood reddened everyone's eyes, and those bright eyes gradually dimmed and closed slowly.

"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

"Junior Brother Su!"

Yunli slowly closed her eyes, the world was tricky, if it wasn't for Fuyu's conspiracy, they would not have come to this day.

At the same time, Taiyizong, Wanqing Palace.

An Ran's hand that was pinching the formula stopped, and suddenly green smoke rose from the pill furnace overflowing with medicinal fragrance, and all the pills in the furnace were discarded.

She froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.

He Tiantian who had just opened the door was very surprised. Uncle An had already passed the examination of a seventh-rank alchemist several years ago. He has so much experience, even learning new elixir, there is no reason to fry the furnace.

She walked over quickly, worried: "Uncle An, are you okay?"

An Ran caressed her heart, a little strange, just now, a sudden panic flashed in her heart, as if something bad had happened.

Facing the worried look in the little girl's eyes, she shook her head slightly, and asked again: "Did you give the golden pill to him?"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian couldn't help but pouted: "This is the first golden knot elixir refined by you, Mr. An, and you just gave it away for nothing."

An Ran said indifferently: "If it wasn't for his spiritual fruit that day, Cang Jie wouldn't be able to advance smoothly, and later caused many troubles because of it, we owe him."

"Then you don't need to give him the first golden knot elixir. If you give it to him, you can't tell the outside world, and you have to pretend that you haven't refined it."

He Tiantianren grumbled unhappy, muttering that she was really unhappy about this matter, after the Dankao, Mu Shaoxun has been lingering in the sect and not leaving.

From the standpoint of Daoist Danyang, the sect is not easy to drive him away, he actually took advantage of Daoist's power to domineering in Tianyun City, isn't this ruining Daoist Danyang's reputation, it's really annoying.

While cleaning the alchemy furnace, An Ran said, "He is a guest living in Taiyi. If people know that he has obtained the golden elixir, his life will be lost. We understand cause and effect, not enmity."

Back then, he had borrowed the Jiuchonglou in exchange for it. As a last resort, he robbed the Jiuchonglou without paying the price, so he gave him the golden pill. This kind of favor can be regarded as repayment, and finally lived up to the entrustment of his cousin.

She looked out of the window and said that her cousin and the others had been in Jiuliyuan for more than five years. I wonder if everything is all right?
She suddenly remembered the palpitations just now, and her expression suddenly changed. Could it be that something happened to her cousin, or Su Xu...

"Uncle An, what's wrong?" Seeing her change of expression, He Tiantian was a little puzzled, and immediately became nervous, "What did I say wrong?"

An Ran walked out quickly, and the sword flew up as soon as she got out of the palace gate. When He Tiantian reacted, she had disappeared into the cloud-shrouded sky.

"Big Brother!"

She ran all the way to Yuanmu Peak where Master Danyin lived, and called Master Danyin, but she suddenly didn't know how to speak.

"Little Junior Sister?" Daoist Dan Yin was very surprised, "Why are you here?"

The little girl liked to wander around Yuanmu Peak when she was a child, and later she learned alchemy. Except for occasionally going to Tianyun City with Lin Xina, she devoted herself to alchemy in her Wanqing Palace. It has been a long time since she had been to Yuanmu Peak. .

Pursing her lips, An Ran asked, "Is there someone to watch Xiao Susu's soul lamp?"

Daoist Dan Yin was stunned for a moment, then took a few steps nervously: "What news do you have? What's wrong with Xu'er?"

An Ran smiled, "It's okay, it just suddenly occurred to me that they have been in there for more than five years, and I don't know what's going on inside."

Daoist Dan Yin just laughed, and the little junior sister was probably worried, so he comforted softly: "Don't worry, this time not only is the Foundation Establishment Stage, but also five Jindan Stages will enter, Junior Brother Lin is the leader of our sect, there are He's here, he'll be fine."

An Ran remained silent, if Lin Chen was reliable, her cousin and Wei Xiaosan would not be in the current situation.

"Xu'er and their soul lamps are watched by special personnel. Guan Tai just reported to the Master Master a few days ago. Although the core disciples also died, Xu'er and others are fine."

Seeing that she was still worried, Dan Yin was helpless, the information was originally confidential, but to the younger junior sister, it would not hurt to reveal some.

"That's good."

An Ran finally breathed out, he's fine, his cousin is strong, and with Wei Xiaosan protecting him, he should be fine.

She bowed slightly, "In this way, I won't bother senior brother, An Ran will leave."

After finishing speaking, he backed out, and as soon as he reached the door, a rainbow light in the sky came straight to this side, and fell outside the hall in the blink of an eye.

A fellow from the Foundation Establishment staggered and fell from the flying sword. He didn't care to salute her, and almost crawled into the hall, "Really, it's not good, Senior Brother Su's soul lamp has gone out."

An Ran's brain buzzed outside the hall, and he couldn't hear anything. Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed to be just a short moment...


Yunli looked at the few pale clouds in the sapphire blue sky, and sound transmission Weilin: "Brother, do you think we are wrong?"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, but didn't answer, and she didn't need his response, she said to herself: "We should trust him, if we tell him what Fuyu did, maybe he can stand with us. "

She sniffed, "But when I think about how he turned back to save Lin Chen, but Lin Chen didn't take him to escape with him, I feel that we can't trust anyone easily, otherwise, we will die."

She was very conflicted in her heart. On the one hand, she felt that because they were too vigilant and did not tell Su Xu the truth of the matter, he and his cousin did not make it clear until their death.

Maybe there is another possibility for his relationship with his cousin. Knowing the truth, even if Su Xu can't do anything to Fuyu, with his character, he would never expose his cousin.

In this way, he and his cousin will get along very well, and he will also help her cousin cover at Fuyu, with one more trusted person, maybe her cousin can be more free.

But on the other hand, she feels that this kind of thinking is very dangerous. After all, Fuyu is the helm of the Su family, with high morals, and Su Xu admires him very much. If he gets hotheaded and confronts Fuyu directly, they will all have to die. .

Hearing her previous sentence, Wei Lin's eyebrows twitched. This kind of thinking is too dangerous. If a person has never done anything harmful, they have to pay their hearts and souls to him, how many times they will die.

A Mu Yan who started defending for no reason, telling her everything is already very dangerous, and if there is another person like this, he will really die from physical and mental exhaustion.

Hearing the last sentence, he let go of his hanging heart. Although he was a little sentimental, he still knew the seriousness.

Since she didn't have those terrible thoughts, he decided to comfort her, little girl, it's normal to be sentimental now that she's emotional.

He sighed softly, and said back: "If you tell him, he will have to struggle repeatedly between Fuyu and the princess who to trust. One is a respected elder, and the other is a compatible partner. This kind of pulling is even more painful."

"Also, if Fuyu attacks the princess one day, no matter who kills the other, he will suffer..."

Yunli interrupted his voice transmission with a dark face: "Senior brother, you are speaking comfortingly, you mean, it's better for him if he dies."

Wei Lin: ...

After a long time, the shaking finally stopped. The originally towering peaks collapsed completely, broken rocks and sand piled up, and the green trees were broken and buried.

The monks who escaped did not celebrate the rest of their life after the catastrophe, but asked about the trace of the chessboard one after another.

"I remember that you were the closest to the chessboard, did you take it away?" A man with a firm face narrowed his eyes and pointed at the man with a mustache, his tone was cold.

The man with a mustache rolled his eyes and glanced at the person opposite, "He's not far away."


After a lot of identification, and finally pushing and guessing, I finally found the trace of the chessboard.

The only surviving monk in the Mirage Palace took out the chessboard aggrievedly under the eyes of the crowd.

Chu Feng looked at Lin Chen, and said, "My younger brother has some talents in the formation process. The chessboard is the weapon of the formation master, and Hui Ying has a lifetime of formation skills. Why don't you give it to us."

Immersed in Su Xu's tragic death, Chu Nan, who was deeply saddened, raised his head when he heard the words, looked at his elder brother, then looked at Su Xu's body on the ground, struggled for a moment, and said, "This time the Taiyi sect suffered heavy losses... "

As soon as he started, he was stared back by Chu Feng with a sharp look. Su Xu suffered a heavy loss when Tai Yizong died. Now there are only two brothers left in their Tianxin Pavilion. This is true of the Xiao family.

Leaving aside the Xiao family, except for Xiao Heng, a young talent, none of the Jindan period geniuses came, and Ye Chuning, the most talented younger generation of the Ye family, has all fallen, and the death of Su Xu is a heavy loss.

Lin Chen obviously knew this truth, and put on a matter-of-fact look, only grabbing the last gray figure to die, and he didn't go into battle himself, but winked at Zheng Rui at the side.

Now that the matter has come to this point, we must try our best to fight for the interests of the sect. Zheng Rui put away his sadness and said in a deep voice: "Grey Shadow's self-detonation killed three people, and my Taiyi sect took two. Brother Su is the future Patriarch of the Su family." , Junior Brother Kaiyu is also a senior deacon of Taiyi Peak, and we have made the greatest contribution to dealing with Huiying."

He paused, "Besides, if Senior Brother Su hadn't blocked the biggest aftermath of Gray Shadow's self-destruction, I'm afraid all of you here might not have to stand here."

 Thanks to Carrot Rabbit and Nanalyqa for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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